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AIH72 DXpedition Log
September 16–30, 2017

 Europe (excluding Iberia)
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
981 24.9. 0300 Radio Ceský Impuls, Praha/Moravske Budejovice
1395 22.9. 0136 Studio Denakker, Klazienaveen
1611 17.9.
Radio Northern Star, Bergen, transmitting at a power of 100 watts.
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
630 24.9. 0300 RDP Antena 1, Montemor-o Velho/Miranda do Douro. The technical department replied in a few hours by email from gabinete.tecnologias@rtp.pt, excellent service!

Note: As with all continents, only rarities are listed. Another 100+ Spanish stations would have been available as well. Iberia (Spain, Portugal, Azores, Gibraltar & Andorra) counting as a separate continent is a Finnish DXers' quirk, underscoring Iberia's traditionally strong status in Nordic DXing and the distinctive character of its broadcasting scene.

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
558 20.9. 0300 Radio Botswana, Muchenje // 648, 693, 972 heard as well. This 558 transmitter is marked as "irregular" in the WRTH.
567 21.9. 0300 Cape Talk, Klipheuwel, heard clearly for only a few seconds when Romania was quiet at the top of the hour, but Cape Talk's distinctive news tune was heard even when Romania was blasting.
647.9988 18.9.
Radio Botswana, Mopipi, was usually the best frequency for Botswana and a good indicator for conditions.
657 18.9. 0256 Radio Pulpit, Meyerton, offered spiritual counseling but was much less interested in discussing details of my reception report.
693 18.9.
Radio Botswana, Shakawe
702 18.9. 0214 LM Radio,Welgedacht, with a very nice nostalgia format. The station is run by radio amateur Chris Turner, ZS6GM, so correct reception reports are always answered.
828 18.9. 0253 Magic 828, Klipheuwel. One of the many ID formulations was this: "Cape Town's best music, Magic 828"
972 18.9.
Radio Botswana, Takotokwane, on both days heard // 693
1179 20.9. -2204 Rádio Moçambique, Quelimane
1485 16.9. 1905 Radio Ethiopia, Negele Borana
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
612 26.9. 2100 Shanxi PBS (Rural Service), Yuci SX. Sometimes this one uses just "Nongcun Guangbo" without the full name.
621 19.9. -1740 AIR Patna
621 26.9. 2200 Qinghai PBS (News General Service), Darlag/Guide/Haiyan QH. This service identifies also in English and uses Star Wars theme music with its station ID.
630 19.9. 1700 AIR Thrissur
747 24.9. 1630 IRIB Kerman, Sirjan. This is the much less common Iranian station on the frequency.
747 25.9. 2000 Shaanxi PBS (Opera Service), Xi'an SN
747 27.9. 1600 DYHB Bacolod, belongs to RMN, with the national anthem at 1602 and then close down.
765 25.9. 1957 DYAP Puerto Princesa City beginning its broadcast day. A bit later network programming with "Radyo Patrol" identifications.
945 25.9. 2230 CNR13 Uighur Service, Akqi/Kuche/Shache XJ
963 26.9. 2059 Taiwan BC, Nantou, beginning its broadcast day (so doesn't seem to be 24/7) and beating BCC to the ground.
981 22.9. 1800 IRIB Radio Hamadan, Hamadan
1008 20.9. 2000 IRIB Radio Mahabad, UNID QTH
1026 19.9. -1740 AIR Allahabad
1044 27.9. 1601 Nei Menggu PBS, Yakeshi NM
1053 21.9. 1700 Jiangsu PBS (Literary Service, Wenyi Guangbo), Nanjing JS
1143 27.9. 1700 CNR10 (Laonian zhi sheng), Urumqi XJ
1161  26.9. 2046 DYKR Kalibo. By 2130 DWCM Aksyon Radyo took over the frequency.
1188 26.9. 2114 DXRU Cagayan de Oro, "Radio Ultra"
1251 20.9. -1740 AIR Sangli
1287 18.9. 1700 Voice of Hope, She'ar Yashuv. Identifying as "Sawt al-Amal" in Arabic, but also in English: "AM 1287, the Voice of Hope, a Strategic Communications Group station"
1494 25.9.
Chiao Yu BS, Taichung/Taipei, switching from the BBC World Service to RFI in French at 1600 UTC.
1602 24.9. 1630 IRIB Radio Yazd, Bahabad. The more common Semnan was in the background.
1611.0009 25.9. 2055 DWNX Naga, also broadcasting on 91.1 FM
 Australia & Oceania
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
621 26.9. 1659 3RN ABC Radio National, Melbourne Vic. Also 774 AM from Melbourne was heard faintly, but too weak to report.
