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Chamberlain DXpedition
November 21-24, 2002

Text by George Maroti, photos by Dan Henderson

For the second year in a row, I had the pleasure of joining Jerry Berg, Dan Henderson, and Bruce Conti at the DXpedition site in Chamberlain, Maine. This time JB, DH, and I stayed for 3 days, and everyone of them were productive. I'd say that for me, this year's DXpedition exceeded the previous year's.

Jerry Berg
Dan Henderson rescuing a washed out antenna

Man-made noise levels in Chamberlain were relatively low, and atmospheric noise would decrease as the day went on. Some of my best logs were taken during a full day of rain, interesting to me because two of the better days this DX season occurred during nor'easters.

Propagation tended to favor signals to the south, perhaps enhanced by the bottle of Cuban style rum that Bruce shared with us. Besides numerous Bolivian and Peruvians heard, I had a tentative logging of Radio América, Paraguay (later confirmed to be them by the Station Engineer) and a possible third harmonic of Ecos del Atrato on 15058 kHz.

The Berg multiband dipole construction technique

Other highlights:

AIR Gangtok (tentative)
Kyrgyz Radio
Radio Hargeysa (presumed)
Heilongjiang PBS

The only lowlight was not hearing any Europirates.

George Maroti, Chamberlain, Maine DXpedition November 21-24, 2002. Drake R8B with 500 foot longwire oriented 200°, fed by coax and 9:1 minicircuits impedance matching transformer.

George Maroti
George Maroti trying out his new Coors active indoor antenna (picture from 2001 DXpedition).

More from Bruce Conti: DXpeditioning in Chamberlain, Maine Nov 21-23, with Jerry Berg, Dan Henderson, and George Maroti, transatlantic reception was disappointing except for a strong signal from 783 Mauritania. WWV reported an A-index in the thirties with activity at minor storm levels. Latin American DX was dominated by Venezuela. However, most were broadcasting "béisbol profesional venezolano" during primetime and unlike US stations they don't pause for station identification at the top of the hour, making identification difficult.

Stormy weather in the northeast and thunderstorms down south due to an associated cold front produced high noise levels the morning of Nov 23 to increase the difficulty factor. Upon arriving Nov 21, an Invisible Fence was being installed to keep the landlord's dog in the yard. The installer said it operated on 560 AM. A slight hum was detected, but the installer wouldn't QSL.

Jerry Berg and Bruce Conti
Jerry Berg and Bruce Conti

Bruce Conti, Chamberlain ME; R8B, MWDX-5, wires 180-m south 200°
unterminated and Kaz-terminated, 75-m northeast 60° unterminated.

More from Jerry Berg: The following shortwave logs were made by me (JB) during a shoreside DXpedition to Chamberlain, Maine (Pemaquid Peninsula), November 21-24, 2002, with DXPers Dan Henderson and George Maroti, and BADXer/PopComm MW Editor Bruce Conti. Conditions were good overall, albeit with heightened QRN due to stormy weather.

Jerry Berg, Chamberlain, Maine DXpedition November 21-24, 2002 Equipment: R8 receiver; 500 foot longwire; multi-wire "floppy dipole" cut for 60-31-19 m.

Dan Henderson
Dan Henderson digging for Somalia on 7530

Dan Henderson at Chamberlaine, Maine DXPedition 21-24 November 2002
Receiver: AOR7030 Plus, Grove TUN-4A antenna tuner and preselector, and 500' longwire antenna with Maroti isolation transformer for noise reduction.


ANGOLA. 4950, R. Nacional, decent signal with EZL mx 0130 Nov 22; PT romantic vocals, EG songs, talk at 0138, more mx. Suspect Angola on 7216.82 as well, not as good a signal, 0130 with African mx, talk. (Berg-ME)

ARGENTINA. 6215, Radio Baluarte, 0014 Nov 22, here in Latin Maranantha songs in SS, nice fluttery signal at 0014 on 11/22. Also weakly at 0930 fade out with man announcer in Spanish. (Henderson-ME)

15820L, R. Diez, very good at 0000 Nov 22. "R. Diez, siempre noticias, dos minutos." And: "Radio Diez, la radio mas potente de Argentina. Desde la ciudad de Buenos Aires, capital de la Republica de Argentina, transmite LRA202, R. Diez, AM 710, lo que siente la gente." Also great with romantic vocals at 2200+ Nov 23. (Berg-ME)

15820L, R. Diez, 2214-2215 Nov 23, Very pleasant music, many ID's and some advertisements. SINPO 45444. (Maroti-ME)

15820L, Radio Diez, 0002 Nov 23, Relay of MW Station Radio Diez to Antarctica forces with excellent signal, wonderful modulation. A pleasure to listen to. (Henderson-ME)

AUSTRIA. 6155, R. Afrika International, 2240-2242 Nov 23, Faint Bob Marley song, "Don't Worry" heard. Talk in French by YL & OM, mention of Cote d'Ivoire. JB pointed out their parallel frequency of 5945. (Maroti-ME)

BELARUS. 7210, Radio Belarus, 0300 Nov 22, Switching from Russian at 0300 with IS, into English language programming, with freqs and times given, and a talk about America. Good signal level, though modulation levels seemed low. (Henderson-ME)

BENIN. 7210.27, R. Benin, nice FR ID at 0615 tune-by Nov 24; mx, good signal. (Berg-ME)

