A Renewed interest in DXing!
by Walt Salmaniw,
Victoria, BC, Canada
As many of us have experienced,
with fewer and fewer shortwave (SW) broadcasters
available, and the explosion in RF noise polluters
on the bands, it can at times become very frustrating
to continue to enjoy our hobby of dxing the bands.
Perhaps dxing while on vacation might just be the
answer to rejuvenating one’s interest in the area.
This is a report of my recent trip to Europe, including
dxing in the United Kingdom, Poland and Ukraine.

DXing and relaxing in
the Carpathians |
Recently, I had to travel to
Europe to meet up with my 19 year old son who was
just completing a 6-month stint on a sailing vessel.
He started his voyage in January in Singapore and
completed it in Gdynia, Poland almost 6 months later.
He had a wonderful experience (and this can be explored
further through Class Afloat website).
As is usual, I like to travel with a small portable
receiver and explore the bands wherever I go. Not
only does this allow me to keep current with world
events, it also allows me to do a little dxing away
from home.
It doesn’t take a lot of additional
room to be able to dx with some success. In my case,
I brought along a Kaito 1103 along with a set of
collapsible headphones. The Kaito comes with a random
wire external antenna, although in Europe, in many
cases this was not needed. In addition I brought
along an Edirol R-09 mp3 recorder (about the size
of a pack of cards) and the latest WRTH.
Loggings from the
United Kingdom
My journey took me from Vancouver,
Canada to London. I had an overnight stay at a B&B
in Stansted, England and began my monitoring there.
The next day it was off to Gdansk Poland where I
remained until the 28th. With son in tow, we proceeded
to Ukraine where we traveled for the next couple
of weeks returning to Canada on July 11th. Along
the way we had all sorts of adventures and came
across some interesting sites which I’ll describe
below. First of all, though, I’ll begin with the
first loggings from Stansted (country, frequency
in kHz, time in UTC Universal time, station name,
date, details):
ALBANIA 13720, 2002-, Radio Tirana
Jun 22 Very good reception, although somewhat weak
modulation in English with local Albanian news.
Interesting that 7465 is also in English, although
much weaker, but seemingly not in //. (Salmaniw,
Stantsed, UK)
BANGLADESH 7185, 1745-, Voice of Islam Jun 22 A
presumed logging, at only very weak level. During
my entire stay, I never did hear them at anything
but a poor level. (Salmaniw, Stantsed, UK)
BELARUS 7390, 2018-, Radio Belarus Jun 22 Another
station I follow with interest. Before 20:00 they're
in German, but switch to English between 20:00 and
22:00. 7390 is the best frequency at good to very
good levels, whereas 250 kw 7105 was heard at good
level, and 7440 only at poor to fair levels. Russian
at 22:09 on 7390 at excellent level. (Salmaniw,
Stantsed, UK)
BELARUS 11930, 0405-, Ist Channel of National Belarussian
Radio Jun 23 A consistently, but infrequently reported
summer frequency often well heard at this time in
North America as well. Very good reception with
ID at this time, and then into pop music. (Salmaniw,
Stantsed, UK)
CYPRUS 5930, 2215-, Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation
Jun 22 Very good reception in Greek with their weekend
service to the UK. // 7210 is good with some cochannel
interference, while listed 9760 was not heard. (Salmaniw,
Stantsed, UK)
CZECH REPUBLIC 11600, 2102-, Radio Prague Jun 22
Excellent reception in Czech with news. (Salmaniw,
Stantsed, UK)
EGYPT 9990, 2120-, Radio Cairo Jun 22 Initially
heard with low modulation Arabic music. English
ID at 2122 as, the 'World Service of Radio Cairo'.
Good otherwise. (Salmaniw, Stantsed, UK)
FRANCE 13680, 0507-, RFI Jun 23 Excellent reception
in French, so the listed English half-hour must
be Monday to Friday only. // 15160 at good level.
(Salmaniw, Stantsed, UK)
GERMANY 7265, 1745-, Polish Radio Jun 22 Armchair
5-5-5 signal with English program. // 7140 fair
to good. This was the first station heard during
a stop over at Stansted, UK on my way to Poland
and Ukraine. I used my Kaito 1103 along with it's
random wire antenna. (Salmaniw, Stantsed, UK)
GERMANY 9695, 1800-, Polish Radio Jun 22 I investigated
the recently started Hebrew service. I don't recall
seeing any postings on this service in the past.
