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Long Beach Island-8 DXpedition
November 6-9, 2009

Brett, Rob, Dave, Bob and Russ


  • Dave Hochfelder ( N2HTA)– Albany, NY – Drake R8B & Quantum Phaser
  • Russ Edmunds ( WB2BJH ) – Blue Bell, PA – Modified Sony ICF 2010, Stock Sony ICF2010
  • Rob Stonier  ( WE2Z ) – Hawthorne, NJ – Drake R8
  • Brett Saylor ( N3EVB) – State College, PA – Drake R8, Perseus SDR, TenTec RX-320
  • Bill Harms – Elkridge, MD –  RFSpace SDR-IQ
  • Michael Temme-Soifer  ( KC2MTM ) – Egg Harbor Township, NJ – Sony ICF 2010 ( Saturday night only )
  • Chuck Rippel – Chesapeake, VA – Perseus SDR
  • Nick Langan, Florence, NJ – Sony ICF 2010 (Saturday night only )
  • Bob Galerstein  ( WB2VGD ) , Monroe, NY – Drake R8B & Quantum Phaser
  • Steve Wozniak  ( K3PHL ), Quakertown, PA (Saturday night only )  
Russ, Bill and Brett
Russ, Bill and Brett


North BOG: 700’ terminated @ 33 degrees

South BOG: 850’ terminated @ 213 degrees

Phase wire: 250’ // North BOG

8’ pre-amplified Broadband Loop

6’ pre-amplified Broadband Loop

3’ Copper pipe loop, unamplified

8 x 16’ Superloop, pre-amplified

Wellbrook ALA-1530

DX collector
The DX starts and the DX collector is ready

Brett speaks:

Every fall, my friends ask me "so, when are you going to the beach for your radio weekend?" Getting ready for the annual LBI DXpedition has become as much a part of my fall ritual as carving the Halloween pumpkins and raking leaves. LBI-8 marked my 7th consecutive year, and from the new DX catches to the camaraderie of the group, LBI keeps getting better every time.

As is our usual practice, we tracked the space weather cycles for several months before settling on the 6th-8th of November as the dates to provide most likely optimum conditions. Reception leading up to the weekend was yielding "near-LBI quality" trans-Atlantic reception at our home QTHs so we decided that, if conditions were excellent, we would consider extending the DXpedition to a third night (which we ended up doing).

Setting up the beverage antennas went without a hitch, and conditions on the first evening started out great around 4:30pm local time with the usual appearance by Sweden on 1179, followed by UK outlets, Spain, France and Germany.  As the evening progressed some of the medium wave frequencies cooled down but longwave provided some excellent signals. On subsequent days, we were able to pick up significant TA signals on both long and medium wave as early as 3:30pm local time.

Brett's setup
And arrived here (Brett's setup) and elsewhere

A subset of the attendees decided to stay over Sunday night; conditions changed early that evening as the A-index shot up to 7 and the band went somewhat auroral. While things returned to normal after a few hours, there was a period of dominance by Latin American stations that evening.

We had hopes that this year might finally yield some solid trans-Pacific reception. However, despite early morning listening and some tantalizingly strong carriers, we were not able to extract anything more than some wispy audio from the strongest of stations on 747 and 945. Other DXers further north had definite audio on these channels at the same time, but we will have to console ourselves with the fact that New Jersey just isn't an ideal location for TP DXing.

Every LBI tends to yield a different mix of stations and this year was no different. Running my Perseus SDR as a "DX vacuum cleaner" for ~18 hours a day, I recorded more than 1 terebyte of wide-band files which have already yielded a number of interesting catches in post-DXpedition analysis. Although we were not able to snag long-sought Greenland (which I had heard from Pennsylvania a few weeks earlier), we were able to positively ID the Faroe Islands on 531 and other new countries Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Russia. I also had digital decoding software running on my TenTex RX-320 and was able to hear Bermuda on 518 NAVTEX as well as a number of other NAVTEX and DGPS beacon stations.

Rats nest
Somehow the DX makes its way through this

This year marked the return of Bobby Galerstein after several years' absence and (finally) the debut of Chuck Rippel who has been trying to attend for the previous  two years. Absent was regular attendee Bruce Collier whom we missed, but he was able to send his antenna wire and pre-amps so at least a little bit of him was there. We also had visits from local radio enthusiasts Michael Temme-Soifer, Nick Langan and Steve Wozniak who were able to stop by for an evening of listening.

