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DXpedition to Grayland
September 9-10, 2006

by Chuck Hutton

945 CHINA location unknown, Sep 9 1230 good+ with the CNR sounder. This year, 945 has been better than 936 Anhui but the last few years Anhui was a big #1. (CH-Sep 2006)

945 JAPAN NHK1 various locations Sep 9 1233 mixing with China when China took a big fade but otherwise well underneath. Parallel to 594. (CH-Sep 2006)

999 CHINA CNR 1100 Sep 9 weak with pips at the top of the hour and the standard CNR sounder. (CH Sep 2006)

1017 CHINA 1247 Sep 9 with fair+ Korean that turned out to be CRI with their listed Korean program rather than MBC South Korea per Bill Harms. (CH-Sep 2006)

1179 UNID 1252 Sep. 10 an Asian station mixing with Japan, and it’s not standard Mandarin Chinese but I can’t say what it is. First time for a non-DU station to be heard with Japan. (CH-Sep 2006)

1225 UNID 1325 Sep. 10 not // NHK so not Japan. Bill Harms and I can’t say what it is, but it’s not China or Japan. (CH-Sep 2006) 1251 CHINA unid Sep 9 with non-stop talk by a woman from 1118 to 1131. No break at the half-hour point. Clearly not CRI who is supposedly mostly English and this didn’t sound like a big-production CRI affair. Good+ signal at points with no slop and just a trace of someone else way under. Sounds like standard Mandarin to me, but take that with a big grain of salt. (CH Sep 2006)

1269 JAPAN a mix of JOFM and JOHW parallel to 1287 plus another Japanese station that must be JOJR as the other listed Japanese station is only 100 Watts. Fair, 1131 Sep 9. (CH-Sep 2006)

1386 SOUTH KOREA 1300 Sep 9 on top of the channel with "MBC Yo'lshi-nyusu' imnida" ID at the top of the hour after a single pip. Japan and their 3 low + 1 high pips were there too. Even more interesting was a set of 5 low and 1 high pips from an unid, likely China. Thanks to Bill Harms for spelling out the Korean. (CH-Sep 2006)

1395 CHINA 1324 Sep. 10 fair-poor with a man talking in Chinese and mixing with equally difficult Korean. Either Anhui or Xilingol but I have no way to tell which. (CH-Sep 2006)

1395 SOUTH KOREA HLCO assumed the source of Korean (confirmed by Bill Harms) at 1325 Sep. 10 (CH-Sep 2006)

1404 JAPAN JOQL HBC Kushiro 1323 Sep 9 poor-fair but parallel to 1287 for an easy ID. (CH-Sep 2006)

1404 SOUTH KOREA to fair level 1338 Sep. 10 with a woman in Korean, confirmed by Bill Harms. That means this is HLKP (the only Korean) with 10 kw. (CH-Sep 2006)

1449 JAPAN JOQM HBC Abashiri fair-poor 1306 Sep 9, paralleled to 1287 for the ID. (CH-Sep 2006)

1449 SOUTH KOREA HLQB Ulsan (assumed) 1307 Sep 9. Bill Harms confirmed I have a fair-poor segment of Korean when Japan had faded. First time for something other than Japan here. (CH-Sep 2006)

1449 CHINA unid 1305 Sep 9: Bill Harms also found some Chinese in my recording, but there are 2 listed Chinese so I’ll never know who. (CH-Sep 2006) 1467 SOUTH KOREA 1400 Sep. 10 with fair “KBS” ID by man followed by news in Korean. (CH-Sep 2006)

1485 SOUTH KOREA 1344 Sep. 9 audio rising from poor to fair levels a few times and there was enough for Bill Harms to nail this as being Korean. That means I heard HLQU / HLQS (1 kw each) which are KBS relays. I’m quite happy to have a log on this graveyard channel from a distance of 500 miles (CH-Sep 2006)

1521 JAPAN NHK2 synchros (6 at 1 kw) poor-fair 1143 Sep. 10 with a man talking parallel to a powerful 774. (CH Sep 2006)

1548 UNID and puzzling. Clear oriental flute music 1156 to 1204 Sep. 10 including 5 short low and 1 long high pips at 1200. Sounded like there was an echo, implying a second station. There’s no network listed in the Pacific Asian Log so I can only wonder who this was. There’s very little on this channel in Asia – no Japanese or Korean stations and only 2 Chinese and a couple Filipinos. (CH-Sep 2006)

Posted on October 17, 2006

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