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AIH163 DXpedition Log
November 19December 3, 2022

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
918 25.11. 0558 Radio Monique, Velsen-Noord.
1566.0174 21.11. 1630 + Radio Kolbe, Schio. I have kept a close watch over this frequency for years, and finally I nailed the station with a proper ID. Being on a distinct offset helps to track the station. The modulation is very poor on SSB, but becomes quite readable on AM mode. However, I can't get a verification from them :(
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
666 30.11. 0500 + Radio Algérienne, Tindouf, had been on my watch list for years.
756 30.11. 0500 + Radio Algérienne, Djanet, with the Radio Quran channel programming, identifying just before the top of the hour. According to Télédiffusion d’Algérie, this transmitter was installed just a week before, on November 22.
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
567 20.11. -1901 Radio Pakistan, Khuzdar, closing down after a segment of local programming.
603 27.11. 1230 + Wuhan PBS (Traffic Radio), Wuhan HB, identified also in English: "You're listening to FM 89.6, Wuhan Traffic Radio."
620.9926 1.12. 1546 IRIB Radio Khalij-e Fars, Bandar-e Abbas. As nothing much else was available from the east, I listened to some Iranian stations on the 160-degree antenna. None of these are personally new ones, but it was interesting to notice that some program feeds have changed since I last paid attention to them, and to note the current offset frequencies.
648 27.11. 1227 DYRC Talisay, part of MBC's Aksyon Radyo chain.
693.0241 1.12. 1546 IRIB Radio Khalij-e Fars, Bandar-e Lengeh.
711.0008 2.12. 1401 Thapyay Radio, Naypyidaw, closing down at 1430. A tentative logging, as no firm ID was heard, but this is the only station broadcasting in Burmese here.
720 27.11. 1230 + DZSO San Fernando, Bombo Radyo station for the province of La Union. Surprisingly, no sign of the usual dominant DYOK.
747 27.11. 1223 DZJC Laoag City, identified using both call letters and slogan "Aksyon."
747.0203 1.12. 1534 IRIB Radio Yazd, Yazd/Fahraj.
783 22.11. -1702 Radio Thailand, Ranong. I already have this QSLed, but it is always nice to hear Thai stations with local station identifications at the end of the broadcast day.
827.9732 1.12. 1530 IRIB Radio Khorasan-e Jonubi, Birjand.
890.9998 1.12. 1530 IRIB Radio Dena, Deh Dasht.
962.9784 1.12. 1530 IRIB Radio Khorasan-e Jonubi, Birjand, // 828, 1458.
1008 22.11. 1301 Hubei PBS, News General Service (Hubei zhi sheng), UNID QTH. This is the main channel of the province, announcing FM 104.6 and AM 774. Probably this airs over the same transmitters as Hubei Information Service (Zixun Guangbo), which I heard here first in 2016.
1053 22.11. 1301 Hubei PBS, News General Service (Hubei zhi sheng), UNID QTH. Presumably this is the same transmitter in Qianjiang which has been used by Hubei Economic Radio for many years, and which I first heard in 2008.
1124.9891 2.12. 1600 AIR Tezpur.
1259.9952 27.11. 1230 DZEL Lucena City, is part of EBC, Eagle Broadcasting Corporation.
1304.9961 27.11. 1227 + DYFX Cebu City with "Iglesia ni Cristo" programming. All my five personally new Filipino catches were heard within seven minutes on one single day, so this was a really short and sharp opening.
 Australia & Oceania
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1305 27.11. 1229 5RN ABC Radio National, Renmark SA, with a promo about "Why do I get news from ABC online" - Well, I seem to be getting news also in this old-fashioned way.
 North America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
870.0186 20.11. 1113 WPWT Colonial Heights TN. No ID, but loads of program information, including the phone number of the station. This offset is quite far from the nominal frequency.
980 30.11. 2129 + WILK Wilkes-Barre PA, with a promotional announcement and local news.
990 28.11. 1500 KATD Pittsburg CA, a dual ID // 1010 AM KIQI, which unfortunately was heard too weak to be reported on this afternoon, under heavy CBR interference. KATD however suffered interference only from Asian stations on the same frequency.
989.9973 30.11. 2132 WNTP Philadelphia PA, "AM 990 The Answer", with a local weather forecast at this time.
1180.0019 20.11. 1106 WSQR Sycamore IL. The station is part of the same company as WLBK DeKalb on 1360, but unlike WLBK, it doesn't seem to have any profile or page of its own on the internet.
1190 30.11. 2117 WCRW Leesburg VA, with a Christian program called "Impacto de Gloria".
1220 19.11. 2243 WFAX Falls Church VA, with a new Mexican format and slogan "La Pantera". This was one of my local stations when I worked as YLE's correspondent in Washington DC, and we lived in McLean, very close to Falls Church.
1220 30.11. 2216 + WLSD Big Stone Gap VA was a really cool surprise from an area which rarely offers good openings.
1230 30.11. 2131 WEEX Easton PA took a local break from Fox Sports programming.
1250 25.11. 1214 + KZOI Dakota City NE, "Radio Fiesta" was a neat surprise.
1320 28.11.
WKAN Kankakee IL, finally beating the dominant of the region, WILS.
1329.9978 28.11. 1331 KGAK Gallup NM. This station is said to broadcast only in Navajo, but I heard also a few sentences in English, including a time check and a station ID.
1339.9979 27.11. 2326 WQSC Charleston SC, "98-5 Classic Country WQSC" with the best possible format!
1340 28.11. 0100 WLEW Bad Axe MI, "... FM WHST Pigeon and 1340 AM WLEW Bad Axe, serving southern Michigan and beyond" - indeed, very much beyond! And what is rare, WLEW has a locally-produced 10-minute newscast instead of the typical 5-minute network news at the top of the hour.
1340.0022 28.11. 1400 KXEQ Reno NV.
1350 20.11. 0758 CIRF Brampton ON, airing a spot for "Arzo Kitchen" Restaurant in Mississauga with all its contact info. Also a weak ID for "Radio Humsafar."
1369.9647 19.11. 2241 WSHV South Hill VA, identifying as "96-7 WSHV - Classic R&B from the 80's, 90's and more."
1369.9998 30.11. 2125 WKMC Roaring Spring PA with country music and own station IDs (Hank FM), but also promoting its sister stations Talkradio 98-5 and 1240 WRTA.
1400 26.11. 1129 KVOE Emporia KS.
1400 28.11. 0300 WDTK Detroit MI, // FM 101.5.
1400 28.11. 0500 WKNW Sault Sainte Marie MI.
1400 2.12. 0221 WSAM Saginaw MI, "... 104 and 92-3, The Bay" with Christmas music. The reply was overwhelming: "We are so ecstatic to hear from you all the way over in Finland! That's incredible! Almost 4,000 miles away in such a beautiful country we are honored that you reached out to us! Most importantly YES that is our station!!!! With your blessing we'd love to post on our social media pages about you and about the absolutely astonishing nature of your work! This is something that's just awe-inspiring! Thank you thank you thank you for reaching out this is so COOL!!!!"

