LBI-5 Medium-wave DXpedition Report
Long Beach Island, New
Jersey USA
November 3-5, 2006
Dave Hochfelder, NJ Drake R8B; Quantum
Rob Stonier, Hawthorne, NJ Drake R8
Michael Temme-Soifer, Egg Harbor, NJ
Sony 2010
Bob Galerstein, Monroe, NY Drake R8B;
Quantum Phaser
Glenn Small, Framingham, MA Sony 2010
Bill Harms, Elkridge, MD Drake R8B;
Quantum Phaser
Bruce Collier, York, PA Drake R8B;
MFJ 1025 Phaser; 12-band Graphic Equalizer
Brett Saylor, State College, PA, Drake R8;
Icom R-75; TenTec RX-320; MFJ 1025 Phaser
Russ Edmunds, Blue Bell, PA Sony 2010
900' terminated BOG's at 33 and 213 degrees
200' phase wire
6' amplified broadband
box loop and 2.5' copper
tube loop with DX
Engineering DXE-RPA-1 preamplifiers

Front left to right: Glenn Small, Rob Stonier,
Dave Hochfelder; rear left to right: Bruce Collier,
Bob Galerstein, Russ Edmunds, Brett Saylor (missing
from photo: Bill Harms and Michael Temme-Soifer)
Musings from the Attendees
Russ Edmunds speaks:
For the 5th annual LBI DXpedition,
planning began earlier than usual, thanks to the
national reduction in store locations by the US
electronics chain Radio Shack in early summer which
went along with a change in their store product
lines. That event resulted in some serious bargains
for many of our group who purchased adaptors, connectors,
coax, wire, rotators, tripods, masting and other
assorted goodies at savings up to 60% off.
As usual, we attempted to select
a weekend based on recurring geomagnetic patterns
starting at 90, and then 60 days out. This year,
there were no obvious quiet spells, as activity
had been erratic in August and early September.
Nonetheless, we set a dates of November 3-4-5, 2006
and the game was on.

Russ Edmunds |
Antennas, cables, splitters (thanks
again to Chuck Hutton for lending us several extra
splitters) and other hardware were deployed efficiently,
and without interruption by the local constabulary,
thanks to Bob Galersteins having secured permission
from the township for us to lay wires on thebeach
beforehand. We also opted to reduce the length of
our northeast (33 degree) BOG by a couple of hundred
feet in order to avoid one of the main vehicle entrances
to the beach. Brett Saylor brought along a GPS device,
with which we were finally able to get a solid measurement
on the exact orientation of our antennas. Our prior
estimated had been 40 and 220 degrees, however these
turned out to be closer to 33/213.
We employed both a Mark Connelly-designed
broadband loop and a Craig Healy-designed copper
pipe loop just outside the main DX room at the motel;
however, even with the DX Engineering preamp, the
signals from the former were lower than last year
and somewhat erratic, which will likely cause some
scrutiny prior to 2007, as that had been an excellent
antenna at LBI-4. The copper pipe loop was unsoldered,
and whether that was the reason or not, its signal
level was below that of the BBL.
Conditions were generally mediocre,
although one short-lived opening to the Middle East
was observed. Thus, we had a larger than usual number
of Cuban Radio Reloj stations and NDBs logged.
As usual, though, good company, good beer, and good
pizza made up for the conditions.

Can we move the 3rd wire on the 2nd layer to
the 2nd spot on the 5th layer? |
Dave Hochfelder speaks:
This was our fifth outing to
the New Jersey shore and we all had a blast seeing
old friends, DX'ing, and catching up. We were all
pleased with conditions last year and the year before,
and all the indicators pointed to exceptional conditions
this year too. I logged five new trans-Atlantic's
(TA's) from home (inland New Jersey) in the two
weeks before LBI and was looking forward to bagging
some great new ones. Unfortunately, conditions were
less than spectacular, despite the geomagnetic indicators.
We heard our share of TAs, but (with a few exceptions)
nothing that we hadn't heard in 2005 and 2004. The
TAs we heard would have been great catches from
home, but conditions were not DXpedition-worthy.
Conditions on Saturday were particularly
strange and changed minute to minute. We had an
early mid-latitude opening, but after a few hours
the TAs petered out, as did the domestic clears
north and west of us, usually a good indicator of
an aurora. So we started chasing DX on our southern
wire and had some great catches, including Radio
Formula, a low-power Mexican on 720 kHz. I camped
out on 1140 kHz listening to a futbol match in Spanish,
at armchair copy at times. While this could have
been XEMR Monterey, I spent about 30 minutes hoping
to pull out some information to ID the station,
team or city names, anything. Before I could do
so, the bottom dropped out of the southern opening
and I lost them to a resurgent WRVA. That's 30 minutes
I'll never get back!

