Stations logged by Mika
Mäkeläinen in 2003
All stations listed
here were heard at my suburban home in the city
of Vantaa, next to the capital Helsinki, with wire
antennas of 45 and 70 meters, and during the winter
also a K9AY loop. No DXpeditions this year. The
stations were heard from the start of the year until
the beginning of August, when I moved to the U.S.
Stations heard there are listed separately in the
Valley Bandscan 2003-2004.
Europe |
kHz |
day.month. |
time UTC |
station, comments |
666 |
25.1. |
0605 |
Inforadio (Sender
Freies Berlin) |
5945 |
10.2. |
1529 |
BFBS, for UK forces
in the Gulf, but presumably transmitting from a European
site. |
6954.7v |
9.4. |
2049 |
R 3 Network, Poggibonsi,
denied knowing about this shortwave relay |
7436v |
12.6. |
0125 |
R Krishnaloka in Russian,
QTH is said to be Orel with 150 watts |
13855U |
3.5. |
2157 |
AFRTS Grindavik (near
Keflavik) |
Isles |
kHz |
day.month. |
time UTC |
station, comments |
Iberia |
kHz |
day.month. |
time UTC |
station, comments |
1080 |
4.2. |
2333 |
R Granada. Once again
trying to get this one verified. |
1224 |
12.2. |
2327 |
COPE Albacete, finally
caught this one |
Africa |
kHz |
day.month. |
time UTC |
station, comments |
1584 |
6.2. |
2104 |
ERTU, Idfu/Baris.
Holy Koran programming produced in Cairo. |
Asia |
kHz |
day.month. |
time UTC |
station, comments |
720 |
18.4. |
1744 |
Voice of Mujahedin,
a pro-SCIRI station in Arabic, perhaps via IRIB facilities |
1170 |
18.5. |
2315 |
R Farda, Dabiya |
1548 |
9.3. |
2300 |
R Sawa, Kuwait. A
special feed for Iraq. |
1566 |
11.2. |
1713 |
Twin Rivers R, "Idha'at
Wadi al-Rafidayn", a clandestine service targeting
Iraq |
1584 |
6.2. |
*1900-2100* |
R Tikrit. Even though
the programming is pro-Saddam, I would bet that this
is in fact a US-sponsored operation, and broadcasting
via the US-run transmitter in Kuwait which is used
for other clandestine radio services as well. |
1584 |
23.2. |
1639 |
IRIB Urumiyeh with
a local ID |
3880.81 |
25.2. |
-1830* |
Voice of the Communist
Party of Iran, promoting its website
Heard also on the following morning. |
3899.97 |
26.2. |
0400 |
Voice of Iraqi People,
Iraqi Communist Party. |
3901.94 |
24.2. |
-1846* |
Voice of Iraqi People,
Iraqi Communist Party. |
3975 |
25,26.2. |
0300 |
Voice of Iranian Kurdistan.
Aira Dengi Kurdistana Irana, the mouthpiece
of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan is backed
by the government of Iraq. The station broadcast in
1973-1975 and again from 1980 to present day. The
station broadcasts at 0230-0530 UTC on 3975 kHz (audible
until 0358 UTC, when Radio Budapest begins programming
on the same frequency) and in the evenings at 1430-1630
UTC with programming in Kurdish and in Persian. The
previously used frequency of 3985 kHz has been taken
over by Iranian Radio in the evenings. The address
of the station is P.D.K.I., c/o A.F.K. (French Association
of the Kurdistan), P.O. Box 102, F-75623 Paris, Cedex
13, France, and email |
Voice of the People
of Kurdistan
// 4417.5, soon drifting to 4026.08 // 4416.9 |
4025.5v |
9.3. |
*1828-2029* |
Voice of Iraqi Liberation,
(via Voice of the People of Kurdistan, Sulaymaniyah),
a new clandestine station in Arabic to Iraq  |
4050 |
24.1. |
1645-1900* |
Hit Shortwave, UNID
QTH. The language has been identified as Dari. Who
knows more about this mysterious station? |
4085 |
24,25.2. |
-1931* |
Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan,
the strongest one of the Kurdish stations |
4090 |
26.2. |
0400- |
Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan,
first an ID in Kurdish, but the rest of the programming
was in Arabic |
4141v |
3.3. |
-1707* |
R Kurdistan, Voice
of the Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party |
4245.7v |
8.3. |
*0259- |
Voice of Kurdistan
Toilers, with announcements in Kurdish, but later
the news in Arabic |
4500 |
4.4. |
1840 |
Information R (Iraq),
the strongest frequency |
4939.93 |
9.3. |
-1600* |
Hit Shortwave via
7100 |
26.2. |
0400 |
Voice of Islamic Revolution
in Iraq (probably via IRIB transmitters) // 9535,
but better on 7100 |
7525 |
24.4. |
-1958* |
R Yaran in Farsi.
A clandestine station presumably via Norway. |
9155 |
12.3. |
-1757* |
Ashur R |
9570 |
24.2. |
0010 |
Voice of the Iraqi
People, back here for a change, ex-9750, ex-9570 |
9745 |
18.4. |
2156 |
R Bahrain has reactivated |
& Oceania |
kHz |
day.month. |
time UTC |
station, comments |
15480 |
30.1. |
1340 |
HCJB Kununurra, very
strong on this new frequency |
America |
kHz |
day.month. |
time UTC |
station, comments |
1470 |
22.1. |
0548 |
WMBD Peoria IL. The
first identified US station of the year. |
5919.77 |
8.3. |
0337 |
WBOH Newport NC testing |
America & Caribbean |
kHz |
day.month. |
time UTC |
station, comments |
America |
kHz |
day.month. |
time UTC |
station, comments |
1350 |
17.1. |
0653 |
Teleradio, Guayaquil.
A very nice surprise, and the first new station of
the year for me. |
4964.97 |
6.3. |
2313 |
R Santa Mónica,
Cusco |
6140.62 |
31.1. |
0634 |
R Melodía,
Bogotá. |