On this day and the next day, all that was heard
was a program of continuous Polish music (the following
day was identical), beginning with 'I did it my
way' sung in Polish. No sign-off announcements when
they left the air in mid-music at 18:28. Very good
level. I wondered at the time whether this service
perhaps didn't really get off the ground, but I
did hear a normal broadcast later during my visit
(will be reported later as I'm transcribing chronologically).
(Salmaniw, Stantsed, UK)
ICELAND 12115, 1755-, Rikisutvarpid Jun 22 Tone
at 17:56 and then into a immediate talk in Icelandic
at fair to good level, but with their terrible less
than phone quality audio feed. (Salmaniw, Stantsed,
IRAN 6205, 2018-, VOIRI Jun 22 Another station that
was consistently well heard in Europe. English at
very good level in English. // heard: 9925 (fair),
7205 (fair), 6255 (via Sitkunai, Lithuania--good).
Listed 9800 not heard. (Salmaniw, Stantsed, UK)
LITHUANIA 11515, 0706-, VOIRI Jun 23 Excellent reception
in Italian, via the Sitkunai transmitter. Another
very strong station widely heard throughout my stay
in Europe. (Salmaniw, Stantsed, UK)
NIGERIA 15120, 1749-, Voice of Nigeria Jun 22 Very
good reception in English. When rechecked at 20:20,
they were no longer on. (Salmaniw, Stantsed, UK)
NORWAY 12035, 1753-, SWR Africa Jun 22 Excellent
reception with ID in English and giving their internet
website at swrafrica.com. I never did hear the other
// frequencies very well during my stay. (Salmaniw,
Stantsed, UK)
PORTUGAL 5945, 0430-, Deutsche Welle Jun 23 Armchair
copy with Ukrainian program, while Rampisham on
7345 was heard at fair level. (Salmaniw, Stantsed,
ROMANIA 11735, 1750-, Radio Romania International
Jun 22 Very good to excellent reception in English
with only the slightest hint of a cochannel station.
// 9535 only fair, however. (Salmaniw, Stantsed,
ROMANIA 11810, 2030-, Radio Romania International
Jun 22 Anemic, undermodulated audio at otherwise
good level in English. // 9515 at fair level, 15465
at good level (and listed to North America!), while
11940 strongest by far, but suffers from cochannel
interference. (Salmaniw, Stantsed, UK)
RUSSIA 9890, 2012-, Voice of Russia World Service
Jun 22 Armchair copy in English with their Moscow
Mailbag program. // 12070 equally strong. Seems
to me that both the content and strength of transmitters,
including the use of multiple frequencies, has returned
to the bad old days of the cold war. VORWS is nothing
like it was 5 years ago when they were often more
difficult to hear, with only a handful of transmitters.
Pre-Putin, they were also much more pro-Western.
Today they seem to be constantly flexing their muscles,
like they used to. VORWS consitently was very well
and widely heard throughout my European travels.
(Salmaniw, Stantsed, UK)
TANZANIA 11735, 2004-, Radio Zanzibar Jun 22 No
sign of english (this was a Friday), with good reception
in presumed Swahili and into Arabic sounding music
from 20:08. I believe that I subsequently read that
they may have returned to the 18:00 time frame for
English news from Spice FM, but I didn't check this
again. (Salmaniw, Stantsed, UK)
TURKEY 6195, 2205-, Voice of Turkey Jun 22 Excellent
reception in English to North America, except for
some transmitter hum. (Salmaniw, Stantsed, UK)
TURKEY 9785, 1833-, Voice of Turkey Jun 22 Very
good reception with English news. This station was
widely heard during my stay in Europe. (Salmaniw,
Stantsed, UK)
UK 7235, 2040-, Radio Canada International Jun 22
RCI's the Link program with a very interesting article
on the UN at very good level (from Skelton). //
5850 Horby, Sweden is good, but seemingly with some
DRM hash, while 15325 direct from Sackville was
the best heard at excellent levels. Incidently,
9800 direct from Sackville in DRM was very strong
at 21:02, but I wasn't able to demodulate it (no
receiver capability). (Salmaniw, Stantsed, UK)
UKRAINE 7490, 1750-, Radio Ukraine International
Jun 22 I spent a lot of time during my European
journey monitoring RUI. At this time they were only
poorly heard in Ukrainian. Generally, reception
of RUI in Europe is spotty. Not on par with other
European broadcasters. At times, though, reception
could be excellent. I wish they'd either up their
power (from 100 kw), or use multiple sites or frequencies.
