LEM121 DXpedition Equipment
November 7-14th 1998
As the shipment
of Mika's new NRD-545 was delayed, we relied on
the older tools... Below you can see Mika's NRD-535D.
Both Mika and Jim were using two identical NRD-535D
receivers. Two receivers come in handy especially
when hunting stations which have local identifications
relatively rarely. RAI (Italy), all Spanish networks
and NHK-2 (Japan) stations are good examples of
this. Additional equipment included amplifiers and
antenna tuners. Both had a switchboard designed
by Roland Sandberg to select the antennae, and if
necessary, to split a particular antenna between
the two receivers.
The Lemmenjoki
QTH is equipped with 16 beverage or longwire antennae,
8 for both listeners. Each antenna is 0.8 - 1 kilometer
(0.5 - 0.6 miles) in length. Because of the reindeer,
antennae need to be 3-4 meters above the ground.
When trees are not available, poles have been erected.
Both listeners have antennae directed at the following
- Southern part of South America (Brazil, Uruguay,
Argentina, Chile) and Spain
- Northern part of South America (Venezuela, Columbia,
Ecuador), the Caribbean and the United Kingdom
- Eastern Coast of North America and Central America
- Midwest
- Rocky Mountains
- West Coast of North America
- North (Alaska, Hawaii)
- Far East (Japan, Koreas, China, Taiwan, the Philippines)
The recording equipment
also merits a note, as for the first time Mika was
using a minidisc-deck (Sony MDS-JE520) replacing
a vintage cassette deck. The improvement was revolutionary!
Not only was the recording quality better, but the
possibility to use memory in recording is exactly
what a DXer needs. With this deck you can have the
last 12 seconds constantly in the memory of the
deck even when recording is on pause. When you hear
an ID, you just switch the recording on, and the
preceding 12 seconds are also recorded. No more
missed IDs!