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AIH39 DXpedition Log (INCOMPLETE)
October 18 – November 1, 2014
(including programmed recordings made before and after)

 Europe (excluding Iberia)
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:

Note: As with all continents, only rarities are listed. Another 100+ Spanish stations would have been available as well. Iberia (Spain, Portugal, Azores, Gibraltar & Andorra) counting as a separate continent is a Finnish DXers' quirk, underscoring Iberia's traditionally strong status in Nordic DXing and the distinctive character of its broadcasting scene.

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
549 11.11. 1500 Alashan PBS, Bayanhot NM
585 1.11.
+ Jingzhou PBS, Jingzhou HB, "...FM 97-2, AM 585, Jignzhou Renmin Guangbo Diantai, zonghe pinlu, Jingzhou zhi sheng".
747 14.11. 1600 + Hebei PBS (Story Service), Shijiazhuang EB
792 27.10.
Keelung BS, Keelung
846 30.10.
Jiangsu PBS (Health Service), Nanjing JS, "Jiangsu Jiankang Guangbo"
900 12.11. 1700 Henan PBS Rural Service (Nongcun Guangbo), UNID QTH. I have heard Henan here with three different services over the years, and have no idea whether they're from the same location(s) or not.
1008 27.10. 1600 Cheng Sheng BC, Kaohsiung
1080 8.11. 1601 + Zhejiang zhi Sheng, Pingyang/Shengsi/Xiangshan ZJ, simulcasting with 810 AM, where the signal was of course much better
1134 1.11.
+ Gansu PBS (Xinwen Zonghe Guangbo), Maqu/Yumen GS, "FM 96.0, AM 684, 873"
1134 1.11. 1400 + Tongchuan PBS, Tongchuan SN
1251 1.11. 1200 Hubei PBS (Jingji Guangbo), Jingmen/Xianning HB
1395 27.10. 1600 Cheng Sheng BC, Tafa
1485 27.10. 1400 BSS Ota (rel. JOHF 900), "BSS Radio"
 Australia & Oceania
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
740 29.10. 1359 KCIK Kihei HI, with Immaculate Heart Radio programming
 North America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
790 1.11. 0557 WNIS Norfolk VA, time check "WNIS Newstalk 1.57". David A. Morgan, Director of Engineering and a ham, told me in his verification email that the station was temporarily running at only 25% of normal power with a non-directional antenna instead of the usual directional antenna. This made reception easier, as the nighttime directional pattern is very unfavorable to our direction.
800 31.10. 0834 CJAD Montréal QC, was surprisingly strong against the usual dominant CKLW, with a really nice ID at this time
890.0002 30.10. 1329 KMJE Olivehurst CA, "La Buena" // 92.1 FM, presumably launching on daytime power precisely at 1312 UTC, when it immediately took over the frequency. No trace of the signal until then.
890.0017 30.10. 1222 KYWN Meridian ID, "La Perla 890 AM". This Spanish-language station is so close to the dominant CJDC (890.0027 kHz) that it can't really be distinguished on the display.
940 28.10. 0500 KPSZ Des Moines IA, "Iowa's Christian Voice"
980 27.10. 2349 CHRF Montréal QC, "Radio Fierté AM 980", often on the following days
1050 29.10. 1159 KBLE Seattle WA, "Sacred Heart Radio" listed all stations of the network and "welcoming our new listeners on the new AM 1240 KBUP Olympia" - 1240 being an easier frequency, but not a trace heard at this particular time.
