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What's New

A listing of the most important changes and updates since 2002. New audio files, loggings, links, news items etc. or changes in website design are however not listed, because such minor updates and improvements take place all the time.
Aug 8, 2024 Log from Repojoki, Finland, in 2023-2024 (PDF)
Feb 24, 2024 LEM487 DXpedition report (PDF) from Lemmenjoki, Finland by Hannu Niilekselä
Jan 6, 2024 Article on Kongsfjord, Norway, the world's northernmost DXpedition site (PDF), written by Bjarne Mjelde and Ole Forr
Dec 4, 2023 LEM482 DXpedition report (PDF) from Lemmenjoki, Finland by Hannu Niilekselä
Dec 3, 2023 Profile of DXer Hannu Niilekselä
Nov 14, 2023 AIH176 DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Sept 3, 2023 AIH139 DXpedition log in frequency order, and in chronological order (PDF), from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Sept 2, 2023 AIH159 DXpedition log in frequency order, and in chronological order (PDF), from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Sept 1, 2023 AIH163 DXpedition log in frequency order, and in chronological order (PDF), from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Aug 21, 2023 Log from Arroio dos Ratos DX Camp in Brazil in July 2022 (PDF)
Aug 17, 2023 Report from Arroio dos Ratos DX Camp in Brazil in July 2022 (PDF) by Ariel Osvaldo Torres
Jan 5, 2023 AIH164 DXpedition report and log (PDF) from Aihkiniemi, Finland, by Graham Bell
Dec 26, 2022 AIH163 DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Nov 6, 2022 AIH159 DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Sept 22, 2022 AIH124 DXpedition log in frequency order and in chronological order (PDF), from Aihkiniemi, Finland
April 10, 2022 AIH151 DXpedition report (PDF) and log (PDF) from Aihkiniemi, Finland, by Graham Bell and Martti Karimies
Oct 9, 2021 AIH142 DXpedition Report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Oct 1, 2021 AIH139 DXpedition Report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Sept 16, 2021 AIH133 DXpedition Log in frequency order and in chronological order (PDF), from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Aug 5, 2021 DXpedition reports from Brazil in November 2020, March 2021 and May-June 2021 (PDF files) by Martín Butera
Aug 3, 2021 Super Rádio Brasil AM 940, an article by Martín Butera (PDF)
April 8, 2021 Using Carrier Sleuth to Find the Fine Details of DX, an article by Nick Hall-Patch (PDF)
Feb 25, 2021 AIH133 DXpedition Report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Jan 3, 2021 A Noite Building and Rádio Nacional, an article by Martín Butera (PDF)
Dec 1, 2020 AIH124 DXpedition Report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Oct 22, 2020 Profile of Rádio Globo and Rádio CBN by Martín Butera (PDF)
Oct 17, 2020 Interview of collector and radio hobbyist Henrique Schuchmann Morador from Brazil by Martín Butera (PDF)
Oct 9, 2020 AIH72 DXpedition Log in frequency order and in chronological order (Word), from Aihkiniemi, Finland
May 16, 2020 Newfoundland 2017 combined logs (Word) from Canada
March 3, 2020 Article about a visit to a radio museum in Porto Alegre in Brazil by Martín Butera (PDF)
March 2, 2020 Profile of Rádio Nacional da Amazônia by Martín Butera (PDF)
Feb 24, 2020 Profile of Rádio Voz Missionária by Martín Butera (PDF)
Feb 24, 2020 Profile of Rádio Guarujá Paulista by Martín Butera (PDF)
Feb 15, 2020 Marajó Island DXpedition report and log from Brazil by Martín Butera (PDF)
Dec 15, 2019 AIH106 DXpedition Report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Oct 21, 2019 AIH103 DXpedition Report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Oct 20, 2019 AIH10 DXpedition Log from Aihkiniemi, Finland
March 17, 2019 AIH98 DXpedition Report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Jan 3, 2019 Haida Gwaii DXpedition report (PDF) from Canada
Dec 12, 2018 Grayland 2018 DXpedition (Word) from the US
Nov 4, 2018 AIH88 DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Oct 1, 2018 AIH85 DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Sept 9, 2018 Jean Burnell's Final Report (PDF) and Chuck Hutton's Final Report (Word) from 2015 Newfoundland DXpedition
Sept 7, 2018 LEM295 DXpedition log from Lemmenjoki, Finland, in 2010
Sept 6, 2018 AIH3 DXpedition log from Aihkiniemi, Finland, in 2010
Nov 23, 2017 A major site overhaul: DXpedition reports are displayed more prominently and divided into several index pages, because there are so many reports. Shop, Logs page, QSL page and List page are removed.
