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LEM202 DXpedition Log
November 27 - December 4, 2004

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
846 29.11.
0310- Kalmykskaya GTRK, Elista
1368 30.11. 0620 RAI Toscana, Firenze
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
612 1.12. 0645 RNE1 País Vasco, Vitória
621 30.11. 0645 RNE1 Castilla y León, Avila, "Radio Nacional de España en Castilla y León"
639 3.12. 0645 RNE1 País Vasco, Bilbao
882 30.11. 0625 COPE Castilla y León, Valladolid
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
710,96 29.11. 2300 LJB, Ghadames/Jefren/Sabha
4750 30.11. *0229- Radio Peace, New Site
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
684 2.12. 1440 Gansu PBS, UNID QTH, GS
693 27.11. 1544 Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka
720 30.11. 1600 IRIB Mashad, Tayebad, local ID at this time
801 29.11. 1437 + Yinchuan PBS News Station, Yinchuan NX. Thanks to Qiao Xiaoli and Jim Solatie for this one.
846 1.12. *2330- Xinjiang PBS, Hotan XJ
963 27.11.
tent. Xinjiang PBS, UNID QTH, in Kazakh. No ID, but Urumqi was part of the contact information announced. Not listed in WRTH 2004. This and many other unidentified Chinese stations have been posted on this website for you to listen to. Your help in identifying these Chinese stations would be greatly appreciated!
963 2.12. 1457 A very interesting unidentified station in Chinese. I think I heard Liaoning PBS. Eric Zhou says this would be Xuchang PBS, but it is not listed on this frequency. You can listen to this and other unidentified stations yourself. Any comments?
972 29.11. *0024- AIR Cuttack
1017 30.11. 1504 Thahaan Aakaat, Prachuap Khiri Khan, accidentally with a local ID
1035 30.11. 1630 IRIB Yazd, ID: "Inja Yazd, Sadayee Jumhuriya Islamiya Iran"
1071 28.11. 1326 ORTAS Tartus
1071 29.11. 1300 R Öskemen/Ust-Kamenogorsk, a bilingual Kazakh/Russian local program. Years ago this was on 801, where I have it QSLed (Mika).
1071 30.11. 1200 Tianjin PBS, Tianjin TJ
1080 2.12. 1458 Suzhou PBS, Suzhou AH. No ID, but commercial spots to Suzhou.
1080 2.12. 1526 CRI UNID QTH, YN, px in Lao. WRTH gives Kunming as location, but Jim has visited Kunming and heard the signal only during the night, so the groundwave doesn't reach Kunming and the transmitter has to be pretty far away.
1152 29.11. 1328 Hunan PBS, Hengyang HN
1251 29.11. 1300 Shandong PBS, Country Service (Dilu Pindao), Jinan SD
1287 29.11. 1339 + Xuchang PBS, News Channel (=Xinwen Guangbo), Xuchang HEN. Again many thanks to Eric Zhou for confirming this!
1296 27.11. 1630 VOA Kabul, "Inja VOA, Radio Ashna"
1314 28.11. 1330 ORTAS Aleppo/Sarakeb, even with a local ID "Idha'at al-Halab". I didn't even know that Syrian stations have local programs, as none are listed in the WRTH. Many thanks to Tarek Zeidan for confirming this!
1368 29.11. 1343 tent. Chin Hsi, Kaohsiung
1395 29.11. 1054 Nei Monggol PBS
1422 30.11. 1419 CRI Kashi XJ, foreign service programming in Urdu
1476 29.11. 1300 + Zibo Traffic and Literary Station, Zibo SD. "Zibo Jiaotong Wenyi Guangbo". Listed on this frequency for the first time in the 2005 edition of the WRTH. Thanks to Qiao Xiaoli for checking this.
1485 27.11. 2228 Jordan RTV, Aqaba
1575 27.11. 1859 Radio Asia, Ras al Khaimah
1602 27.11. 1430 Jiangsu PBS, Hongze JS
1602 27.11.
Khost Radio, Khost
1647 2.12. 1746 + Trans World Radio (TWR), Central Asia. In English, which is why I first thought this was an X-band Aussie. TWR doesn't disclose the location aside from saying it is in "Central Asia". A very strange frequency choice.
4830 28.11. 2300 Mongoliin Radio, Gobi-Altay
4895 28.11. 2300 Mongoliin Radio, Mörön
 Australia & Oceania
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
940 1.12. 1304 KHCM Waipahu HI
1540 30.11. 0900 KREA Honolulu HI, in Korean, but top-of-the-hour ID in English
1701 2.12. 1744 Radio Brisvaani, Brisbane
 North America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
580 2.12. 0632 WTAG Worchester MA, "Newstalk 580 WTAG"
590 1.12. 0759 KQNT Spokane WA
590 2.12. 0630 + WROW Albany NY, "WROW Albany, proudly owned and operated by the Albany Broadcasting Company"
600 2.12. 0632 + WICC Bridgeport CT, "Your hometown radio station WICC 600"
610 3.12. 0835 CHTM Thompson MB
750 30.11. 1130 KXL Portland OR
800 2.12. 1145 KPDQ Portland OR, "800 KPDQ"
840 2.12. 1221 KXNT North Las Vegas NV, "AM 840 The Team"
860 2.12. 1043 KPAM Portland OR, "Newstalk 860
880 30.11.
