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Comments from Visitors

In English

"The site's pages load at lightning speed and everything else is just OUT OF THIS WORLD. I used to visit many different DX-related pages, now? I think that yours is more than enough and the amount information obtained satisfy my needs 100%"
- Luis M. Mendez, New Jersey, United States

"Just want to say that I think dxing.info is great... Thanks for the great service to the DXing community."
- Ulis Fleming, Maryland, United States

"Thank You!!!!! For a WONDERFUL site. Just a note to tell you this is the BEST Short-Wave site I have ever seen."
- John M. Muhic, Colorado, United States

"Thank you very much for your marvellous website dxing.info. I think it is the best one on this theme - certainly the most easy to navigate and easy to use site. The clear structure and the valuable informations make your site unique."
- Norbert Günkel, Germany

"I must say you have a very nice page "DXing.info". I visit it regularly, normally every day"
- Lennart Weirell, Sweden

"Having recently read a Newscientist article mentioning your site I decided to have a look at the site. I find this hobby absolutely fascinating and would be interested in giving it a try."
- Gareth Jenkins, United Kingdom

"Keep on the good job, your website is at the top!"
- Pascal Perriot, France

"Just found your website. Most helpful. Best wishes for continued success."
- Robert E. Richer, International Media Consulting, United States

"Congratulations on the excellent page on the Iraq situation. I read
this with interest and sent the URL to a few friends."

- Bob Wilkner, Florida, United States

"An excellent site for both MW and SW dxers,with a beautiful forum which I recommend!"
- Alf Årdal, Norway

"The DX message board is a great resource!"
- Eric Larson, Illinois, United States

"Congratulations! Your site DXing.info has been chosen as the ODXA http://www.odxa.on.ca/ site of the week. You have an excellent site. Keep up the good work."
- Don Cassel, Canada

"Great site, great job Mika."
- Rocco Cotroneo, Brazil

"Very nice job! I think I will often visit."
- Patrick Vignoud, France

"A real fantastic sight to look at and join is: http://www.dxing.info/community/ A large amount of work has gone into that site."

- Stewart MacKenzie, California, United States

"Thank you for taking the time to put together the list of
broadcast stations found at: http://dxing.info/lists/ I have found the list invaluable in my search for non-North American lists of technical broadcasting information."

- Parris B. Wood, United States

"When I was a child, my favourite pastime was to listen to Radio Relogio Federal, here in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Today I was there trying to find old records from the 80's and I can't find any. But what a big surprise! I just found in your website a short record from Radio Relogio Federal by M. Mäkeläinen dated of 1987. You can't imagine how it made me happy. I'm writing this message to you with a big wide smile. :)"
- Carlos Latuff, Brazil

"I want to tell you how much I appreciate your X-band station
listing and accompanying information. It has been invaluable
in my X-Band DXing and QSLing. Thank you for all the good work you do."

- Jim Cumbie, Texas, United States

"It's a worldwide site that is fantastic, and dedicated to the DXing hobby generally with a particular focus on mediumwave or AM broadcast band, it's a very pretty site, it's very well laid out, it's brought up to date, it includes loggings from DXpeditions going back many years, there's audio on this site as well, and it's a really really good resource for DXers"
- Brent Taylor, Canada, in February 2006 DX Podcast

"Nice DXing website, best I've seen. Most folks want to tell everyone else about what they've done, you've laid out a resource guide, very nice. I'm bookmarking it."
- Brent, New Mexico, United States

"Wow!...I was very surprised when I saw your page……I have around 20 years of collecting radio station identification, bumper stickers and any promo from Radio stations around the world. This site is amazing!"
- Gustavo Molina, Mexico

YOUR opinion could be here as well please be in touch via Facebook.


En Espñol

"Para los que puedan acceder a la "telaraña mundial" les recomiendo la pagina preparada por el amigo finlandes Mika Makelainen y que es un "sueño" para cualquier diexista. Visiten http://www.DXing.info. No se van a arrepentir."
- Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina

"La excelente pagina que nformara el OM Mika Mäkeläinen ... la recomiendo, la informacion es de primera, les recuerdo la direccion: http://www.dxing.info"
- Nicolas Eramo, Argentina

"DXing Info es una excelente web que funciona desde 1997 en la que encontrareis información detallada y actualizada sobre la afición de la escucha de emisoras a larga distancia sea cual sea vuestra banda favorita (onda corta, media o FM)."
- Luis Segarra, Guia de la Radio, Spain

"Dxing.info está dividido en secciones muy claras (radioemisoras, diexismo, comunidad y el sitio), por lo que es fácil encontrar la información que se busca. Es, ante todo, un portal dedicado a la afición gracias al muy experimentado finlandés Mika Mäkeläinen"
- AER-DX.org, Spain

In deutsch

"Hier findet sich wirklich alles zum Thema DX. Unbedingt ausprobieren!!!"
- ADDX website, Germany

"Informationsseite für Kurzwellenhörer. Sehr umfangreich."
- Radiosites.de, Germany

"Wer die Seite noch nicht kennt, eine geballte Ladung von Links in jede Richtung des Hobbys! Sehr empfehlenswert: http://www.DXing.info/"
- Wolfgang Fiedler, Germany

En francais

"L'une des meilleures sources d'information pour le DXer. Toute l'actualité de la Radio, des articles techniques, des Forums et plus encore."
- Pascal Perriot, France

"Un site fort utile sur le DX radio et plusieurs informations utiles sur le sujet."
- Station Radioamateur VE2VGA, Canada

"L'un des meilleurs site du Net pour tous les passionnés de DX-radiodiffusion!"
- Audio-maniac.com, France

På svenska

"En alldeles utmärkt samlingspunkt för just nyheter ... Nyheter kommer mycket snabbt på denna kanal, det är väldigt lätt att välja bara det man själv är intresserad av ... En av höjdarna är det faktum att det på din egen dator läggs en cookie som håller reda på när du sist var inloggad. När du kommer in nästa gång kan du bara klicka på en länk som visar info som tillkommit sedan sist. Fungerar helt fantastiskt. Numera är DXing.info den sidan jag kollar först när jag gör min dagliga Internet check."
- Gert Nilsson, Sweden


"Onnittelut aivan erityisen tyylikkäästä ja hyvin toimivasta sivustosta. Latausnopeuskin on oivallinen. Kunhan sana kiirii niin tästä saitista voi tulla todella aktiivisesti käytetty kansainvälinen kohtauspaikka..."
- Jarkko Arjatsalo, Finland

"Sivusi ovat kutakuinkin täydelliset. Se löytyy mitä tarvitaan ja mikä
kiinnostaa vaikka en aktiivikuuntelija enää olekaan kuin vain FM:llä."

- Harri Kujala, Finland

"Hienolta näyttää, onneksi olkoon!!! ... Yritän jatkossa avustaa DXing.infoa mahdollisuuksieni mukaan."
- Mika Palo, Portugal

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