1242 25.9. 1908 5AU Port Augusta SA
1323 25.9. 1912 5DN Adelaide SA, identifying as "The Cruise 1323" and "Classic Hits, Cruise 1323"
1701.0281 26.9. 1620 Islamic Voice Radio, Melbourne, Vic. No ID, just non-stop recitation for a couple of hours. Based on the web stream and the exact offset, this is however the only possible station. Actually, I have been trying to get an ID already for years, but always in vain.
 North America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
 South America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
570 19.9. 0330 ZYL261 Rádio Capital, Belo Horizonte MG, relaying Rádio Liberdade 92.9 FM programming. Rocco Cotroneo kindly solved this UNID by recognizing the phone number 3539-9292.
580 24.9. 0411 ZYJ465 Rádio Relogio, São Gonçalo RJ, giving the time signal and time announcement every minute.
599.5752 27.9. 0405 tent. CB60 Radio Vida Nueva, Santiago, just preaching
599.9967 24.9. 0348 LU5 Radio Neuquén, Neuquén, relaying LV3 Radio Córdoba (700 AM) from midnight to 6 am local time. During the hunt I took note of the exact frequencies of the two most common Brazilians here: 599.9987 kHz is ZYK278 R Gaúcha, Porto Alegre RS and 599.9997 kHz is ZYH920 R Mirante AM, São Luís MA.
609.9966 25.9. 0403 ZP30 La Voz del Chaco Paraguayo, Filadelfia. The main interfering station is Rádio Itatiaia, which also uses the slogan "A Rádio de Minas", on exactly the same split frequency, and of course Radio Rural was heard as well. Rural in turn was heard also with Radio Transmundial programming, so some IDs can initially sound a bit misleading.
610.0020 27.9. 0350 ZYH321 Super Rede Boa Vontade de Rádio, Iranduba AM
620 24.9. 0353 LV4 Radio San Rafael, San Rafael, "La Radio de tu vida" was eager to do a live interview as soon as they got my report. Later, an article appeared about my hobby.
620 24.9. 0400 LRA18/LRA26/LRA28 Radio Nacional, Río Turbio/Resistencia/La Rioja
640 24.9. 0405 LU18 Radio El Valle, General Roca, relaying Radio Mitre (790) overnight, "Mitre informa primero"
650 20.9. 0422 Radio Belgrano, Buenos Aires, generally stronger than Uno.
649.9978 20.9. 0458 ZP4 Radio Uno, Asunción
669.996v 17.9. 0221 LU9/LRI209 Radio Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata. Strangely, both call letters were heard in different station identifications, but only LU9 is used on its often-promoted website www.lu9mardelplata.com. LU9 is drifting from 669.9951 to .9971
670 17.9. 0253 ZYL310 Rádio Educadora, Montes Claros MG
670 21.9. 0310 ZYJ921 Rádio Cultura de Sergipe, Aracaju SE, relaying Rede Aparecida programming.
LRA52/LRA11 Radio Nacional, Chos Malal/Comodoro Rivadavia, relaying LRA1 Radio Nacional from Buenos Aires. LRA1 has turned 80 years old, which is often reminded: "Nacional, 80 años, hacemos radio, hacemos historia." Because of two different split frequencies, I might have had two different outlets on these days, or then one of the transmitters is drifting.
679.9943 25.9. 0334 ZYK275 Rádio Farroupilha, Porto Alegre RS
680 24.9. 0357 LV6 Radio Nihuil, Mendoza. A program called "Sonidos en Movimiento" was going on with listeners calling in.
699.9979 17.9. 0300 + ZYK356 Rádio Batovi, São Gabriel RS
700 17.9. 2300 + ZYH500 Rádio Cultura, Feira de Santana BA, nowadays known as Rede Aleluia Feira de Santana. It seems to be impossible to get a QSL now that the format has become history, and the Aleluia station only remains on the FM band.
700 26.9. 0402 ZYI890 Rádio Globo, Teresina PI
710 24.9. 0400 LRA17/LRA19 Radio Nacional, Zapala/Puerto Iguazú
739.9977 27.9. 0417 AM 740 La Carretera, Allen. No ID, but plenty of local spots of businesses in Neuquén.
749.9995 24.9. 0359 LRA7 Radio Nacional, Córdoba, was one of the strongest Nacional outlets during this great Argentina opening
770.0040 25.9. 0301 Radio Cooperativa, Valentín Alsina (Buenos Aires)
780 24.9. 0400 LRA12/LRA10 Radio Nacional, Santo Tomé/Ushuaia
790 24.9. 0359 LRA22 Radio Nacional, San Salvador de Jujuy
799.9936 21.9.