Another year’s LBI is over, but the logs will keep coming thanks to nearly 60 hours of SDR recordings yet to be reviewed.  I am already looking forward to next year.

Bob speaks:

Everytime I arrive at Long Beach Island and take my Drake R8B out of the box, I feel as if I'm taking a thoroughbred out of the barn and releasing it at Churchill Downs. While I use a Kiwa loop with the Drake at home, this fine radio is maximized with the antenna farm that was assembled for this year's LBI DX'Pedition.

Three floors
Three floors of radio rooms and antennas

I missed the two previous LBI trips due to work commitments, and had to miss the excellent conditions on Friday, also because work bekoned. But Saturday almost did not miss a beat. I arrived early Saturday afternoon, and after greeting everyone and setting up my equipment, someone in the group noticed the first TA's coming in at about 3:30. Time to grab a Sam's Octoberfest and "assume the position" in front of the radio, with a view out the sliding glass doors onto the beach and the ocean. Plus, the temperature was in the upper 50's. It doesn't get much better than this, especially with the signals coming in. While Afghanistan 1296 did not make it to our radios, I was really pleased to be able to use my phaser and null WCKY-1530 enough to get a definite log of VOA Sao Tome later in the evening.

This was my first chance to see the Perseus radio in use. Most impressive, but I have to admit, I need a real radio in front of me with an analog meter. Perhaps my dream AM radio of the near future would be something on the order of the Yaesu FT-2000, which has an analog meter with an optional display. Still, Brett told me, "You'll get used to it," referring to a virtual meter. A big thanks once again to "Saylor Electronics," which supplied a couple cables and connectors beyond what I brought.

One thing we missed was the presence of Bruce Collier, who had work commitments and had to miss the weekend. PArt of the texture of LBI DX'Peditons is "taking a voyage on the good ship Cutty," as prepared by Bruce, for every new country logged. Well, not every country, but it is a DX aid, hi.

Bottom line, as usual, for this and every LBI experience - it's an oasis of radio relaxation with a great bunch of guys, away from our hectic work schedules.

Dave speaks:

This was our most successful LBI DXpedition to date. From my perspective, the reception conditions were the best of the seven LBI’s I’ve attended.  I was only able to stay for Friday and Saturday, so I missed out on the third night.  It was great to reconnect with old friends and to meet Chuck Rippel in person. Now that I live in Albany, NY, it’s harder to pick up transatlantic DX, so this year’s outing was a real treat.  Once again, thanks to Brett for bringing every connector and cable known to man and to Russ for compiling all our logs and musings.  The only downside was the absence of Bruce Collier due to illness.

Russ speaks:

Russ Edmunds

Although this was my eighth LBI DXpedition, this year somehow managed to top all of the others. As always the company is excellent, and the DX was as well.

Once again for 2009, we were able to pick a weekend which turned out to feature excellent trans-Atlantic conditions, with several new countries added to our totals. It’s always good to get together with the regular groups and also to get a chance to meet new faces as well, this year’s being Chuck Rippel, whom we welcomed to the group.  We were also joined Saturday night by two new short-time visitors in Steve Wozniak and Nick Langan, both via the WTFDA connection.

We had a new antenna added to our complement this year in the form or a corner-fed super loop which, due to the limitations on available real estate was also aligned parallel to the coastline, thus providing us with another option, and allowing us to re-orient the 6’ broadband loop for other directions. For the first time this year, some of the participants stayed an extra night, however conditions deteriorated somewhat due to a geomagnetic disturbance.

This year also featured four  SDR’s, two Perseus and two SDR-IQ’s, and in the immediate aftermath , it’s become quite clear that there’s a very high value in having at least one SDR on a DXpedition as the ability to go back and check out unids heard by other members, to go back and check for parallel frequencies within the band are invaluable assets. That said however, our logs from the prior year were still being added to as late as August, so one DXpedition can indeed become a year-long event.

We also experienced good weather conditions, although Saturday morning was rather cold, daytime temperatures Saturday, Sunday and Monday were warm and the sun dominated all three days.

