Grayland DXpedition
July 9-10-11, 2004
Text by Guy
Atkins and John Bryant
ft. SW & W Beverages, 950 ft. NW Beverage
Guy Atkins: modified ICOM R-75
/ modified Racal RA6790GM / Timewave DSP-59+
Ergo receiver control / Kiwa MAP / RecAll Pro software
/ Sony MZ-R50 Mindisc
John Bryant: Ten-Tec RX340 /
Ten-Tec RX320 / Timewave DSP-599ZX
Total Recorder Pro software
Don Nelson: Ten-Tec RX340 / WJ
8712P receivers / WJ 8711 / other receivers
Ergo receiver control / multiple Sony MDS-E12 Minidisc
Walt Salmaniw: Ten-Tec RX340
/ JRC NRD-90 / Timewave DSP-599ZX
Sony MZ-R55 Minidisc
Bryant Comments:
The receiver used was a Ten Tec
340, with 700 to 900 foot Beverages pointed Southwest
(New Zealand, Australia), West (Central Pacific,
Australia) and Northwest (Japan, Coastal Asia and
Southeast Asia). MW conditions on the 9th were among
the worst encountered in my 18 years of DXing from
the Pacific Northwest, with only the staunchest
of old friends making a showing, largely at max
dawn. The 10th and 11th saw conditions improving
somewhat. The usual mid-summer pattern of most reception
being from DownUnder continued. The only remarkable
loggings were several very tentative logs to Australia-Northern
Territory: Darwin, Katherine and Alice Springs and
a presumed logging of 3NE Wangaratta - 1566 kHz.
on top of the 1566 HLAZ FEBC mega-powerhouse on
Cheju Island, R. of Korea.
Atkins Comments:
Another enjoyable Grayland DXpedition
is in the history books. Taking part were John Bryant,
Don Nelson, Walt Salmaniw, and myself. This Thursday
through Sunday DXpedition coincided with Grayland's
annual kite festival; we had good fun trying to
impress the kiters with the DXing hobby, and vice-versa.
Did you know that some kites cost as much as a Ten-Tec
RX340? You do now!
Mediumwave reception was the
worst overall we've ever experienced in 15 years
of DXing from the Washington State coast, so I roamed
the tropical bands most of the time. However I did
manage to log the rarely heard, 2 kilowatt 8RN stations
in Darwin (657 kHz) & Katherine (639 kHz), both
in the Northern Territory. 657 was clearly parallel
to R. Australia on 9580, and 639 was parallel the
ABC (VL8A) on 2310.
On the shortwave side of the
spectrum, Walt and I were determined to get an ID
out of RPDT Manggarai (2960v). However, in 3+ hours
of monitoring this tantalizing signal we never noted
an ID. Catholic Radio Network (4960) in Papua New
Guinea boomed in with excellent reception on July
11th, providing 100% readability during a live broadcast
of the Catholic Bishops Conference of PNG. It was
interesting too, to hear advertisements on CRN on
July 9th-- ads with local flavor just like those
found on the PNG regionals.
My DXpedition gear at the DXpedition
included modified Racal RA6790GM and ICOM R-75 receivers,
a Kiwa MAP unit, ERGO control program, and a Timewave
DSP-59+ audio filter. Recordings were made with
a Sony MZ-R50 Minidisc recorder and the RecAll Pro
PC recording software.
531 NEW ZEALAND 1XPI Auckland,
Jul 11 1239 - Good level at tune-in, but fading
by 1240. Woman announcer with unid. island language
or Maori. (Atkins-WA)
576 AUSTRALIA 2RN Sydney , Jul
11 1226 - Noted in passing with pop music show hosted
by fem. Good level. (Bryant-WA)
594 AUSTRALIA 3WV Horsham , Jul
10 1311 - Heard with 'Saturday Night Country' at
end of dawn enhancement.Fair level to band fade.