Nov 23, 2017 Facebook group DXing.info replaces DXing.info Community as a discussion forum for members
Nov 22, 2017 AIH76 DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Oct 3, 2017 AIH72 DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Aug 31, 2017 LEM287 DXpedition log from 2009-2010
June 15, 2017 AIH65 DXpedition report (PDF)
Nov 27, 2016 DXpedition log (Word) from Grayland, Washington, USA
April 6, 2016 DXpedition log and report 2015 (Word) from Newfoundland, Canada
Aug 13, 2015 DXpedition log 2013 (PDF) from Newfoundland, Canada
Feb 1, 2015 DXpedition report (PDF) from Masset, Haida Gwaii, BC, Canada by Walt Salmaniw
Jan 7, 2015 CQ CQ CQ IE — Holy Broadcasting from Ireland
and Northern Irelan
d, an article by Jim Solatie
Dec 12, 2014 DXpedition log from Grayland WA, USA, in October 2014 (Word)
Dec 6, 2014 AIH39 DXpedition Report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Sept 2, 2014 DXpedition Log 2010 (PDF) from Newfoundland, Canada
Aug 13, 2014 Rockworks 4 DXpedition report and logs from Oregon, U.S.A. (Word file)
Feb 24, 2014 LEM278 DXpedition Log from Lemmenjoki, Finland
Jan 6, 2014 DXpedition to Masset, Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, Canada, report and logs (Word file), by Walter Salmaniw
Jan 1, 2014 How to Identify Chinese Radio Stations, an article by Mika Mäkeläinen
Nov 7, 2013 AIH29 DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Oct 26, 2012 AIH18 DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Sept 29, 2012 AIH17 DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Sept 27, 2012 Seefontein 12 DXpedition report from South Africa
May 31, 2012 AIH7 DXpedition log from Finland
April 28, 2012 LEM291 DXpedition log from Finland
Feb 15, 2012 Long Beach Island-10 DXpedition report from New Jersey, USA
Jan 7, 2012 Half Size Dual Active Delta Flag Arrays (PDF), an article by Dallas Lankford
Nov 30, 2011 Photo tour of radio stations in Bogotá and Barranquilla by Mika Mäkeläinen
Nov 22, 2011 Tests of New Active MW Antennas, an article (PDF) by Dallas Lankford
Nov 5, 2011 AIH10 DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Sept 25, 2011 AIH7 DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Sept 24, 2011 Seefontein 10 DXpedition report from South Africa
Sept 6, 2011 Copperton DXpedition No. 28 Log from South Africa by Vashek Korinek
Aug 28, 2011 Newfoundland DXpedition 22 Log by Jean Burnell
Aug 15, 2011 DXpedition report from Rose Spit, Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, Canada, by Walt Salmaniw (PDF)
Aug 14, 2011 DXpedition Reports from Mullimburra NSW, Australia, in July 2011 and July-August 2010 (Word files), by John Schache
May 27, 2011 The Pixel Technologies RF PRO-1A and Wellbrook Communications ALA1530 Active Loop Antennas Compared, an article (PDF) by Guy Atkins
May 25, 2011 The ultimate AM DXing base in Lapland is available for rent - learn how to turn your dream DXpedition into reality
April 11, 2011 DXpedition report from Seefontein, South Africa
April 6, 2011 List of Cuban AM stations (PDF), compiled by Mauricio Molano
March 14, 2011 DXpedition report from Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, Canada, by Walt Salmaniw, with tsunami warning (MP3)
March 1, 2011 DXpedition report (Feb. 25-27) from Grayland, WA, USA
Feb 25, 2011 LEM271 DXpedition log from Finland
Jan 5, 2011 DXpedition report from Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, Canada, by Walt Salmaniw
Nov 12, 2010 LEM295 DXpedition report from Finland
