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AIH106 DXpedition Log (INCOMPLETE)
October 27 - November 9, 2019

 Europe (excluding Iberia)
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1476 6.11. 0500 Carillon Wellbeing Radio, Loughborough
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:

Note: As with all continents, only rarities are listed. Another 100+ Spanish stations would have been available as well. Iberia (Spain, Portugal, Azores, Gibraltar & Andorra) counting as a separate continent is a Finnish DXers' quirk, underscoring Iberia's traditionally strong status in Nordic DXing and the distinctive character of its broadcasting scene.

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1268.9985 29.10. 0444- Taraba State BS, Jalingo. No ID, but no other Nigerian stations here.
1440 29.10. 0435- Adamawa BC, Yola
1566 28.10. 0429 TWR Sérarou, Benin, with a strong signal on most mornings
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
926.9986 28.10. 1359 BCC Taichung. I only later realized that I already have the same station verified on 720 AM.
963 28.10. 1400 DYMF Cebu City with Bombo Radyo programming
999 28.10. 1444 Bangladesh Betar, Thakurgaon
1134 28.10. 1559 PBC Quetta
1431 30.10. -1334 Sor. Thor. Ror. 6, Songkhla
1584 30.10. 1000 JOPG NHK1 Kushiro (585) via Nemuro
 Australia & Oceania
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
539.9999 31.10. 0948 2AP Apia, has moved spot on on the frequency after getting a new 5-kW transmitter. Two years earlier with 0.5 kW of power I found the station on 540.0051 kHz.
540 31.10. 1131 Rhema, Christchurch/New Plymouth/Tauranga
557.9998 31.10. 1239 Radio Fiji 1, Suva, is almost on the same split as KBS and CRK
1017.0053 31.10. 1000 A3Z Nuku'alofa, Tonga, still has a distinctive split frequency. Heard almost daily on AIH106, the station usually identifies simply as "Radio Tonga". Most programming is in Tongan, but for instance on this day an official announcement from Tonga Power Limited about a planned power cut was given also in English.
1098.0003 31.10. -1132 V7AB Majuro closes down roughly at this time, and was heard almost every day on our DXpedition.
1179 31.10. 1151 + Radio Ake, Auckland
1296 31.10. 1140 Newstalk ZB, Hamilton. A hint: at this particular time Newstalk ZB stations give a local ID along with the local FM frequency. This Hamilton transmitter however doesn't identify as Hamilton, but "Waikato", which is the larger surrounding district around Hamilton.
1610.9844 30.10. 1326 + SBS Pop Desi, Launceston, Tasmania, with an offset quite far from DWNX, which is almost spot on. SBS however doesn't recognize this transmission and hasn't verified my report.
 North America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
550 8.11. 0700 KBOW Butte MT
580 2.11. 1056 KSAZ Marana AZ, "La Nueva Radio Kasa"
600 7.11. 0700 KOGO San Diego CA
630 5.11. 0700 WBMQ Savannah GA
680 3.11. 0805 WNZK Dearborn Heights MI
680 9.11. 1000 KFEQ Saint Joseph MO
800 5.11. 0830 WNNW Lawrence MA
889.9990 5.11. 0903 WAMG Dedham MA, "La Mega"
820 5.11. 0700 WNYC New York NY
910 5.11. 0736 WLAT New Britain CT, "La Nueva Mega" // 101.7 FM
930 5.11. 0922 WLLL Lynchburg VA, promoting its website www.wlllradio.com, which however no longer even existed.
940 5.11. 1114 KMER Kemmerer WY, "Spur Country"
950 5.11. 1008 WIBX Utica NY
960 8.11. 0700 KFLN Baker MT // 98.7 FM
970 5.11. 0754 WWRK Florence SC, "Rock 94.1, 97.9 and 105.9, the Rock FMs", audible intermittently for a couple of hours, so surely using daytime power.
990 5.11. 0755 + WNTY Southington CT, "Kool 9-90 and 96.1 FM"
990 5.11. 0900 WTLN Orlando FL
1010 2.11. 1100 KTNZ Amarillo TX