KWIP Dallas OR, "La Máquina Musical"
880 1.12.
KIXI Mercer Island-Seattle WA
940 30.11.
KWBY Woodburn OR, "La Pantera 940"
950 1.12. 1218 KMTX Helena MT, "95 Unforgettable"
970 1.12. 1205 KTRW Spokane WA
970 2.12. 1159 KUPL Portland OR
1020 2.12. 1226 KYXE Selah WA
1030 3.12. 0736 + tent. KEVT Cortaro AZ, "Radio Exitos" in SS
1050 2.12. 1059 KORE Springfield OR
1110 30.11. 0820 KAGV Big Lake AK testing in LSB. Very powerful signal. "I AM Radio Network, Christian Radio for Alaska". See news about this station in Radio News in November 2004.
1110 2.12. 1159,1230 KBND Bend OR
1150 2.12. 0823,0900 KKNW Seattle WA
1170 1.12. 1300 KPUG Bellingham WA
1180 2.12. 0759 KLAY Lakewood WA
1210 30.11. 0741 KRSV Afton WY
1220 2.12. 1105 KCCS Salem OR
1230 28.11. 0623 KVOC Casper WY
1230 28.11.
1230 28.11.
KMUZ Gresham OR, "Recuerdos 1230"
1230 29.11.
KKEE Astoria OR
1230 29.11.
KWYZ Everett WA // 1450 KSUH, Korean
1230 30.11. 1341 CBQC Ft. Providence NWT, "CBC North Radio"
1240 28.11. 0659 KIUL Garden City KS
1240 28.11.
KEJO Corvallis OR, "Joe Radio"
1240 30.11. 0755 KMHI Mountain Home ID
1240 30.11. 1000 KTIX Pendleton OR
1240 30.11. 1115 KQEN Roseburg OR
1240 1.12. 0725 KCCR Pierre SD
1260 2.12. 0848 KOIT San Francisco CA // 96.5 FM
1270 1.12. 0710 KTFI Twin Falls ID
1280 28.11. 0648 WHTK Rochester NY, "Hot Talk 1280, WHTK"
1280 30.11.
CHQB Powell River BC, IDs as "Coast Country" and "Coast Radio"
1280 2.12. 0605 KZNS Salt Lake City UT, "Sportsradio 1280 The Zone"
1280 2.12. 1000 KIT Yakima WA
1290 28.11. 0800 KOWB Laramie WY
1300 28.11. 0559 WOOD Grand Rapids MI
1310 30.11. 0750 KEIN Great Falls MT
1310 30.11. 0905 KZXR Prosser WA, "The Source"
1310 30.11. 1128 KNPT Newport OR
1310 2.12. 0600 WIBA Madison WI
1310 2.12. 0830 KFKA Greeley CO
1340 28.11. 0833 KCKN Kansas City MO
1340 30.11. 0750 KXEQ Reno NV, "Super Q" in SS
1340 30.11. 0958 KLOO Corvallis OR, "Newsradio 1340 Cloo AM"
1350 2.12. 1113 KRLC Clarkston WA
1360 1.12. 0605 KSCJ Sioux City IA
1360 3.12. 0257 WYOS Binghamton NY
1370 30.11. 0959 KAST Astoria OR
1370 3.12. 1000 WXXI Rochester NY
1380 29.11. 0459 WTJK South Beloit IL
1380 29.11. 0641 KSRV Ontario OR, "1380 the Cruise"
1390 1.12. 2340 WNIO Youngstown OH
1390 3.12. 0730 KLTX Long Beach CA, "R Nueva Vida"
1400 28.11. 0859 KLCK Goldendale WA
1400 29.11. 0759 KEDO Longview WA
1400 1.12. 0731 KITZ Silverdale WA
1400 28.11.
KART Jerome ID, "Real Country"
1400 1.12. 1429 CKSQ Stettler AB
1400 2.12. 0600 KAYS Hays KS, "Sportsradio KAYS Hays"
1440 2.12. 1006 KMED Medford OR, "Newstalk 1440 KMED"
1450 2.12. 0900 KONP Port Angeles WA
1460 28.11. 0559 WHIC Rochester NY, "The station of the cross"
1490 28.11. 0659 KBUR Burlington IA
1490 28.11. 0705 KTTR Rolla MO
1490 1.12. 1200 KEYG Grand Coulee WA
1490 2.12. 1030 KYNR Toppenish WA, "The Voice of the Yakima Nation"
1540 30.11.
KXPA Bellevue WA
1590 2.12. 1025 KKZZ Ventura CA
1590 2.12. 1027 KLIV San Jose CA
1630 3.12. 0707 KKWY Fox Farm WY
1640 28.11. 0858 KDZR Lake Oswego OR
1660 30.11. 0534,0805 KTIQ Merced CA, "Radio Visa"
1670 29.11.
