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This section of DXing.info is for DXpedition logs, reports and guides from around the world. Enjoy, and contribute yourself. If you have DXpedition logs that you would like to see here, to share with other DXers, please email Charles Hutton, who edits this page.

On other index pages you will find DXpedition reports by Mika Mäkeläinen (from Finland), as well as DXpedition reports from Australia, Canada, South Africa and the United States. The remaining countries, with fewer DXpedition reports, are listed here:

Argentina: Itati

August 18-19, 2002 | Arnaldo Slaen

July 14-17, 2022 Report (PDF) and Log (PDF) | Ariel Osvaldo Torres | Julio Cesar Pereira | Ivan Dias etc.

Brazil: Bahia

March 3-10, 2007 | Rocco Cotroneo

Brazil: Ilha Comprida

November 11-14, 2005 | 13 participants | report by Renato Uliana

October 9-11, 2004 | Rocco Cotroneo | Marcelo Bedene | Wilson Rodriguez | Rudolf Grimm | Carlos Felipe da Silva | Ivan Dias | Carlos Castano

Brazil: Marajo Island

November 15-18, 2019 | Ivan Dias da Silva Junior | Martin Butera (PDF)

Brazil: Recife

November 2020 (PDF) | Martín Butera

May 2021 (including other locations, PDF) | Martín Butera

Brazil: Rio de Janeiro

March 2021 (PDF) | Martín Butera

Denmark: Fjerritslev

February 5-12, 2005 | Report | MW log | Tropical band log | SW log | NDB log (all logs in Excel format)

February 8-15, 2003 | Report | MW log | SW log (Excel)

Easter Island

March 16-25, 2007 | John H. Bryant

AIH164: December 3-10, 2022 | Report and log (PDF) |Graham Bell | MKA

AIH151: January 22-29, 2022 | Report (PDF) | Log (PDF) | Graham Bell | MKA

AIH65: November 5-20, 2016 | Report (PDF) | Elio Fior | Francesco Luigi Clemente

DXpedition reports from Aihkiniemi by Mika Mäkeläinen

Finland: Lemmenjoki

LEM487: Dec. 30-Jan. 13, 2024 | Report (PDF) | Hannu Niilekselä

LEM482: Oct. 21-Nov. 4, 2023 | Report (PDF) | Hannu Niilekselä | Hannu Asikainen

LEM204: Dec. 11-19, 2004 | Log | Juha Ignatius | Yrjö Kainulainen

LEM201: Nov. 20-27, 2004 | Log | Hannu Asikainen | Hannu Niilekselä

LEM195: Sept. 9-18, 2004 | Log (MS Word) | JMS | HS

LEM194: March 11-21, 2004 | Log (MS Word) | Jan-Erik Österholm (JEÖ) and Tuomo Ahonen (TUA)

Finland: Muhos

January 21-28, 2005 | Andrea Lawendel | Renato Bruni

Season 2023-2024 (PDF)| Jim Solatie | Jari Ruohomäki | Vesa-Jussi Rinkinen

Germany: Bavaria

May 1-5, 2003 | Michael Schnitzer

November 14-18, 2002 | Michael Schnitzer

April 27-May 1, 2002 | Michael Schnitzer

New Zealand: Waianakarua

April 20-24, 2001 | Paul Ormandy

March 13-18, 2000 | Paul Ormandy

March 16-21, 1999 | Paul Ormandy

April 25 - May 2, 1998 | Paul Ormandy

Philippines: Jordan

July 10 - August 21, 2008 (MS Word) | Geir Stokkeland

Reunion Island

October 23 - November 4, 2006 | Vincent Lecler

 DXpedition resources outside DXing.info

KONG DXpeditions to Kongsfjord Norway (in RTF format)
PAX DXpeditions to Parkalompolo Sweden
Kadyshevo 2007, Russia (2003, 2004, 2005)
Piancada, Udine, Italy
Mandarmani, India

to Hometo Page Top

TV report on DXpeditions seen worldwide
in Real Media
format, published here with permission from the producer © YLE 1999

 Em português


Article on Kongsfjord, the northernmost DXpedition site in the world (PDF)

Article on Emerging Techniques of High-Tech DXpeditioning

Profiles of DXpedition sites:
Grayland (photo)
Long Beach Island

About DXing | About this Site | © Mika Mäkeläinen 2002-2024 | All rights reserved