Long Beach Island-7 DXpedition
November 21-22-23,
LBI-7 Attendees:
Rob Stonier, NJ Drake
R8, Eton E1
Bill Harms, MD Drake R8B, SDR-IQ; Quantum
Bruce Collier, PA Drake R8B; MFJ 1025 Phaser
Brett Saylor, PA, Drake R8, SDR-IQ & Perseus
SDR; MFJ 1025 Phaser
Russ Edmunds, PA Sony 2010
Dave Hochfelder, NY Drake R8B; Quantum Phaser
Don Moore, IA - Drake R8, Eton E1
Michael Temme-Soifer, NJ
John Ernandez, PA
900' terminated BOG's
at 33 and 213 degrees
200' phase wire
6' and 8' broadband loops, and 3' copper
pipe loop with DX Engineering DXE-RPA-1 preamplifiers

Six foot copper pipe
loop and eight foot corner fed loop |

Chief, Loop Construction
Department |
Previous years' results and more
pictures can be found on Radiodxing.com.
Russ speaks:
Once again another LBI DXpedition
is history, and it was another good one, with at
least 4 new countries added to our previous total,
thanks to our having selected an optimal weekend.
Conditions werent exceptional, but they were
quite good. With 3 broadband loops deployed, in
addition to the two BOGs, we had ample antennas
to use. I found myself often switching to one of
the loops to reduce the noise on the BOGs.
TVI continues to be an increasing problem for us,
even using the BOGs. It is always amazing
to take the Sony 2010 down onto the beach where
the antennas are, some 75+ feet from the hotel,
and to still hear the noise. Ultimately, I believe,
our future will move away from BOGs and more
toward BBLs for that reason. That move should
also liberate us from the limitations of having
the main lobes of the BOGs stationary, dictated
by the shoreline.
Its always a pleasure to
enjoy the company of good friends at these events,
and often, as this time, to meet new ones, with
Don Moore joining us from Iowa and becoming our
most distant participant ever, and also John Ernandez
stopping by for part of the day on Saturday. John
lives not far from me, but we had only recently
met via email prior to the DXpedition. Dons
prior DX experiences, as well as his fluency in
Spanish were most valuable to the rest of us.
For me, the DX highlight was
Benin-1566, with strong signals Saturday night.
I missed out on personally hearing some of the other
new countries.

Brett Saylor, Russ Edmunds,
Rob Stonier |
Dave speaks:
I wasnt able to make last
years LBI, so I was chomping at the bit for
this years. I wasnt disappointed. Conditions
were very good and we had signals on virtually every
TA frequency. Old standbys like British, Spanish,
and French TAs came in well, and we were also treated
with new and/or rare stations, like Kaliningrad
on 1215 and Iceland on 189. The highlights for me
were Poland on 225 and Albania on 1215. All told,
I logged about 100 stations and 17 countries, so
I was very pleased with the DX.
Each year we try out new things,
and this year several of us brought software-defined
radios capable of recording a large chunk of spectrum
for later review. We were thus able to share sound
clips to dig out stations we otherwise would not
have logged. I enjoyed using the SDR files to log
LW beacons. I live in a high-noise urban environment,
so I rarely get the chance to hear LW beacons.
Of course, the annual LBI outing
is a chance to reconnect with old friends and to
make new ones. I enjoyed getting to know Don Moore,
who came in all the way from Iowa to take part.
Dons Spanish-language skills were a big help.
Our use of the Internet, the #mwdx chatroom and
Bretts webcam and sound feed, allowed others
to take part at least vicariously in our DXpedition.
For instance, Barry McLarnon (in Ottawa) and I were
able to listen to a Friday night high school football
broadcast at the same time, though separated by
several hundred miles. And Bob Galerstein, who was
unable to make it this year, was present with us
virtually on both evenings.
Thinking ahead to next year,
the SDRs really create new options for us.
We spent most of our time listening for TAs,
and the SDRs now allow us to DX to Latin America
as well, after the fact as it were. Id also
like to record the tropical bands to take advantage
of our seaside location, perhaps in the early morning
to see if Asian and Pacific stations can make it
through. Im also planning on an 8-foot square
copper pipe loop to improve our options on LW and/or
to other compass bearings.

Dave Hochfelder, Bill Harms, Don Moore, Bruce
Collier |
Brett speaks:
LBI-7 goes into the books for
me as another very interesting and enjoyable event.
After several months of tracking the space weather
conditions in search of that perfect
date, we finally settled on the weekend before Thanksgiving.