BOLIVIA. 3310, R. Mosoj Chasqui, 0952 Nov 22, Much better reception this morning than the previous night. Alternating talk by YL & OM. SINPO 34333. (Maroti-ME)

4649, R. Santa Ana (pres), 2226-2233 Nov 23, Talk by OM in Spanish, some taped announcements with echo effects. Possible ID, ballads. (Maroti-ME)

4681.58, R. Paititi (pres), 2243 Nov 21, Vocals, followed by faint talk by OM. Weak. (Maroti-ME)

4796.44, presumed R. Mallku, talk by M&W at 2245 Nov 21, ments. of Bolivia, CP mx at 2251. Pretty good signal. (Berg-ME)

4796.46, R. Mallku (pres), 2246 Nov 21, Talk by YL in Spanish, followed by brief vocal selection. (Maroti-ME)

4796.7, Radio Mallku, 2243 Nov 21, Tentatively them, here with local music selection at 2243, readable level on 11/21. (Henderson-ME)

4876.66, R. La Cruz del Sur, 0952 Nov 24, Talk by OM & YL, mention of Cruz del Sur; sounded like religious discussion. SINPO 33333. (Maroti-ME)

5580.26, R. San Jose (tent), 2220 Nov 21, Just a carrier, no audio. (Maroti-ME)

5927.02, Rdif. Mineria (pres), 2233-2304 Nov 21, Talk by a man in Spanish, with snippets of John Philip Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever" in between. Echo effect announcement (ID?) at 2237. SINPO 23342 (Maroti-ME)

5927.8, Radio Mineria, 2239-2241 Nov 21, here at 2239-2241 with John Phillip Sousa music and Ads in Spanish. Very nice level. (Henderson-ME)

5952.42, R. Pio Doce, beautiful "Pio Doce" jingle at 1000 Nov 23; I think they s/on at 0930. Strong, and good signal despite WYFR-5950 QRM. (Berg-ME)

5952.47, R. Pio XII, 2254 Nov 21, On location report in Spanish by OM, including ID. Notch filter and USB required to minimize QRM from 5950 and 5955. (Maroti-ME)

6134.28, R. Santa Cruz, powerful at 0905 tune-in Nov 23, playing their own "R. Santa Cruz" song and giving ID: "970 kilociclos onda media, 6135 kilociclos onda corta, transmite R. Santa Cruz, desde Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia." (Berg-ME)

BOTSWANA. 4820, R. Botswana, beautiful signal with EG pop mx prgm at 2145 Nov 21, completely readable; 2155 inspirational mx, apparently inspirational msg in local lang., NA 2159:30, off in mid-NA at 2201. (Berg-ME)

BRAZIL. 3205, Radio Ribeirao Preto, 0152 Nov 22, with Brasilian music; nice nice level (Henderson-ME)

4775, R. Congonhas, great signal at 2358 Nov 21 with full ID, fqys, prayer, off 0003:30. (Berg-ME)4840.7, unid., big PT signal at 1015 Nov 24 but badly overmodulated. Who? (Berg-ME)

4825, Radio Cancao Nova, 0511 Nov 23, Portuguese preaching service. Very nice signal. (Henderson-ME)

11785, Radio Guaiba, 0741 Nov 24, Wonderful orchestra music, lovely modulation and easy listening level. (Henderson-ME)

11815, Radio Brazil Central, 0730 Nov 24, Man with PP announcements, one for '52', then into more local music. 4985 had a much stronger signal in //. (Henderson-ME)

11925, Radio Bandeirantes, 0728 Nov 24, Solid ID with Portuguese announcements and some nice advertisements also. (Henderson-ME)

CANARY ISLANDS. 6715U, Full Gospel Church, hrd at *2158 Nov 22, popping on with church svc. Very good strength for usual Fri b/c; to 2330*. (Berg-ME)
6715U, Full Gospel Church, 2148-2230 Nov 22, suddenly on at 2148 with Man in Korean hymn, into nice Church service with may recognizable Christian hymns. Very nice signal level and good modulation. I left after 2230 and it was still going strong. (Henderson-ME)

CHILE. 6070, R. Voz Cristana, 0723 Nov 24, Pop Christian music, //15375 (poor), and 11890 (almost as good). Signal level very nice, and lovely music was heard. (Henderson-ME)

CHINA. 4620, Nei Menggu PBS, 2203 Nov 21, probably the one here with Chinese talk by OM. Fluttery and not too strong a signal level. (Henderson-ME)

4820, Xizang PBS, 1155-1200 Nov 23, YL vocals in Chinese, ID by OM, "Xizang Renmin Guangbo Diantai". Time pips at ToH, then alternating talk by YL and OM. SINPO 34443. (Maroti-ME)

4839.86, Heilongjiang PBS, 1048-1101* Nov 24, A first for me, and a nice way to end the Dxpedition. This has been flirting here in the morning and late afternoons. Alternating talk by YL and OM in Chinese, pop vocals. At ToH, usual Chinese style time pips, and partial ID by OM, followed by brief music. Female then with presumed news. Abruptly off at 1101. 7350 not heard. SINPO 24332 (Maroti-ME)

5240, China Tibet PBC, 1103-1119 Nov 22, Holy Tibet program in progress. 9490 is covered at this time by Radio Sweden. Audio was distorted on 5240. Also heard in parallel on 4905 and 4920 khz. Chinese talk at 1119. SINPO 24332. (Maroti-ME)