This latter approach is used by Belarus with much
better results!. (Salmaniw, Stantsed, UK)
UKRAINE 9945, 0502-, RUI Jun 23 Fair to good reception
with the Roots program in English (a Friday repeat,
this being Saturday morning). (Salmaniw, Stantsed,
USA 6145, 0508-, WHRI Jun 23 Very good reception
with Harvest Mailbag program in English. (Salmaniw,
Stantsed, UK)
USA 9355, 0522-, WYFR Jun 23 Must be mailbag morning,
as WYFR also had their Mailbag program on at this
time at good to excellent level, in English, but
with occasional deep fades. (Salmaniw, Stantsed,
USA 15825, 2047-, WWCR Jun 22 Very good reception
with Glenn Hauser's World of Radio program. This
was on a Friday. Excellent choice for Europe. (Salmaniw,
Stantsed, UK)
As you can see, there was no
shortage of great stations to monitor, and this
was all in one evening after dinner (conveniently
located across the road at a traditional English
Pub) and during the early morning before the flight.
Incidently, I had no difficulties with my portable
receiver anywhere during my travels, so not to worry.
I always carried it in my back pack and never in
my stowed luggage.
Loggings from Poland
In Poland, conditions were a
little more difficult being on the 6th floor of
an apartment building. Nonetheless, I logged a number
of interesting stations:
AUSTRALIA 13680, 0520-, CVC International
Jun 27 An interesting clash on this frequency with
two stations virtually at equal strength. First
is CVC with the 'Scope' program from Australia in
English, and also RFI in English (direct from France?)
to Africa with mostly news about Zimbabwe. Both
were heard at good level. (Salmaniw, Gdynia, Poland)
BELARUS 7390, 2000-, Radio Station
Belarus Jun 23 Very good reception with sign-on
in English as, 'You are listening to Radio Station
Belarus', and then into the news. (Salmaniw, Gdynia,
BULGARIA 9900, 2100-, Radio Varda
Jun 24 Jingle ID for Radio Varda, and a time check
for 23:00 in Bulgarian, then into news. Good to
very good reception. (Salmaniw, Gdynia, Poland)
CANADA 7335, 0308-, CHU Jun 25
One of few time signal stations heard in Europe.
I never did hear WWV or WWVH. CHU was heard weakly
under cochannel Vatican Radio in Ukrainian which
itself was heard at fair to good level. (Salmaniw,
Gdynia, Poland)
CHINA 13760, 1815-, CRI Jun 23 I was looking for
Pyongyang, but instead heard CRI in English with
an armchair 5-5-5 copy. CRI is heard everywhere
in Europe, across all bands, and usually at very
strong and local levels. I'd swear they were transmitting
from across the street. One of few broadcasters
dominating the spectrum. I never did hear Pyongyang
during my 3 week European stay. (Salmaniw, Gdynia,
FRANCE 15605, 1605-, Radio France
International Jun 24 RFI in English, and on a Sunday.
Good reception with Nigerian news. ID at 16:06.
// 17605 good, and 15160 poor. (Salmaniw, Gdynia,
HUNGARY 6025, 1900-, Radio Budapest
Jun 23 Multilingual IDs for Radio Budapest, well
over a cochannel, and then into English with, 'On
shortwave, satellite, WRN, and NPR this is Radio
Budapest Hungary signing-on'. Good level and //
to equally good 3975. No mention of them d/c their
foreign language broadcasts on 30 June. (Salmaniw,
Gdynia, Poland)
HUNGARY 6195, 0252-, Radio Budapest
Jun 25 Good to very good in English with a DX program
about Esperanto programs until 0258. Again, no mention
of the 30th. (Salmaniw, Gdynia, Poland)
ISRAEL 15760, 1558-, IBA Kol
Israel Jun 24 IS, and then into Yiddish. One of
very few broadcasters using this colourful language!
Very Germanic sounding. Excellent armchair copy,
and almost immediately into a medley of Yiddish
songs. Very enjoyable, even if one can't follow
the speech. // 9345 good, 11590 poor. (Salmaniw,
Gdynia, Poland)
ISRAEL 17600, 0330-, IBA Kol Israel Jun 24 Fair
reception of English broadcast. // 11590 at very
good level, and 9345 at good level. (Salmaniw, Gdynia,
LATVIA 9290, 1955-, Latvia Today
Jun 24 A presumed logging with English talk into
Latvian folk music until 2001 when the transmitter
cut without any announcements. Only poor/fair. I
suspect I was too close to the transmitter in Gdynia/Gdansk
to be able to hear them very well. (Salmaniw, Gdynia,
LIBYA 17870, 1537-, Voice of Africa Jun 24 Good
reception with program in English and ID ending
the English news and into a long-winded commentary.