See also 702 kHz. and others. (Bryant-WA)
594 JAPAN JOAK, NHK-1 Tokyo ,
Jul 11 1157 - Noted in passing at fair to good level
with JJ talk by man. (Bryant-WA)
612 AUSTRALIA 4QR MS Brisbane
, Jul 11 1230 - Heard with typical Metro Service
Aussie talk by males at good level. (Bryant-WA)
639 AUSTRALIA 8RN Katherine,
Jul 9 1210 - Male announcers broadcasting Aussie
football in English. Poor-fair level. Parallel 2310
VL8A (ABC). (Atkins-WA)
657 AUSTRALIA 8RN Darwin (very
tent.) , Jul 11 1200 - Aussie signal noted here
with Seeming Radio Australia ID and into news //
to 9580. Threshold opening for about 2 minutes.
Not an official log, but very promising. (Bryant/Atkins-WA)
675 AUSTRALIA 2CO Albany , Jul
11 1235 - This presumed the one here with talk by
fems at poor level. (Bryant-WA)
684 AUSTRALIA 2KP Kempsey , Jul
11 1238 - Heard //2CO and also mixing with another
Aussie, possibly 8RN Tennant Creek. Both at fair
to poor level. (Bryant-WA)
702 AUSTRALIA 2BL Sydney, Jul
9 1320 - Noted in passing with two male announcers,
parallel to 2NR Grafton 738, 3LO Melbourne 774,
and 4RN Brisbane on 792. Poor-fair level. (Atkins-WA)
702 AUSTRALIA 2BL Sydney , Jul
10 1248 - Sydney Metropolitan Service noted here
with 'Saturday Night Country' an 'ABC Local Radio'
(RR network) program. From the numerous ABC Local
Radio promos, it was clear that much of all three
ABC networks join ABC Local Radio for this program
for most of Saturday night.... probably from about
10PM local time, in a rolling join-up from east
to west.Signal was excellent at times. Also noted
July 11. (Bryant-WA)
738 AUSTRALIA 2NR Grafton, Jul
9 1315 - Likely this with discussion by two Aussie-accent
males, parallel 702 2BL Sydney, 774 3LO Melbourne,
and 792 4RN Brisbane. Poor. (Atkins-WA)
738 AUSTRALIA 2NR Grafton , Jul
10 1116 - Both 2NR (ABC RR Service) and several
Metropolitan Service stations carrying a sporting
event where one team represented Auckland, NZ. Possibly
soccer. Fair signal //774 and others. (Bryant-WA)
738 TAHITI RFO R. Tahiti, Mahina
, Jul 9 0438 - Rapidly building signal, first heard
at 0430, then throughout the night. Very good by
1200. Also noted July 11. (Bryant-WA)
774 AUSTRALIA 3LO Melbourne,
Jul 9 1320 - Two Aussie-accented males with talk,
parallel 2NR Grafton 738, 2BL Sydney 702, and 4RN
Brisbane 792. Poor-fair. (Atkins-WA)
774 JAPAN JOUB, NHK2, Akita ,
Jul 10 1158 - Here at fair level briefly on top
of Aussie. JJ talk by male. Fade at TOH. Fair to
good level. Also noted July 11. (Bryant-WA)
783 AUSTRALIA 8AL Alice Creek
(tent.) , Jul 11 1243 - Tentative this one with
music show hosted by fem. Not // 2310 kHz. Poor
as band began to fade. (Bryant-WA)
792 AUSTRALIA 4RN Brisbane, Jul
9 1320 - Aussie-accent talk with two announcers,
parallel 2NR Grafton 738, 2BL Sydney 702, and 3LO
Melbourne 774. Poor-fair. (Atkins-WA)
792 AUSTRALIA 4RN Brisbane ,
Jul 10 1201 - Here after TOH at good level with
ABC International/National News. Male+female news
reader. (Bryant-WA)
828 AUSTRALIA 3GI, Sale (pres.)
, Jul 9 1148 - Noted here // 774 (unusual) with
part of a sports event. Poor level, but clearly
//774//891. Also noted July 10. (Bryant-WA)
828 JAPAN JOBB, NHK-2 Osaka ,
Jul 11 1131 - Noted briefly mixing with or dominating
3LO, with JJ talk and possible language lesson.
