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Audio (station identifications)

Listen to station identifications of mediumwave and shortwave broadcasting stations from around the world. First pick the country or territory that you are interested in.

Most audio files are in Real Media or MP3 format. If you don't have the Real Media player, you can get one free from their website. Editor's choice - subjectively the best sound bites - are marked with a symbol. Countries and territories according to the World Radio TV Handbook.

If you represent a radio station, please consider emailing (info at dxing.info) a sample station identification for this collection, so that DXers and other radio hobbyists from all around the world would recognize your identification when they hear it on the air.

If you are a DXer, you are welcome to contribute to the audio collection by sending your good quality local station identifications of stations that are not yet listed. Network identifications are published only if local identifications don't exist. Be in touch by email (info at dxing.info) to get an approval before sending any files and read instructions on how to contribute audio files.

MP3 is nowadays the preferred format. Many older recordings are in Real Media (.rm) format, but few users have that player any more. Please keep your files as short and as light as possible. When encoding, 15 Kbps is good enough quality, and 10-25 seconds is often enough in length. Don't exceed 1 MB per day in sending files! Files may be replaced when better files become available. See instructions and terms of use for more details.

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