Occ deep fades. Another Voice of Africa ID at 15:44,
and into a reading from the Green Book. Did not
hear any other // frequencies. (Salmaniw, Gdynia,
LITHUANIA 6225, 1533-, Radio Racja Jun 24 Good reception
shortly after their sign-on in Belarussian. A nice
choral jingle for 'Radio Racja'. (Salmaniw, Gdynia,
LITHUANIA 6255, 2243-, The Mighty KBC Jun 23 ID
in English, with mostly non-stop techno music. ID
was as follows: 'We are the Mighty KBC, broadcasting
from Lithuania. Write us at KBC@planet.nl'. There
were several other addresses given. Good to very
good reception. I did not check for the 500 kw MW
//. 6255 is 100 kw, of course. Ended transmission
at 22:59. (Salmaniw, Gdynia, Poland)
POLAND 6105, 1950-, Radio Racja Jun 23 ID in Belarussian
at good to very good levels. The transmitter doesn't
sound at all like the old Radio Polonia transmitters,
so is it certain that this transmission is direct
from Poland? Interesting jingle, 'Lay, lay, lay,
Moya krajina Belarus'. (Salmaniw, Gdynia, Poland)
PRIDNISTROVYE 5965, 1600-, Radio of the PMR Jun
27 Good reception in English with sign-on ID as
the 'Radio of the PMR'. At 16:20, they announced
the wrong frequency as 6235 (a B06 frequency, I
think), and then continued on in English. Socalled
break-a-way repulblic from Moldova, but not recognized
by anyone except Russia, of course. Divide and conquer,
I suppose. This was my final logging from Gdynia,
Poland. (Salmaniw, Gdynia, Poland)
ROMANIA 9645, 0310-, Radio Romania International
Jun 24 RRI in English at very good level. This transmission
is for the west coast of North America, but heard
much better in northern Europe!. // 6150 also to
WCNA at very good level. The transmission to India
at the same time on 11895 and 15250 was not heard.
(Salmaniw, Gdynia, Poland)
ROMANIA 11895, 0300-, Radio Romania International
Jun 25 This time, at excellent level with English
to India. Also // to 9645 at very good level and
6150 at good to very good level. Both of these are
to WCNA. 15220 to India at fair level as well. (Salmaniw,
Gdynia, Poland)
RUSSIA 11810, 1800-, SWR Africa Jun 23 Ist logging
from Gdynia, Poland. Fair to good reception with
lots of adjacent splatter from 11805. Armavir, I
believe is the site. //12035 from Norway is at good
level in Poland. (Salmaniw, Gdynia, Poland)
SAUDI ARABIA 17660, 1547-, BSKSA Jun 24 French at
fair levels, with many references to Allah, but
off in mid-sentence at 1557. (Salmaniw, Gdynia,
SYRIA 12085, 2020-, Radio Damascus Jun 23 A presumed
logging, with the news in English just finishing,
and then into an Arabic musical piece. Slight transmitter
hum, but otherwise a good level. (Salmaniw, Gdynia,
TURKEY 5975, 0307-, Voice of Turkey Jun 24 Very
good reception in English, with // 7270 herd weakly
under a cochannel Arabic station. (Salmaniw, Gdynia,
UK 12095, 0645-, BBC World Service Jun 27 An ancient
BBC frequency, so glad to see that they still occupy
it. I wonder when their first usage of this channel
was....I bet 60 years ago or more! Still going strong
with good reception, but then marred by a Slavic
numbers station cochannel. Kind of dumb, I think!.
(Salmaniw, Gdynia, Poland)
UKRAINE 9945, 0520-, Radio Ukraine International
Jun 24 Very good reception with the Saturday mailbag
feature in English, to 0531. The DX program was
just finishing at the beginning of my observation.
(Salmaniw, Gdynia, Poland)
Loggings from Western
After my sons graduation,
we flew to Lviv, Ukraine via Warsaw. In Ukraine,
we traveled very extensively throughout the country
by car, train, and bus. In western Ukraine, we began
at the birthplace of my mother near Brody. Here
were my logs from there:
ABKHAZIA 9494.8, 0416-, Abkhaz
Radio Jun 29 Easy-listening music with a somewhat
distorted signal. EZL music. Presumably Abkhazian.