Rob Stonier
Rob Stonier

Our various experiments to determine whether we might be able to move from reliance on the two BOG antennas toward the super loop and broadband loops were inconclusive as Friday night most of us got our best receptions on the BOG aimed toward Europe, while Saturday the broadband loop was the star. We reeled in the BOG’s Sunday while we had a full crew, so that night’s DX was on the two loops, but due to the change in conditions the results were inconclusive. Next year will likely include at least one BOG and perhaps both, although each will be reduced in length to avoid problems involved in both initial deployment and periodic breakage where vehicle entries to the beach must be crossed for the longer lengths.



Freq Country State
or Prov
City Calls Slogan Date Time
153 Algeria Béchar  Alger Chaîne 1 11/6/2009 0218 // 531 with talk by man in Arabic
162 France Allouis  France Inter 11/8/2009 0323 talk by man in FR with music in the background
171 Kaliningrad Bolshakovo  Radio Rossi 11/6/2009 2200 Russian mixing with Morocco, 6 time pips (all short) and Rossi tune at TOH (thanks to Mauno Ritola for ID)
171 Morocco   Nador Radio Mediterranee Int'l 11/7/2009 0002 strong with Arabic music
177 Germany Oranienburg Deutschlandradio Berlin  11/7/2009 2222 Man, woman alternating in German
183 Germany Felsberg  Europe 1 11/7/2009 2007 Talk between two men in French, very good signal ("local like") later in the evenings 
189 Iceland Gufuskálar Rikisútvarpid Rás 2 11/8/2009 0321 Music by Styx, great signal
198 England various BBC Radio 4 11/8/2009 0059 "on behalf of Radio 4 .... goodnight"  followed by God Save the Queen  - good reception
198 USA NC Dixon DIW 11/7/2009 0104 NDB
201 Canada  QC  Rivière-du-Loup  RI  11/7/2009 2235 NDB
206 Canada NS Yarmouth QI 11/7/2009 0155 NDB
207 Canada QC Charlo CL 11/7/2009 2219 NDB
207 Germany Aholming DLF 11/7/2009 2230 Man & woman alternating in German // webstream
207 Morocco Azilal  RTM A 11/8/2009 0200 Arabic singing by man, poor signal
207 unid 11/8/2009 0434 Procol Harum "Whiter Shade of Pale" - Iceland ? Or DLF ?
208 Canada NU Sanikiluaq  YSK 11/8/2009 0436 NDB 
209 Canada   QC   Chibougamau  MT   11/7/2009 2235 NDB
212 Canada  NB  Saint John  SJ  11/7/2009 2235 NDB
213 Canada  QC  Chicoutimi-Saint-Honoré  YRC  11/7/2009 2235 NDB
216 France Roumoules  Radio Monte Carlo 11/7/2009 2008 Rapid-fire talk by a man in French, good level for still-daylight 
216 USA NC Carolina Beach CLB 11/6/2009 2208 NDB
223 Canada   ON   Armstrong  YYW   11/7/2009 2235 NDB
224 Canada   NB   Moncton  QM   11/7/2009 2235 NDB
225 Poland Solec Kujawski Polskie Radio 11/7/2009 2200 Light music, talk by two men in pres Polish // webstream
230 Canada  QC  Quebec  QB  11/7/2009 2235 NDB
233 Canada  NL  Churchill Falls  UM  11/7/2009 2235 NDB
234 Luxembourg Junglinster Radio Luxembourg 11/8/2009 0321 Roy Orbison song, talk by female anncr in French
236 Canada ON Ottawa OW 11/8/2009 2318 NDB
243 Canada QC Bonaventure YVB 11/7/2009 2243 NDB
244 Canada QC Chute des Passes Dangereuses DG 11/7/2009 2247 NDB
245 Canada ON Gore Bay YZE 11/8/2009 2317 NDB
248 Canada QU Montreal UL 11/7/2009 0110 NDB
248 USA  SC  Spartanburg-Fairmont  FRT  11/7/2009 2235 NDB
