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Shortwave Stations from Central America
logged in Finland 2003-2004

kHz - country - station, location - logger (* = many) - first date

3250 HND R Luz y Vida, San Pedro Sula HAT
3324,8 GTM R Maya, Barillas VJR/N
3350 CTR REE Cariari de Pococí AW
4052,47 GTM R Verdad, Chiquimula TAT VJR/N (TK)
4832 HND R Litoral, La Ceiba PK TAT PEH
5009,8 DOM R Cristal Internacional, Santo Domingo TRE/L (PS) r R Pueblo
5025 CUB R Rebelde, Bauta AW PJN JP
5029,09 CTR World University Network, Cahuita VEH MAA30 AW
6000 CUB RHC La Habana VEH
6026 DOM R Amanecer Internacional, Santo Domingo JVH/A
6090 AIA Caribbean Beacon, Anguilla AW
6149,96 CTR World University Network, Cahuita AW
7507 PTR AFN Isabela TAT SEH USB
9590 ATN RNW Bonaire DC
11760 CUB RNV via La Habana JKH
13750 CTR World University Network, Cahuita SEH YAP
13750 CUB RHC La Habana AW
15039,65 CTR RFPI El Rodeo JLN
15230 CUB RNV via La Habana JKH

compiled by Mauno Ritola

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