5240, "Holy Tibet" prgm, woman talking EG at 1105 Nov 22, good level but hard to understand voice segments due to slight overmodulation; mx seemed okay. EG ended at 1120. 9490 is blocked these days. //6200 not quite as good as 5240; 4920 about the same as 5240, but suffers from "swisher" QRM. (Berg-ME)

5240, China Tibet PBC, 1105 Nov 22, Holy Tibet" program in English here, better than 9490 and other outlets, with nice program on Tibet. Henderson (Henderson-ME)

11980, CRI, 1352-1356* Nov 22, Trying for AWR Guam here. Instead, program in English about Shanghai. ID by YL, postal address. Fluttery audio. SINPO 34333. (Maroti-ME)

CLANDESTINE. 7515, RFA via CIS, 1655 Nov 23, Found this while optimistically hearing audio on 7530. Chinese crash and bang music heard over talking by OM. Found parallel frequency on 7515 which was much better. Reportedly RFA in Chinese via Dushanbe. (Maroti-ME)

CLANDESTINE (Vietnam). 9930, R. Free Vietnam (via KWHR), 1226 Nov 22, WHR ID, off 1227, back 1228 with address, Prayer Line, WHR ID 1229, "God's Word For You" msg, then (1230) opened with VT female vocal, ID; prgm mostly talking, occasional piano mx bridges, amended 1259. (Berg-ME)

CLANDESTINE (Lebanon). 11515.4, Free Patriotic Movement of Lebanon, 1550-1624 Nov 22, Initial broadcast caught with carrier on at 1550, 1600 Lebanese national anthem, into AA programming, lost due to signal loss at 1624. (Henderson-ME)

11515.42, Rally For Lebanon-Free Patriotic Movement "Michel Aoun" stn, poor but sudible, carrier on 1549 Nov 22, on-off tones 1553-1558, 1600 Lebanese NA, prgm of talk and spirited vocal mx. 1625 tune-out due to poor signal, but still going. (Berg-ME)

CLANDESTINE (Laos). 12070, presumed Hmong Lao Radio, CIS-type tones to 0058 Nov 22; silence, prgmng started at 0100; very weak, but improved. (Berg-ME)

COLOMBIA. 5958.2, LV de los Centauros, pounding in at 1045ov 22 with HJ mx, ID for LV de los Centaurosat 1048, also Caracol IDs. Not hrd in AM-PM checks thru Nov 23, but there again at 1115 Nov 24. (Berg-ME)

6035.02, LV del Guaviare, nice signal with ID at 0947 Nov 23, few bars of "Silent Night," into HJ vocals. (Berg-ME)

6114.9, L. V. del Llano (pres), 1040-1044 Nov 23, Talk by OM in Spanish, phone call from YL listener. Accordion music with OM vocals. SINPO 32232. (Maroti-ME)

15058.67 (harmonic), Ecos del Atrato (pres), 2152-2205 Nov 23, Thanks to Henrik Klemetz for some fine detective work on this one. Henrik listened to my audio clips, and was able to discern that I heard a call-in quiz show, that was offering a bottle of aguardiente Antioqueño, (which is a Colombian brand of liquor) as a prize. They also sponsored the program. The music I heard was a vallenato according to Henrik. Apparently, what I heard was the third harmonic of 5019v, of Ecos del Atrato. This will require more work, but it may also be Krueger's UNID. SINPO started out as 24332, but was gone by 2203. (Maroti-ME)

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 5009.8, R. Pueblo, ID at 2102 Nov 21, "Esta es R. Pueblo . . ." Pretty good signal. (Berg-ME)

ECUADOR. 4815, R. El Buen Pastor, huge signal at 1030 Nov 24, ment. el Dr. John Wilkie; mostly Quechua, but many TCS, anmts, other spots in SP; great HC mx. (Berg-ME)

EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 6249.3, R. Nacional, *0505-0508 Nov 24, NA in progress at tune-in, then ID by OM. Hi-life music with YL vocals. Thanks Henderson alert. SINPO was 24332 until a ute at 0508 ruined it. (Maroti-ME)

6249.3, Radio Malabo, 0505 Nov 24, National Anthem with Programme Nationale. Nice signal level, and man gave freq at 6250 in SS. First Program went into African high-life music. (Henderson-ME)

ETHIOPIA. 6350, Voice of Tigray Revolution, 0449 Nov 23, man in local language with talk. (Henderson-ME)

9560.8, R. Ethiopia, 1645-1659 Nov 22, OM interviewing YL, then monologue by OM. Ballad with acoustic guitar accompaniment. At 1659, YL gave ID as "External Service of Radio Ethiopia" and their postal address for comments. SINPO 23332 until wiped out by Radio Marti sign on at 1700 on 9656 kHz. This was a foreshadowing for the excellent conditions to Africa this afternoon. (Maroti-ME)

GERMANY. 6140, DW, 1058-1100 Nov 22, Announcement by YL, instrumental music, then OM at ToH said, "This is Newsreel". SINPO 24332. (Maroti-ME)

15275, Tigre Radio International, *1600-1629* Nov 23, nice program on 11/23 here via Julich with good signal and local music. ID at *1600, (Henderson-ME)

15680, apparently Gospel For Asia, 1430 Nov 22, opened with flute mx, then four 15-min. talk segments in various Indian langs; occasional mx bridges, ancng various P.O. Box addresses in Bangladesh, Uttar Pradesh. 1530*; good-excellent signal. (Berg-ME)

