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LEM96 DXpedition Equipment
March 2-9th 1996

Mika relied on the NRD-535 (as in picture), and at one point, had three of them in use... Jorma had an Icom IC-R71E and a spare NRD. And of course we had the usual antenna tuners and amplifiers.

In principle the Lemmenjoki QTH is equipped with 16 beverage or longwire antennae, 8 for both listeners. Each antenna is roughly 0.8 - 1 kilometer (0.5 - 0.6 miles) in length. Both listeners have antennae directed at the following areas:

- Southern part of South America (Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile) and Spain
- Northern part of South America (Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador), the Caribbean and the United Kingdom
- Eastern Coast of North America and Central America
- Midwest
- Rocky Mountains
- West Coast of North America
- North (Alaska, Hawaii)
- Far East (Japan, Koreas, China, Taiwan, the Philippines)
In theory that is... since our DXpedition was the last one of the season, some antennae had already been taken down, and we collected several more. In the end only half a dozen beverage antennae were in use.

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