Given the once-a-year nature of LBI, we wanted to
maximize our potential for good reception. I would
say that our efforts paid off the A index
was 0 and K was 1 as we started the DXpedition,
and the TA stations started to roll in before sunset
the first evening. While several people who wanted
to come could not make it, we still had seven attendees
both nights and two single-day visitors on Saturday.
Don Moore, a long-time DX friend from my college
days who currently lives in Iowa, attended for the
first time and received this year's award for traveling
the furthest. Other attendees came from upstate
New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Conditions on the first evening
started out good, with an early appearance by Sweden
on 1179 before 4pm local time with a nice top-of-the-hour
ID. A few minutes later we picked up Absolute Radio
on 1215 but also detected another station mixing
with the UK this later was identified as
the Voice of Russia from Kaliningrad. Nothing like
snagging a new country in the first hour to get
the juices flowing! Things seemed to cool down fairly
quickly on Friday evening, though, with lots of
carriers but not as much audio as I would have liked.
Long wave was very dead that first evening.
It turns out that Saturday had
more in store for us. 1215 had three stations at
once, with presumed Albania on 1214.85 adding its
carrier to the Russian and UK stations. COPE Spain
was also heard there, making it the most "productive"
frequency at LBI. Long wave was much better the
second night, with Iceland (new last year) making
another appearance; other channels yielded much
more audio than was heard the previous evening.
The highlight for me, however, was hearing Trans
World Radio from Benin on 1566, positively identified
by Russ and Bill giving the published TWR mailing
address. A close second was hearing Poland on 225,
with language identified by Dave through a Global
Tuner receiver in Austria. Live logs and subsequent
analysis of SDR recordings made at LBI-7 showed
we heard about 275 individual stations in 46 countries
and Canadian provinces on long and medium wave,
boosting the total LW/MW country count heard at
LBI since 2002 to nearly 60.
Each year I am impressed by how
technology continues to play an ever-increasing
role in the DXpedition. This year's big advance
was in the use of software-defined radios. Several
of us used them and, for me, their most notable
impact was that I was less concerned with rushing
to every new station before it disappeared. Knowing
that my SDR would be recording the entire long and
medium wave band both nights, I felt less pressure
to search out as many stations in real-time as possible,
and could spend more time ferreting out the details
on an interesting channel, trying different antennas
or phasing to get a better signal. I brought both
SDR and conventional receivers, and let the SDRs
act as DX vacuum cleaners all weekend
while I tuned real-time on my Drake. I filled about
750 GB of disk space that weekend, enough to give
me months of listening opportunities back home.
In just the first week back after LBI, we had identified
seven new stations and one new country on just a
single ½ hour-long SDR file. It's definitely
a paradigm-shifting way to approach the radio hobby.

BOG transformers at work

This is not a trash can: it is the LBI wiring
center |
Germany Donebach Deutschlandfunk
11/23/2008 0152 Male noted speaking in German. Not
much else heard. Presumed.
Algeria Bechar Alger Chaine 1 11/23/2008
0125 Strong with French anncts, Arabic-sounding
France Allouis France Inter 11/23/2008
0152 Woman announcer. Man joined in. Music, both
in French and English. 0200 time pips with woman
speaking on top, into more talking, which might
have been an ID into news.
Morocco Nador Radio Méditerranée
International 11/23/2008 0152 Song Hero by Enrique
Iglesias. Man talk, into song in Arabic. Nice arm
chair copy. Program was in French after 0200.
Germany Zehlendorf Deutschlandradio
Kultur 11/22/2008 1940 Fair. Man and woman talking
in German.
Germany Felsberg Europe 1 11/23/2008
0321 talk by man in French, strong.
Iceland Gufuskalar Rikisútvarpid
Rás 2 11/23/2008 0221 pop/rock music like
Stairway to Heaven and R-E-S-P-E-C-T with male anncr
between songs.
USA NC Dixon DIW 11/22/2008 1124
England Droitwich BBC World Service
11/23/2008 0156 Talk with two male announcers. Promo
by female announcer. BBC Sounder. This is London
ID by man. Time pips. News headlines by woman into
Morocco Azilal RTM A 11/23/2008
0152 Arabic music and talk by man. Possible ID at
TOH, into presumed news by man in Arabic. Another
station was trying to break through. Possible ad
at 0204 into music. Interference from an NDB.
Germany Aholming Deutschlandfunk
11/23/2008 0201 Male in German spoke. Presumed.
Canada NS Yarmouth QI 11/22/2008
1124 NDB.
USA NC Wilmington-Carolina Beach
CLB 11/22/2008 1124 NDB.
France Roumoules Radio Monte Carlo
11/23/2008 2225 Good. Woman speaking in French.
CR 11/23/2008 0656 No NDB with
those calls listed on various Internet lists.