15680, Gospel For Asia, 0032 Nov 22, Arabic music and a lot of instrumental religious music. Fair signal. (Henderson-ME)

GREECE. 6150, R. Sawa, 2001-2051 Nov 23, This will only add to the confusion of logging R. Bayrak. Middle East style music heard under CRI at tune-in, but later US pop music was played, including a song by No Doubt. Quick ID heard by JB, then more US pops. They were sometimes dominant over CRI. IBB lists this as via Kavala. (Maroti-ME)

GUATEMALA. 4052.3, Radio Verdad, 0200 Nov 22, Very readable signal over QRN here with interesting songs played, including "Teddy Bear's Picnic", Old Black Joe, and others. (Henderson-ME)

HAWAII. 9930, Radio Free Vietnam, 1230 Nov 22, Vietnamese music, into Vietnamese Anthem, and talk on Vietnam. Good level. (Henderson-ME)

HONDURAS. 4830.06, R. Litoral, 0430 Nov 24, EG prgm, Pastor John with "Searchlight" prgm of story of Sampson, 0458 EG address, E-mail, telephone number. "May the Lord bless and keep you. You are lstng to HRLW." Prgmng ended 0459, carrier continued. (Berg-ME)

HUNGARY. 6025, R. Budapest, 1917 Nov 22, Trying for Nigeria; heard this one here instead. YL in Hungarian, followed by cigányzene. Postal address mentioned later. SINPO 23432. (Maroti-ME)

ICELAND. 13865U, Rikisutvarpid, 1902-1905* Nov 23, Sports report at tune-in. Mention of "Island" at 1905, then off. SINPO 34343. (Maroti-ME)

INDIA. 3315, AIR-Bhopal, 0023 Nov 23 with AIR IS, prgmng started 0025. Better than usual signal, and still there at 0045. 4800-Hyderabad even better at the same time, and 4895-Kurseong also hrd pretty well at 0054. (Berg-ME)

3390, AIR Gangtok (tentative), 1129-1136 Nov 22, Faint talk at tune-in, SC vocals at 1136. I need to review the tape on this one, this is the first time that I've ever heard audio here. SINPO 13331. (Maroti-ME)

4760, AIR Port Blair, 1128-1145 Nov 22, SC vocals and Hindi film music; announcements. Almost gone by 1145. This one has been a regular the past two weeks. SINPO 24332. (Maroti-ME)

4790, AIR Chennai, 2348-0001 Nov 21, Test tone, until 2358 when Song of India was heard. No Vande Mataram, the brief announcements by OM with some echo in their audio. Flute SC music at 0001. SINPO 34333. (Maroti-ME)

4840, AIR Mumbai, 2348-2356 Nov 21, Test tone at tune-in, Song of India at 2353. Brief announcement by OM at 2354, followed by Vande Mataram. SINPO 23432. (Maroti-ME)

4920, AIR Chennai, 0010-0015 Nov 22, Test tone, Song of India at 0014, followed by Vande Mataram. SINPO 23432 (Maroti-ME)

4950, AIR Srinagar (pres), 1204-1205 Nov 23, Hindi film music. SINPO 24332. (Maroti-ME)

INDONESIA. 3344.8, RRI Ternate, 2055 Nov 23, "Hammer drill" QRM or ute off for a change. Middle East style music heard. Poor signal. (Maroti-ME)

3976, RRI Pontianak, 1034-1046 Nov 24, Faint talk by OM & YL. Koran recitation at 1035, then pop ballads. SINPO 13331. (Maroti-ME)

4000.05, RRI Kendari (tent), 2114 Nov 22, Tentatively them, grayline to Sulawesi at this time. Faint soft YL vocals, needed USB + sync and notch filter to avoid QRM from 3995 and het from carrier on 4001 kHz. SINPO 22442. (Maroti-ME)

4753.2, RRI Makassar, 2045 Nov 21, here with nicely readable signal with pop and C&W music (almost Kronkong music). (Henderson-ME)

4753.28, RRI Makassar, 2101-2107 Nov 22, Distorted audio, OM with presumed news, followed by lively pop YL vocals. Back to OM DJ at 2107, then more pop music. SINPO 34443. Appeared every afternoon, with fair-good signals. (Maroti-ME)

4925, tent. RRI-Jambi, Muslim-style mx at 2140 Nov 21, Brazilian there at 2205 re-check. (Berg-ME)

ISRAEL. 6973, Galai Zahel, 2033 Nov 21, here with US Pops with excellent signal. (Henderson-ME)

JORDAN. 11690, R. Jordan, audio opened in mid-sentence at 1400:30 Nov 22, carrier had been there for some time. EG nx. Good signal, a little fluttery, plus usual RTTY QRM, but manageable. ID 1404, "R. Jordan, 96.3 FM, enjoy the Ramadan." And blockbuster signal at 1630 re-check, ID and TC at 1700, nx. (Berg-ME)

11690, R. Jordan, 1404-1418 Nov 22, Radio Jordan ID, mention of 96.3 FM, "Joys of Ramadan" presented by OM and YL. Some ute QRM. SINPO 43443. (Maroti-ME)

KOREA DPR. 4450, Voice of National Salvation, 2205 Nov 21, here with Korean music with fluttery but readable signal. (Henderson-ME)