ZP23 Radio La Unión, Asunción
820 22.9. 0400 LRA8 Radio Nacional, Formosa
820 24.9. 0348 LU24 Radio Tres Arroyos, Tres Arroyos, promoting its website lu24.com.ar.
830 17.9. 0229 ZYK346 Rádio Cassino, Rio Grande RS. Many thanks to Samuel Cássio for solving the local commercial spots!
840 21.9. 0307 LT12 Radio Nacional/Radio General Madariaga, Paso de los Libres, relaying Radio Nacional. I asked about the status and ownership of the stations, and v/s Teresa Reclusa Iribarren responded on Messenger that both the AM and FM stations now belong to the Argentinian government. The AM transmitter has both local and Radio Nacional programming, and FM relays Radio Madre from Buenos Aires.
850 17.9.
ZYH776 Rádio Tropical, Porangatu GO, with a program called "Noite Tropical" and promoting its FM frequency 90.9.
860 24.9. 0400 LRA56 Radio Nacional, Perito Moreno
890 21.9. 0229 LU33 Emisora Pampeana, Santa Rosa
890.0209 20.9. 0417 ZYH703 Rádio Planalto, Brasilia DF, just to note the split frequency.
900 24.9. 0415 ZYI533 Rádio Liberal, Belém PA
929.6975     tent. Radio Nuevo Mundo, Santiago, just to make a note of the offset
930.0010 26.9. 0411 ZYI423 Rádio Clube, Rondonópolis MT even announced its street address.
960 24.9. 0357 CB96 Radio Carrera, Santiago
959.9998 24.9. 0407 Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, a Bolivian station already familiar because of its shortwave broadcasts, "Radio Santa Cruz siempre te acompaña."
970 19.9. 0257 ZYH451 Rádio Sociedade, Feira de Santana BA (later on becoming Rádio Sociedade News FM 102.1)
990 24.9. 0402 LRH203 Radio AM 990, Formosa, relaying Radio Mitre overnight
1020 25.9. 0418 ZYJ244 Rádio Super Colombo, Curitiba PR, identifying as "Colombo, A Rádio do Povo," with time announcements between each song. This station was a very nice surprise!
1059.996v 26.9. 0404 CB106 Radio María, Santiago. Frequency measured changing between 1059.9957 to 1059.9984 kHz.
1070 17.9. 0200 ZYI673 Difusora Rádio Cajazeiras, Cajazeiras PB
1079.9989 27.9. 0411 ZYI540 Rádio Novo Tempo, Belém PA
1079.9999 24.9.
ZYK280 Rádio da Universidade, Porto Alegre RS. In the ID you can hear their full name "Rádio da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul".
1119.98 27.9.
ZP24 La Deportiva, San Lorenzo, a rare sports station in the region, "La Deportiva 1120 AM, la radio oficial de los deportes". Drifting a bit from 1119.9787 to 1119.9802 kHz. Verie signer Elian Rodriguez can be reached via FB and speaks perfect English.
1120.0032 20.9.
Emisora Santiago y Copla, Ciudad Evita, frequently announcing its phone numbers 4467-4224 and 4457-1265.
1130 20.9. 0319 ZYI531 Rádio Marajoara, Belém PA. This was the first time I heard it on MW, but it used to be a common station on shortwave.
1139.9869 21.9. 0001 ZYK316 Rádio Charrua, Uruguaiana RS
1139.9934 24.9. 0350 LU22 Radio Tandil, Tandil
1160.0020 17.9. 2258 LU32 Radio Coronel Olavarría, Olavarría
1170 24.9. 0400 ZYJ273 Rádio Atalaia, Curitiba PR, mentions also Marumby FM 88.5 FM in its station ID.
1190 17.9. 0234 + ZYJ820 Rádio Clube, São Domingos SC
1189.9991 19.9. 0321 ZYK729 Rádio Nova 31, Santa Cruz das Palmeiras SP
1190.0055 24.9. 0408 ZP45 La Voz de la Libertad, Hernandarias, simulcasting with 101.3 FM el Verbo, both stations owned by Red de Comunicación el Verbo.
1200.0023 22.9. 0327 CW33 La Nueva Radio, Florida. Thank you to Horacio Nigro for solving the commercial spots which I heard!
1210.0000 20.9. 0400 ZYJ219 Super Rádio Deus e Amor, Curitiba PR
1239.9915 24.9. 0335 LRI218 Radio Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca
1240 17.9. 0208 ZYK251 Rádio Ibirubá, Ibirubá RS
1240 30.9. 0300 Cadena Uno Radio, Paso Del Rey
1250.0078 21.9. 0029 CW125 Radio Bella Unión, Bella Unión, gave its contact information and signed off surprisingly early.