Female announcer took a phone call at 04:26 with,
'Allo'. Probable ID at 04:32 as Apsua Radio. 'Abkhazia'
heard with a reverb effect at 04:54. By 05:00 pretty
much impossible to hear due to adjacent channel
on 9490. (Salmaniw, Brody Ukraine)
BELARUS 7105, 1950-, Radio Station
Belarus Jun 28 Excellent reception in Polish, then
into English at 20:00. // 7390 almost as strong,
while 7440, although equally strong, but much lower
in modulation and with some hum. This was my first
logging from Ukraine. In this case, near Brody a
small city to the east of Ukraine's western capital
of Lviv.
After this batch, we left for the Carpathian mountains
which I'll report next. (Salmaniw, Brody Ukraine)
HUNGARY 6025, 2100-, Radio Budapest
Jun 29 I'm not sure if anyone else noticed this,
but the multilingual IDs during the IS included
languages that were used in the past by Radio Budapest,
for example Ukrainian. I hadn't noticed this on
previous days. Announced a program from the archives,
but first news in English. Very good reception,
but a cochannel English religious station could
just be heard. Nothing heard on my listed // of
9525. (Salmaniw, Brody Ukraine)
HUNGARY 6195, 0230-, Radio Budapest
Jun 30 Presumably the last broadcast in foreign
languages by Radio Budapest was obliterated here
in Ukraine by the BBCWS in English cochannel. I
could make out 'Thank You' at 02:57 and then off
the air. (Salmaniw, Brody Ukraine)
RUSSIA 15110, 0410-,
Tatarstan Wave Jun 29 Good reception with sign-on
in Tatar and Russian. Checked again at 08:15 and
at that time, 11925 is heard at excellent level
with news in Russian and an ID. (Salmaniw, Brody
IRAQ 6335, 0412-, Voice of Iraqi
Kurdistan Jun 29 Fair level, with a station playing
middle east style music. Checking my WRTH shows
that this should be Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan. (Salmaniw,
Brody Ukraine)
Loggings from the
Carpathian Mountains
The next day, we headed into
the Carpathian mountains by car. Always on the lookout
for things of interest, I first noticed the Lviv/Krasne
transmitter site of Radio Ukraine International.
It is quite visible from the M12 highway to the
south of the site. I clicked a couple of pictures
from the road. Its quite a ways away. The
Bolshoye Zorya antenna is visible here (the long
array of shorter towers, see picture above).
This photo on the right shows
the site better, with the large curtain arrays:
Further along the highway, in
this case the E50, south of Lviv I caught an interesting
array off in the near distance at a spot named Liubyane.
We asked around and were told that this was a military
site, but was no longer in service. I immediately
wondered about the old Soviet Woodpecker sites of
the 70s and 80s, but a quick Google search didnt
reveal anything about this site. It has a very impressive
array as shown below:
There were also satellite dishes
to the left of the antennas in the photo. The coordinates
on Google Earth (very high resolution) can be found
at the following: 49deg 35 40.58N And
23deg 58 06.42E. Further below you can
see an image taken from space.
This is very impressive from
space with the excellent resolution. Theres
a square walled compound with satellite dishes in
the center, and the array to the north very easily
seen, all in a treed area
.how private! Now,
what exactly was it used for? Ideas anyone? As we
entered the Carpathian mountains, I sat down for
a quick scan of the bands. The joys of dxing!!
more loggings from the mountains:
ABKHAZIA 9495, 0359-, Apsua
Radio Jul 01 Brief IS, then ID'd as Apsua Radio
with muddy but strong audio. The frequency is normally
9494.75 but I was not able to record the frequency
any more accurately on the Kaito 1103. (Salmaniw,
Transcarpathia, Ukraine)
ALBANIA 7425, 0245-, Radio Tirana
Jul 01 Excellent reception of the English North
American service. // 6115 also very good. (Salmaniw,
Transcarpathia, Ukraine)
BOTSWANA 4930, 0329-, VOA Jul
01 Earth and Sky program in English, followed by
issues in the news. Good level. (Salmaniw, Transcarpathia,
GERMANY 9695, 1820-, Polish Radio
Jul 02 My earlier observation was incorrect. Here
there was a full program in Hebrew from Poland,
via Germany. The station calls itself, 'Kol Polin'
and is frequently mentioned. Very good signal except
for a small amount of splatter from 9690. ID'd at
18:28. (Salmaniw, Transcarpathia, Ukraine)
HUNGARY 6025, 1859-, Radio Budapest
Jun 30 There was talk that the 29th might be the
final broadcast, but today (a Saturday), Radio Budapest
carried the program 'Insight Central Europe'. Again
no mention of a last broadcast. Excellent level
as was // 3975. (Salmaniw, Transcarpathia, Ukraine)
ROMANIA 5975, 1858-, Radio Romania
International Jul 02 Very good reception with RRI's
IS. A big change from the 1700 broadcast which is
not well heard. Into Ukrainian for half an hour.