Dave models the LBI clothing line |
Based on our loggings this year
and in the past, it seems like our southern wire
is an excellent performer. I'll spend much more
time chasing DX into Central and South America next
Each year we try to bring something
new to try out, whether it's a loop shootout or
a new antenna to deploy, like Mark Connelly's broadband
loop design. This year I decided to make a copper
pipe loop based on Craig Healy's design. Unfortunately,
due to lack of experience soldering copper pipe
and running out of time, I didn't get it soldered
in time. Still, we tried it out on Saturday by duct-taping
the sections together. I plan to use it inside my
shack with a CB whip as a phase reference. So far
it's given promising results. I will get around
to actually soldering it sometime before next LBI
and might even make another to try phasing them
at right angles to each other.
All in all, LBI-5 was a blast,
even if the DX was less than spectacular.

Glenn, Bob and Dave |
Bob Galerstein speaks:
Anticipation. The buildup to
the first weekend of November began to crescendo,
then reached it's peak as we started to "assume
the DX position" behind our radios just before
the sun started to set Friday afternoon.
Each year, organizing the LBI
DXpedition becomes more complete and efficient.
This in large part due to the
website that the "MVP" of the weekend,
Brett Saylor, set up. It became a clearing house
for ideas on how to string the beverages, terminate
them, what to bring and the DX targets we would
attempt. Because of the prep, and also with the
experience of the previous DXpeditions to Long Beach
Island, our Friday "construction" of the
beverages, their termination and the DX positions
went so smoothly that my friend Glenn Small commented
that he was amazed at the quickness of the assembly.
Glenn was a newcomer to the group, a former NRC
member, longtime ham, and a friend of mine since
fourth grade. The set up was inestimably aided by
Brett taking over where Radio Shack left off. "Saylor
Electronics" contained every type of connector
and cable known to humankind. We could not have
done the weekend without Brett's most organized
tool boxes.

Bob Galerstein |
Once everything was tested and
ready for prime time, I grabbed a bottle of my favorite
ale, Saranac Adirondack Lager, and assumed the position
in front of my radio, next to Dave Hochfelder and
Glenn, looked out to the Atlantic Ocean, and tried
to visualize the radio waves about to come in. Last
year, at about 4:30pm, the Mideast boomed in at
armchair levels for a fair amount of time. We hoped
conditions would replicate last year, but it was
not to be. Of the five LBI adventures we've had,
the first two were busts as far as TA conditions
and the next two brought fabulous conditions. This
LBI session was between those - largely basic TA's
and Latin Americans were received, but nothing spectacular.
One exception - we logged a 250 watt Mexican and
I was happy to get a clear ID on XEAVR-720. On the
second night, with TA activity largely dead, we
focused on Latins and deep south domestics off the
south BOG, and were rewarded with S-35 signals from
such stations as WSUN-620 and 940 Macon, Georgia.
It is certainly a strange experience hearing an
Spanish pileup of four South American (and maybe
Cuban) stations on a given frequency.
From the culinary standpoint,
we were very happy that our breakfast restaurant,
The Greenhouse Cafe, diagonally across the street
from the Drifting Sands Motel, also served dinner
to-go. This supplanted the usual Pizza Hut fare,
and saved the ten minute trip back to the mainland
to pick up the pies.
Above all else, the level of
camaraderie that was seeded five years ago continues
to grow. After talking on the Manahawkin two meter
repeater coming during the drive in on Friday, we
didn't have to reintroduce ourselves to each other
- we hit the ground running. This spirit is reflected
in the way we report stations after the weekend
- no individual credit. Using the wireless internet
with or good ole fashioned loud talking
to others while wearing headphones, most of us received
what everyone else was picking up. We only wish
we had a couple more cups of Bruce's fine Scotch
to celebrate some new countries.

Bob, Brett and Bruce discuss whether Radio Formula
720 kHz really was 250 watts |
Brett Saylor speaks:
For me, LBI-5 will go into the
books as a middle-of-the-road DXpedition, at least
conditions-wise. While we heard a number of trans-Atlantic
stations both days, none were in as good as the
past two years. A combination of local TV interference
and generally tepid conditions (despite the low
A/K indices) made stations like the normally strong
Virgin 1215 inaudible much of the time. Reception
of TAs was limited to lower-latitude Europeans
and North Africans; beyond that, reception was disappointing.