Nov 9, 2010 AIH3 DXpedition report from Aihkiniemi, Finland
Oct 11, 2010 DXpedition report from Long Beach Island, New York, in November 2009
Sept 29, 2010 Jongensgat 7 DXpedition report and logs from South Africa by John Plimmer
Sept 14, 2010 Newfoundland DXpedition 21 log from Jean Burnell
June 13, 2010 Newfoundland DXpedition log, part 3 (Word file) from November 2008
April 19, 2010 Seefontein 8 DXpedition report and logs from South Africa by John Plimmer
March 30, 2010 Shawn Axelrod's all-time logs (Excel file) from Canada
March 11, 2010 LEM291 DXpedition Report from Finland by Mika Mäkeläinen
Feb 19, 2010 Grayland, Washington loggings on October 3-4, 2009, by Chuck Hutton
Jan 12, 2010 LEM287 DXpedition report from Finland by Mika Mäkeläinen
Dec 16, 2009 List of Japanese AM stations by frequency and location, and an abridged version (both PDF files) by John H. Bryant
Oct 14, 2009 LEM278 DXpedition report from Finland by Mika Mäkeläinen
Sept 8, 2009 DXpedition logs from Jongensgat in South Africa, August 2009 (Word file)
Aug 27, 2009 Second part of the November 2008 Newfoundland DXpedition log published
Aug 25, 2009 Vincent Lecler's all-time NDB logs published (PDF)
Aug 25, 2009 DXpedition report from Grayland WA by John H. Bryant
March 30, 2009 Seefontein 7 DXpedition report from South Africa by John Plimmer
Feb 25, 2009 DXpedition report from Long Beach Island, New York, November 2008
Feb 15, 2009 DXpedition log from Jordan, Philippines (Word file) by Geir Stokkeland
Jan 23, 2009 Newfoundland DXpedition log (Word file) from November 2008
Jan 18, 2009 LEM271 DXpedition report from Finland by Mika Mäkeläinen
Nov 11, 2008 Profile of Tianjin Radio by Jim Solatie
Oct 27, 2008 DXpedition report from Haida Gwaii in Canada (PDF) by Walt Salmaniw
Oct 27, 2008 Article about Using Tuned Passive Loop Antennas (PDF) by Kevin Schanilec
Oct 12, 2008 DXpedition report and logs from Jongensgat, South Africa, in September 2008
Aug 18, 2008 Minimum Highlights, an article by Jim Solatie
Aug 17, 2008 Newfoundland 19 Log from Canada
Aug 14, 2008 Cape Point DXpedition log and report from South Africa
Aug 14, 2008 Newfoundland 18 Log from Canada
July 16, 2008 Logs from Sylvain Naud in Canada: summer 2007 and winter 2007-2008 (PDF)
June 17, 2008 DXpedition report and logs from Seefontein, South Africa, in May 2008
March 31, 2008 DXpedition report and logs (Excel) from Jongensgat, South Africa
Feb 23, 2008 Addendum to Haida Gwaii DXpedition log from Canada
Jan 26, 2008 Logs by Sylvain Naud added on the Logs page (PDF)
Jan 20, 2008 Long Beach Island DXpedition report from New Jersey, USA
Nov 21, 2007 List of Brazilian AM stations (Excel file) by DX Clube do Paraná
Nov 20, 2007 Organizing Your Digital DX, article by Mika Mäkeläinen
Nov 18, 2007 KAX 2006-2007 SDR DXing report from Finland
Nov 5, 2007 DXpedition report from Grayland WA, USA, in October 2007
Nov 5, 2007 Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands) DXpedition report from Canada
Oct 21, 2007 LEM239 DXpedition log from Finland
Sept 20, 2007 Seefontein DXpedition report from South Africa by John Plimmer
Sept 12, 2007 DXpedition reports from Tuckers Rocks in Australia (July 2007) and Grayland in the US (August 2007)
July 24, 2007 Logs of mediumwave stations heard in Finland in 2005-2006, listed by continent under the logs page
July 19, 2007 A Renewed interest in DXing! An article by Walt Salmaniw
July 14, 2007 New Search page added, including Google website and internet searches