Fair level. (Bryant-WA)
891 AUSTRALIA 5AN, Adelaide ,
Jul 9 1156 - Also noted with the sports event //774//828.
Fair level. Also noted July 10. (Bryant-WA)
1035 NEW ZEALAND 2ZB Wellington (pres.) , Jul 11
1250 - Brief log at band fade with two men talking
with DU accents. This the only DU station listed.
Fair to poor and then gone, due to dawn at Grayland.
1062 AUSTRALIA 4TI Thursday Island
, Jul 10 1302 - Noted with Saturday Night Country
program at good level // others. (Bryant-WA)
1098 MARSHALL ISLANDS V7AD, Majuro , Jul 9 1122
- Heard at good level with island music and presumed
Marshalese lang by male host. Best number was a
gonzo Melanesian version of 'Blue Bayoo' on traditional
instruments. Whadda hoot!. (Bryant-WA)
1098 MARSHALL ISLANDS R. Marshalls
V7AD Majuro, Jul 9 1124 - Peaking at nice level
with Marshallese talk by male; island choral music
1126. Male announcer 1134. Faded down by 1138. (Atkins-WA)
1116 AUSTRALIA 4BC Brisbane ,
Jul 9 0948 - First noted at 0948 with good signal.
A talk show with male host. Noted throughout the
expedition as the most reliable Aussie on the band.
This was true last season, as well. What makes this
remarkable is that 4BC, like all Aussie commercial
outlets, is limited to 5 kW, while some ABC coastal
outlets - such as 2RN-576 and 2BC-702 in Sydney
and 4QR-612 in Brisbane - run 10 times that amount.
1287 JAPAN JOHR Sapporo , Jul
10 1140 - Heard at threshold level in definite JJ,
building to fair signal during part of max. dawn.
Also noted July 11. (Bryant-WA)
1386 JAPAN NHK2 Synchros , Jul
10 1130 - First Japanese of DXpedition. Noted at
poor to fair level with male speaking in JJ. Also
noted July 11. (Bryant-WA)
Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu , Jul 9 1106 - Noted here
with threshold audio. This Muslim propaganda station
still broadcasting straight north to the Philippines
in Tagalog on the non-standard 1475. (Bryant-WA)
1503 JAPAN JOUK, NHK 1 Akita
, Jul 10 1145 - Japanese modern popular music show
at good level from this powerhouse throughout dawn
enhancement. Also noted July 11. (Bryant-WA)
1548 AUSTRALIA 4QD Emerald, Jul
9 1044 - Presumed. Aussie-accented folk music 1044.
Male announcer in English with possible commentary
on musical styles. Fair. (Atkins-WA)
1566 AUSTRALIA 3NE Wangaratta
(pres.) , Jul 10 1215 - From first tune-in at 1215
until 1248 (the heart of dawn enhancement,) HLAZ
was dominated by an Aussie station playing 1950s/Early
60s US Rock and Roll, with a male DJ. Likely 3NE,
Wangaratta, an Aussie commercial outlet with 5 kW.
The only other DU station listed is a 200 watter
in Queensland. Will send tentative report.. (Bryant-WA)
Cheju Island , Jul 10 1215 - Heard with usual FEBC
religous programming throughout dawn enhancement.