// 7210 (50 kw vs 5975 which is 250 kw), also at
good level, but with weaker modulation. Had been
cochannel VORWS, but has apparently signed off by
the TOH. That was the final western Ukrainian logging.
(Salmaniw, Transcarpathia, Ukraine)
ROMANIA 7165, 1700-, Radio Romania
International Jul 02 Ukrainian program at good level,
except for a cochannel station. (Salmaniw, Transcarpathia,
SERBIA 7240, 1831-, International
Radio of Serbia Jun 30 In English with an ID at
1835 as, 'You are listening to the International
Radio of Serbia'. The transmitter suddenly cut out
at 1836. Cochannel WYFR in English, but still good
at times. I heard this station a number of times
in central and eastern Ukraine with even better
results. The announced // of 6100 was never heard.
(Salmaniw, Transcarpathia, Ukraine)
UKRAINE 657, 1930-, Radio Ukraine
International Jun 30 There are barely any MW transmitters
left in Ukraine. During the day, the band is practically
empty. Chernivtsi, in the Carpathian mountains in
the west of the country still has a 25 kw transmitter
used for both RUI programming to Romania and for
local programming. At 19:30, the local
program switched to RUI's IS, Ukrainian ID, and
then into the Romanian 30 min. program. Fair to
good. (Salmaniw, Transcarpathia, Ukraine)
UKRAINE 7440, 0307-, Radio Ukraine
International Jul 01 RUI in English with Ukrainian
Diary at good level. // to 7530 at fair level. In
the past, the secondary frequency to Europe/Russia
continued with programming in Ukrainian, so this
is a change. (Salmaniw, Transcarpathia, Ukraine)

Vlad Titarev |
USA 5070, 0235-, WWCR Jul 01
Very good reception with Glenn Hauser's World of
Radio (an older edition). Another excellent time
in Europe to hear Glenn. (Salmaniw, Transcarpathia,
USA 7415, 0313-, WBCQ Jul 01
Excellent reception, with comedy show called 'Shore
to Shore HF'. (Salmaniw, Transcarpathia, Ukraine)
VATICAN 4005, 0328-, Vatican
Radio Jul 01 Polish programming at this time. In
the past this frequency carried a multilingual program,
so I'm no sure whether this continues or not. (Salmaniw,
Transcarpathia, Ukraine)
VATICAN 6185, 0300-, Vatican
Radio Jul 01 Low key religious program in Ukrainian
at excellent levels. // 7335 at good to very good
level, cochannel to CHU also well heard. (Salmaniw,
Transcarpathia, Ukraine)
Loggings from Kremenchuk,
After a few days in the mountains,
we headed eastward towards family in the south east
regions of Ukraine, but not before visiting Vlad
Titarev, DXer extraordinaire, and all around wonderful
guy, and very good friend. He sure facilitated things
for us while in Ukraine. Thanks Vlad!

DXing in Vlad's shack |
While at Vlads, he allowed
me the pleasure of dxing from his very well equipped
dx shack. I was able to use his AOR 7030, although
he also has the WinRadio 313e and some very high
end Soviet era receivers.
Here are my loggings from Kremenchuk:
ABKHAZIA 9495.58, 0510-, Radio
Apsua Jul 04 Abkhazia is normally spot-on 9494.75
and indeed they were there before 05:00, but when
I rechecked, they had moved up to this frequency.
The usual somewhat distorted signal was heard in
Russian. Local announcements for Sochi heard at
06:07, and weather at 06:09. Always a fascinating
station to monitor with their old 5kw jamming transmitter.
They sure could use cleaner modulation, though!
(Salmaniw, Kremenchuk, Ukraine)
BAHRAIN 9745, 0510-, Radio Bahrain
Jul 04 I've finally heard this station! No doubt
it was them, but unfortunately they seem to never
ID. I never did hear 6010, but 9745U came in at
good level. Initially at fair level, but steadilly
improving. Nonstop Arabic music. No IDs noted and
no announcement/time pips/IS at 06:00. Occasionally
marred by a bubble/gurgling sound which is intermittent...?
