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Bavaria Autumn DX Camp
November 14-18, 2002

by Michael Schnitzer

Once again the DX-Camp Bavaria took place from November 14th to 18th 2002. As usual Beverage antennas were installed into all relevant DX directions up to 300m. I would like to emphasize some highlights:

Already the first day of the Camp enabled a special DX experience on 3220 kHz at around 1950 UTC. Radio Morobe, a local station from Papua New Guinea, was audible on the Asia Beverage with sensational signal strength (S=9). On the following days the station was not to be heard any more. A sound file (mp3, 140 KB) is available on DXing.info.

We also used the first Camp night in order to listen to the Bhutan Broadcasting Service signing on at 01.00 UTC on 6035. Bhutan was a new radio country for the most of the participants. We heard flutes, drums and monk singing and had the impression to be in a buddhist monastery. Due to the local sunrise in the Himalaya the station faded out at around 01.30 UTC. Also in this case I can offer a mp3 audio clip (215 KB).

Important information for all Pacific-enthusiats: all DXers who hear something on 5020 at around 1915 UTC on 5020, should strictly avoid to send a reception report to Honiara. SIBC is not active on shortwave at present. What we heard here was the fewer exotic RAI from Rome, obviously a mixing product (spurious).

Always of interest for European DXers is Radio Vanuatu, which can be heard at present under good conditions in the morning from 6.00 to approximately 7.10 UTC on 7260. This station ran best on the 220° Beverage, i.e. reception via long path.

The enthusiasts of Pacific-DX sometimes can observe strange music pieces like German folksongs etc. played by PNG stations and others of the region. Something similar on Radio Vanuatu: In the middle of November we could hear the Christmas song "Silent Night, Holy Night". And R New Ireland starts its program on 3905 at 1930 with the melody of a well known German song ("Muss i denn zum Städtele hinaus").

Some words to the site: The exact position is 49°47' latitude and 11°08' longitude. The location is about 45 km northeast of Nuremberg in southern Germany. It's a lovely place far of civilisation and - on that reason - far of electric noises. Twice a year we rent a wooden house almost completely surrounded by fields and meadows. There is place enough to install wires up to 400 meters in direction west and northwest (Brasil, BOL, PRU, MEX, USA). Crossing a small way 800 m would be possible. However this isn't necessary on SW. Towards south and east 200 m Beverages can be erected.

We are a group of max. 8 DXers, partly MW enthusiasts, partly tropical band specialists. The number of participants has to be strictly limited due to our sophisticated system of antenna distribution (8x splitter). Each participant has to build exactly one antenna, which is distributed to everyone via preamplifier and antenna splitters. It took some time to find out a well running antenna system and - as every DXer knows - it's probably not the last version. After some experiments with several types of antennas we now prefer the Beverage antenna as most adequate to our purposes, 300m long, installed 1,20 m above the ground.

Receiver: NRD-525
Location: 45 km northeast of Nuremberg, Germany

Now to the loggings in detail:

2310 ABC Alice Springs, November 14th, 2015-2020, English, reading of a short story, // 2485; SINPO 44434
4910 ABC Tennant Creek, November 16th, 2130-2140, English, news; SINPO 35423

6035 Bhutan BS, Thimpu, November 15th, 0100-0125, Dzongha, s/on, anthem, announcement by OM, slow music with flutes and drums until 0115 followed by songs; SINPO 22322

4876.8 R La Cruz del Sur, La Paz, November 15th, 2255-2300, Spanish, religious program; SINPO 33423
6054.5 R Juan 23, San Ignacia de Velasco, November 16th, 2230-2240, Spanish, mensajes, Andean music; SINPO 23322

(just a survey on 31m & 25m, November 15th, 2030-2200)
9504.9 R Record
9515 R Novas de Paz
9615 R Cultura
9645 R Bandeirantes
9675 R Cancao Nova
9694.5 R Rio Mar
11734.9 R Nova Visao
11765.1 R Tupi
11780 R Nacional
11785 R Guaiba
11805.1 R Globo
11815 R Brasil Central
11830 R Anhanguera
11925 R Bandeirantes

9625 CBC Northern Quebec Service, November 15th, 2155-2200, Inuktitut(!), YL talking and laughing; SINPO 35534

6011.1 La Voz de tu Conciencia, November 16th, 0425-0435, Spanish, bible lecture Mathew chapter 8, situation of the church in Bogotá, ID: "Estas escuchando La Voz de tu Conciencia desde Colombia para el mundo"; SINPO 44434

5009.8 R Pueblo via R Cristal Internacional, Santo Domingo, November 16th, 0400-0410, Spanish, religious program of the pentecostal church, sermon, ID; SINPO 35533

3279.6 R María via La Voz del Napo, Tena, November 16th, 0505-0515, Spanish, jingle, Christian songs; SINPO 45434
4960 R Federación, Sucua, November 14th, 2300-2315, Shuar/Spanish, Andean music, program schedule in Spanish, "comunidad Shuar" mentioned; SINPO 33323