Very unusual reception in that this normal powerhouse
was dominated through much of dawn enhancement by
a furball of two other stations. HLAZ was fair at
times. Also noted July 11. (Bryant-WA)
1593 CHINA Heilongjiang News
Station (pres.) , Jul 10 1155 - Commentary/discussion
with male Chinese announcer fair to poor at 1155,
fading to nothing at TOH, naturally. Only Chinese
of DXpedition for me. Also noted July 11. (Bryant-WA)
1224-1233, VL8A Alice Springs Jul 9 Excellent signal
of two sportscasters discussing Australian football,
and mentions of 'ABC National'. Parallel 2325 VL8T
Tennant Creek (very good) and VL8K Katherine (poor),
as well as 8RN Darwin on 657 (fair). (Atkins-WA)
BOLIVIA 6025, 0214-0225,
R. Illimani Jul 11 Frenetic futbol announcers in
Spanish, describing match between Argentina and
Mexico. Quick mention of 'Illimani'. Very good level,
but some local QRM. (Atkins-WA)
CONGO 5985, 0447-0455, RTV Congolaise
Jul 10 Strong, clear reception with male announcer
in French, mentioning Brazzaville frequently. Great
listening until WYFR stomped on the Congolaise DX
at 0455. On Jul 11, RTV Congolaise rose to equal
level with WYFR at 0437, and was in the clear at
0445 dominating WYFR. Strong open carrier 0448 over
Congo, but it was still readable underneath with
French announcer and brief soukous music. (Atkins-WA)
GABON 4890, 0406-0421, RFI Afrique
Jul 11 Female announcer in French with possible
news items, and report by a different female reporter.
4890 seemed in parallel to 7150 Ascension. Mostly
fair signal, but hampered by band noise. (Atkins-WA)
GHANA 4915, 0548-0602, GBC Jul
10 Zairian style soukous at 0548 and at a good level,
too. Drums at 0600; 3 time pips +1, Radio Ghana
ID and into news reports. (Atkins-WA)
INDIA 4775, 1343-1348, AIR Imphal
Jul 9 Male announcer with list or text that he was
reading v-e-r-y slowly in Hindi. Poor-fair at 1-1/2
hours past local sunrise. (Atkins-WA)
INDIA 4910, 1338-1342, AIR Jaipur
Jul 9 Male announcer in Hindi; advertisement or
promo 1341 with lively music and Hindi singing.
Into another ad with male announcer and short clips
of music. Fair-good signal. (Atkins-WA)
INDONESIA 2960v, 1040-1310+,
RPDT Manggarai Jul 11 First noted with poor-fair
signal at 1040 with sleep-inducing monotone Indonesian
male announcer. Heard only on the NW Beverage. Mentions
of Ruteng Flores at 1105 and again at 1115, but
no ID or break noted. Drifty signal from 2959.85-2960.05.
Near grayline conditions between Grayland and Manggarai
at tune-in; signal slowly varied up and down from
threshold level to poor by 1124; occasional brief
peaks of better reception. Various music styles
to announcements 1158 (but no ID) and into RRI network
at 1200, parallel 4750 and 3266.4. Good signal as
local Grayland sunrise approached. Back to local
programming of music at 1225. No ID heard in the
1258-1310 timeframe either, but 'who else could
it be?'. Casual monitoring while packing up the
DXpedition gear showed Manggarai still on the air
past 1400. (Atkins-WA)
INDONESIA 3266.4, 1126-1145,
RRI Gorontalo Jul 10 'Kang Guru Radio English Show'
with male and female announcers assisting Indonesian
listeners with writing/reading the English language;
comments in both Indonesian and EG. Credit given
to the 'KGIA' (?) for production of the Kang Guru
program. At 1138, sound bites of 1950s tune 'Hey
Hey Mr. Postman' bracketing tips for improving your
postal letter writing. PO Box address given at 1140.
Good signal. (Atkins-WA)
INDONESIA 4604.96, 1100-1106,
RRI Serui Jul 10 RRI news relay at tune-in. Nice
RRI ID at 1105. Good level for a 500 watt station.
