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Danny Wu, China

I'm from Fuzhou, capital of Fujian Province, which is separated from Taiwan by the Taiwan Strait. I majored in history in the college. Now I work for an insurance company dealing with its management. Not long ago I used to work in Southeast satellite TV station for a period of time.

DX is one of my hobbies. It's in 1990 that I was engaged in shortwave broadcasts. I'm now a monitor for Deutsche Welle. Besides, I have made a website introducing BCL in Chinese.

I'm interested in searching for shortwave and mediumwave stations from distant areas. In the future, I will strive for more QSL cards. If you want to make contact with the broadcasting stations in Fujian Province, I will be glad to offer help. Here is my address:

Mr. Wu Dong
Distribution Dept.
Ping An Life Insurance Company of China, Fuzhou Branch
30/F., Ping An Building, No. 88, Wuyi Zhong Road
Fuzhou, Fujian Province
P.R. China 350005
You can also send me e-mail: dxfans@hotmail.com

Broadcasting and DXing in China

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