July 2, 2007 Jongensgat 4 DXpedition report by John Plimmer
June 12, 2007 Easter Island DXpedition report by John H. Bryant
May 10, 2007 Newfoundland 17 DXpedition report with pictures added
April 6, 2007 Bahia DXpedition report from Brazil by Rocco Cotroneo
April 2, 2007 Newfoundland 17 DXpedition log from Canada
Feb 16, 2007 A list of Mexican AM stations by state, compiled by John Callarman
Jan 20, 2007 DXpedition report from Grayland WA, USA, in October 2006
Jan 13, 2007 Long Beach Island DXpedition report from New Jersey, USA
Jan 13, 2007 Super Aurora DXpedition report from Grayland WA, USA, in September 2005, by Chuck Hutton
Jan 13, 2007 IRCA Convention DXpedition report from Grayland WA in September 2006, by Chuck Hutton
Jan 12, 2007 LEM239 DXpedition report from Finland by Mika Mäkeläinen
Dec 1, 2006 Nhulunbuy DXpedition report from Australia by Craig Edwards
Nov 29, 2006 Seefontein DXpedition report from South Africa by John Plimmer
Nov 19, 2006 Emergency Crank Radios available via DXing.info Shop
Nov 12, 2006 Reunion Island DXpedition log by Vincent Lecler
Oct 17, 2006 Grayland DXpedition report from the USA by Chuck Hutton
Oct 12, 2006 Miscou Island DXpedition report from Canada with LW log and MW log (in Excel format)
Oct 3, 2006 Jongensgat (South Africa) DXpedition report in July 2006 by Vince Stevens
Sept 23, 2006 NDB logs from Vincent Lecler, France, in 2004, 2005 and 2006 (Excel files)
Sept 22, 2006 Masset (British Columbia, Canada) DXpedition report by Walter Salmaniw (MS Word)
May 28, 2006 Fish Hoek DXpedition report from South Africa by Gary Deacon
May 8, 2006 LEM220 DXpedition log from Finland
April 17, 2006 Jongensgat DXpedition report from South Africa by John Plimmer
March 14, 2006 DXpedition report from Nhulunbuy, Australia, by Craig Edwards
Feb 16, 2006 Introducing Japan's Most Popular Radio Program: All Night Nippon (Word). An article by John H. Bryant with Taka Okuda and Hiroo Nakagawa
Feb 16, 2006 Newfoundland DXpedition #15 report from Canada
Feb 12, 2006 DXpedition report from Nhulunbuy, Australia, by Craig Edwards
Feb 5, 2006 Logs of mediumwave stations heard in Finland during the 2004-2005 season, by continent
Jan 30, 2006 DXpedition report from Fish Hoek and Noordhoek in South Africa by Gary Deacon
Jan 14, 2006 LEM220 DXpedition report from Finland
Jan 10, 2006 DXpedition report from Nhulunbuy, Australia, by Craig Edwards
Dec 26, 2005 Long Beach Island DXpedition report from New Jersey, USA
Dec 18, 2005 LEM214 DXpedition Log from Finland
Dec 17, 2005 DXing and Identifying Japanese NHK Medium Wave Stations, an article by John H. Bryant with Dr. Takazi Okuda (also in Word format)
Dec 13, 2005 Introduction to Long Beach Island DXpedition site (New Jersey, USA) and Long Beach Island DXpedition report from 2004
Nov 27, 2005 DXpedition report from Ilha Comprida, Brazil
Nov 27, 2005 Review of Winradio WR-G313e by Mika Mäkeläinen
Nov 13, 2005 Vallhalla Beach DXpedition report from Manitoba, Canada, by Shawn Axelrod and Wayne McRae
Nov 12, 2005 Eastern MA Parallel Effort to Newfoundland and New Jersey DXpeditions, report by Mark Connelly
Nov 11, 2005 LEM214 DXpedition report from Finland
Nov 7, 2005 Coorong DXpedition report from Australia by Craig Edwards
Oct 26, 2005 Grayland DXpedition report (Word) from USA by Guy Atkins
Oct 17, 2005 Miscou Island DXpedition report from Canada by Brent Taylor and Niel Wolfish
Oct 5, 2005 Millers Point Mini DXpeditions report from South Africa by Gary Deacon