NTA? 11/23/2008 0656 No NDB with
those calls listed on various Internet lists.
Canada QC Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon
BX 11/23/2008 0656 NDB.
Poland Solec Kujawski Polskie Radio
1 11/23/2008 0134 Music and talk in Polish, heard
// on a GlobalTuners rx in Austria, language ID'd
by Dave based on his high school Polish language
Luxembourg Beidweiler RTL 11/23/2008
0152 Hard Rock Music at 0152. Male Announcer in
French at 0155. Into another song.
Canada ON Ottawa OW 11/23/2008
0324 NDB.
USA NJ Newark EW 11/23/2008 0656
Canada QC Bonaventure YVB 11/22/2008
1124 NDB.
Canada QC Chute des Passes Dangereuses
DG 11/23/2008 0324 NDB.
USA SC Spartanburg-Fairmont FRT
11/23/2008 0324 NDB.
Canada QC Montreal UL 11/22/2008
1124 NDB.
Algeria Tipaza Radio Alger International
11/22/2008 2212 talk by 2 men in Arabic.
Ireland Clarkestowne RTE Radio
1 11/23/2008 0030 Good. English announcer; playing
Western rock like Pink Floyd and Springsteen.
SB 11/23/2008 0656 No NDB with
those calls listed on various Internet lists.
USA NC Elizabeth City LLW 11/23/2008
0324 NDB.
V 11/23/2008 0656 Letter V repeated;
no NDB list I could find helps ID this.
Canada QC Lourdes-de-Joliette-Saint-Felix-de-Valois
UFX 11/22/2008 1124 NDB.
USA VA Emporia ELQ 11/23/2008 0324
Y 11/23/2008 0656 Letter Y followed
by long tone; no NDB list I could find helps ID
USA NC Beaufort-Morehead MRH 11/23/2008
0656 NDB.
USA NC Oxford-Huntsboro HXO 11/23/2008
0324 NDB.
Canada ON Muskoka YQA 11/22/2008
1124 NDB.
Canada QC Montreal - Mirabel ZMR
11/23/2008 0324 NDB.
Canada QC Sept-Iles ZV 11/22/2008
1124 NDB.
Canada QC Chevery-Harrington Harbor
YHR 11/22/2008 1124 NDB.
Canada QC Matagami NM 11/22/2008
0410 NDB.
NJ Sandy Hook 9 804 11/22/2008
0125 DGPS Beacon
VA Driver 13 806 11/22/2008 0125
DGPS Beacon.
Canada PQ La Tuque YLQ 11/22/2008
0411 NDB.
ME Penobscot 45 799 11/22/2008
0125 DGPS Beacon.
PA Hawk Run 185 788 11/22/2008
0125 DGPS Beacon.
NY Moriches 7 803 11/22/2008 0125
DGPS Beacon.
NC New Bern 197 771 11/22/2008
0125 DGPS Beacon.
WV St Mary's 93 843 11/22/2008
0125 DGPS Beacon.
Canada QC Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu
313 929 11/22/2008 0125 DGPS Beacon.
MD Annapolis 59 847 11/22/2008
0125 DGPS Beacon.
Canada PQ Panet YPP 11/22/2008
0412 NDB.
WI Mequon 219 777 11/22/2008 0125
DGPS Beacon.
MA Acushnet 199 772 11/22/2008
0125 DGPS Beacon.
NE Whitney 149 859 11/22/2008 0125
DGPS Beacon.
IL Rock Island 157 863 11/22/2008
0125 DGPS Beacon.
FL Tampa 245 827 11/22/2008 0122
DGPS Beacon.
Canada NL Cape Race 339 940 11/22/2008
0122 DGPS Beacon.
ME Brunswick 43 800 11/22/2008
0122 DGPS Beacon.
TN Hartsville 145 858 11/22/2008
0122 DGPS Beacon.
GA Savanna 37 818 11/22/2008 0122
DGPS Beacon.
IL St Louis 155 862 11/22/2008
0122 DGPS Beacon.
NY Hudson Falls 95 844 11/22/2008
0122 DGPS Beacon.
Canada NB Fredericton FC 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
USA SC Charleston CH 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
Canada QC La Grande YFM 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
Canada PQ Mont Joli YY 11/22/2008
0416 NDB.
Canada ON Kapuskasing YYU 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
Canada QC Bromont ZBM 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
USA FL Jacksonville JA 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
Canada ON Sioux Lookout YXL 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
