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Stations logged by Mika Mäkeläinen in 2005

All stations listed here have been heard at my suburban home in the city of Vantaa, next to the capital Helsinki, with a Super-KAZ directed north-south, or wire antennas of 45-150 meters in length. Stations heard in Lapland can be found in the LEM206 DXpedition log.

 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
603 20.4. 0315 Pirate Radio 603 AM, Mariehamn, testing with non-stop Beatles music
855 28.2. 0259 Truck Radio, Nordkirchen
1395 13.5. 2115 Radio London, Trintelhaven
1494 7.4. 0356 Radio Moldova, Cadul/Edinet
1602 10.6. 2359 Radio Seagull, Finkum, barely audible with 120 watts of power
 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
1386 12.4. 0228 ERTU Luxor, with Holy Koran network from Cairo. ERTU audible also on 1584 kHz.
4780 18.3. -2002* Radiodiffusión Télévision de Djibouti reactivated on shortwave
 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
4875 31.3. *1702-1729* Radio Khara, Dusheti
 Australia & Oceania
 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
 North America
 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
1520 25.3. 0333 WVOZ San Juan PR, mentioning also WRSJ 1560 and WEKO 1580 in the ID
3249.70 28.3. -0357* HRPC Radio Luz y Vida, San Luís, this morning with English-language Christian programming
 South America
 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
1390 30.3. 0329 YVZA Radio Fé y Alegría, Caracas, also with slogans "Reporte 1390"
1429.92 30.3. 0333 YVNB Radio Satélite, Guacara
1500 24.3. 0404 YVRZ Radio Dos Mil, Cumaná, pop mx with slogan "con la mejor música de hoy y siempre"
1520 30.3. 0401 HJLI Estación Latina, Bogotá
1540.2 22.8. -0235* + Radio Sariri, Escoma, was solved thanks to help by JEÖ, HK and BM. Heard with with sign-off announcements. Heard by JEÖ at the same time.
3375.14 19.4.
ZYF276 Rádio Municipal, São Gabriel da Cachoeira AM
4746.85 11.5. -0105* OAZ5B R Huanta 2000, Huanta, closing down without any announcements
4815 11.5. -0257* UNID station with Spanish Christian programming produced by In Touch Ministries, with address Apartado Postal 3634, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala. But what station?
4899.22 24.4. 0224 CP114 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, has wandered here
4909.24 24.4.
Radio Chaskis del Norte, Imbabura
5190 9.4. 0349 Marfil Estéreo, Puerto Lleras, "Ondas de Paz"
5544.66 24.4. -0314* Radio San Andrés, San Andrés
5910 9.4. 0346 Marfíl Estéreo, Puerto Lleras, great reception until 0430 when another station occupied the frequency
6139.8 2.4. 0436 HJQE Radio Lider, Bogotá, excellent reception quality

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