Oct 4, 2005 Coorong DXpedition report from Australia by Craig Edwards
Sept 18, 2005 Profile of Jim Renfrew
Sept 18, 2005 CorazonDX Log of Mexican stations in 2005 (PDF), compiled by Phil Bytheway
Sept 17, 2005 Bandscan in Madeira and Portugal (in Word format) by Jim Renfrew
Sept 11, 2005 Profile of Coorong DXpedition site by Craig Edwards
Sept 5, 2005 Identifying Japanese NHK Medium Wave Stations, an article by John H. Bryant with Dr. Takazi Okuda (replaced by a revised version on Dec. 17, 2005)
Sept 1, 2005 Coorong DXpedition report from Australia by Craig Edwards and David Onley
Aug 14, 2005 Newfoundland DXpedition reports (5, 6 and 7) and logs (5, 6 and 7) from Canada by Jean Burnell
Aug 9, 2005 DXpedition report from Seefontein in South Africa (PDF) by John Plimmer, Gary Deacon and Vince Stevens
July 28, 2005 DXpedition Holiday to Kwazulu Natal and the Free State, Gary Deacon reporting from South Africa
July 28, 2005 Updates from July 21-24 to Haida Gwaii DXpedition report
July 15, 2005 Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands) DXpedition report from Canada by Walt Salmaniw
July 12, 2005 Pre-Amp Peregrinations: Adventures with RF Pre-Amps by Advanced Receiver Research and DX Engineering (also in Word format), written by John H. Bryant and Mark Connelly
July 1, 2005 Coorong DXpedition report from Australia by Craig Edwards and David Onley
June 22, 2005 Grayland DXpedition report by John Bryant (also in PDF format)
June 12, 2005 Northern Australia DXpedition report by Craig Edwards
May 21, 2005 Newfoundland DXpedition No. 8 report and log from Canada by Jean Burnell
May 11, 2005 Newfoundland DXpedition No. 9 report and log from Canada by Jean Burnell
May 10, 2005 New edition of Brazilian AM Radio List (PDF)
April 27, 2005 Newfoundland DXpedition No. 10 report and log from Canada by Jean Burnell
April 24, 2005 Townsville DXpedition report from Australia by Craig Edwards
April 22, 2005 The AOR AR-7030 Tested Against the Drake R8A (also in Word format) by John Plimmer
April 12, 2005 Nudists DXpedition in Seefontein, South Africa, report by John Plimmer
April 10, 2005 Primer on Using an MP3 Recorder for DXing (PDF) by Bjarne Mjelde
March 31, 2005 DXing 'Over Your Shoulder' with Beverages, an article by John Bryant (also as a PDF version)
March 31, 2005 Mount Isa DXpedition report from Australia by Craig Edwards
March 22, 2005 Kiwa Mediumwave Loop Experiences by John Plimmer
March 14, 2005 Outer Banks DXpedition report (Word / PDF) from Bodie Island, North Carolina, U.S.A., by John Bryant and Harold Cones, and Newfoundland DXpedition No. 12 Log and Report from Canada by Jean Burnell
March 8, 2005 Muhos DXpedition report from Finland by Andrea Lawendel and Renato Bruni
March 7, 2005 Newfoundland DXpedition No. 11 Log and Report, as well as No. 13 Log and Report from Canada by Jean Burnell, Neil Kazaross, Jim Renfrew and John Fisher
March 1, 2005 Fjerritslev DXpedition Report from Denmark with mediumwave, tropical band, shortwave and NDB logs in Excel format
Feb 28, 2005 Newfoundland DXpedition No. 14 Log and Report from Canada by Jean Burnell, Jim Renfrew and John Fisher
Feb 21, 2005 Townsville DXpedition report from Australia by Craig Edwards
Feb 11, 2005 Ocean City State Park DXpedition report by Guy Atkins
Feb 7, 2005 Logs of shortwave and mediumwave stations heard in Finland during the 2004-2004 season, by continent
Feb 3, 2005 A review of RF Systems DX-1 Pro Active Antenna and a presentation of the author John Plimmer