We did pick up several Mexicans, Colombians and
Venezuelans and the highlight of the weekend for
me was Radio Formula on 720 kHz, a 250 watt Mexican
from Veracruz.
Apart from the lack of stations,
the technical aspects of the weekend went very well.
Antenna deployment went without a hitch in record
time, although we did have problems getting the
signals from our two broadband loops to both listening
rooms consistently - we never did figure out if
it was a cabling or splitter problem. Thanks to
the past summers Radio Shack store closings,
we have finally amassed enough components, wire
and splitters to outfit our small army of DX'ers,
so future DX'peditions should not require much additional
equipment. Real-time chat via IRC #mwdx chat group
provided room-to-room communications (like: "pizza
is here!!!") and also kept us in touch with
other DXers such as Bruce Conti around the world
who could compare catches and help ID unknown stations.
The famous LBI DX-cam was also back this year, although
it did experience some technical glitches. Some
of the webcam pictures can be seen here.
It was good to see last years newcomer Michael
again the first night, and this years first-timer
Glenns eyes were surely opened by the rapid-paced
activity at sundown when the first signals start
skipping in across the pond. Post-LBI eBaying has
netted the group at least five more 6-way splitters,
so combined with the existing inventory we should
have enough antenna connections to support an even
dozen DXers at future LBIs.

Bill models his LBI T-shirt, a Christmas gift
from his wife! |
As always, the best part of the
weekend was the fellowship and conversation among
the attendees, and I continue to look forward to
future DX'peditions!
Bill Harms speaks:
Although we did not hear many
TAs as compared to previous years, we did
hear some interesting Latin American stations. At
the risk of sounding like a cliché, the camaraderie
at these events is always worth taking the time
to attend, regardless of what stations we hear.
LBI-5 (November 3-5, 2006) Loggings
Time in UTC
162 3 Nov 2140 France Inter,
Allouis France, talk by M in French, music
171 3 Nov 2257 Radio Méditerranée
Int'l, Nador Morocco, music // 9575
183 4 Nov 0125 Europe 1, Felsberg Germany, Talk
by several people in the studio in French, music,
very nice signal
198 5 Nov 2144 DIW, Dixon NC USA, NDB
216 3 Nov 2206 RMC Info, Roumoules France, Fair;
weak with French talk.
216 3 Nov 2206 CLB, Carolina Beach NC USA, NDB
234 3 Nov 2250 RTL, Beidweiler Luxembourg, Strong
with pop music.
241 4 Nov 2028 PVG, Portsmouth VA US, NDB
248 5 Nov 0135 UL, Montreal PQ Canada, NDB
248 5 Nov 0135 FRT, Spartanburg SC US, NDB
252 4 Nov 0100 Radio Alger Int'l, Tipaza Algeria,
Arabic talk by man, string music, march (national
anthem) then carrier off 0101
252 3 Nov 2235 RTE Radio 1, Clarkstown Ireland
261 4 Nov 2317 ELQ, Emporia VA US, NDB
273 5 Nov 0118 ZV, Sept Iles QC Canada, NDB
275 4 Nov 1944 BBN, Babylon NY US, NDB
276 5 Nov 0140 YHR, Chevery QC Canada, NDB
278 5 Nov 0146 NM, Matagami QC Canada, NDB
281 4 Nov 1948 HP, White Plains NY US NDB
289 5 Nov 0142 YLQ, La Tuque QC Canada, NDB
303 5 Nov 0144 YPP, Parent QC Canada, NDB
309 5 Nov 0115 EEX, Emanuel County GA US, NDB
323 5 Nov 0114 UWP, Argentia NL Canada, NDB
326 5 Nov 0001 FC, Fredericton NB Canada NDB
326 5 Nov 0112 ZEF, Zephyr NC US, NDB
329 5 Nov 0110 CH, Charleston SC US, NDB
332 5 Nov 0108 YKM, La Grande PQ Canada, NDB
332 5 Nov 0108 FIS, Key West FL US, NDB