252 Algeria Tipaza  Alger Chaîne 11/7/2009 0400 Arabic singing, 5 time pips (last one higher) on TOH and news in French
252 Ireland Clarkstown RTE Radio 1 11/7/2009 0330 "RTE Radio 1 through the night"  -  excellent
254 Canada PEI Summerside 5B 11/8/2009 0207 NDB
257 Canada   ON   Earlton  YXR   11/7/2009 2235 NDB
260 Canada QC Lourdes de Joliette UFX 11/7/2009 2250 NDB
261 Russia Taldom  R Rossi 11/7/2009 2155 // webstream with music, lost in the noise by 2200; hrd presumed on 11/8 at 0200 with 6 time pips at TOH
263 Canada  ON  Kingston  YGK  11/7/2009 2235 NDB
266 Canada  QC  Montreal-Mirabel  ZMM  11/7/2009 2235 NDB
270 Canada NL   St John's  ZNF   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
270 Czech Republic CRo1 11/7/2009 2200 "Radiozurnal" in presumed Czech language  -  good
272 Canada QC Montreal ZMR 11/7/2009 2251 NDB
272 Canada ON Muskoka YQA 11/7/2009 0345 NDB
272 USA  MN  Grand Rapids  GP  11/7/2009 2235 NDB
272 USA  ME  Old Town OLD  11/7/2009 2335 NDB
273 Canada QC Sept-Iles ZV 11/7/2009 0112 NDB
275 Canada QC Thetford Mines R1 11/7/2009 2252 NDB
275 USA   NY   Babylon  BBN   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
276 Canada QC Chevery YHR 11/7/2009 0150 NDB
278 Canada QC Matagami NM 11/7/2009 0149 NDB
278 USA   ME   Belfast  BST   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
279 Belarus Sasnovy  Belaruskaye Radio 1 11/7/2009 2200 Talk by man in Slavic lang, anthem at 2158, very poor signal
280 Canada NL Gander QX 11/7/2009 2242 NDB
281 Canada NL   Cartwright  CA   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
281 USA NY White Plains HP 11/7/2009 2255 NDB
284 Canada QC Montreal ZMT 11/7/2009 2253 NDB
286 USA NJ Sandy Hook 804 11/7/2009 2319 DGPS Beacon
289 Canada QC La Tuque YLQ 11/7/2009 0148 NDB
289 USA VA Driver  806 11/7/2009 2320 DGPS Beacon
291 Canada QC   Amos  9Q   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
291 USA PA Hawk Run 788 11/7/2009 2321 DGPS Beacon
292 USA SC Kensington 778 11/7/2009 2322 DGPS Beacon
293 USA NY Moriches 803 11/7/2009 2323 DGPS Beacon
303 Canada QC Parent  YPP 11/7/2009 2309 NDB
304 Canada NB   Moncton  ZQM   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
317 Canada QC Montreal ZMX 11/7/2009 2310 NDB
323 Canada NL Argentia UWP 11/7/2009 2311 NDB
326 Canada NB Fredericton FC 11/7/2009 0146 NDB
326 Canada ON Wiarton VV 11/7/2009 2312 NDB
329 Canada ON   Hornepayne  YHN   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
329 USA SC Charleston CH 11/7/2009 0145 NDB
332 Canada QC La Grande YFM 11/7/2009 0143 NDB
332 USA FL Key West FIS 11/9/2009 2310 NDB
334 Canada ON Smith's Falls YSH 11/7/2009 2315 NDB
335 Canada ON Chapleau YLD 11/7/2009 0141 NDB
336 Canada QC Quebec BV 11/7/2009 2315 NDB
336 USA  VA  Melfa-Accomack County  BDB  11/7/2009 2335 NDB
338 Canada QC   Eastmain  ZEM   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
340 Canada QC Mont Joli YY 11/7/2009 2318 NDB
341 Canada ON Kapuskasing YYU 11/7/2009 0139 NDB
344 Canada QC  Havre Saint-Pierre  YGV  11/7/2009 2335 NDB
344 Canada ON Ottawa ZOW 11/7/2009 0138 NDB
344 USA ME Millinocket LNT 11/7/2009 2319 NDB
344 USA   FL   Jacksonville  JA   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
344 USA   NY   Rochester-Avon  AVN   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