OTH radar, or digital data transmission of some
sort? Wish they'd ID! (Salmaniw,
Kremenchuk, Ukraine)
BELARUS 6010, 0437-, Belarussian
Radio domestic services Jul 04 I did a bandscan
of the Belarussian radio transmitters and found
the situation much as it had been last summer. This
is what's heard: 6010 BR1 Brest 5kw (fair to good),
6070 BR1 Brest 5kw (poor to fair with lots of splatter),
6080 BR1 Minsk 150 kw (good to very good), 6115
BR1 Minsk 75 kw (good), 7110 BR1 Hrodna 5 kw (good
to excellent),
11930 BR1 Minsk ?75 kw (poor with het). BR1 presented
the weather at 04:40, and then ads (Reklama), followed
by multiple IDs for 'Radio Facts' or 'Fax'....I'm
not sure which. BR2 is solely represented by 7265
Hrodna 5 kw at good level. (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk,
ETHIOPIA 5970, 0357-, Voice of
Tigray Revolution Jul 04 A presumed logging with
and IS and ID in local language at fair level. I'll
have to check the IS against what's on the web.
This is my first logging from Vlad Titarev's dx
location in Kremenchuk, Ukraine. This city is located
on the Dnipro (Dnieper) River several hundred km
south of the capital Kyiv (Kiev). I was able to
use his AOR 7030 and Toshiba laptop. Thanks for
the hospitality, Vlad! (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk, Ukraine)
ITALY 9710, 0415-, RAI Jul 04
One of my tasks while travelling in Europe was to
monitor as many broadcasts in Ukrainian as possible.
RAI has to have the driest presenters of any station.
The same monotoned male announcer drones on, and
thankfully the program is very short.... news only,
and then Italian music....all in just 20 minutes
or so. 9710 at excellent level, // 11830 good with
a het, and listed 6135 not heard. News from 0405
to 0417, and then Italian music until the end of
the program at 07:25. (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk, Ukraine)
NEW ZEALAND 15720, 0420-, RNZI
Jul 04 I had DRM listed in my notes for RNZI, but
they were in AM at good level with a National Radio
sports program. Always nice to hear them from so
far away! (Salmaniw, Kremenchuk, Ukraine)
Loggings from Southeastern
Finally, we were off to the Donbas
region of Ukraine in the extreme south east where
we truly enjoyed the hospitality of my fathers
family. Conditions were, as usual, marvelous in
the village with very little RF noise. Here are
the results from that region:
ABKHAZIA 9495, 0458-, Apsua Radio
Jul 06 Luhansk region in Ukraine is much closer
to Abkhazia than the other areas I monitored. Reception
was good, with a jingle ID for 'Apsua Radio'. Suffered
from 9490 splatter from 05:00. Russian ads at 05:02,
but seemingly off at 05:04. (Salmaniw, Luhansk Ukraine)
ALBANIA 13750, 1315-, Radio Tirana
Jul 07 Excellent reception in English to North America.
Can't hear them at this time on the WCNA, though.
(Salmaniw, Luhansk Ukraine)
CHINA 15190, 0959-, CRI Jul 07
Looking for Equatorial Guinea and no luck. Instead,
CRI is very strong here in English. (Salmaniw, Luhansk
INDIA 17510, 1051-, AIR Jul 07
Very good reception in English with ID for the GOS
of AIR. (Salmaniw, Luhansk Ukraine)
KAZAKHSTAN 9355, 1530-, Golos
Pravoslavya Jul 06 Very good reception of this program,
known in English as the Voice of Orthodoxy. The
speech portions (all in Russian) had somewhat narrow
modulation, although the music was normal. (Salmaniw,
Luhansk Ukraine)
LATVIA 9290, 0830-, Latvia Today
Jul 07 Good reception in English with Latvia's economic
performance. On recheck at 09:50, there was non-stop
music followed by a Radio Joystick ID in German,
with a postal mail address in Germany, and finally
'Charlie Quinn' saying bye-bye. (Salmaniw, Luhansk
LIBYA 17870, 1457-, Voice of
Africa Jul 07 Fair to good reception with an ID
in English. They also announced 21695 which was
not heard. This was my final logging for this European
trip. Overall, I had a lot of fun, and heard a number
of stations impossible to hear in North America.
Also, I was surprised by the continued strength
of shortwave in Europe, compared to what's available
on this side of the pond. There's life in the old
girl yet! (Salmaniw, Luhansk Ukraine)
LIBYA 17870, 1533-, Voice of
Africa Jul 06 Engish news at fair to good level.
