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Stations logged by Mika Mäkeläinen in 2000

Stations logged on July 13-14th and November 26th have been heard at Jim's summer cottage in Bromarv in Southwestern Finland with a 200-meter-long wire antenna, and those logged on July 15-22nd at a rented summer cottage in Punkaharju in Eastern Finland, using two 50-meter-long wire antennae. The rest have been heard at my home in Vantaa, next to the capital Helsinki.

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
153 6.10. 1900 NRK Ingøy with a special bilingual English-Norwegian transmission, with features about life at Ingoy and NRK history
576 2.9. 2303 Mega R, Schwerin. Nowadays even with proper IDs, not just non-stop techno as in the beginning.
612 18.2. -1758* R Baltic Waves, Vilnius. v/s Editor-in-chief Siarhiej Shupa. Address: P.O.Box 3245, LT-2013 Vilnius, Lithuania.
666 17,18.7. 2004 R Sombor, Sombor, finally with local programming.
666 4.10. 0429 SWR Bodensee Radio, Bodenseesender
711 11.3. 1630 R Donetsk, local px ends at 1700
711 4.10. 0359 SWR1 Baden-Württemberg, regional programming, from three TX sites
711 13.10. 0413 R Nis, local temperature every few minutes in this morning show
864 5.10. 0320 R Blagoevgrad, Blagoevgrad, strong interference by Egypt. Back to national programming at 0330. This is a tough one to catch, now audible thanks to very auroral conditions - just like the next one.
873 5.10. 0312 R Stara Zagora, Stara Zagora, giving frequent local IDs. Local programming even after 0330, unlike the 864 Bulgarian
963 22.1. 2002 R Shumen, Shumen, my first catch with the new K9AY
981 22.1. 2159 R Varna, Varna
1035 6.5. 2200 R Nationaal, still hasn't verified
1035 6.10. 0333 R Regina Banska Bystrica, Banska Bystrica. Back to national programming at 0400.
1071 22.11.. 1610 R Dnepropetrovsk begins local programming at this time. Station name still unclear, but all commercial spots are to this city. Occasionally beating Slovakia in signal strength. 
1116 26.11. 0750 R Blomendaal started with an interval melody, program began at 0800 UTC.
1188 23.9. 1902 R B2 92 news programming and Radio Drina music programming (both in Serbian), transmitter site later confirmed as Marcali, Hungary. However, others still suspect that this might be the mothballed TX site at Szolnok. Anyhow, after a few days with Yugoslav stations, the frequency has been used by the IBB. When I first heard the station, telephone numbers for ANEM, the Independent Media Association were announced within both programs, so - on the eve of the interesting elections - this seems to be an operation of the Yugoslav opposition, combining various FM sources. Radio B2 92 was said to broadcast on 89.2 and 93.0 MHz, and Radio Drina on 93 MHz.
1233 5.11. 0206 R Trafic, Rocourt. Also audible on 1125, but weaker.
1332 3.5. 2136 R Nationaal
1350 6.10. 0355 R Györ, Györ. Strong, but unfortunately no sign of R Szolnok.
1350 25.10. 0355 R Szolnok, for once this one was audible.
1377 18,22.11. 1336 R Nikolayev, Mikolayiv
1503 13.2. 0358 Belgrad 202, Belgrade
1539 12.3. 1559 Hit FM via Oniks R, Kharkov
1566 13,16.7. 1858,0003 R Jasenica, Smederevska Palanka
1584 7.3. 0458 1584 AM, Utrecht
1674 25.2. 1645 Rst Bukovina, Chernivtsy (harmonic, 2 x 837)
5935 19.8. 1215 R Caroline, Riga, a special transmission
6035 11.3. 0535-0700* R Racja, Leszczynka
10940.5 6.8. 1720 AFRTS Sigonella, Sicily. On USB. The address for reports is the Naval Media Center, NDW Anacostia Annex, 2713 Mitscher Road, SW, Washington, DC 20373-5819.
11690 5.8. *0903- Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat. The station was audible by groundwave only as far as 5 kilometers away from the 50-watt transmitter. So this one had to be picked up just around the corner... during the Finnish DX Association summer meeting. The skip would enable it to be heard in Central Europe, but not in Southern Finland.
11720 5.8. -0903* Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat. 

 British Isles
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1296 31.1. 2211 Best Oldies of Belgium "Bob R", Oxfordness, a one-time test tx
1305 22.9. 2225 Magic AM, Barnsley