11735, Voice of Korea, 0026-0100 Nov 23, Talk by YL in Spanish at tune-in; echo in their audio. At BoH, IS, ID in English, f/by presumed NA. SINPO 23432. (Maroti-ME)

KYRGYZSTAN. 4010, Kyrgyz Radio, 2358-0017 Nov 22, Alternating test tones, until the NA was heard at 0001. Talk by YL, brief theme music, then alternating talk by YL and OM. Ham and ute QRM increased at 0017, while piano music was heard. Thanks to Henderson alert. SINPO 12331. (Maroti-ME)

4010, Kyrgyz Radio, 0200 Nov 22, ID by YL, into what appears to be news by OM and YL. Weak but readable with QRN on 11/22. (Henderson-ME)

LIBERIA. 4759.97, ELWA, carrier came on at 0554 Nov 24, 0458 instr. mx, then choir selections, muffled opening ID at 0608, more mx. Not as good as Nigeria-4770, but still pretty prominant for 1 kw. (Berg-ME)

4760, ELWA Monrovia, 2008 Nov 21, here with Pop music with readable and improving signal. (Henderson-ME)

5470.74, Radio Veritas (tent), 2320 Nov 23, local and some pop music. Was not present at 2200 when checked. Level not nearly as strong as ELWA. Music by YL at 2331No ID heard. (Henderson-ME)

NEPAL. 5005, R. Nepal, 1148-1201 Nov 22, Song by children's choir, then talk by OM. SC music. Surprised to still find this one here at this time. Low noise levels, especially considering it was raining at the time. SINPO 24432. (Maroti-ME)

NICARAGUA. 5770, Radio Miskut, 2332 Nov 23, piano music, light religious music, with nice level under the UTE on 11/23. ID by woman after music ended at 2332. (Henderson-ME)

5770 USB + carrier, R. Miskut, 2340-0010* Nov 23, Talk by YL DJ, pop music and ballads. ID heard over Harry Nilson's "Without You" during closing announcements. Thanks Henderson tip. 23232. (Maroti-ME)

NIGERIA. 4770, Radio Kaduna, 1940 Nov 21, here at 1940 with man in local language with nice readable signal at 1945 on 11/21. News at 2000 in English. (Henderson-ME)

7255, Voice of Nigeria, EG nx by woman at 2003 Nov 21, slightly overmodulated; 2010 ID, TC. Also very strong in pre-s/on mx and IDs at 0450 Nov 22, NA 0456, ID with fqy, prgm preview, TC 0500, drums, into nx. Poor on //15120; 11770 not hrd. (Berg-ME)

NORWAY. 18940, Radio Afghanistan, 1349 Nov 22, Here in Pushtu with nice talk on Afghanistan and news, good ID at 1402, Good signal level. (Henderson-ME)

PARAGUAY. 7737.1, R. América, 0045-0107 Nov 22, Carrier noted earlier, at S4 levels on the R8B's S-meter. Some music was audible at 0047, then talk by OM. Music selections were slow songs or ballads. Deeper voiced male heard at 0101. By 0107, ham QRM was too severe to follow. SINPO 13331. Although their carrier was detected 3 nights in a row, this was the only night that some audio could heard. Originally a tentative log, this was later confirmed by Adán Mur after listening to my audio clips. (Maroti-ME)

7737.2, Radio América, 0140 Nov 22, tentatively the one here with SS talks and sleepy time tunes, fluttery signal. (Henderson-ME)

PERU. 3234.86, R. Luz y Sonido, 1027-1028 Nov 24, Rapid talking by OM in Spanish, quick ID at 1028. SINPO 34232 (Maroti-ME)

3375.14, R. San Antonio, 1012-1017 Nov 22, Vocals by choir at tune-in, with slightly distorted audio. Brief announcements by 2 males, some of which sounded pre-recorded (possibly a public service announcement). At 1017 talk by YL, mention of "Christo". (Maroti-ME)

4388.9, Radio Imperio, 0441 Nov 23, with Soft Western style religious music at 0441 on 11/23. Nice readable signal, man in SS announcements. (Henderson-ME)

4485.55, R. Frecuencia VH, 0240 Nov 22, Ballad by OM, thanks Henderson tip. SINPO 24332. (Maroti-ME)

4485.55, Radio Frecuencia, 0024 Nov 22, here with religious music at 0240, good signal. (Henderson-ME)

4747.56, Radio Huanta 2000, 0907-0908 Nov 22, thought to be the one here nicely with campesino type music almost at 0907 with announcements by YL. Lovely local music with a good level. Nice ID at 0908. (Henderson-ME)

4774.96, R. Tarma, 0036-0040 Nov 24, Huaynos, ID by OM, "Radio Tarma, en Peru". SINPO 34333. (Maroti-ME)

4824.42, R. La Voz de la Selva, 1036 Nov 22, Pounding music, with voice-overs by OM, ID. Somewhat over-modulated. SINPO 34333. (Maroti-ME)

4834.9, R. Marañon, 1023-1030 Nov 22, Talk by OM in Spanish; huaynos. SINPO 24332. (Maroti-ME)

4975.75, Radio Del Pacifico, 0953 Nov 22, with religious service in SS, nice signal on 11/22 at 0953, in clear. (No Quechea heard). (Henderson-ME)