(Salmaniw, Luhansk Ukraine)
NIGERIA 15120, 2030-, Voice of
Nigeria Jul 05 One of the stronger African stations
heard in English, and one of very few in that language!
Good reception with English news and then into a
'60 minutes' program. (Salmaniw, Luhansk Ukraine)
POLAND 9695, 1759-, Polish Radio
Jul 05 Checked once more about the Hebrew service.
Very good reception with ID in Polish/English, then
music bridge and ID as 'Kol Polin' and into Hebrew
news. (Salmaniw, Luhansk Ukraine)
RUSSIA 171, 1512-, Radio Chechnya
Svobodnaya Jul 06 Bandscanned the LW band during
the afternoon in Luhansk, and again only 3 stations
heard with 171 by far the strongest with big band
music. Also heard was Ukrainian Radio on 207 (poor
to fair) and 261 Radio Rossii from Taldom north
of Moscow at fair level. (Salmaniw, Luhansk Ukraine)
RUSSIA 21660, 1545-, BBC World
Service Jul 06 I was surprised to hear anything
on 21 MHz, but the BBC was coming in very well with
business news. Checking the WRTH website seems to
indicate this is from Armavir. I could hear a faint
co-channel IS from Vatican Radio. (Salmaniw, Luhansk
SAUDI ARABIA 15250, 1200-, BSKSA
Jul 07 ID in English as Radio Jeddah, and into English
news at good level. (Salmaniw, Luhansk Ukraine)
SAUDI ARABIA 17660, 1535-, BSKSA
Jul 06 Fair to good in French with some deep fades
over a weaker cochannel. IDs as Radio Riyadh (at
15:40), followed by the NA, another ID and then
a reading from the Koran. Sign-off announcement
at 17:53 mentions English in a few minutes, but
they cut the transmitter at 15:57 before this happened.
(Salmaniw, Luhansk Ukraine)
SOUTH AFRICA 4880, 1827-, SWR Radio Africa Jul 06
In the rural location in south-east Ukraine I was
able to hear SWR Africa direct from South Africa
at fair level. // heard were 11810 (good level with
some splatter from 11805), and 12035 (very good).
(Salmaniw, Luhansk Ukraine)
TAIWAN 9485, 1314-, Shiokaze Jul 07 English at fair
level (much weaker than on the WCNA, but still a
treat!) with bios of disappeared Japanese citizens.
This was on a Saturday. (Salmaniw, Luhansk Ukraine)
TIBET 4905, 1755-, Xizang-Tibet Jul 05 A presumed
logging of Lhasa. Bizarre programming for early
July: Jingle Bells, followed by Auld Lang Sye. Reception
was good. Go figure! This was my first logging from
a rural location in the Donbas (south-east corner
of Ukraine). Although extremely quiet still, there
seems to be a slight increase in RF noise. (Salmaniw,
Luhansk Ukraine)
UKRAINE 1359, 1500-, Radio Tsentr Jul 06 The MW
band is pretty much dead in Ukraine during the day.
I did a bandscan in Luhansk during the afternoon
and heard a single Ukrainian station, that being
Donetsk (Dokuchaievsk) with 50 kw and relaying Radio
Tsentr (as opposed to what's listed in the WRTH).
Otherwise, the following Russian MW stations were
also heard: 549 Radio Mayak (Novocherkassk), 567
Radio Rossii (Volgograd), 810 Radio Mayak (Volgograd),
945 Radio Rossii (Rostov-na-Donu), 1089 Commonwealth
Program aka Sodruzhestvo (Tbilisskaya). Besides
these, I had forgotten about aeronautical beacons
in the MW band. I heard: 617 with dah-dah-dit, 721
with dah-dah-dit-dit-dit, and 1155 with dit-dah-dit
dit then dit-dit-dit. I recall rarely hearing these
on the west coast of North America during dxpeditions.
During the night, of course, the MW remains alive
with stations all over Europe and Asia well heard.
(Salmaniw, Luhansk Ukraine)
As you can see, one can have
a lot of fun taking along a simple portable and
some basic resources. I now have some 30 hours of
audio to listen to and edit. Ill plan on posting
some of the most interesting. Check DXer.ca,
my local Canadian site created and managed by my
good friend Colin Newell for some of those clips.
I do hope that this little vignette encourages you
into taking along that old portable on your next
vacation! Enjoy!
Published on July
19, 2007