346 Canada ON  Sioux Lookout YXL  11/7/2009 2335 NDB
348 Canada QC   Montreal  ZUL   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
350 Canada NF Deer Lake DF 11/7/2009 2321 NDB
350 Canada NL Searose F2 11/9/2009 2311 NDB
351 Canada QC Fort Rupert YKQ 11/7/2009 2322 NDB
353 Canada ON   Windsor QG   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
356 Canada NL   St Anthony  AY   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
360 Canada QC Port Menier PN 11/7/2009 2323 NDB
362 Canada ON Sudbury SB 11/8/2009 2306 NDB
362 USA   CT   Oxford-Clera  JWE   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
363 Canada NB   Bathurst-Manta  1F   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
363 USA NJ Millville RNB 11/7/2009 0135 NDB
364 Canada NS   Halifax  ZHZ   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
366 Canada QC Maniwaki YMW 11/7/2009 0133 NDB
366 Canada NB  Moncton  ZMN  11/7/2009 2335 NDB
368 Canada ON   Toronto-Malton  ZYZ   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
370 Canada QC Magdalen Islds GR 11/7/2009 2325 NDB
371 Canada QC   Kuujjuarapik-Great Whale River
GW   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
373 Canada QC Mont Laurier 2Q 11/7/2009 2327 NDB
373 Canada QC   Rimouski  YXK   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
375 USA IL Springfield LQ 11/7/2009 2328 NDB
376 BAH   Matthew Town-Great Inagua
ZIN   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
377 Canada ON   Ottawa-Greely  YRR   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
378 Canada QC Roberval RJ 11/7/2009 1829 NDB
382 USA MA Boston LQ 11/7/2009 0131 NDB
384 Canada QC Victoriaville F8 11/7/2009 2331 NDB
385 USA   MN   CRANE LAKE-SCOTT  SCG   11/7/2009 2335 NDB
386 Canada QC Dolbeau D8 11/7/2009 2333 NDB
390 Canada NL Stephenville JT 11/7/2009 0130 NDB
391 Puerto Rico PR San Juan DDP 11/7/2009 0115 NDB
392 Canada QC Charlevoix ML 11/7/2009 0130 NDB
396 USA NJ Lakehurst NEL 11/7/2009 0129 NDB
400 USA NY Westhampton Beach FO 11/7/2009 0129 NDB
401 Canada QC Drummondville Y8 11/7/2009 2335 NDB
404 Canada NB St. Leonard YSL 11/7/2009 0128 NDB
407 USA NY Farmingdale FR 11/7/2009 0126 NDB
407 USA MD Ocean City OX 11/8/2009 1930 NDB
409 Canada ON Pembroke YTA 11/7/2009 0123 NDB
414 Canada ON Ottawa 3U 11/7/2009 0120 NDB
414 USA NY New York OGY 11/7/2009 0119 NDB
417 USA NC Coats HQT 11/7/2009 2337 NDB
516 Canada ON Petawawa YWA 11/7/2009 2339 NDB
518 Bermuda Bermuda Harbour ZBM "B" 11/8/2009 '0012 NAVTEX marine information
518 Canada ON Prescott  XMJ-329 "H" 11/8/2009 '0112 NAVTEX marine information
518 Canada QC Riviere au Renard VCK "C" 11/8/2009 '0842 NAVTEX marine information
518 Canada NB St John's VAR-3 "U" 11/7/2009 2322 NAVTEX marine information
518 USA MA Boston NMF "F" 11/7/2009 2051 NAVTEX marine information
518 USA VA Chesapeake NMN "N" 11/7/2009 2202 NAVTEX marine information
518 USA FL Miami NMA "A" 11/7/2009 '0029 NAVTEX marine information
518 USA LA New Orleans NMG "G" 11/8/2009 '0732 NAVTEX marine information
518 USA NS Sydney VCO "Q" 11/8/2009 '0238 NAVTEX marine information
520 Canada QC Miramichi F9 11/7/2009 2341 NDB
526 Bahamas Stella Maris ZLS 11/7/2009 2344 NDB
529 USA TN Morristown LYQ 11/7/2009 2347 NDB