Jan 31, 2005 Rolling Your Own: building antenna splitters that perform better than most commercial units (also in PDF format) by John Bryant and Bill Bowers
Jan 28, 2005 LEM204 DXpedition log by Juha Ignatius and Yrjö Kainulainen
Jan 20, 2005 LEM206 DXpedition report and log from Finland by Mika Mäkeläinen and Håkan Sundman
Jan 2, 2005 Icom IC-756 PRO III side by side with the Drake R8B, an article by John Plimmer
Dec 28, 2004 A Dummies' Guide to Working with Wall Warts (also in MS Word and PDF formats), by John Bryant and Bill Bowers
Dec 10, 2004 LEM201 DXpedition log from Finland by Hannu Asikainen and Hannu Niilekselä
Dec 8, 2004 LEM202 DXpedition report and log from Finland by Mika Mäkeläinen and Jim Solatie
Nov 19, 2004 Mount Isa DXpedition report from Australia by Craig Edwards
Nov 17, 2004 Profile of Jacques d'Avignon
Nov 12, 2004 Townsville DXpedition report from Australia by Craig Edwards
Nov 1, 2004 Grayland (WA, USA) DXpedition report and log from October 2004 (MS Word file) by Guy Atkins and John Bryant
Oct 31, 2004 Miscou Island DXpedition report and log from Canada by Jacques d’Avignon
Oct 18, 2004 Corazon DX Log of Mexican AM stations (MS Word file) compiled by Phil Bytheway
Oct 17, 2004 A list of Mexican AM stations by frequency (MS Word file) by John Callarman
Oct 15, 2004 Ilha Comprida DXpedition log from Brazil by Rocco Cotroneo
Oct 11, 2004 LEM195 DXpedition log (Word file) from Finland by Jim Solatie
Oct 8, 2004 Jongensgat Dassie DXpedition report from South Africa by Vince Stevens
Oct 1, 2004 Townsville DXpedition report from Australia by Craig Edwards
Sept 14, 2004 LEM194 DXpedition log (Word file) from Finland by Jan-Erik Österholm and Tuomo Ahonen
Sept 12, 2004 Resica Falls boy scouts DXpedition report (MS Word file) from the United States by Kris W. Field
Sept 11, 2004 Grayland (WA, USA) DXpedition reports and logs from July and August 2004, by Guy Atkins and John Bryant
Sept 2, 2004 Review of Icom IC-746Pro transceiver by Bjarne Mjelde
Sept 1, 2004 Millers Point mini DXpedition report from South Africa by Gary Deacon
Aug 30, 2004 DXrelocation report from Townsville, Australia, by Craig Edwards
June 30, 2004 Vaalkloof DXpedition report from South Africa by Gary Deacon
June 26, 2004 Silicon Valley AM Bandscan 2003-2004 by Mika Mäkeläinen
June 1, 2004 Comparison test: TenTec RX340, AOR AR7030, Racal RA1772 and Icom IC-R75 (PDF file), written by Jan Alvestad
May 6, 2004 Article Comparing Commercially Available Signal Splitters (also in Word format) by Bill Bowers and John Bryant
April 24, 2004 Profile of Guy Atkins
April 3, 2004 Bodie Island (NC, USA) DXpedition report and log by John H. Bryant and Harold N. Cones, March 4-7
March 28, 2004 European Highlights, an article by Jim Solatie
March 2, 2004 List of X-band stations from Australia, maintained by David Martin
Feb 15, 2004 Report from the 2003 EDXC Conference by Anker Petersen
Feb 9, 2004 Logs of shortwave and mediumwave stations heard in Finland during the 2002-2003 season, by continent
Jan 12, 2004 A review of AOR AR7030 by Guy Atkins
Jan 10, 2004 contributions to the audio archive exceed 1,000 recordings, from over 162 countries and territories, with the greatest amount of stations from Canada, the United States, Argentina, Venezuela and Brazil
Jan 8, 2004 Touring Radio Stations Around the World, an article written by Jim Solatie
Dec 25, 2003 French Creek (PA, USA) DXpedition report and log by Rich D'Angelo