Canada NL Deer Lake DF 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
Canada QC Fort Rupert YKQ 11/23/2008
0417 NDB.
USA MN International Falls IN 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
Canada QC Port Menier PN 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
Canada ON Sudbury SB 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
USA NJ Milville RNB 11/22/2008
0353 NDB.
Canada PQ Maniwaki YMW 11/22/2008
0353 NDB.
Canada QC Rimouski YXK 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
Bahamas Grand Inagua ZIN 11/22/2008
0421 NDB.
Canada QC Roberval RJ 11/23/2008
0352 NDB.
Canada ON Pickle Lake YPL 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
Canada NB Grand Manan 6E 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
Colombia Santander SPP 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
USA PA Willow Grove NXX 11/22/2008
0351 NDB.
Canada NL Stephenville JT 11/22/2008
0350 NDB.
Puerto Rico San Juan DDP 11/22/2008
0350 NDB.
Canada QC Charlevoix-La Malbaie
ML 11/23/2008 0323 NDB.
Canada NL Rigolet JC 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
USA NY Suffolk County FO 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
CAN NB St. Leonard YSL 11/22/2008
0346 NDB.
CAN PQ Montreal-St. Hubert ZHU
11/22/2008 0345 NDB.
USA MD Ocean City OX 11/22/2008
0347 NDB.
USA NY New York-Gateway OGY 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
USA MI Detroit-Grosse Ile RYS 11/23/2008
0323 NDB.
USA NC Lincolnton IZN 11/22/2008
0425 NDB.
Dominican Republic Puerto Plata
PPA 11/23/2008 0323 NDB.
USA TN Morristown LYQ 11/21/2008
0103 NDB.
Cuba CM-- Radio Enciclopedia
11/22/2008 0055 Michael Jackson's Thriller orchestral
Cuba CM-- 11/23/2008 0106
Classical music then Spanish talk.
Algeria El Ain Beida Alger Chaîne
3 11/23/2008 0013 Rough reception through locally
generated noise. Heard what sounded like Mid-Eastern
music and female announcer.
Mexico San Luis Potosi XEWA W Radio
(p) 11/23/2008 0600 W-Radio jingle at TOH.
USA FL Pine Hills WFLF 11/23/2008
0105 Excellent on south wire w/ news, ID.
Algeria Les Trembles Alger Chaîne
1 11/22/2008 0055 AR music by M.
Ireland Monaghan Hot Country CIMR
11/23/2008 0211 Woman singing under presumed Algeria.
Saint Kitts and Nevis Basseterre
ZIZ ZIZ Radio 11/22/2008 0003 Regional news by female
announcer. Program preview by male announcer. Good
steady signal.
Spain synchros Radio Nacional 5
11/23/2008 0211 Surprisingly strong with Spanish
talk //576, 585 etc.
Cuba Moa CM-- R. Rebelde 11/22/2008
0117 Sports in Spanish - one of the teams is Camaguey;
// 5025; tremendous signal wobbling.
Spain Various Radio Nacional 11/23/2008
0013 Female in Spanish //558, 585, etc. Started
with an excellent signal but faded down to fair.
Cuba Santa Clara CMDC Radio Reloj
11/22/2008 0242 usual nx & morse IDs.
Spain Palau de Plegamans (Barcelona)
Radio Nacional 11/23/2008 0211 Female in Spanish
//558, 585, etc.
Algeria Béchar Radio Saoura
11/23/2008 0215 Assumed the one with Mid-Eastern
Music over Spain at times.
USA MA Worcester WTAG 11/22/2008
1830 ID.
Cuba CM-- R. Rebelde 11/22/2008
0120 Spanish talk, R. Rebelde ID.
582.14 Iran?
11/22/2008 0127 carrier only heard.
Spain Madrid RNE 11/21/2008 2201
Channel dominant. Audible most of the weekend. Heard
Radio Nacional ID at 2218 while female correspondent
was reporting a story. //other RNE stations.
Cuba Santa Clara CM-- Radio Rebelde
11/22/2008 0244 Sports // 560.
Portugal Muge R. Sim 11/22/2008
0157 pop music, female vocal, talk in Portuguese,
ID 0200.
Riyadh BSKSA 11/23/2008 0058 Koranic
chanting by man trying to break through Portugal.
Cuba Urbano Noris CMKV R Rebelde
11/22/2008 0200 Sports talk by 2 men // 610 560
USA CT Bridgeport WICC 11/22/2008
1834 ID.
Spain synchros RNE 11/23/2008 0056
Sp talk // 585 ; 0230 // 585.
France Tramoyes (Lyons) France
Info 11/22/2008 0033 Talk in French // 1206.
Cuba Bahia Honda CMAN Radio Rebelde
11/23/2008 0100 // others, broke into a nasty wobble
for a few seconds near TOH.