530 Cuba Radio Enciclopedia 11/9/2009 0100 ID, light music, slight het from 531 stations
530 USA unID 11/7/2009 2005 TIS type station with female announcer, mention "8am to 6pm"
531 Algeria El Ain Beida Alger Chaine 1 11/7/2009 0423 // 153
531 Faroe Islands Akraberg  Kringvarp Føroya 11/7/2009 0545 continuous pop music in EG, // webstream
531 Spain Pamplona RNE5 11/7/2009 0500 Spanish music and talk, time pips
531 unid 11/6/2009 2232 soft music
540 USA FL WFLF 11/7/2009 2338 ID
549 Algeria Les Trembles Alger Chaine 1 11/7/2009 0423 French talk by man
555 St. Kitts & Nevis Basseterre ZIZ ZIZ Radio 11/7/2009 2221 Weak but readable
558 Spain various  Radio Nacional 5 11/9/2009 0400 Mellow tune leading up to TOH, 5 time pips (last one long) into presumed news ("Informative") by man and woman
558.046 Iran? unID 11/7/2009 2220 Strong het caused by station on 558.046 with brief bits of Koranic type music but very poor signal
570 Cuba Santa Clara CMDC R. Reloj 11/9/2009 0019 SS talk, Radio Reloj 'RR' 
576 Canary Isl/Spain various  RNE5 11/6/2009 2200 Time pips on TOH, weak
580 Cuba CM-- R. Rebelde 11/9/2009 0020 Spanish talk, R. Rebelde ID
582.14 Iran? unID 11/6/2009 2145 Strong carrier
585 Spain Majadahonda  Radio Nacional 11/9/2009 0342 Interesting play or recording from the field featuring girls singing in an exotic language (poss Catalan) // 855
594 Portugal  Muge R. Sim 11/7/2009 0250 pop music, talk in Portuguese
600 Cuba Urbano Noris CMKV R. Rebelde 11/9/2009 0121 SS talk // 580
603 Spain various  Radio Nacional 5 11/7/2009 2220 Romantic Spanish music // 585
603 unid 11/8/2009 0456 Classical music
610 Cuba Bahia Honda CMAN R. Rebelde 11/9/2009 0121 SS talk // 580
612 Morocco Sebaâ-Aioun RTM 11/8/2009 0200 Arabic singing by man // 207, fair signal
620 USA VT Burlington WVMT 11/8/2009 0605 ID
621 Canaries/
various  Radio Nacional 11/7/2009 0139 Talk by two M in SP; Parallel 639, 684, 855, 729 and 531
630 Cuba Havana CMQ R. Rebelde 11/9/2009 0123 SS talk // 580
630 unid 11/8/2009 0659 Short time pips every second starting at 0659:48 for 9 seconds, a pause for five seconds then a final short time pip at 0700:01.
630 Honduras HRLP Radio America 11/8/2009 0243 Soccer game in Spanish; one of the teams is Olimpia, which is from Tegucigalpa. Radio America ID.
630 Tunisia (p) Tunis ONT 11/7/2009 0253 Arabic pop singing by a woman, rising up over domestics briefly
638 Nigeria? 11/8/2009 2200 Loud 1 kHz het against 639; listed s/off is 2315
639 Spain various  Radio Nacional 11/6/2009 2200 Folk music leading to TOH, 6 time pips (last one long), typical fanfare 
648 Spain Granja Escuela Radio Nacional 11/8/2009 0200 Time pips and RN tune at TOH, followed by talk by woman in Spanish
675 Libya (p) Benghazi R.Jamahiriya 11/7/2009 2222 Talk between man and a woman in Arabic; over/under Netherlands
675 Netherlands Radio Maria R Maria 11/8/2009 0200 presumed with non-stop religious sounding music through TOH
675 Norway Røst  NRK 11/7/2009 2215 Talk by man; language ID'd by several on RealDX as Norwegian
684 Spain Dos Hermanas Radio Nacional 11/6/2009 2200 talk by man and 2 women in Spanish, excerpt from song "I Love You a Bushel and a Peck", 6 time pips and fanfare; excellent signal
693 England various (likely Droitwich ) BBC Radio 5 Live 11/8/2009 0700 Talk between two men in EG // 909 stronger
710 Cuba various R Rebelde 11/9/2009 0013 "What About Love" by Heart, audibly out of sync with 4 carriers seen well above 710.000; // 540,550, 560, 590,600,610,620, 670,770,1180 and 1550!