336 4 Nov 2024 BDB, Accomac VA US, NDB
344 5 Nov 0003 ZIY, Grand Cayman Cayman Islands,
344 5 Nov 0105 JA, Jacksonville FL US, NDB
347 5 Nov 0148 YG, Charlottetown PEI Canada, NDB
350 5 Nov 0004 LE, Raleigh NC US, NDB
351 5 Nov 0102 YKQ, Fort Rupert QC Canada, NDB
356 5 Nov 0058 PB, Palm Beach FL US, NDB
360 5 Nov 0052 PN, Port Menier PQ Canada, NDB
362 4 Nov 2003 OX, Oxford CT US, NDB
363 4 Nov 2003 RNB, Milville NJ US, NDB
370 4 Nov 2021 MQI, Manteo NC US, NDB
373 5 Nov 0007 AEA, Jones VA US, NDB
376 5 Nov 0009 ZIN, Grand Inagua BAH, NDB
379 5 Nov 0013 BRA, Broad River NC US, NDB
388 4 Nov 2019 NXX, Willow Grove PA US, NDB
392 5 Nov 0047 ML, La Malbaie PQ Canada NDB
407 4 Nov 2009 FR, Farmingdale NY US, NDB
407 4 Nov 2016 OX, Ocean City MD US, NDB
412 5 Nov 0017 JHH, Griffin GA US, NDB
414 4 Nov 2013 OGY, New York NY US, NDB
432 5 Nov 0019 IZN, Lincolnton NC US, NDB
435 5 Nov 0021 IIY, Washington GA US, NDB
450 5 Nov 0023 PPA, Puerto Plata DR, NDB
526 5 Nov 0025 ZLS, Stella Maris Bahamas, NDB
530 3 Nov 2102 CM?? R. Rebelde, Havana Cuba, Strong
signal - man talking in Spanish // others
530 3 Nov 2102 RVC, Grand Turk Turks & Caicos,
News by female
531 3 Nov 2105 RTA, Ain-el-Beida Algeria, French
549 4 Nov 2148 Alger Chaine 1, Las Trembles Algeria,
Man speaking in Arabic
549 4 Nov 2220 BSKSA, Qurayyat Saudi Arabia (t),
Arabic talk // 1512, tentative
550 4 Nov 1830 WQEY242, New York NY USA, Male talking,
ID, two sites mentioned
555 3 Nov 2311 ZIZ Radio ZIZ, Basse Terre St. Kitts,
reggea music, BBC news later in evening
558 4 Nov 0220 RNE5, various Spain, talk by M and
W in Spanish, // 684, 747 and 855
560 5 Nov 0325 WQAM, Miami FL USA, play x play of
U Miami/Va Tech FB, o/Rebelde
570 4 Nov 0239 CMDC R. Reloj, Santa Clara Cuba,
Ticks and "RR"
580 5 Nov 0458 CM?? R. Rebelde, various Cuba, music,
// 600
585 3 Nov 2120 RNE1, Madrid Spain, talk by M in
Spanish, very strong signal //684 et al
590 3 Nov 0242 CMHI R. Musical, Havana Cuba, Music,
Spanish talk
594 3 Nov 2150 RTM, Oujda Morocco, pop music with
Arabic talk // 612
594 3 Nov 2130 Radio Renascenca, Muge Portugal (t),
pop music, presumed this
600 4 Nov 0244 CMKV R. Rebelde, Urbana Noris Cuba,
talk - many //'s
603 3 Nov 2146 France Info, Lyon France, talk by
man and woman
610 5 Nov 0335 CMAN R. Rebelde, Bahia Honda Cuba,
1,000 watt Radio Rebelde outlet
612 3 Nov 2150 RTM, Sebaa-Aioun Morocco, talk by
man in Arabic, //594
620 5 Nov 0016 WSUM, St. Petersburg FL USA, solid
s-35 with play x play of Tampa Bay-Boston NHL
621 5 Nov 0430 RNE1, Tenerife Canary Islands
630 5 Nov 0016 WMFD, Wilmington NC USA, play x play
of Charlotte Bobcats NBA
630 4 Nov 0247 CM?? Radio Progreso, Pinar del Rio
Cuba, Spanish talk, many //'s
640 4 Nov 0249 CMBC, R. Progreso, Guanabacoa Cuba,
Spanish talk, many //'s
640 4 Nov 0140 WFNC, Fayetteville NC, high school
football game: Bulldogs vs. Trojans
650 5 Nov 2205 HJKH Antena Dos, Bogota Colombia,
Man in rapid-fire Spanish, many mentions of Colombia
670 4 Nov 0251 CMBR R. Rebelde, Arroyo Arenas Cuba,
Spanish talk, many //'s
680 5 Nov 0310 CMHG R. Progreso, Santa Clara Cuba,
Music // others
684 3 Nov 2130 RNE, Sevilla Spain, talk by 2 men
in Spanish, strong both nites, // 855, 837
690 4 Nov 0254 CM?? R. Progreso, Jovellanos Cuba,
lots of parallels
693 5 Nov 0317 RNE1, Various Spain, Music, talk
693 5 Nov 0231 BBC Radio 5, Droitwich UK, talk by
man in English
700 4 Nov 0256 CM?? R. Rebelde, Sancti Spiritus
Cuba, Spanish talk, many //'s
700 5 Nov 0220 unID, SS DJ playing EE songs, at
times o/WLW, HJCX?
