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AIH139 DXpedition Log
September 18-October 2, 2021

Note: Only personally new or relatively rare stations are listed. Depending on conditions, another 500-1,000 other MW stations could be identified during any week in Aihkiniemi.

 Europe (excluding Iberia)
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
927 18.9. 2101 Power 927, Milano.
6020 26.9. 1253 Radio Delta International, Elburg.
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
720 22.9. 1700 CNR17 Kazakh Service, Karamay XJ.
846 25.9. 2200 CNR3 Voice of Music (Yinyue zhi Sheng), from an UNID location. Wei Wei believes this could be from southwestern China.
846 25.9. 2200 CNR "Minzu Guangbo". This station is probably from northeast China, but who knows more? It has a website at minzuguangbo.com.
855 22.9. 1659 CNR17 Kazakh Service, Bortala XJ.
900 1.10. 1500 + Wuhan Economic Service (Jingji Guangbo), Yichang HB. This is a relay station of the main transmitter on 1125 kHz.
936 24.9. 1600 + Xizang PBS (Hanyu Guangbo) with many low power transmitters around XZ.
945 1.10. 1500 + Wuhan Economic Service (Jingji Guangbo), UNID QTH // 900, 1125 AM. Of the two listed locations in Hubei, Qichun would be more likely than Jingzhou, because it is closer to Wuhan.
999 19.9. 1630 + Radio Afghanistan, Orzu, in Farsi. This is apparently a new frequency for a monster powerful 500-kW transmitter.
1215 25.9. 2200 CNR "Minzu Guangbo", from an unknown location. This sounded like a powerful transmitter, and the broadcast was in Chinese. Could this be the Baishan transmitter in Jilin, which was supposed to transmit CNR8 Minzu zhi Sheng in Korean?
1260 22.9. 1659 CNR17 Kazakh Service, Tuyun XJ.
1260 1.10. 1500 CNR3 Voice of Music, UNID QTH. ID in Chinese as "Yunye zhi shneng", but also in English as simply "Music Radio".
1458 20.9. 1900 Fuxing Guangbo Dientai, Kaohsiung City. This is a relatively new Taiwanese station, which I neglected to report last season, so now I finally recorded its ID.
1503 1.10. 1500 CNR Minzu Guangbo, UNID QTH.
1511.9902 29.9. -1700 Thor Or 011, Songhkla.
1521 24.9.
+ Sichuan PBS "Sichuan Minzu Guangbo" (Minorities Radio "Voice of Golden Bridge"), Serxu SC, heard in Tibetan and in Chinese. This station has probably never before been heard in Europe, but is bound to become a relatively common catch after CRI vacated the frequency.
1521 1.10. 1352 + Hubei zhi sheng, UNID QTH.
1521 1.10. 1500 + Zhujiang Economic Broadcasting Station, Shaoguan GD.
1530.0036 22.9. 1815 tent. Radio Masjid Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta. No ID, but the combo of Indonesian-language announcements and recitation of the Koran can't be anything else. Occasionally this was dominating the frequency.
 Australia & Oceania
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
936 1.10. 1500 7ZR ABC Hobart, Tasmania. It was nice to finally score this last remaining Australian state. Otherwise propagation conditions to Australia were miserable considering that this should have been the best time of the year.
 North America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
920 1.10. 0100 WFAA West Lafayette IN, an NPR station at Purdue University.
930 2.10. 0400 KLUP Terrell Hills TX.
940 20.9. 0206 KIXZ Amarillo TX.
1050 21.9. 0100 WLIP Kenosha WI.
1080 2.10. 0500 WQOS Coral Gables FL was a neat surprise, peaking at exactly the time of the top-of-the-hour local station ID.
1230 1.10. 0100 WBET Sturgis MI.
1240 22.9. 0030 WJIM Lansing MI.
1240 1.10. 0100 WBET Sturgis MI.
1330 20.9. 0341 + WAEW Crossville TN. Another neat surprise during this fast and furious opening.
1340 30.9. 2359 + WCHB Royal Oak MI. Not reported now, but instead a couple of weeks later on AIH142 DXpedition, when the reception was better.
1360 20.9. 0342 + WFLW Monticello KY was perhaps the best catch of all during this extremely short opening: Three new stations in three minutes with the rest of the night just junk. And what a cool format - Classic Country, my favorite!
1360 27.9. 0159 KPXQ Glendale AZ.
1400 20.9. 0344 WZNG Shelbyville TN // 100.9 FM with real classic rock. After making a recording of the station ID, I realized I already had an ID of this station from years ago, but I had forgotten to send a report. Oh well.
1460 30.9. 0701 WQXM Bartow FL, "WQXM Ritmo 99" was looking for sales agents (ejecutivos de venta), so here is your job opportunity!
1470 20.9. 0343 WVOL Berry Hill TN, "The Mighty 147". This was heard during an opening to Tennessee, which lasted only a few minutes. Otherwise the entire night and morning was boring with just the usual suspects on the dial.
1470 23.9.
WWNN Pompano Beach FL. The transmission ceased to be heard at 2330 UTC (in October), when nighttime power and antenna pattern came into force.
1470.0566 1.10. 0259 WBCR Alcoa TN, "Truth Radio", way off its nominal frequency.
1510 27.9. -2300 WMEX Quincy MA, signing off in September at this time, and heard also on a couple of other evenings.
1530 29.9. 2300 + WVBF Middleborough Center MA. Fortunately a promotional announcement for a program producer right at the top of the hour, when Romania aired its time signal instead of spoiling everything by talking. The station included a sentence of Finnish in its verification email: "Kiitos, että kuuntelit" (Thank you for listening.)
1550 30.9. 0700 WAMA Tampa FL, "WAMA, Tampa-Clearwater-St.Petersburg, al aire por el 107.7 FM, 1550 AM y siempre por laleyradio.com ...", what a neat surprise station!
1570 22.9. 0100 KMCD Fairfield IA.
1570 23.9. 0132 WFUR Grand Rapids MI, "West Michigan's Christian Radio WFUR 1570 AM Grand Rapids".
1570 27.9. 0204 WHTX Warren OH is no longer an ESPN station, as listed in the AM Radio Log, but sends classic hits instead.
1600 27.9.
+ WCPK Chesapeake VA, "Hosanna Radio 1600 AM, lo mejor es para tí".
 South America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1399.9965 22.9. 0003 HJAS La Cariñosa, Barranquilla. A local ID "La Cariñosa, 1400 AM", but unfortunately it didn't mention the city. There's also another station of the same network in Armenia. The offset matches Barranquilla though, and the ID pattern is what Barranquilla uses (based on listening to its web stream).
1420 21.9. 0402 CB142 Radio Panamericana, Santiago.
1440 25.9. 0257 LU36 Radio Coronel Suárez, Coronel Suárez.
1440 30.9. 0430 OAM76 Radio Solar, Espinar.
1450 29.9. 2101 ZYI699 Rádio Sertão, Patos PB.
Check out also the AIH139 DXpedition Report
Published on September 3, 2023

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