711 unid 11/7/2009 2328 Man speaking momentarily Unknown language in the clear
720 USA FL Hernando WRZN Sunny 720 11/7/2009 2342 Oldies songs, ID under WGN and IBOC slop
720 Nicaragua Managua YNA3RC Radio Catolica 11/07/09 0303 Clear ID in Spanish, religious sounding music
720 Mexico Veracruz XEAVR Radio Formula 11/09/09 0200 Several Radio Formula Veracrus IDs, commercials in Spanish
729 Spain various Radio Nacional 11/6/2009 2200 // 855, 684 time pips
738 Spain Palau de Plegamans Radio Nacional 11/6/2009 2200 // other RN's with excerpt from song "I Love You a Bushel and a Peck", 6 time pips and fanfare; poor signal
740 Mexico Cancun (p) XECAQ (p) Radio Formula 11/8/2009 0100 Several “Grupo Formula” IDs, dominant on channel. Several R Formula stations on 720 but Cancun most likely from our location and direction of South BOG antenna
747 Bulgaria various Radio Bulgaria 11/6/2009 2200 Folk music leading to TOH, interval signal 2X, 3 time pips then likely ID by M in Slavic lang.Also heard on 11/7 with "Sorcerer's Apprentice" music mixing with Spain/Canaries
747 Canary Islands/Spain various RNE5 11/6/2009 2146 Music in Spanish  / /684
747 Japan (t) Sapporo JOIB NHK2  11/7/2009 1135 strong carrier and trace of audio; others in ECNA hearing at the same time
747 Netherlands Flevoland  Radio 5 11/7/2009 2055 Organ music (sounds like church music) from 2030 to 2045 UTC, with brief talk in presumed Dutch in between. At 2046 a talk program between two women in pres Dutch, several mentions of Nederlands. Two short and one long time pip at TOH. Another unknown station bubbled up a few times.
756 Germany Braunschweig DLF 11/7/2009  0356 Choral music // 1422, 1269
756 Spain (p) Bilbao  Radio Euskadi 11/7/2009 2220 Song by Creedence Clearwater Revival "Have You Ever Seen The Rain?" and other US pops over/under Germany
760 Colombia Barranquilla HJAJ  RCN  11/9/2009 0100 Mentions of Bogata, and RCN Radio ID, mixed with several other Latins
760 Cuba R Progresso 11/8/2009 0015 Spanish talk by man, and Cuban music // 640 and mixing with another station with a man talking in Spanish
765 Switzerland Sottens  RSR Option Musique 11/8/2009 0200 Option Musique jingle at TOH followed by talk by a woman in prob French
774 Spain various Radio Nacional 11/6/2009 2200 // other RN's with excerpt from song "I Love You a Bushel and a Peck", 6 time pips and fanfare; poor signal with 770 WABC splatter
780 USA ME Rumford WTME EZ-1240 11/7/2009 2106 local weather, slogan from //1240 WEZR
780 Venezuela Coro YVMN Radio Coro 11/9/2009 0100 Several R Coro IDs and web address, over another Latin
783 Spain (p) Barcelona COPE 11/7/2009 2221 Spain with rapid-fire sports play by play
783 Syria Tartus  Radio of Syrian Arab Republic 11/7/2009 0320 Two Arabic stations with Koran reading and singing; one ID'd as Syria but other is questionable - Saudi Arabia not usually heard from NAm, but Mauritania was not on // SW at this time
783 unids 11/6/2009 2148 2 mixing
783 unid 11/9/2009 0215 Romantic ballads, beyond 0230, seems Arabic, 2nd stn. mixing
790 Canada NL Port au Choix CFNW 11/6/2009 2200 C&W music, ID as // CFCB 570
800 Bonaire Bonaire TWR 11/9/2009 0134 Children's program in Spanish
800 USA MA Lawrence  WNNW 11/7/2009 2100 Spanish music, "Power" slogan
800 unid 11/9/2009 0128 Spanish talk, female vocal ballad
801 Spain various Radio Nacional 11/6/2009 2300 Time pips at TOH w/ echo from syncros, // 855 etc.
819 Egypt (p) Batrah General Programme 11/6/2009 2200 Arabic sounding music and possible call to prayer leading up to TOH, then talk by women in possible AR.