Nov 1, 2003 African Mediumwave Guide (PDF file) by James Niven
Oct 29, 2003 Miscou Island (NB, Canada) DXpedition report and log (October 3-10) by Jacques d'Avignon
Oct 25, 2003 Grayland (WA, U.S.A.) DXpedition log and report (MS Word file), October 3-5
Aug 28, 2003 Rackmount Equipment Cases for DXers, a 3.4 Mb downloadable zip file of a Powerpoint presentation by Guy Atkins
Aug 28, 2003 DXing from the Left Coast: The Grayland DXpeditions in Sound and Pictures, a 5.5 Mb downloadable zip file of a Powerpoint presentation of Grayland DXpeditions by Guy Atkins, and a panoramic photo of the DXpedition site
July 13, 2003 Gain and Efficiency, the Big Myth (also as a Word file), an article by Tom Rauch
July 12, 2003 A Second Look at Fabricating Impedance Transformers for Receiving Antennas (Word file) by John Bryant
June 29, 2003 Impedance Matching Transformers for Receiving Antennas at Medium and Lower Shortwave Frequencies (MS Word file) by Bill Bowers, John Bryant and Nick Hall-Patch (also available as a PDF file)
June 25, 2003 Notes on using RG-174 Coaxial Cable at Medium and Lower HF Frequencies, an article by John Bryant and Bill Bowers (also as a Word or PDF file)
June 24, 2003 A revised version of John Bryant's article Is Your Coaxial Lead-in Actually an Antenna? (Word file, also as a PDF file, co-author Bill Bowers)
June 20, 2003 Grayland, WA (U.S.A.) DXpedition report from June 1997 (Word file)
June 18, 2003 Grayland, WA (U.S.A.) DXpedition logs and reports from March 2002, November 2001 and September 2001 (Word files)
May 19, 2003 An article about Mediumwave Spectrum Scanning (Word file) by Steve Whitt
May 14, 2003 Em português: Monitorando o Iraque: A Guerra nas Ondas do Rádio (translated from English by Ivan Dias)
May 9, 2003 Bavaria Spring DX Camp report by Michael Schnitzer
April 22, 2003 Digital Radio taking over the AM band? Update on the IBOC
April 18, 2003 Profile of Richard D'Angelo
April 13, 2003 Enabling the People of the Congo to Communicate, a profile article of Radio Okapi by Richard D'Angelo
April 10, 2003 Radio for the Future of Iraq, a profile article of clandestine station al-Mustaqbal (The Future)
April 7, 2003 Leaflets about Information Radio and transcripts of Information Radio programming
April 5, 2003 US steps up propaganda war, a profile article on Information Radio in Iraq
March 14, 2003 Fjerritslev (Denmark) DXpedition report, mediumwave log (Excel file) and shortwave log (Excel file)
March 11, 2003 Press room for journalists, press release about the Voice of Iraqi Liberation
Feb 24, 2003 Article Monitoring Iraq: War of the Airwaves
Feb 21, 2003 Profile of Super 1440 in Rio de Janeiro
Feb 15, 2003 List of Mediumwave stations in Brazil (PDF file) by DX Clube do Brasil
Feb 11, 2003 List of Mediumwave and Shortwave stations in Afghanistan
Jan 30, 2003 RecAll-PRO, the Ultimate Virtual Recording Device for DXing (also as a Word file), an article by Guido Schotmans
Jan 18, 2003 Profile of Radio Cavell, Oldham, and author Alan Gale
Jan 14, 2003 Bob Padula's Review of World Radio TV Handbook 2003
Jan 13, 2003 Richard McVicar's Review of The Short-Wave Mystery
Jan 8, 2003 Chamberlain, Maine, DXpedition report and log (Nov. 2002) and an article by Jerry Berg on the Chamberlain DXpedition site
Jan 5, 2003 Article on Emerging Techniques of High-Tech DXpeditioning (also available as a Word file) by Guy Atkins, John Bryant, Nick Hall-Patch and Don Nelson