Morocco Sebaâ-Aioun RTM 11/23/2008
0006 Man in Arabic with a few chords of a stringed
musical instrument played in between items.
Cuba CM-- Radio Rebelde 11/23/2008
0100 // 670, 710 but without the echo.
Canary Islands/ Spain Tenerife/Various
Radio Nacional 11/23/2008 0013 //639 and 585. Man
and woman talking.
Honduras La Ceiba HRLD Radio America
11/23/2008 0130 US pop songs, then ID in Spanish.
Listed 1 kW.
Puerto Rico San Juan WUNO 11/23/2008
0145 sports event, mentions of San Juan and Puerto
USA RI Providence WPRO 11/22/2008
1839 ID.
Spain synchros Radio Nacional 1
11/21/2008 2220 Man in studio talking with man on
phone. //585. Breaking through the 640 splatter.
Cuba CM-- Radio Progreso
11/23/2008 0100 mix of English pop, Cuban and rap
(!) music, ID, //630.
Colombia Bogota HJKH (p) RCN Antena
2 11/23/2008 0205 rapid-fire Spanish under WSM,
mention of Colombian futbol.
Cuba various CM-- Radio Progreso
11/22/2008 0246 Cuban mx // 640, 660.
Cuba Arroyo Arenas CMQ Radio Rebelde
11/23/2008 0200 huge, battling pres WWFE-FL in SP
with pop music, also quite an echo like // 710.
Holland Lopik Radio Maria 11/22/2008
0115 Light music and man in religious talk. Identified
by language. According to Rik van Riel, the language
was Dutch from the central/western part of the Netherlands.
unid 11/22/2008 0205 Deep-voiced
man speaking in unid language.
Colombia Barranquilla HJZO Radio
Nacional Colombia 11/23/2008 0158 Latin music, nice
IDs at TOH.
Cuba CM-- R. Rebelde 11/22/2008
0123 Sportscast // 560, others.
Cuba Cienfuegos CMHN Radio Progreso
11/22/2008 0250 Cuban mx // 640 etc.
Spain Dos Hermanas (Sevilla) Radio
Nacional 11/23/2008 0406 Main with clear ID and
music. More talk. Very good steady signal.
Spain (p) Sevilla RNE1 11/23/2008
0123 hrd both nights, reported elsewhere as Spain
USA CT Ansonia WADS 11/22/2008
1843 ID.
Cuba Jovellanos CM-- Radio Progreso
11/23/2008 0300 Variety of music, deep-voiced male
anncr in SP //640.
Colombia Bogota HJCZ (p) Radio
Recuerdos 11/23/2008 0300 definite mentions of Barranquilla.
Mexico Mexico City XEN La 69 11/23/2008
0300 La Red de 1 a 3 program, an ID/promo with two
mentions of La 69 (La Sesenta y Nueve).
England synchros BBC Radio 5 11/23/2008
0103 Fair in domestic slop. // 909.
Cuba CM-- Radio Rebelde 11/23/2008
0300 Two Rebeldes of equal strength out of sync
by several seconds, forming eerie echo on channel.
Also heard with echo on 1180.
USA FL Miami WAQI 11/23/2008 0300
Radio Marti program in SP under Rebelde
711.05 Western Sahara
Laayoune RTM (t) 11/22/2008 500 tentative; very
strong carrier with low level audio music.
Jamaica Innswood RJR 11/22/2008
0008 OM/YL with talk on Jamaican education.
unids 11/21/2008 2146 2 stations
here with low het between but no audio.
Spain Various Radio Nacional 11/23/2008
0406 Breaking through the 730 slop about 50 percent.
ID at 0406. //684.
Colombia Bogota HJCU Radio Lider
11/23/2008 0300 ID's, music, mixing with XEX.
Cuba CM-- R. Rebelde 11/22/2008
0125 Sportscast // 560, others.
Mexico Mexico City XEX Estadio
W 11/23/2008 0340 soccer game between Atlante and
the Tigres, ads for RadioShack.
Spain Palau de Plegamans (Barcelona)
Radio Nacional 11/22/2008 0456 Male talking in Spanish.
Cuba CM-- R Progreso 11/21/2008
2115 News & ID.
Cuba Holguin CMKO Radio Angulo
11/23/2008 0400 Esta es CMKO Radio Angulo then 6
note jingle (also heard jingle on 1120), very wobbly.
Holland Zeewolde (Flevoland) Radio
Five 11/21/2008 2200 ID as Radio Vijf by Female
announcer before two sets of time pips mixing. Radio
One News after TOH. This according to Rik van Riel
who listened to my clip. There was a strong SAH
on the channel.
Canary Islands/Spain various RNE5
11/23/2008 0048 Music in Spanish / /684.
