Radio Licemil on shortwave from Paraguay
Paraguayan military academy has begun sporadic shortwave
broadcasts. Radio Licemil transmits from Liceo Militar
"Acosta Ñu" with a power of only
25 watts. The station first broadcast on March 14
at 1820-1900 and 1920-2050 UTC on the frequency
of 12000 kHz. Liceo Militar Acosta Ñu is
located in Ñú-Guazú, just outside
the capital Asunción. It provides training
for teenagers, preparing them for a military career.
Cadets also study languages, and the first program
included messages to the their relatives in various
languages including Guaraní, English and
Portuguese. Radio Licemil operates irregularly as
part of media education and during special occasions.
Radio Licemil can be reached by email,
phone 595 275 32311 and telefax 595 275 32316.
March 17, 2007)
government station Radio Bay on 6950 kHz
Somalia's transitional federal
government (TFG) is operating a shortwave station
in the city of Baidoa. Radio Bay - Codka Jamhuuriyada
Soomaaliya (Voice of the Somali Republic) has earlier
been reported to operate on 95.2 MHz FM and on shortwave.
Recently the station has been logged by DXers in
Scandinavia on the shortwave frequency of 6950 kHz.
Jari Savolainen in Finland reports hearing the station
signing off at 1900 UTC.
March 17, 2007)
ICDI begins shortwave broadcasts in Central Africa
ICDI (Integrated Community Development International)
has begun transmissions in the Central African Republic.
Radio ICDI broadcasts from the town of Boali on
the frequency of 6030 kHz in the 49 meter shortwave
band. Radio ICDI transmits eight hours daily with
programming in French and three African languages,
Sango, Aka and Fulfuldé. According to Curt
Bender of HCJB Global Technology Center in Indiana,
transmission times are 6-9 a.m. and 5-9 p.m. (17-21
hours) local time, which is 0500-0800 and 1600-2000
UTC, Monday to Friday. Bender, who responded to
questions from DXing.info, led the team that installed
the station in Boali. Bender says that the station
may be renamed in the future. The first test transmission
was aired on February 22, but official broadcasts
began on March 1. Radio ICDI has a transmitter power
of 1 kW.
Radio ICDI makes Christian
broadcasts and community health information available
to most of the countrys 3.5 million people,
many of whom live in remote and isolated areas.
This is the countrys first privately owned
shortwave station. ICDI is a Christian ministry
founded by Jim Hocking in 2003. ICDI has been involved
in various community health projects across the
Central African Republic such as well-drilling to
provide drinking water in remote villages, orphan
care and micro-enterprise development. Hocking
was earlier involved in a project that set up an
FM station in the capital Bangui. "I felt like
we needed broadcasts that would reach further,"
said Hocking. Poor roads make traveling to many
villages difficult or dangerous. For these reasons,
shortwave radio has become the logical tool to reach
the inaccessible people of the country. Station
manager Josue Mbami can be contacted by email.
March 8, 2007)
broadcaster testing on shortwave in Micronesia
Missionary Aviation (PMA) has begun to test their
shortwave transmitter in Pohnpei in the Federated
States of Micronesia in the Pacific. PMA began test
transmissions on February 27 on the frequency of
4755 kHz in the 60 meter shortwave band. PMA has
informed DXing.info that regular broadcasts should
begin by the end of March. PMA says that they have
already received many reception reports from Japan,
which came as a surprise, since the radio station
was only meant to cover Micronesia and the Marshall
Islands. PMA is using a transmitter power of 500
watts. Most transmissions will be in English, but
also local languages will be used. Pacific Missionary
Aviation (PMA), founded in 1975, is an evangelical
missionary organization operating in Guam, Micronesia
and the Philippines. The new radio station can be
reached by email.
March 4, 2007)
The purpose of the radio news section
is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave
broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are
published only on major international broadcasters
or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and
schedules are not covered.
The news are edited by Mika
Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items
may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info
is mentioned as source. See terms
of use for details.