1450 25.11. 1145 WHRY Hurley WI, "Oldies 102.9."
1450 27.11. 0800 KWBW Hutchinson KS. // 98.5 FM
1450 29.11. 0605 KBFS Belle Fourche SD, "Dirt Road Radio". I would have missed the slogan if I wouldn't have recognized weather forecast locations which directed my suspicions to KBFS.
1450 29.11. 0906 KBFI Bonners Ferry ID, "North Idaho Radio."
1460 20.11. 0900 WTKT Harrisburg PA, "WTKT Harrisburg and WTKT HD, Fox Sports 1460".
1490.0029 30.11. 2129 WRKY Lancaster PA, "Rocky 98-5". This was not a new station for me, but I'm logging it here to indicate the direction of this particularly good early opening to Pennsylvania.
1509.9975 25.11. 1207 + KTTT Columbus NE, a 500-watt daytimer, heard with a weather forecast and a station ID: "K-triple-T".
1530 25.11. 1214 KDSN Denison IA. Funny enough, I got a verification from Florida. The host doesn't actually reside anywhere near Denison, but works remotely from Florida! I guess he is either better or cheaper than local talents - or both.
1570 23.11. 1200 KMCD Fairfield IA hasn't responded to my earlier reception report, so I guess I need to report it once again.
1600 20.11. 0700 WKKX Wheeling WV.
1600 25.11. 1243 KRFS Superior NE, heard best at this time when the Nebraska Department of Transportation was advertising for a vacancy in Superior.
 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1110.0021 24.11. 1203 XERED Cd. México DF is not a rarity, but for the first time I noted it relaying Universal 88.1 FM with a classic hits format.
 South America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
870.0013 2.12. 0159 ZYH754 Rádio Universitária, Goiânia GO. This was my first Brazilian station on this frequency.
999.9944 1.12.
ZP36 Radio Mil, Chaco-i (Asunción), relaying "Memories 975", and much stronger than before. Probably a high time to send it a reception report.
1240.0106 2.12. 0100 ZYK653(?) Rede Aleluia, Praia Grande SP. This could be operating under the same license as Rádio Santos many years ago, but the location is different from the previous city of license (which was Santos, located nearby). No call sign heard, just Rede Aleluia programming and ID.
1340.0367 3.12. 0543 ZYK374 Rádio Jornal da Manhã, Ijuí RS, relaying Rede Gaúcha Sat.
1440 2.12. 0058 + ZYK634 Rádio Comercial, Presidente Prudente SP. This station is supposed to have a transmitter power of 10 kilowatts, so it is quite surprising why it hasn't been heard before.
1440 2.12. 0205 + ZYK221 Rádio Ceres, Não Me Toque RS, was relaying Rede Gaúcha Sat at this particular hour. Thanks to Samuel Cássio for confirming this! The city name is quite curious, and can be literally translated as "Don't touch me." It seems that my reception report nevertheless touched them as they wrote a story about it (archived here).
1590.0511 2.12. 0100 ZYJ290 Rádio Cultura de Andirá, Andirá PR. No ID, but many commercial spots. Thank you to Samuel Cássio for solving them!
1610.0052 30.11. 0059 Radio Machagai, General Rodríguez.
1610.0543 2.12. 0154 Radio Luz del Mundo, Rafael Calzada. This one I already have verified, but logged to note the current offset.
1619.9971 2.12. 0059 Radio Sentires, Merlo. The dominant AM 1620 from Mar del Plata is rather close at 1619.9952 kHz.
1620.0026 2.12. 0336 Radio Mitre, Cañada de Gómez, relaying the main Mitre newsfeed (790 AM).
Check out also the AIH163 DXpedition Report
Published on September 1, 2023

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