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1026 26.1. 2254 R Jerez, Jerez
1026 8.2. 2257 R Jaén, Jaén
1080 8.2. 2258 R Granada, Granada. Only the more common R Huesca and R Coruña during the following break at 2338.
1521 1.2. etc 2255-2301 R Castellón, Castellón
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
711 20.7. 2002 ERTV Tanta, Cairo px
1305 26.7. -2107* KBC Wajir
1341 15.7. 2343 ERTV Cairo, Cultural px // 1359, but not // 774 nor 819
1350 29.2. 2345 ERTV Quseir, Cairo 1st px // 819
1476 19.7. -2301* ORTB Cotonou. // 7210.26
3374.91 12.7. 0023 RN Angola
5985 16.7. -2153* RTV Congolaise, Brazzaville.
7530 7.3. 1635 Somaliland R, Hargeisa, USB
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
198 28.11. 0100 TRT Etimesgut
531 20.9. 1704 IBA Jerusalem, no sign of the new Polish stations
873 28.10. 2238 BSKSA Qassim. AIR Jalandhar was heard signing on in the background.
882 4.10. 1600 IRIB Mahabad, unfortunately not local, just a Tehran-ID
1026 11.2. *0358- IBA Tel Aviv, Arabic px
1026 15.7. 2332 IRIB Tabriz, not local px
1089 21.7. 2010 BSKSA 2nd program, from an unknown transmitter site. A native speaker - thanks to the help of Jean Burnell - has confirmed the identity of this unlisted station. It may be that Qurayyat from 1098 kHz has switched here.
1205.67 20.7. 2003 R Payam (= Message) from Iran. This is one of the national networks of IRIB. Transmitter site is unknown. Strong signal.
1278 29.2. 0135 IRIB Kermanshah
1341 16.7. 1949 R Kuwait. Who knows if the present QTH is the same as before the Gulf war (Magwa back then)?
1377 29.1. 2215 CNR, often in winter
1557 5.9. 1728 Family R, Taiwan, in English at this time.
4319 16.8. 1850 AFRTS Diego Garcia. USB.
 Australia & Oceania
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
10320 22.11. 0400 AFRTS Hawaii.
13362 26.9. 1459 AFRTS Barrigada, Guam.
 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
6105 19.3. -0601* R Universidad de Costa Rica, San José
9705 11.3. 0400 XERMX R Mexico Int, Cd. Mexico
 South America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1470 23.3. 0257 CPN R, Lima. Check the article Peruvian elections - radio round for more info on this one and the following station
1500 28.3. 0335 R Santa Rosa, Lima, slightly off the nominal fq
1630 29.4. 0110 R 1630 "Buen Ayre" Buenos Aires, ID also as "La Red 92"
3234.87 28.8. -0301* R Luz y Sonido, Huánuco.
3325.02 20.7. 0155 UNID Brazilian IDing as "R Gazeta 890", so is this Super R Tupi relaying R Gazeta?
3375 20.7. 0003 tent. R Dourados, Dourados MS. I missed the name, but calls given in the ID match WRTH info, 720 is the AM-fq.
3392.13 18.7. -0104* R Camargo, Camargo
19.7. -0101*
3494v 18.7. -0156* R Padilla, Padilla. The station is drifting all the time, logged on several nights. Usually the frequency is roughly 3493.75 kHz around 2345 when the signal becomes audible. For instance on July 18th, the station signed off at 0156 UTC, and by that time had drifted up to 3494.28 kHz. Time anns 4 min ahead.
4471.72v 1.5, 13,18.7. 2349, 2315, 2335 R Movima, Santa Ana de Yacuma
4515.65 25.4. -0303* R Amistad, Lima
30.4. -0251*
4534.15 26.4. 0311 R Horizonte, Chiclayo
4549.48 29.4. -2339* Rdifusoras Trópico, Trinidad
4549.44 1.5. -2332* Rdifusoras Trópico, Trinidad
4649 25.4. -0117* R Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma
30.4. -0013*
4.5. -0125*
20.7. -0058*
4702.25 6.7. -0117* R Eco, San Borja
4716.78 30.4. 2336 R Yura, Yura, "La Voz de los Ayllus"
13.5. 0036 - check the article New Bolivians on the dial for more info
4785.08 20.7. 0112 R Caiari, Porto Velho RO
4865 19.7. 2319 UNID Brazilian with LBV-programming. Is this R Missões da Amazônia, Obidos PA, or what?
4880.84 1.9. 0327 R Comas, Lima, very nicely on this new frequency
4885 19.7. 2333 R Difusora Acreana, Rio Branco AC. Also R Clube do Pará, Belém PA, identified.
4895 9.5. 0150 "La Super Estación", strange SW relay of HJJO 88.9 FM
4935.03 19.7. 0225 R Capixaba, Vitória ES, with Spanish-language segments in the program "A hora de ouvinte" ("La hora del oyente").
4944.74 24.4. 0005 R Em Rural A Voz do São Francisco, Petrolina PE
4945 12.7. 0110 R Difusora, Pocos de Caldas MG
4955 28.4. 0155 R Clube, Rondonópolis MT
4995.56 3.5. 0159 R Andina, Huancayo
5055.06 19.7. 2354 R Difusora, Cáceres MT
6520.44 30.4. -0226* R Paucartambo, Paucartambo
6535.87 19.7.
Radiodifusora Huancabamba, Huancabamba, has returned to its old frequency. First noted on July 17, signing off at 0100.
6672.96 11.7. 0030 R Andina, Huancabamba. On July 22nd 2000 in the program "Amanecer Andino" they read my letter on the air, and also promised to reply by mail "soon". I'm still waiting... Lectura de mi carta was caught on the air by Colombian DXer Rafael Rodriguez R., who kindly sent me a recording of what he heard. Here are two excerpts; the first one is what the announcer told before reading my long letter, the second includes his comments after the letter.
6797.63 17.7. -0144* R Ondas del Rio Mayo, Nueva Cajamarca
6956.64 20.4. -0303* R La Voz del Campesino, Huarmaca
24.4. -0201*
8759 16.8. -0256* UNID station in USB only, likely from Chile. CBV Playa Ancha Radio has been logged here previously with R Portales programming.

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