710 4 Nov 0257 CM?? R. Rebelde, various Cuba, Spanish
talk, many //'s
720 5 Nov 0120 XEAVR Radio Formula, Veracruz Mexico,
talk by man in Spanish, ID, listed 250 watts, new
at LBI
720 5 Nov 0121 CHTN, Charlottetown PEI Canada PEI,
Last chance to hear this w/usual pop music mix
720 5 Nov 0542 CMHC R. Rebelde, Cienfuegos Cuba,
Radio Progresso //730
720 5 Nov 0514 RJR, Innswood Jamaica, female announcer
with mentions of "on 94 FM."
729 4 Nov 2237 RNE1, various Spain, Spanish - Futbol
// 684 etal
730 4 Nov 0302 CMBB R. Progreso, Nueva Gerona Cuba,
Spanish talk, many //'s
738 4 Nov 2208 RNE1, Palau de Plegamans (Barcelona)
Spain, Man talking in Spanish
740 5 Nov 0102 WQTM, Orlando FL USA, FOX net sports
747 3 Nov 2130 RNE5, various Canary Islands/Spain,
talk in Spanish and ID / /684
760 4 Nov 0307 HJAJ RCN Barranquilla Colombia obliterating
WJR with music
760 4 Nov 0304 CM?? R. Reloj, various Cuba, Ticks
and "RR"
760 5 Nov 0314 CM?? R. Progreso, Cuba, Music //
other Progresos
765 3 Nov 2306 RSR, Sottens Switzerland, Good with
pop music
770 5 Nov 0509 CM?? R. Rebelde, Cuba, Music // 710
774 3 Nov 2307 RNE1, various Spain, music, talk
by M
780 4 Nov 0353 CFDR, Dartmouth NS Canada, Usual
"kicks 7-80" slogan with c&w music
780 4 Nov 0352 YVMN Radio Coro, Venezuela ID, romantic
783 4 Nov 0052 R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott Mauritania,
Music w/ French talk //4845
790 4 Nov 0307 CMAQ R. Reloj, Pinar del Rio PdR
Cuba, Ticks and "RR"
792 4 Nov 2235 France Info, Limoges France, Woman
speaking in French // 1206
800 5 Nov 0356 TWR, Bonaire Netherlands Antilles,
"Unshackled" program
810 5 Nov 0138 CJVA, Caraquet NB Canada, talk in
French, country music
810 5 Nov 0155 HJCY Caracol, Bogota Colombia, Caracol
820 4 Nov 0310 CMDE R. Reloj, Santiago de Cuba Cuba,
Ticks and "RR"
830 4 Nov 0400 YVLT Radio Sensacion, Caracas Venezuela,
Venezuelan National Anthem; new at LBI
837 4 Nov 2202 France Info, Nancy France, Talk by
man in French
837 4 Nov 0212 COPE, Various Spain/Canary Islds,
Man and woman speaking in Spanish // 999
840 4 Nov 0312 CMHW Dobleve, Santa Clara Cuba, Music,
talk, ID
850 4 Nov 0314 CM?? R. Reloj, Nueva Gerona Cuba,
Ticks and "RR"
855 3 Nov 2155 RNE1, Various Spain, Man talking
// 684 and 693
860 4 Nov 0316 CMDB R. Reloj, Baracoa Cuba, Ticks
and "RR"
864 4 Nov 0053 France Bleu Paris(?,) France, Excellent;
armchair copy.
890 4 Nov 0318 CM?? R. Cad. Nac., Cuba ,SS talk
895 5 Nov 0206 Voice of Nevis, Charlestown Nevis,
Voice of Nevis mentions, music
900 4 Nov 0320 CM?? R. Reloj, Cuba, Ticks and "RR"
909 4 Nov 0201 BBC Radio 5, Various England, Men
speaking, English accent
940 5 Nov 0400 WMAC, Macon GA, USA full TOH ID,
local and net news
945 4 Nov 0156 France Info, Toulouse France, Excellent
with male French talk.