Venezuela Caracas YVKS RCR 11/23/2008
0337 RCR IDs, music and talk, well over Cuba here.
Cuba Trinidad CMHV Radio Progreso
11/23/2008 0300 popular music, ID; another Latin
under, likely Venezuela.
Germany synchros Deutschlandfunk
11/23/2008 0012 Good.
Colombia Barranquilla HJAJ RNC
11/23/2008 0255 partial ID at TOH, mentions of Colombia.
Mexico unid 11/23/2008 0600
Mexican NA.
Switzerland Sottens 11/22/2008
0455 Music, fanfare, and possible ID at TOH. Then
woman talking in French.
Colombia Bogota HJJX (t) RCN 11/23/2008
0245 mnt of Colombia by W, mixing with Rebelde and
under WABC.
Cuba Las Mercedes CMKB R. Rebelde
11/22/2008 0327 Good under WABC. // 5025.
Cuba CM-- Radio Rebelde 11/22/2008
0251 Sports // 560.
unid 11/23/2008 0440 Middle Eastern
Spain Various Radio Nacional 11/22/2008
0550 Man in Spanish //738 etc.
USA ME Rumford WTME 11/21/2008
2100 Soft hits music, announced as 1240 WEZR.
Venezuela Coro YVMN Radio Coro
11/23/2008 0315 IDs and mentions of Coro, music.
Canada NS Halifax CFDR 780 KIXX
11/21/2008 2100 C&W music, ID.
Cuba Pinar del Rio CMAQ Radio Reloj
11/23/2008 0252 usual nx & morse IDs.
unid 11/21/2008 2232 Het with low
het wavering, likely Spain & France.
Bonaire Bonaire TWR 11/23/2008
0130 Spanish rel pgm. Strong.
USA VA Crewe WSVS 11/22/2008 0135
Country, weather, ID.
unid 11/21/2008 2236 Arabic music,
female vocal over low het from second unid station.
unid 11/21/2008 2234 Man speaking
- sounds English.
unid 11/21/2008 2147 Soft female
vocal, unid language, possibly Spanish.
Bahamas Freeport ZNS-3 11/23/2008
0316 Reggae music, ID, The new 810 AM.
Colombia Bogota HJCY Caracol Colombia
11/22/2008 0200 ID, talk by M in Spanish.
unid 11/23/2008 0350 Several Spanish
stations, one playing Mexican music, but that might
be WMGC.
USA NY New York WNYC 11/22/2008
1849 ID.
Cuba Santa Catalina CMCA Radio
Ciudad de Habana 11/22/2008 0340 pgm of historical
Cuban mx; ID.
Cuba Contramaestre CMDE Radio Reloj
11/22/2008 0340 usual nx & morse IDs.
820.2 Colombia
Cartagena HJAD (p) Radio Vigia 11/23/2008
0323 HJ national anthem, presumed them as they have
been listed on this off-freq.
Mexico ? 11/23/2008 0350
Mexican music.
Venezuela Caracas YVLT Radio Sensacion
11/23/2008 0328 Radio Sensacion ID, time checks
4 1/2 hours from UTC.
Spain/Canary Islds Various COPE
11/21/2008 2150 Weak female vocal // other outlets.
France Nancy France Info 11/23/2008
0034 Talk, // 1206.
Cuba Santa Clara CMHW Dobleve 11/23/2008
0300 ID, nice Cuban music over WHAS; there was another
Latin with music under this one, also sounds Cuban.
Cuba Santiago de Cuba CMKC
Radio Revolución 11/23/2008 0600 ID with
calls and slogan.
unid 11/23/2008 0300 unID Spanish
; also Reloj.
USA CT Ridegefield WREF 11/22/2008
1853 ID.
Spain Various Radio Nacional 11/21/2008
2134 Man and woman alternating talking in Spanish.
Another station underneath tried to break through
about 2140. Also heard with time pips and ID at
? Cuba unid 11/23/2008 0300
Under CJBC with Cuban sounding music, also Reloj
was in here.
Cuba Baracoa CMDB R. Reloj 11/22/2008
0137 Ticks and RR.
France Paris - Villebon-sur-Yvette
Radio Bleu 11/22/2008 0311 Presumed the one with
light music and French talk. Decent signal at times.
Egypt Santah Holy Quran Programme
11/22/2008 0313 Assumed the one with Quaranic chanting.
Cuba Sancti Spiritus CMDT R. Reloj
11/22/2008 0137 Code RR.
USA GA Savanna WJLG 11/23/2008
0400 AM 900 The Ticket; 152 watts with Fox sports
under CHML.