Dec 14, 2002 Report on the Waianakarua DXpedition site, Wainakarua DXpedition reports and logs from 2001, 2000, 1999 and 1998, profile of Paul Ormandy
Dec 6, 2002 LEM169 DXpedition Report and Log by Mika Mäkeläinen and Jim Solatie
Nov 19, 2002 Bavaria Autumn DX-Camp report by Michael Schnitzer
Nov 3, 2002 Miscou Island DXpedition report by Jacques d'Avignon
Oct 31, 2002 Logs of shortwave and mediumwave stations heard in Finland during the 2001-2002 season, by continent
Oct 27, 2002 Profile of NRK Ingøy by Bernt Erfjord
Oct 9, 2002 Articles Nailing Tonga and What 4.6 watts can do published in Russian, translated by Igor Zhurkin
Oct 7, 2002 Profile of Radio San Miguel Arcangel, San Miguel de Pallaques, by Takayuki Inoue Nozaki
Oct 1, 2002 Profile of Radio América, Asunción, by Adán Mur
Sept 29, 2002 Wellbrook K9AY Antenna by Guy Atkins
Sept 12, 2002 Bob Padula's reviews of Radio Broadcasting in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar
Sept 11, 2002 Pictures from the 2002 Winter SWL Fest in Kulpsville, PA, United States
Sept 11, 2002 Report on the Långåminne DXpedition site
Sept 2, 2002 Report from the EDXC 2002 Conference by Mika Mäkeläinen
Sept 1, 2002 Coorong 1999 DXpedition report and log by David Onley
Aug 31, 2002 Itati 2002 DXpedition report and log by Arnaldo Slaen
Aug 31, 2002 Sponsors page
Aug 25, 2002 Lists of shortwave stations logged in Finland in 1999 and 2001 (PDF files)
Aug 12, 2002 A detailed User's Guide published. The article is also available as a Word file for DX publications.
Aug 6, 2002 Shop opened with special deals on WRTH and other reference books as well as Sangean receivers (Edit: discontinued)
Aug 4, 2002 Meeting Japanese DXers written by Jim Solatie
July 20, 2002 Filipino AM, a list of Philippine MW stations (PDF file), by Bjarne Mjelde
July 4, 2002 Profile of Radio UNAMSIL in Sierra Leone
June 28, 2002 The Inside Story: DXing and Broadcasting in China and a profile of the author Danny Wu
June 25, 2002 Articles by John Bryant: Wellbrook K9AY Antenna, Testing Two "KAZ" Squashed Delta Antennas, Audio Switching Network, Is Your Coaxial Lead-in Actually an Antenna? (Word file, co-author Bill Bowers) and Fabricating Impedance Transformers for Receiving Antennas (Word file)
June 17, 2002 Profile of Bjarne Mjelde
June 16, 2002 Impressions and a field test - K9AY loop antenna, article by Bjarne Mjelde
June 15, 2002 List of X-band stations from North America
June 10, 2002 List of X-band stations from Argentina
June 9, 2002 Profile of Henrik Klemetz
June 6, 2002 Comments about DXing.info
May 28, 2002 Peru on shortwave 1992-1998 logs by Henrik Klemetz added in the Logs section (Excel file)
May 25, 2002 Older DXpedition logs and reports from 1990-1997
May 21, 2002 Profile of Marcelo Toniolo
May 15, 2002 The EWE in the Garden, article by Michael Schnitzer
May 12, 2002 DXing.info made public; based on material from Freeze! DXing Arctic Style, with added resources including the DX glossary and an enlarged collection of audio files, the new site is open to contributions from DXers all over the world
May 11, 2002 Profile of Michael Schnitzer
May 9, 2002 DXing.info is opened to Community members for test use
April 28, 2002 DXing.info Community welcomes its 100th member
April 12, 2002 Community Forums made public (Edit: discontinued)
April 7, 2002 Community Forums, the first section of DXing.info, opened for test use
  (Please see the history for site info prior to April 2002.)

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