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 kHz:  radio station, location:  recorded in:  submitted by:
720 Voice of Mujahedin 2003 Finland Mika Mäkeläinen
1566 Two Rivers R 2003 Finland M Mäkeläinen
1575 R Al-Mustaqbal 2002 Finland M Mäkeläinen
1584 R Tikrit 2003 Finland M Mäkeläinen
1584 R Sumer 2003 Finland Mauno Ritola
3880 Voice of the Communist Party of Iran 2003 Finland M Mäkeläinen
3902 Voice of Iraqi People 2003 Finland M Mäkeläinen
3975 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan 2003 Finland M Mäkeläinen
4025 Voice of Iraqi Liberation 2003 Finland M Mäkeläinen
4025 Voice of the People of Kurdistan 2003 Finland M Mäkeläinen
4085 Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan in Arabic and in Kurdish 2003 Finland M Mäkeläinen
4141 R Kurdistan, Voice of the Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party, in Arabic and in Kurdish 2003 Finland M Mäkeläinen
4245 Voice of Kurdistan Toilers 2003 Finland M Mäkeläinen
6261 Voz de la Resistencia (.wma file) 1998 Colombia Henrik Klemetz
6304 R Camilo Cienfuegos via La Voz del Cuba Independiente y Democrática 1986 Finland M Mäkeläinen
7100 Voice of Islamic Revolution in Iraq (via IRIB) 2003 Finland M Mäkeläinen
7100 A Voz de Resistencia do Galo Negro 1991 Finland M Mäkeläinen
7310 Voice of the People via RN Madagascar (MP3) 2002 Brazil Samuel Cássio
7460 IBC Tamil 2000 Mauritius Mahendra Vaghjee
7470 R Caimán 1987 Finland M Mäkeläinen
8700 Information R (Afghanistan) 2002 Finland M Mäkeläinen
9155 Ashur R 2002 Finland M Mäkeläinen
9645 R Free Iraq 2003 Finland M Mäkeläinen
9715 Information R (Iraq) 2002 Finland M Mäkeläinen
  Information R (Iraq) - WAV 2002 Finland Mauno Ritola
9750 Republic of Iraq R, Voice of the Iraqi People 2003 Finland M Mäkeläinen
9775 R Dat 2002 Finland M Mäkeläinen
11820 Voice of the Communist Party of Turkey 1986 Finland M Mäkeläinen
12115 Voice of the Homeland (tent, no ID) 2002 Finland M Mäkeläinen
12125 Jakada R International 2002 Finland M Mäkeläinen
SW La Voz de la Resistencia Chilena via Radio Algiers 1985 Finland M Mäkeläinen

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