Mexico Mexico City XEW Estadio
W 11/22/2008 0100 music, W-Radio TOH jingle under
England synchros BBC Radio 5 11/22/2008
0046 instr mx // 693.
Spain Palma de Mallorca RNE5 11/23/2008
0051 Spanish // 684 mixing with second unid station
with low het.
Cuba Camaguey CM-- Radio Cadena
Agramonte 11/23/2008 0315 pop music in Spanish,
IDs by W.
unid 11/21/2008 2155 Strong carrier,
no audio, off at 1700.
Belgium Wolvertum VRT 11/21/2008
2158 psych rock.
Cuba CM-- Radio Reloj 11/22/2008
0010 Morse RR in mess.
France Toulouse-Muret Radio Info
11/23/2008 0237 Music box interlude and ID by man
as ...les nuits de France Info... (France Info nights)
according to Sylvain Naud.
Cuba Havana CM-- Radio Reloj 11/21/2008
2243 RR Morse code and Spanish talk
Spain Ctra Humera (Madrid) Onda
Cero Radio 11/22/2008 0312 Male in Spanish, into
Michael Jackson song. Fair to good signal with someone
Cuba CM-- Radio Reloj 11/23/2008
0305 RR Morse code and Spanish talk.
Libya Sirte Radio Jamahiriyah 11/22/2008
2217 Chanting by man. Another station was trying
to break through. //1053.
Cuba CM-- R. Reloj 11/22/2008
0211 Ticks, Code 'RR'.
Portugal Various Radio Sim 11/22/2008
2214 Light music and man talking in presumed Portuguese.
Lady singing an opera song at 2232. At least two
other stations in the mix. Algeria and who else?
Algeria Ouled Fayat Alger Chaine
2 11/22/2008 2229 Male talking in French, Arabic
Unknown Unknown 11/22/2008
2221 Chanting heard. Possibly either Saudi Arabia
or Morocco.
Spain Madrid COPE 11/22/2008 2225
Excited male talking in Spanish.
1000 Cuba
CM-- R. Rebelde 11/22/2008 0140 Sportscast
// 560, others.
1008 Canary
Islands Las Palmas Punto Radio Las Palmas
11/23/2008 0235 Good. ID'd from webstream.
1008 Spain
Various Radio SER 11/22/2008 2214 Rapid fire male
talking with a slower taking male. This sounded
like a sporting event. There was a break with a
possible ad at 2235 and back into the game. IBOC
from 1020 ruined an otherwise possible clean copy
of the signal.
1020 Cuba
Bahia Honda CM-- Radio Guama 11/23/2008 0150 Greetings
to listeners & Cuban mx. In reviewing tape I
heard a YL time check en Guama at 0159.
1026 Spain
Various Radio SER 11/22/2008 2225 Weak, but detectably
// to 1008 w/music.
1035 Portugal
Porto Alto R. Clube Nacional 11/23/2008 0240 Pop
music, Talk, Portuguese language.
1044 Morocco
Sebaâ-Aioun RTM A/C, 11/22/2008 2218 Male
chanting. WBZ IBOC ruining an otherwise arm chair
copy signal.
1050 Cuba
Las Tunas Radio Victoria 11/22/2008 0042 Sports
// 560.
1053 United
Kingdom Droitwich TalkSport 11/22/2008
2218 Man talking on the phone with female caller.
British accented English. //1089.
1053 Libya
Tripoli Radio Jamahiriyah 11/22/2008 2226
Male chanting the Koran. //972.
1060 Cuba
various CM-- Radio Rebelde 11/22/2008 0254 Sports
// 560.
1062 Denmark?
Kalundborg DR P5 11/22/2008 2245 Light music - greensleeve-ish.
1071 unid
11/23/2008 0049 weak audio, believed to
be in Spanish.
1089 unid
11/22/2008 2231 Koranic chanting by man.
1089 United
Kingdom Various TalkSport 11/22/2008 2218
Man talking on the phone with female caller. British
accented English. //1053.
1098 Spain
synchros RNE 11/22/2008 2218 Man in Spanish. Weak
signal barely above noise floor most of the time.
Peaked around 2225.
1116 Spain
synchros SER 11/21/2008 2103 Woman and man talking
in Spanish.
1120 USA
CT Bristol WPRX 11/23/2008 0200 suspect
here with tropical format music; thought it was
a Latin American but got a partial call at the TOH.
1120 Cuba
Artemisa CM-- R Ciudad de Habana 11/23/2008 0331
Pgm // 820.
1125 Spain
synchros RNE5 11/22/2008 2154 Spanish talk // 1305,
1134 Spain
synchros COPE 11/23/2008 0250 OM/YL in Spanish -
very clear for a minute ; also in at 0440 w/ OM/YL
in Sp.