KNRO Redding CA, "Redding's ESPN Radio 1670"
1670 1.12. 0545 KHPY Moreno Valley CA, "Radio Católica El Sembrador"
1680 30.11.
KTFH Seattle WA, "La Z", "The Bridge"
1690 3.12. 0215 WRLL Berwyn IL, "Real Oldies 1690"
 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
590 2.12. 0718 XEPH Cd. México DF, "La Sabrosita"
600 2.12. 0642 Radio Rebelde, Urbano Noris
750 2.12. 0700 + Radio Progreso, Trinidad, "Radio Progreso, Cadena Nacional. La Onda de la Alegría transmitiendo desde La Habana, Cuba, primer territorio libre en America"
760 3.12. 0800 XEABC Radio ABC, Mexico DF, "Feliz Navidad, ABC Radio 760 AM"
770 3.12. 0820 XEJJR Los Mochis SN, "Encantadora"
790 2.12. 0650 Radio Reloj, Pinar del Rio
870 2.12. 0652 WQBS San Juan PR. The correct address for WQBS is: Calle Bori 1508, Urb. Antonsanti, San Juan 00927 (thanks to Håkan Sundman for the info!)
880 3.12. 0825 XEPNK Los Mochis SN, "Canal 88"
1030 2.12. 0900 XESDD Ensenada BC, "XESDD 1030 AM, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico"
1030 3.12. 0751 XEMPM Los Mochis SN, "Radio Fama"
1140 3.12. 0211 WQII San Juan PR. No ID, but studio phone number was announced.
1230 1.12. 0525 XEEX Culiacán SN, "Radio Fórmula", "Esta es XEEX 1230 Radio Fórmula Culiacán"
1230 2.12. 0426 WNIK Arecibo PR, "Radio Unica"
1250 1.12. 0610 XESJ Saltillo CO. No ID nor slogan, but spots for businesses in Saltillo. This station has a rare format, giving the time and current temperature every few minutes.
1330 1.12. 0535 + XEWQ Monclova CO, "WQ 1330 La Super Estación"
1330 4.12. 0800 HIVC Radio Visión Cristiana, Santo Domingo
1470 29.11. 0732 XERCN Tijuana BC, "Radio Hispana 1470"
1540 1.12. 0706 XEHOS Hermosillo SO, "La Poderosa 1540"
1630 3.12. 0652 XEUT Mexicali BC, "Radio Universidad", at times also relaying XHBA 104.1 FM
1640 29.11. 0257 R Juventus Don Bosco, Santo Domingo
1700 28.11.
XEPE Tecate BC, First identified as "La Romántica 1700", later in the week as "La Tremenda" - perhaps a change in slogan and format?
4810 4.12. 0801 XERTA Cd. México DF
 South America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
880 4.12. 0806 YVYM Radio Venezuela 880, Puerto Ordaz
930 29.11. 0121 ZYJ923 CBN Aracajú SE. Too bad I already have this one QSLed from the days it used to be R Liberdade (Mika).
930 29.11. 0404 CX20 Radio Monte Carlo, Montevideo
1140 3.12. 0247 Radio Porlamar, Porlamar, relaying RQ-910
1190.05 2.12. 0157 HJCT La Voz de la Costa, Barranquilla
1300 4.12. 0700 ZYK535 Rádio Universo, São Paulo SP
1380 30.11. 0215 ZYI773 Rádio Novas de Paz, Recife PE
1390 28.11. 2358 ZYJ242 Rádio Cultura, Maringá PR. Thanks to Jan-Erik Österholm for confirming this one.
1390 29.11.
ZYI788 Rádio Jornal, Pesqueira PE
1400 29.11. 0415 ZYJ256 Rádio Globo, Londrina PR (ex-CBN)
1470 30.11. 0031 ZYH509 Rádio Morro Verde, Mairi BA. Thanks to Rafael Scapin and Jan-Erik Österholm for identifying this one!
1500 29.11. 2359 ZYH487 Rádio Jacuípe, Riachão do Jacuípe BA
1520 28.11. 0130 Radio Chascomús, Chascomús
1520 28.11. 0213 Rádio Globo announced here, but what station is this? Sound files of this and other unidentified Latin American stations can be heard by you - and I'd like to hear your comments on these (Mika).
1540 30.11. 0040 ZYJ611 Rádio Baixa Verde, João Câmara RN
1570 28.11.
+ ZYJ... Rádio Globo Litoral Paranaense, Paranaguá PR. Thanks to Marcelo Bedene, Adalberto Marques de Azevedo and Alexandre Tupinambá for finding out the address for this one: Av. Artur de Abreu, 29, Edifício Palácio do Café, 11º andar, Centro - Paranaguá -PR - Brasil, CEP 83.203-480
1570 28.11.
ZYH496 Rádio Educadora, Jaguaquara BA
1570 28.11. 0309,0458 ZYK651 Rádio ABC, Santo André SP. Also on other nights.
1590 4.12. 0520 ZYJ823 Rádio Globo, Joinville SC (ex Rádio Floresta Negra). Many thanks to Rudolf W. Grimm for solving this one!
Published on December 8, 2004 - updated later

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LEM202 DXpedition Report


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