1090 28.10. 2359 WCAR Livonia MI, "The Yahoo Sports Radio 1090 WCAR Livonia"
1120 1.11. 0800 WKAJ St. Johnsville NY
1140 30.10. 2229 WCJW Warsaw NY, "CJ Country"
1190 31.10. 2341 KKOJ Jackson MN, closed down after the national anthem, which began at 2342. Identifies location as "Jackson Minnesota, Spirit Lake Iowa".
1230 29.10.   KDYM (// 93.7 FM), KORT, KVAS
1230 30.10.   KHAS, KBNH (//92.7 KORC), KVAS, KSBN, KDYM ("La Estación de la Familia")
1230 31.10.   KXLO, KTRF
1240 29.10.   KEJO
1240 30.10.   KCCR, KEJO, KTIK
1240 31.10.   KODY, KFOR, KSCR, KCCR
1240 28.10. 0600 KOKL Okmulgee OK, "1240 The Brew"
1240 29.10. 0700 WBAS West Yarmouth MA, with an English-language top-of-the-hour ID in the middle of Portuguese programming
1240 31.10. 07-12 some usual suspects: KODY, KFOR, KSCR
1260 28.10. 0605 KSGF Springfield MO // 104.1 FM
1269.9978 29.10.
KBAM Longview WA, "Now Country 935", also identifying as "K-Bam".
1340 28.10. 0500 KROC Rochester MN
1340 29.10.   KGGS, KIHR, KBNW, KWLE
1340 30.10.   KGGS, KTMM, KLOO, KBNW
1340 30.10. 1206 KBBR North Bend OR
1340 31.10.   KWOR, KTFI
1370 30.10. 0600 KWRT Boonville MO, "Your hometown station ... 1370 KWRT Boonville, a Billings broadcasting station"
1380 28.10. 0601 KKRX Lawton OK, "Lock in the all new heart and soul 1380 on your radio, KKRX Lawton, a Perry broadcasting station".
1400 28.10. 0500 WBIZ Eau Claire WI, with a very basic ID: "Sportsradio 1400 WBIZ Eau Claire"
1400 29.10.   KART
1400 30.10.   KART, KKTL, KCOW, KBJM, KRPL
1400 31.10.   WATW, KBRB, KCOW, KLIN
1440 31.10. 0314 WJJL Niagara Falls NY
1449.9956 30.10. 1204 KSUH Puyallup WA, ID as "Radio Hankook", but later also a call-letter ID // 1230 KWYZ
1450 28.10. 0524 KGIW Alamosa CO
1450 29.10. 0500 WSNO Barre VT
1450 29.10.   KVSI KBKW KLZS
1450 30.10. 0500 KEZJ Twin Falls ID // 1490 KCID, "Radio Católica Sal y Luz"
1450 30.10.   KZZJ, KVSI, KGRE
1450 31.10. 0600 WPSE Erie PA, "A Penn State Erie Radio, WPSE Erie, your memory station". Later in the morning, KYNT, XECU, KBBS, KATE and KBMW were identified here.
1469.7036 30.10. 0906 KBSN Moses Lake WA is a regular station, but wandering on a very irregular frequency.
1480 1.11. 0523 WCFR Springfield VT, "Springfield's Variety WCFR 180 AM, 106.5 FM and on demand at springfieldsvariety.com"
1480 1.11. 0800 WPWC Dumfries-Triangle VA, in addition to call letters, giving its slogan "Radio Fiesta 1480 AM"
1489.9967 30.10. 2231 WCEC Haverhill MA, "Impacto 1490" was not a new one for me, but still a nice catch.
1490 29.10.   KCID ("Radio Catolica Sal y Luz" // 1450 KEZJ), KDBM, KEYG
1490 30.10.   KORN, KWOK
1490 31.10.   KLGR, KVOC
1550 30.10. 0559 KDCC Dodge City KS, with a local ID after the Dan Patrick Show
1550 31.10. 1100 KICS Hastings NE, ID, dual ID with KXPN Kearney, "Central Nebraska's ESPN super station"
1560 28.10. 0600 KEBC Del City OK, "KEBC Del City, your home for NBC Sports Radio 1550 AM, The Franchise 2". An exceptional opening to Oklahoma at this time!
1560 31.10. 0100 KLNG Council Bluffs IA, not a new one for me, but still worth listing
1570 28.10. 0500 WLKD Minocqua WI, weak ID under XERF
1570 1.11. 0530 WMVX Beverly MA, "Nossa Rádio", also giving its address "Rua 85 Washington Street, na cidade de Somerville".
