LEM96 DXpedition Report
March 2-9th 1996
was timed to coincide with top conditions of the
month on AM. The timing proved to be right, although
a persistent flare caused some trouble.
However, North American AM stations
were audible daily around 0000-0600 UTC, occasionally
even past midday local time (1000 UTC), when the
sun was high up. On some evenings North American
stations were logged already from around 2230 UTC,
before sunset in North America, and a few daytime
stations were identified.
Conditions toward Latin America
were poorer than usual. A nice opening toward Mexico
was noted in the morning of Friday, March 8th. Asian
AM stations were heard around 1200-1600 UTC, before
and after local sunset in Finland. In the first
days of the DXpedition the conditions were poor,
with hardly any stations from the Far East, and
only stations from Iran and India audible around
During the final days conditions
improved and especially Korean stations were a pleasant
surprise coming strongly with local station identifications.
Also quite a few Japanese stations of NHK-2 network
were identified with local station identifications
before their close-down after 1500 UTC.
One nice catch on the March DXpedition to WFIF from
Milford, Connecticut, on 1500 AM. Click the image
below to open the entire QSL letter as a PDF file.

My best catches were U.S. stations
KLNG Council Bluffs IA 1560 kHz (100 watts), WCNW
Fairfield OH 1560 kHz (daytimer) and Mexicans like
XEVW Acámbaro GJ 1160 kHz, XEAJ Saltillo
CO 1330 kHz and XEXO Cd. Mante TM 1390 kHz. For
a comprehensive list of what we heard, see the LEM96
DXpedition log. For some logging guidelines,
check out notes on the log.
Here's a description of our equipment and of the
Lemmenjoki QTH.