1134 Croatia
Zadar HR1 11/22/2008 0342 Program in Spanish by
man. There was a sounder in between each item. At
0343 the man says el tiempo en Croacia then follows
a short weather report.
1140 USA
Miami WQBA 11/22/2008 0058 Talk & ID in Spanish.
1143 Kaliningrad
Bolshakovo Russkoye Mezhdunarodnoye Radio 11/21/2008
2053 Music . News by woman after TOH. // to 1215
at 2102. A second station, not COPE, was trying
to breakthrough @ 2113.
1152 Spain
synchros RNE5 11/22/2008 2159 Spanish talk // 1125.
1179 Sweden
Sölvesborg Radio Sweden 11/21/2008 2100 Musical
Interlude, Chime, ID, and news in Swedish. SAH with
another station trying to break through.
1180 Cuba
Radio Rebelde 11/23/2008 0600 Very strong
with echo.
1200 Mexico
DF Mexico City XEB 11/23/2008 0600 Mexican NA, ID.
1206 France
Bordeaux-Néac France Info 11/22/2008 0356
Light music. Chime and possible ID at TOH. Faded
out right at 0400.
1210 Cuba
Sancti Spiritus CMGL Radio Sancti Spiritus 11/23/2008
0800 Jingle and ID on the TOH, talk by M and W in
Spanish under WPHT.
1214.85 Albania
Fllake Radio Tirana 11/22/2008 2205 OM
talk - frequency precisely measured.
1215 United
Kingdom Various Absolute Radio 11/21/2008
2201 Possible ID by male (Absolute) Radio, (transmitting)…
at 2201 and promptly faded out, Noted numerous times
in English over the weekend mixing with VoR Kaliningrad.
Also arm chair copy 11/22 0346-0401 with call-in
show and music.
1215 Kaliningrad
Bolshakovo Voice of Russia 11/21/2008 2110 Talk
in RR, VoR interval signal - Brett heard ID; mostly
on top.
1215 Spain
synchros COPE 11/22/2008 0323 Pop music incl. Paul
McCartney, Spanish talk.
1251 unid
11/22/2008 2155 weak instrumental music.
1270 Canada
QC Alma CFGT 11/23/2008 0800 presumed in French.
1290 Mexico
unid 11/23/2008 0600 Mexican NA, ID too
buried to make out ID.
1305 Spain
synchros RNE5 11/22/2008 2152 Spanish talk, // 747.
1368 unid
11/22/2008 2137 talk by female, some music,
unable to ID language.
1377 France
Lille France Info 11/22/2008 2130 talk by woman
in French, // others.
1410 USA
KY Harlan WHLN 11/22/2008 0320 Fair with frequent
fades. High school football. Also heard by Barry
1422 Algeria
Alger Radio Coran (presumed) 11/23/2008 0130 Fair.
Man speaking in French.
1431 Djibouti
Arta Radio Sawa 11/22/2008 0225 Presumed the one
with Middle Eastern Music. Rough reception through
the splatter.
1467 France
Roumoules Trans World Radio 11/23/2008 0415 Religious-oriented
1503 unids
11/22/2008 2129 2 carriers, low het, occasional
weak audio, likely Spain.
1512 unids
11/22/2008 2129 2 carriers, low het, occasional
weak audio, likely Spain.
1521 Saudi
Arabia Duba BSKSA 11/22/2008 2242 Middle
Eastern Music and talk in Arabic. Not as strong
as previous years.
1521 Spain
Castellon SER Radio Castellón 11/22/2008
2210 Good. Woman speaking in Spanish followed by
1539 Germany
Mainflingen Evangeliums Rundfunk 11/22/2008 2137
Song and then talk in German.
1548 Kuwait
Kuwait City Radio Sawa 11/22/2008 2250 Middle Eastern
music. Lots of 1550 splatter. Presumed in passing.
Also music at 0335 11/23.
1557 France
Fontbonne France Info 11/23/2008 0108 Talk, // 945,
1566 Benin
Parakou TWR 11/23/2008 0336 Preaching (
seeming Australian accented male ) & light gospel
music in/out 0300-0345 then into African children's
music 0345-0400, then talk in presumed Hausa language,
all as per program schedule.
1602 Spain
synchros SER 11/22/2008 2234 Spanish talk.
1700 USA
AL Huntsville WEUP 11/22/2008 0207 Gospel, ID.
1700 USA
TX Brownsville KVNS 11/22/2008 0218 Rock/pop Oldies
You're The One That I Want ( Olivia Newton-John
Posted on February
25, 2009