5300.05, R. Superior, 1021-1026 Nov 24, Vocals, with distorted audio. Talk by OM and ID at 1024, mention of campesinos. SINPO 24232 (Maroti-ME)

5384.26, R. Huarmaca, 1018-1021 Nov 23, Huaynos, followed by OM with TC and ID. SINPO 34233. (Maroti-ME)

5384.28, R. Huarmaca (pres), 0125 Nov 22, Weak, with vocals. (Maroti-ME)

5486.72, R. Reina de la Selva, 0954-1005 Nov 22, Open carrier at tune-in, but missed their sign-on, as YL vocals were heard at 0957 re-check. 1004 announcements by OM, including ID, banda internacional, ...metros. Song by YL followed. (Maroti-ME)

5677.96, R. Ilucan (pres), 0115-0119 Nov 22, Huaynos with YL vocals, TC and announcement by OM at 0118. SINPO 33333. (Maroti-ME)

PHILIPPINES. 15190, R. Pilipinas, 1850 Nov 23 with "Now On Air" prgm of pop vocals, Tagalog anmts, a little EG here and there. Good signal. ID 1918, woman talking, gave address, more pops, talk about Xmas, giving and forgiving, Islam means peace, etc. 1929 closing anmt, 1930*. Not hrd on ancd //s 11720 & 17720. VOA-Philippines on 15180 also good in EG to 2000*. (Berg-ME)

15190, R. Pilipinas, 1857-1925 Nov 23, Pop music, and reading of listener's letters in Tagalog. ID at 1916, discussion about Christmas and New Years celebrations in the Philippines. Thanks Berg tip. SINPO 34433. (Maroti-ME)

SOMALIA. 7530 USB + carrier, R. Hargeysa (pres), 1928-1959* Nov 23, Not as strong as the previous day, but Horn of Africa music at 1952. Will have to check the instrumental music played at 1958 to see if it's an anthem or signature tune. Transmitter off at 1959. (Maroti-ME)

7530 USB + carrier, R. Hargeysa (pres), 1923-1958* Nov 22, Presumed to be them for now, I need to review my tapes. Talk by OM with tinny telephone-quality audio. Only audible in USB or USB + sync. Exchange between OM and YL at 1931. Group vocals at 1944. Possible mention of Hargeysa at 1945. YL wailing vocals, at 1952. After this, a brief announcement by a male, including the word "radio", then transmitter went off at 1958. Presumed to be on an hour later for Ramadan. SINPO 144441. Propagation to the East Africa was excellent today. (Maroti-ME)

7530, Radio Hargeisa (tentative), 1953 11/22&23/2002, Horn of Africa music, wild announcements, and anthem at end. On late for Ramadan. Weak but readable. Credit G. Maroti for sticking with this one. (Henderson-ME)

SOUTH AFRICA. 3230, Family Radio, 2037 Nov 21, presumed the one here with talk and music. Easy listening. (Henderson-ME)

3255, BBC, 2039 Nov 21, with man in English, not // 3390. Readable signal. (Henderson-ME)

SWAZILAND. 6129.94, TWR, excellent in Afr. lang. (WRTH says Luchaz) at 1910 Nov 22, "What A Friend we Have In Jesus" in local lang. 1918. Gave addresses in Luanda, Angola and Namibia. To 1920, when went into PT with "R. Transmundial . . . Swaziland" ID. (Berg-ME)

TAJIKISTAN. 7245, R. Tajikistan, 0200-0230 Nov 23, IS, then into brief music, presumed to be signature tune, or NA. Alternating talk by YL & OM. OM vocals at 0229 re-check. Farsi listed at this time. Ham QRM at times. SINPO 23332 (Maroti-ME)

TANZANIA (Zanzibar). 11734.1, presumed RTZ, 1905 Nov 21, apparently live, animated coverahe of soccer, with "goaaalll" anmts to match the Brazilians; ads 1917. (Berg-ME)

11734.1, R. T. Zanzibar, 1645-1907 Nov 22, First checked at 1645, and their carrier was detected. By 1907 re-check, SINPO was 44444. News presented by a male, mentions of Washington, Bin Laden, and Zanzibar. (Maroti-ME)

TOGO. 5047, R. Togo (pres), 2200 Nov 22, FR, good signal level but nearly useless audio. (Berg-ME)

5047, R. Togo (pres), 2141 Nov 23, S6 carrier, but no audio or modulation. (Maroti-ME)

UGANDA. 4975.96, R. Uganda, good signal at 2033 Nov 22, upbeat African vocal mx, anmts by man; 5025.96 also hrd, weaker, not //. (Berg-ME)

UZBEKISTAN. 12070, Radio Hmong Hope, 0100-0131 Nov 22, Lao talks and Righteous Brothers music interspersed with Lao Talks, and fair level. (Henderson-ME)

VATICAN. 9565, Voice of Charity Lebanon (tent), *0530 Nov 24, May be *0530 into Sermon in FF after light music, very weak and difficult frequency. (Henderson-ME)

VENEZUELA. 4939.62, R. Amazonas, 2215 Nov 21, Alternating talk by YL & OM in Spanish. SINPO 23442. (Maroti-ME)

4939.66, R. Amazonas, good signal for a change at 0845 Nov 22 with YV mx caliente, IDs and TCs between selections; in heavy QRN. (Berg-ME)