1100 8.11. 1000 WGNZ Fairborn OH // 104.3 FM
1110.0057 4.11. 2213 WMBI Chicago IL, "Radio Moody" programming in Spanish, switching off at 2229.
1120 5.11. 0830 WPRX Bristol CT. Thanks to Mauricio Molano for identifying the local spot that I heard!
1140 2.11. 0500 KHFX Cleburne TX
1140 4.11. 2230 WVEL Pekin IL
1230 5.11. 0706 WBLQ Westerly RI
1230 5.11. 0800 WFAS White Plains NY
1230 5.11. 0917 WSOK Savannah GA // 99.7 FM
1250 5.11. 0818 WMTR Morristown NJ
1300 7.11. 1212 KCMY Carson City NV // 102.5 FM
1310 3.11. 1217 KGMT Fairbury NE
1340 5.11. 0800 WYBC New Haven CT, "This is WSHU Public Radio on 91.1 ..."
1350 5.11. 0831 WMMV Cocoa FL // 1240 WMMB
1360 3.11. 0854 WLBK Dekalb IL is a newstalk station, but it was exceptionally airing an EZL program, which was very confusing
1380 30.10. 2300 WWMI Saint Petersburg FL
1400 3.11. 1300 KRSC Othello WA
1400 5.11. 0900 WINC Winchester VA // 104.9 FM
1440 5.11. 0405 WHIS Bluefield WV // 97.3 FM
1440 9.11. 0900 WGIG Brunswick GA
1450 3.11. 0800 WAOV Vincennes IN
1450 5.11. 0930 WMFJ Daytona Beach FL, "Cornerstone Radio 1450 AM WMFJ Daytona Beach"
1450 7.11. 1000 WASK Lafayette IN // FM 101.7
1460 7.11. 1300 KENO Las Vegas NV, "La deportiva de nuestra ciudad".
1470 31.10. 1000 KKTY Douglas WY
1470 5.11. 0938 WLMC Georgetown SC, "The new oldies 101.1 FM"
1490.0045 29.10. 1136 KBZY Salem OR
1490 31.10. 0600 WBSS Pleasantville NJ
1490 4.11. 2231 WERE Cleveland Heights OH, as well as the more common WMRN a few minutes earlier
1490 5.11. 0334 WRCE Watkins Glen NY
1490 5.11. 1000 WLPA Lancaster PA, // 92.5 & 98.7 FM
1549.9968 4.11. -2231 TENT. WHIT Madison WI was playing country music, but was unfortunately not heard during station identifications. The daytime-only station closed down just before sunset as it should.
1580 3.11. 1202 KAMI Cozad NE, "Family Country Legends" // 92.7 FM
1580 5.11. 0259 KGAF Gainesville TX
 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
660.0035 5.11. 0458 Radio Progreso, Jovellanos
1040 30.10. 0758 Radio Mayabeque, Güines
1160 7.11. 1300- XEQIN San Quintín BC
 South America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
540 28.10. 0517 + Radio Pasión, Buenos Aires
590 29.10. 2302 ZYH627 Rádio Poty, Crateús CE
599.9040 7.11. 0459 CB60 Radio Vida Nueva, Santiago
680 28.10. 0526 LT3 Radio Cerealista, Rosario
700.0018 5.11. 0425 HJCX W Radio, Cali
720 28.10. 0529 LRA59 Radio Nacional, Gobernador Gregores
740 28.10. 0521 LRA55 Radio Nacional, Alto Rio Senguer
829.9928 5.11. 0605 HCRM2 Radio Huancavilca, Guayaquil
899.9483 5.11. 0719 HJEY La Voz de Cali, Cali. I heard this station for the first time in 2012, but it is worth mentioning because of the distinctive offset. The most powerful signal from the region on this frequency is Cuban Radio Progreso on 899.9923 kHz, abruptly signing off today at 0845 UTC.
939.9976 5.11. 0846 HCBZ1 Radio Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Quito
939.9996 5.11. 0800 HJA76 Frecuencia U, Medellín
1020.0003 5.11. 0730 HJDQ Emisora Claridad, Medellín
1030 29.10. 0552 CC103 Radio Chilena, Concepción, announcing its frequency as 103 AM, not 1030 AM.
1040.0217 5.11. 0543 HJUB Colmundo Radio, Pasto, was an old acquintance, but happy to hear it with a local ID. Oddly, WURN has been logged on this same offset, which I presume is a mistake.
1170 5.11. 0558 HJGA Radio Auténtica, Tunja
1380 30.10. 0319 + ZYK293 Rádio Cultura, Santana do Livramento RS
Check out also the AIH106 DXpedition Report
Published on February 3, 2025 and updated later

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AIH106 DXpedition Report


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