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Stations logged by Mika Mäkeläinen in 2004

All stations listed here were heard at my suburban home in the city of Vantaa, next to the capital Helsinki, with a Super-KAZ antenna or wire antennas of 45 and 70 meters, from late August to December 2004. I spent the first part of the year in the U.S. and stations heard there are listed separately in the Silicon Valley Bandscan 2003-2004. Stations heard in Lapland can be found in the LEM202 DXpedition log.

 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
828 30.8. 2058 Radio Veronica with a special two-week transmission on this frequency
945 24.9.
Radio Nord, Riga. station identification of Radio Nord
999 25.9. 0116 Superloustic, Villebon-sur-Yvette
1341 23.9. 0300 Magyar Katolikus Rádió, Szolnok. Partly own programming, partly relaying Vatican Radio.
1350 10.9. 0230 Radio Orient, Nice. Identifies as "Idha'at al-Shark".
1404 22.11. -1600 Radio Sighet, Sighet, ended local programming at this time.
1575 11.9. 0323 Radio Nouveaux Talents, Meudon. Identifies as "RNT".
1584 10,11.9. 0342 RMC Info, Metz
1602.21 29.10. 1706 Radio Leskovac, Leskovac, was the first good catch with my new Super-KAZ antenna, which was set up October 22 thanks to the help of Martti Karimies!
5815 5.9. 1758 World Music Radio (WMR), Karup
 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
1602 27.10. 0520 SER Radio Cartagena
 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
675 8.11. 1900 LJB Benghazi, identifying as "Idha'at al-Jamaherya Alouzma". Thanks to Tarek Zeidan for confirming the ID of this one!
690 7.11. 2103 LJB, UNID QTH // 675, 1449. Does anyone know more about this unlisted transmitter?
1431 17.9. 2115 Radio Sawa, Arta, Djibouti. News at this time.
1449 8.11. 1817 LJB Misurata
6960.08 26,27.9. -2059* Radio Shabele, Mogadishu. No firm ID, but Shabele mentioned just before closing.
 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
1602 21.11. 1531 Radio Khost, Khost. A new Afghan transmitter, picked up thanks to a tip from Martti Karimies.
21620 1.11. 1000 Radio Solh (= Peace). A US psyops station for Afghanistan, using transmitters in the UK. The reception quality is of course excellent, and this is heard regularly on all its frequencies.
 Australia & Oceania
 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
9355 15.11. -1100 Radio Liberty, Tinian. I had never bothered to pick up Tinian, so it was high time to do so. Very strong signal.
 North America
 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
1390 13.9. 0300 WEGP Presque Isle ME, with USA Radio Network news on the hour
1500 13.9. 0259 WTOP Washington DC was the first US station identified after my return from there
1510 29.9. 0424 WLAC Nashville TN identified here instead of the more common WWZN Boston MA.
1560 13.9. 0339 WQEW New York NY, "Radio Disney"
 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
1430 10.12. 0642 WNEL Caguas PR with "Noti Uno" programming
1520 5.10. 0431 WVOZ San Juan PR. ID "WVOZ 1520 AM San Juan, WEKO Eco 1580 Morovis, Voz y Eco del Puerto Rico" resolved by JEÖ, thanks!
1540 3.11. 0500 ZNS1 Nassau. ID format: "This is ZNS Network. This is ZNS Network Bahamas." On the morning of the US election results coming in, ZNS reported that US citizens in the Bahamas have gone to polls in record numbers. I was very pleased with this catch, as I have hunted it actively for the past 15 years.
1620 30.9. 0400 WDHP Frederiksted, St. Croix, also on other mornings. Full ID just before the hour, then BBC news
 South America
 kHz day.month. time UTC station, comments
1250 19.10. 0435 TENT. OAX4L Radio Miraflores, Lima. Religious phone-in programming.
1250 29.10. 0512 HJHS Radio Reloj, Cúcuta
1290 29.10. 0515 YVLF Radio Puerto Cabello, Puerto Cabello
4825 14.9. -0101* ZYG364 Rádio Educadora, Bragança PA
4865.06 14.9. -0201* ZYF203 Rádio Verdes Florestas, Cruzeiro do Sul AC. Mentioned also 940 kHz AM in the ID.
4924.88 14.9. 0033 ZYF271 Rádio Educação Rural, Tefe AM. Mentioned also ZYH282 1270 kHz AM in the ID.
5014.66 12.9. -0408* OBZ4B Radio Altura, Chaupimarca (Cerro de Pasco). Continuously promotes itself as broadcasting from "la ciudad más alta del mundo". I visited the station briefly in 2000.

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2003-04 US

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