1270 24.9. 0400 LRA20 Radio Nacional, Las Lomitas
1279.93v 22.9. 0313 AM 1280 El Sonido de la Gente "La Santiagueñita", Gregorio de Laferrère. In 2020 the station was renamed simply as La Radio 1280.
1290.0036 25.9. 0402 CX38 Radiodifusión Nacional del Uruguay "Emisora del Sur", Montevideo, announcing contact information for its program "El Germinador."
1310 24.9. 0337 AM Renacer, Moreno, airs also promotional announcements for Radio Pronvinciana (1290)
1320 19.9. 0300 ZYH243 Rádio Imaculada Conceição, Maceió AL
1340 17.9. 0229 ZYH661 Rádio Pitaguary, Maracanaú CE
1340 24.9. 0409 Radio Imagen, Castelar, promoting its program "Añorando Mi Pago."
1370 19.9. 0200 LRA54 Radio Nacional, Ingeniero Jacobacci, overnights of course relaying 870 LRA1, like nearly all Radio Nacional stations.
1399.9942 27.9. 0402 + Radio Carandá, Gregorio de Laferrere BA, a totally unexpected station. The ID was very clear, but I didn't immediately recognize it, because I didn't know that such a station even existed.
1400 24.9. 0330 Radio AM del Nea, Charata, relaying Radio Mitre programming at this time. Own programming ends at 22:00 local time.
1430 24.9. 0405 CW25 Radio Durazno, Durazno
1440 22.9. 0400 Radio Impacto, Ciudad Madero
1450.0022 17.9. 0217 ZYJ822 Rádio Hulha Negra, Criciúma SC. Thanks to Andy Lawendel for identifying this one!
1459.9840 19.9.
+ ZYJ228 Rádio Central do Paraná, Ponta Grossa PR
1459.9847 30.9. 0000 ZYH595 Rádio Ressurreição AM, Massapé CE
1460 17.9. 0307 LT29 Radio Venado Tuerto, Venado Tuerto
1460 26.9. 0301 + Radio Contacto, San Antonio de Padua BA
1489.9987 29.9. 0104 ZYL274 Rádio Paraisópolis, Paraisópolis MG
1490.0020 20.9. 0331 ZYK309 Rádio Taquara, Taquara RS
1490.1634 24.9. 0358 ZYL241 Rádio Onda Viva, Araguari MG, on a very distinctive split frequency.
1499.9906 17.9. 2209 ZYK255 Rádio Liberdade, Canguçu RS
1500 24.9. 0400 Radio Tres Fronteras, Isidro Casanova, with poor modulation. Best on AM instead of SSB, thanks to HK for the tip.
1509.9978 21.9. 0030 ZYJ795 Rádio Centro d'Oeste, Pinhalzinho SC, with a spot for "Centro de Estética Maritana". Thanks to Samuel Cássio for solving this one!
1529.9796 27.9. 0405 + LRJ200 Radio Centro Morteros, Morteros. During overnights, the station relays Radio Mitre with a considerable delay compared to 790 AM, inserting occasional local station identifications.
1540 17.9.
Rádio Novo Milenio, Ribeirão Preto SP, always with the same pre-recorded ID: "... voce sintoniza Rádio Novo Milenio, 1540 quilohercios AM, 24 horas no ar falando do amor de Deus, Rádio Novo Milenio ..."
1550.2760 24.9.
Estación Quince cincuenta (1550), Villa Florito, quite far from its nominal frequency.
1560 24.9. 0333 Radio Antena, Lobos. The split frequency was either 1559.9826 or 1560.0066 kHz.
1580 26.9. 0308 CW54 Emisora del Este, Minas, signing off. The station belongs to Cooperativa de Radioemisoras del Interior CORI.
1590.0056 24.9. 0414 Radio Dolores, Dolores, which turned out not be a new station for me after all, since I already have a QSL from the time the station was known as Radio de la Región.
1660 22.9. 0240 + LRI232 Radio Ciudad de Nogoyá, Nogoyá sounded like a very professional and established station compared to the many Christian stations on the Argentine X-band.
1709.8558 22.9. 0402 Radio Selva, Partido de la Matanza. Their not so modest ID is in fact reality: "Transmite desde Buenos Aires, República Argentina, para todo el mundo, AM 1710, Radio Selva" - indeed, the station reaches the whole world!
Check out also the AIH72 DXpedition Report and the log in chronological order (PDF file)
Published on October 9, 2020

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