950 4 Nov 0323 CM?? R. Reloj, Habana Cuba, Ticks
and "RR"
960 4 Nov 0325 CM?? R. Reloj, various Cuba, Ticks
and "RR"
999 3 Nov 2235 Voice of Russia, Maiac Moldova (tent),
talk by woman in language, Bruce Conti via #mwdx
IRC chat thought it was Voice of Russia but not
enough details here to be certain
999 4 Nov 0153 COPE, Madrid Spain, Woman singing,
then man talking. TOH pips then sounder
1000 4 Nov 0338 CM?? R. Reloj, Cuba, Ticks and "RR"
1000 4 Nov 0230 XEOY Radio Mil, Mexico City Mexico,
Spanish talk, presumed
1020 4 Nov 0341 CM?? R. Reloj, Cuba, Ticks and "RR"
1026 4 Nov 2157 SER, Spain synchros; // various
Spain stations with futbol
1035 4 Nov 0115 R. Clube Nacional, Porto Alto Portugal,
Light pop music
1044 4 Nov 2231 RTM-A, Sebaâ-Aioun Morroco,
Arabic chanting
1053 3 Nov 2209 Talksport, Droitwich England, Man
talking, taking calls
1053 4 Nov 2240 Radio Jamahiriyah, Tripoli Libya
(tent), talk, Bruce Conti heard // 675 (tentative)
1060 4 Nov 0435 unid, Tropical music, male, female
1060 4 Nov 0142 XEEP Radio Educacion, Mexico City
DF Mexico, s-20 with classical music & Mexican
1062 3 Nov 2106 Kalundborg Denmark
1070 4 Nov 0436 CBA, Moncton NB, Canada Jazz music
1070 4 Nov 0500 CMAS R. Guama, Pinar del Rio Cuba,
1089 4 Nov 2219 Talksport, Brookman's Park England,
Commercial - man - Brit accent
1134 4 Nov 0015 HR1, Zadar Croatia, male talking.
// 7285, not strong
1140 5 Nov 0125 XEMRp, Monterey NL Mexico, Strong
with futbol; dropped out after about 30 minutes.
1179 4 Nov 2200 Radio Sweden, Solvesborg Sweden,
Interval signal, into talk by man
1206 4 Nov 0118 France Info, Bordeaux France, talk
by woman in French, song " I Want to Live Forever"
from "Fame" movie
1215 3 Nov 0445 Virgin Radio, Moorside Edge UK,
pop music, s-30, mixing with American accented female
1377 3 Nov 0140 France Info, Lille France
1431 4 Nov 2303 Radio Sawa, Arta Djibouti (t,) Middle
Eastern music, weak, tentative
1467 4 Nov 2306 TWR, Roumoules France, talk in Arabic-sounding
language (TWR listed with Kabyle lang.)
1512 4 Nov 2220 BSKSA, Jeddah Saudi Arabia (t),
Man speaking in Arabic, tentative
1521 4 Nov 2138 BSKSA, Duba Saudi Arabia, Man talking,
// 9555 & 9870
1521 5 Nov 0340 SER, Spain synchros
1540 5 Nov 0500 ZNS, Nassau Bahamas, "AM 15-40 in
Nassau" by non-accented male announcer
1548 4 Nov 2301 R. Sawa, Kuwait City Kuwait (t),
Middle Eastern music & talk, tentative
1575 4 Nov 2255 Radio Farda, Al Dhabiya UAE, Middle
Eastern Music - strings and vocal
1640 4 Nov 0100 WTNI, Biloxi MS US, ESPN Sports,
1640 4 Nov 0035 WPVN442, Brigantine NJ US, TIS -
1640 4 Nov 2346 WQBR758, Spring Lake NJ US, TIS
- Spring Lake
1670 4 Nov 2341 WQFQ235, Harvey Cedars NJ US, TIS
- LBI Emergency
1710 5 Nov 0445 Lubavich Radio (pirate), Brooklyn
NY USA, religious talk by man in Hebrew
11,092.50 3 Nov 2329 R. St. Helena, Jamestown St.
Helena, DX program, weak, stronger later in broadcast,
lots of Peter Gabriel songs, mentioned the LBI DX'Pedition
following our email report!
For complete coverage of all
the LBI Dxpeditions, please go to
Posted on January
13, 2007