INDONESIA 4790, 1233-1313, RRI
Fak Fak Jul 9 Soft lagu romantik tunes in Indonesian,
continuous from 1233 tune-in. Powerhouse signal
level, but some swisher QRM. No break or announcers
at top of hour. Male announcer with ID at 1310,
and back into music. (Atkins-WA)
INDONESIA 4870.9, 0948-1031,
RRI Sorong Jul 11 Male announcer in Indonesian with
many mentions of Sorong; harmonizing acapella quartet
at 0959-1002; EZL male vocals 1003; continuous Indo
music to quick RRI Sorong ID 1031. (Atkins-WA)
INDONESIA 4925, 1120-1125, RRI
Jambi Jul 10 Good signal with lagu melayu and male
vocals, and approaching grayline conditions with
sunset at the transmitter. (Atkins-WA)
MALAYSIA 4895, 1348-1355, RTM
Sarawak Jul 9 Powerhouse signal of Malay pop music
and occasional chatter by male and female announcers
in Iban. Mentions of Malaysia 1350, and 'Radio Malaysia...???...'
partial ID at 1355 by woman. Excellent level on
West Beverage. (Atkins-WA)
NEW ZEALAND 3935, 1410-1418,
ZLXA Levin Jul 10 Radio Reading Service, with two
male announcers discussing Papua New Guinea politics.
Poor-fair, and only audible on SW Beverage. Also
noted earlier at 1055 with National Radio relay
of an opera and into Radio New Zealand news at 1100.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3235, 1015-1030,
R. West New Britain Jul 10 Hymn or religious acapella
chorus 1015, modern PNG pop music 1017. Fair level
but noisy band conditions. The following additional
PNG outlets were also heard in the 1020 timeframe:
3260 R. Madang, fair-good; 3325 R. North Solomons,
fair mixing with RRI Palangkaraya; 3335 R. East
Sepik, excellent; NBC Port Moresby 4890 (but absent
on Jul 11, 0900-1300), Excellent S9+10db; 4960 Catholic
Radio Network, good. Very few PNGs this evening.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 4960, 1140-1209,
Catholic Radio Network, Vanimo Jul 9 Today is the
first time I've noted advertisements on CRN. Ads
in English by female for PNG Motors ("mention
this ad to get an especially generous offer at only
72,500 Kina")($22,511 US) and Michael's Sporting
& Fishing ("Phone 9821133 or 9821132").
Religious chorus in Pidgin 1201; "Good night
listener program" in Pidgin by male at 1203.
Mentions of United Nations Development Program and
Leadership Development Program at 1204 in Pidgin.
Very good signal. On Jul 11, an excellent signal
was heard at 0953 tune-in, with broadcast of the
Catholic Bishops Conference of PNG in Pidgin and
English. At 1011, numerous Catholic and PNG government
officials were introduced ("A warm welcome
to the Honorable Alfred Sumani of Bougainville...").
Mentions of various issues facing the bishops such
as youth problems, HIV/AIDS in the community, etc.
The bishops were reminded that they want only government
cooperation, not money for their participation in
tackling these PNG problems. (Atkins-WA)
SOLOMON ISLANDS 5019.9, 0940-0943,
SIBC Jul 10 Heard briefly while tuning through 60
meters, and noted a good, but less than stellar
SIBC signal. Local female announcer in Pidgin, and
island music. (Atkins-WA)
SOUTH AFRICA 3320, 0427-0434,
R. SonderGrense Jul 11 Orchestral music to 0428
male announcer in presumed Afrikaans--too weak and
noisy to be certain. Tentative, and into the noise
by 0434. (Atkins-WA)
VANUATU 7260, 0926-0933, R. Vanuatu
Jul 9 Female announcer in English; male announcer
with 'This is R. Vanuatu' ID at 0926. Guitar folk
music. Fair and slowly improving signal. Also heard
July 10 at 0950 with 'Oye Como Va' by Santana at
good level. (Atkins-WA)
ZAMBIA 4910, 0250-0315, ZBC Radio
1 Jul 10 Good reception with fish eagle interval
signal, national anthem, and lively Afropops music.
Heard about 1-1/2 hours before Grayland sunset.
Also heard 0422 on Jul 11, but with a poor signal.
Posted on September
11, 2004
 