VIETNAM. 7145, Voice of Vietnam (pres), 1104-1128* Nov 24, Talk by YL, beautiful YL vocal music. Brief announcement by OM at 1128, then carrier went off. SINPO 23432. (Originally I had this as Laos, however I logged Vietnam here with an ID about 6 days later, so I presume this was Vietnam.) (Maroti-ME)

YEMEN. 9779.64, Rep. of Yemen Radio, fully readable in AR at 1630 Nov 22. Flute IS five times at 1800, then into EG prgm; nx, IDs, pop western mx, tourism prgm 1808, "Flashback" press rvw prgm at 1837, "Treasures of Yemen" prgm about Yemen's cultural heritage at 1843. Closing anmt 1858, giving address as P.O. Box 2371, Sana'a, anthem, then back to AR prgmng. Nice to hear this so well. (Berg-ME)

9779.66, Radio Yemen, 1800-1900 Nov 22, Here with EE service at 1800-1900, with good signal but low modulation and interesting programming. Diatribe talking about Iraq and Yemen's role in counter-terrorism. (Henderson-ME)


530 TURKS & CAICOS RVC South Caicos NOV 22 1100 - Excellent;
"Broadcasting from Paterson, New Jersey, by satellite to the world, this is WWRV New York 1330 AM, and 1310 AM WVIP Mount Kisco, with Radio Visión Cristiana Internacional 530 AM, South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies." [Conti-ME]

550 VENEZUELA YVKE Mundial, Caracas NOV 23 0205 - Good; long ad string, Mundial notaria, "hora Mundial" time check, "No duerme" promo. [Conti-ME]

570 CUBA R.Reloj, Santa Clara NOV 22 1015 - Syncopated clock, minute markers, RR code IDs, and news over domestics, typically the strongest of all the Reloj outlets. [Conti-ME]

580 VENEZUELA unID NOV 23 0200 - Good; "Popular es mejor" commercial announcement in baseball play-by-play, over WKAQ Puerto Rico. [Conti-ME]

600 CUBA R.Rebelde, Urbano Noris NOV 22 1050 - Good; rustic vocal
parallel 5025, over WICC. [Conti-ME]

600 VENEZUELA R.Sucre, Cumaná NOV 23 0145 - Good; "Sucre en breve," ad string with Cumaná mentions. [Conti-ME]

610 COLOMBIA R.Difusora Nacional, Uribia NOV 22 1020 - Good; many
Colombia references in run-down of national banks with cheesy organ
interludes, over WIOD. [Conti-ME]

621 CANARY ISLANDS RNE Mesas de Galaz NOV 22 0315 - Good; in-studio discussion, likely this rather than Spain synchros as nothing else from mainland Europe including France and Spain was being received at the time due to auroral conditions. [Conti-ME]

640 CUBA R.Progreso NOV 22 1040 - Good; "la onda de la alegría" jingle, and a radionovela. [Conti-ME]

640 GUADELOUPE R.Guadeloupe, Pointe-à-Pitre NOV 21 2235 - Good; talk in French over Unión Radio Venezuela. [Conti-ME]
660 VENEZUELA R.Popular, Coro NOV 23 0140 - Good; Caracas baseball, and at 0230 pop music, "Gracias amigas, gracias amigos... su Radio Popular," over WFAN. [Conti-ME]

670 VENEZUELA R.Rumbos, Caracas NOV 22 0320 - Good; rapid-fire headlines and signature doorbells. + NOV 23 0120 - Good; "...por Radio Rumbos, 56 años como la emisora de Venezuela," and "hora Rumbos" time check. [Conti-ME]

690 ANGUILLA Caribbean Beacon, The Valley NOV 21 2245 - Fair; jazz music parallel 6090, over an unID Latin American station. [Conti-ME]

700 JAMAICA RJR Hague NOV 23 0310 - Fair; man in Caribbean-accented English reading international news. [Conti-ME]

700 VENEZUELA unID NOV 23 0105 - Good; "béisbol profesional venezolano" with Coca-Cola commercial announcements during play-by-play, through multiple low frequency hets. [Conti-ME]

720 VENEZUELA R.Oriente, Porlamar NOV 23 0315 - Good; "Feliz navidad Radio Oriente" theme song, "hora de Venezuela" time check, and "Radio Venezuela... Venezuela Informa." [Conti-ME]

730 COLOMBIA Melodía, Bogotá NOV 22 0958 - Good; melancholic rancheras, "Melodía presento..." ID. [Conti-ME]

740 VENEZUELA CNB Maracaibo NOV 23 0055 - Good; Zulia baseball, later at 0334 CNB theme song and tropical music. [Conti-ME]

750 VENEZUELA RCR Caracas NOV 21 2250 - Good; RCR 750 IDs, Informe RCR news, over WSB. [Conti-ME]

760 BRAZIL R.Uirapuru, Fortaleza NOV 21 2330 - Fair; faded up nice with light/easy listening vocals, announcements in Portuguese, R.Uirapuru ID, pronounced Uira-purú. [Conti-ME]

760 COLOMBIA HJAJ RCN Barranquilla NOV 22 0130 - Good; pips marking bottom-of-the-hour, Informa RCN, over R.Reloj Cuba. [Conti-ME]

760 VENEZUELA Puerto la Cruz NOV 21 2257 - Sports commentary, ad string with "sabor de Venezuela" and many "en Puerto la Cruz" mentions, back to sports commentary, at 2320 ad string repeated. [Conti-ME]