1600 31.10. 1200 KDAK Carrington ND, "Dakota Country Radio". 1490 AM was heard simulcasting, but not the much rarer 1220 AM.
1609.9951 29.10. 1145 WQLE259 Prudhoe Bay AK, "BP AM Radio 1610"
 Additional catches from January 2015
580 12.1. 0706 WIBW Topeka KS, "Breaking news and weather you can count on, now, 580 WIBW Topeka"
800 12.1. 0700 WDUX Waupaca WI, weak under CKLW: "Classic country AM 800 WDUX Waupaca".
1100 12.1. 0700 WISS Berlin WI, "... on WISSradio.com", on the air despite being a daytime-only station
1120 13.1. 0734 WKAJ Saint Johnsville NY, "1120 AM WKAJ, Saint Johnsville, playing the best classic hits", seems to be very tough to get verified
1230 12.1. 0759 WHIR Danville KY, "AM 1230 WHIR Danville and Hometownlive.net"
1240 12.1. 0800 WSFC Somerset KY, "The new Fox Sports WSFC Somerset AM 1240".
1340 12.1. 0829 WIZE Springfield OH, "Classic country 1340 WIZE"
1340 13.1. 0400 + WSBM Florence AL, "Fox Sports Shoals, Sports 97.9 FM W25OB4 and AM 1340 WSBM where sports beats music"
1400 12.1. 0806 WMAN Mansfield OH, "WMAN News Radio, 98.3, Mansfield's news, weather and sports"
1400 12.1. 1006 + KTMC McAlester OK, "One great song after another, your timeless classics, right here on AM 14 KTMC".
1450 13.1. 0500 WCTC New Brunswick NJ, "This is the home of Somerset Patriots baseball, the Voice of Central Jersey, 1450 WCTC New Brunswick, a Greater Media station"
1570 12.1. 0900 WTRB Ripley TN, "Keeping you up to date with the latest news from CBS News on 1570 WTRB Ripley"
1590 13.1. 0400 WFTH Richmond VA
 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
590 31.10. 0558 Radio Rebelde, Guantánamo, hasn't responded to me, so I'll try with a fresh report.
820 1.11. 0600 CMBU Radio Ciudad de la Habana, Arroyo Arenas
840 31.10. 0559 HOL80 Radio Nacional FM, Panamá. Not new, but you can never hear Panamá too often.
860 30.10. 0601 XENL Monterrey NL with a nice legal ID after the national anthem
890.1128 1.11. 0735 HIOR La Consentida, Mao, Valverde, giving a full ID at this odd hour, even listing its membership in ADORA, Asociación Dominicana de Radiodifusoras
1030 28.10. 0501 XELJ León GJ (with TX in Lagos de Moreno JL)
1280 27.10. 0534 XEAW Monterrey NL, with an excellent full ID giving all details of the station, which broadcasts // 101.3 FM
1300 28.10. 0601 XEXV León GJ, "La Zeta" // 88.9 FM
1430 28.10. 0524 XEWD Cd. Miguel Alemán TM, "Radio X"
1510 29.10. 0500 XEQI Monterrey NL, "XEQI 1510 AM la radio alternativa ..."
 Additional catches from January 2015
1080 12.1. 0659 Radio Progreso, UNID QTH
 South America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
540 31.10. 0551 HCFA2 Radio Santiago, Guayaquil. "En Radio Santiago 540 Guayaquil inicia espacio publicitario", followed by numerous spots and promos. Easy to identify with frequent IDs.
1110 1.11. 0701 HJDI Radio Bolivariana, Medellín, is a cultural station operated by Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
Check out also the AIH39 DXpedition Report
Published on February 3, 2025 and updated later

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AIH39 DXpedition Report


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