4052.5 R Verdad, Chiquimula, November 16th, 0415-0420, Spanish, marimba music, ID; SINPO 24322

3266.4 RRI Gorontalo, November 15th, 2045-2100, Bahasa Indonesia, Indonesian pop songs, ID; SINPO 23433
3325 RRI Palangkaraya, November 14th, 2005-2015, Bahasa Indonesia, Indonesian pop songs, talks, local ID; SINPO 33423
3905 RRI Merauke, November 14th, 2020-2035, Bahasa Indonesia, talk, many local IDs around 2030, advertisement, Happy Birthday song; SINPO 34423
3976.1 RRI Pontianak, November 15th, 2100-2105, Quran singing; SINPO 35423

5020 RAI Rome, November 16th, 1920-1930, English, music, clear ID and c/d at 1930; probably spurious; attention: it's not SIBC!!! SINPO 24322

3925 R Tampa, November 17th, 2030-2035, Japanese, OM talking; SINPO 33423

5010 R Madagasikara, November 15th, 1800-1810, Malagasy, YL talking,
excellent signal partly with S=9+10; SINPO 45534

5985.8 R Myanmar, Yangon, November 16th, 1450-1530, English, report about Buddhist ceremonies and festivals; ID: "This is Myanmar Radio", news in E at 1515; SINPO 33423

3220 R Morobe, Lae, November 14th, 1950-2005, English/Pidgin, pop songs from the BeeGees ("Words"), national anthem, ID: "Morobe calling, Radio Morobe..."; news in E at 2000, fantastic signal partly with S=9, SINPO 44434

3905 R New Ireland, Kavieng, November 14th, 1935-1950, English, south sea music presented by YL, ID, SINPO 34423

3234.9 R Luz y Sonido (presumed), Huanuco, November 16th, 2310-2315, Spanish, Christian songs; O=1-2
3375.1 R San Antonio, San Antonio de Padua, November 15th, 2315-2320, Spanish, huayno music, presumed ID; SINPO 23322
4388.9 R Imperio, Chiclayo(?), November 16th, 2300-2310, Spanish, many announcements with echo effects, ID and QRGs, phone number; SINPO 23322
4461.6 R Norandina (presumed), Celendín, November 18th, 0050-0055, huayno music; O=1-2
4746.9 R Huanta 2000, November 17th, 2240-2300, Spanish, nice huayno music, advertisement for a car shop,ID; SINPO 34423
4775 R Tarma, November 15th, 2305-2310, Spanish, sports, ID; SINPO 23322
4856 R La Hora, Cusco, November 15th, 2300-2305, Spanish, advertisement, sports information, ID: "Radio La Hora, la radio de siempre"; SINPO 34423
4890.2 R Chota, November 17th, 2310-2320, Spanish, sports information, ID; SINPO 23322
4904.7 R La Oroya, November 16th, 0450-0504, Spanish, huayno music, ID: "...desde el estudio de Radio La Oroya", transmission schedule, QRGs, c/d 0504; SINPO 22322
4940 R San Antonio, Atalaya, November 15th, 2245-2255, Spanish, romantic songs, ID: "Transmite Radio San Antonio, Atalaya ..."; SINPO 34433
4955 R Cultural, Amauta, November 15th, 2235-2245, Spanish, report about family problems ("el desarrollo de la familia"), announcements of the regional government of Amauta, ID; SINPO 23433
5005.7 R LTC, Juliaca, November 15th, 2225-2235, Spanish, ID and QRGs, phone interview; SINPO 24322
5019.9 R Horizonte, Chachapoyas, November 14th, 2245-2255, Spanish, latino pop, ID; SINPO 23322
5067.1 Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, November 14th, 2255-2300, Spanish, advertisement, blocked by WWCR at 2300; SINPO 22322
5300.1 R Superior (presumed), Bolivar, November 18th, 0045-0050, Andean music; O=1-2
5384.3 R Huarmaca (presumed), November 18th, 0040-0045, huayno music; O=1-2
5460.3 R Bolivar (presumed), November 17th, 2325-2330, Andean music; O=1
5678 R Ilucán, Cutervo, November 18th, 0030-0040, Spanish, political speech on a regional election; SINPO 25422
5996.7 R Melodía, Arequipa, November 17th, 2310-2315, Spanish, sports information, ID; O=1-2
6141.1 CPN Radio, Lima, November 17th, 2300-2310, Spanish, political information, ID; SINPO 22322
6173.9 R Tawantinsuyo, Cusco, November 16th, 2255-2300, Spanish, preview on local events of the next day, ID; SINPO 22322
6797.5 Ondas del Rio Mayo, Nueva Cajamarca, November 16th, Spanish, Andean music; O=1-2
6956.6 La Voz del Campesino, Huarmaca, November 14th, 2320-2330, Spanish, mensajes; SINPO 24433

7260.1 R Vanuatu, Malapoa, November 16th, 0605-0705, English/Bislama, religious program in E until 0625 followed by Bislama program, ID: "Radio Vanuatu, Malapoa", instead of the well known yellow bird one could hear drums only as intervall signal, soft pop music and a Christmas song in November ("Silent Night, Holy Night"), fade out at around 0705; SINPO 23322

Posted on November 19, 2002

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