770 VENEZUELA R.Nacional, Valencia NOV 21 2350 - Fair; R.Nacional and Venezuela mentions, signal even with WABC. [Conti-ME]

780 BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS ZBVI Tortola NOV 23 0115 - Good; reggae music, het on the high side from a huge 783 Mauritania signal. [Conti-ME]

783 MAURITANIA R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott NOV 21 2140 and NOV 22 2115 - Good; Koranic recitations parallel 4845. [Conti-ME]

790 BARBADOS Gospel 790, Bridgetown NOV 23 0035 - Fair; soca-style gospel music, phone numbers for prayer counseling and support services, preaching about confidence in God, in sub-audible het rumble over R.Reloj Cuba with WSKO nulled out. [Conti-ME]

820 ST. KITTS & NEVIS TBN Charlestown NOV 21 2355 - Good; end of Praise the Lord program, TBN gift info, "This is the Trinity Broadcasting Network, celebrating 29 years of God's miracles," over WNYC. [Conti-ME]

830 VENEZUELA R.Sensación, Caracas NOV 22 0933 - Good; monologue in Spanish, many "gran ciudad de Caracas" references, over R.Reloj Cuba and an unID open carrier (WCRN testing?). [Conti-ME]

837 CANARY ISLANDS COPE Las Palmas NOV 21 2120 - Poor; woman in Spanish, the first TA with audio tonight, and with solar activity at minor storm levels blocking signals from mainland Europe. [Conti-ME]

880 VENEZUELA R.Venezuela 880, Puerto Ordaz NOV 23 0956 - Fair; multiple station ID, "Venezuela Barinas 880 Barinas primer lugar... Venezuela Caribe 1150 Falcón primer lugar, Venezuela Tricolor 990 en Lara primer lugar... Venezuela 880... Venezuela Bolivar 1010... Radio Venezuela," through intense thunderstorm noise from approaching cold front. [Conti-ME]

890 CUBA R.Progreso, Chambas NOV 22 0929 - Fair; "onda de la alegría" ID and theme. [Conti-ME]

900 VENEZUELA Mara Ritmo 900, Maracaibo NOV 22 0100 - Good; "béisbol profesional venezolano" play-by-play, and at 0925 good with IDs as "la primera radio de Zulia." [Conti-ME]

910 VENEZUELA RQ-910, Caracas NOV 22 0105 - Good; McDonald's commercial announcement during baseball play-by-play, multiple station ID, "Radio 690 en... Radio 90.30 FM (?) en Falcón, Radio 1490 en Zulia, Radio Petrolera 1180, Radio Mérida 1490 en Mérida." [Conti-ME]

940 CUBA R.Reloj NOV 22 0132 - Minute markers and RR code IDs through the din. [Conti-ME]

940 MEXICO XEQ Enamorada 940, México NOV 22 0919 - Good; "Enamorada 940, el corazón de la radio," romantic vocals. [Conti-ME]

960 VENEZUELA Llanera 960, Acarigua NOV 22 0912 - Good; "Llanera 960... cinco y doce minutos, hora de Venezuela," and rustic vocals. [Conti-ME]

960 VENEZUELA unID NOV 22 0135 - Baseball play-by-play, many Venezuela mentions, over R.Reloj Cuba. Llanera 960 is most likely. [Conti-ME]

980 COLOMBIA RCN Cali NOV 22 0150 - Fair; RCN promo with choral theme parallel 1000. [Conti-ME]

1000 VENEZUELA La Caribeña, Morón NOV 22 0230 - Good; long string of commercial announcements, many mentions of Carabobo and Puerto Cabello, over RCN Colombia. [Conti-ME]

1008 CANARY ISLANDS Onda Cero, Las Palmas NOV 22 2200 - Poor; presumed with pop music and a woman in Spanish. [Conti-ME]

1020 VENEZUELA R.Calendario, Maracaibo NOV 22 0250 - Fair; "la hora de Calendario" time check and "Calendario momento," over unID rustic music likely from Margarita Venezuela. [Conti-ME]

1044 MOROCCO RTM Sebaa-Aioun NOV 21 2130 - Good; telephone talk, with TA DX limited to northwest Africa by auroral conditions. [Conti-ME]

1090 VENEZUELA Unión Radio, Caracas NOV 21 2240 - Fair; sports report parallel 640. [Conti-ME]

1098 SPAIN RNE 5 synchros NOV 22 2215 - Good; synchro echo, Radio Cinco network IDs. [Conti-ME]

1125 MADEIRA RDP Ponta do Pargo NOV 22 2205 - Man in Portuguese,
Mediterranean instrumental interludes. [Conti-ME]

1160 PUERTO RICO WBQN Super Borinquén, Barceloneta-Manatí NOV 22 2335 - Fair; local ads, Borinquén jingle. [Conti-ME]

1503 SPAIN RNE Piñeira NOV 22 2230 - Fair; time pips marking
bottom-of-the-hour, Radio Nacional de España ID, het on the low side likely from Angola. [Conti-ME]

1520 COLOMBIA R.Minuto, Barranquilla NOV 22 2256 - Good; end of La Palabra de Dios program, "Radio Minuto, quince-veinte, la radio... el Señor," then anthem and full ID. [Conti-ME]

1550 ALGERIA RASD Tindouf NOV 21 2155 - Fair; Koranic recitations over R.Disney WDZK. [Conti-ME]

Posted on January 8, 2003

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