828 Bulgaria various Radio Christo Botev 11/6/2009 2200 Music up to TOH, 6 time pips (last one long) time check in Bulgarian and national anthem, ID'd per Dmitry Mezin on RealDX list
837 France Nancy France Info 11/8/2009 2220 Talk, // 1206
837 France  Nancy-Nomeny France Info 11/6/2009 2200 Presumed with talk by a man in French // 945
837 Spain/Canary Islds Various COPE 11/6/2009 2300 Weak female vocal // other outlets
840 Cuba Santa Clara CMHW  Doblevé 11/9/2009 0100 Several IDs, signature tune, talk by a man with mentions of Havana, under WHAS and another unID station
840 Haiti Cap-Haïtien  4VEH 11/9/2009 300 Light vocal music then time check in French for “10 o'clock” (UTC-5), over/under Dobleve
855 Spain Murcia RNE1 11/6/2009 2136 Parallel 585, 684 etc.
864 France Paris  France Bleu 11/8/2009 0323 Music best described as "French Glen Campbell"
900 Mexico DF Mexico City XEW W-Radio 11/8/2009 '0100 "W-Radio" ID, probably them with soccer game
909 England BBC Radio 5 11/8/2009 0136 (tent) English talk by two men about heavyweights and boxing - parallel to 693  -   good
909 Spain Palma de Mallorca RNE5 11/7/2009 0250 Spanish // 684 
910 Cuba Camagüey  R Cadena 11/8/2009 '0100 ID,station slogan song, music
910 US CT New Britain WLAT (p) 11/7/2009 2100 Spanish program, mentions of CT locations
917 Nigeria? unID 11/7/2009 2233 Strong carrier on 917 started to provide het against 918 stations @ 2111 UTC; trace audio but nothing definite.
918 Slovenia Ljubljana-Domzale Radio Slovenija 1 11/6/2009 2126 Nice clip of Slovenian music (thanks to Alessandro Groppazzi for ID)
920 USA RI Providence WHJJ 11/7/2009 2040 talk about Univ. of Rhode Island football, timecheck, local commercials, ID @ TOH
927 Belgium Wolvertem Radio Vlaanderen Info 11/6/2009 2200 Folk-sounding song by male vocalist w/guitar, abrupt interruption with ID at 2200, talk for a few moments then station went off the air
930 Puerto Rico PR Cabo Rojo WYAC (p) 11/7/2008 2200 presumed with Spanish talk about nutrition by man and woman announcers
936 Spain various Radio Nacional 11/8/2009 0200 Syncros echo time pips at TOH // 855 and other RN outlets; also an Arabic station not // Morocco with Koranic singing
936 unid 11/8/2009 0520 Het, no readable audio
940 Mexico Mexico XEQ 11/9/2009 0022 SS vocal abt 200 Hz low
945 China? unID 11/8/2009 1115 Large carrier, trace audio 
945 France Toulouse-Muret  France Info 11/6/2009 2159 talk between a man and woman in French
950 USA MA Boston WROL 11/7/2009 2100 Bill Bailey show, honoring veterans
954 Czech Republic various Ceský Rozhlas 11/9/2009 0400 4 time pips at TOH, talk by a man in Czech language incl ID. Not // 270 but similar sound and time pips on both
954 Spain Onda Cero Radio 11/9/2009 0114 Spanish talk by man   "cera" mentioned  -   fair
963 Finland (p) Pori Radio 86 11/8/2009 0548 Classical music with an oriental sound; per web China Radio International relays in Lithuanian at this time.
963 unid 11/7/2009 0420 possible French talk by man 
963 unid 11/8/2009 0550 Soft music, pop - Finland ?
972 Germany Hamburg NDR Info 11/8/2009 0200 Talk by a woman in German
972 Libya  Sirt  Radio Jamahiriyah 11/7/2009 2338 Middle eastern music vocal and instrumental // 1053; fighting with Germany
972 Spain Monteforte de Lemos RNE 11/6/2009 2302 Man speaking in Spanish
981 Algeria Ouled Fayet Alger Chaine 2 11/8/2009 0200 possible 11-8-09 with Arabic style singing, tlk by M and W at TOH not // 252. At 2300 on 11-6-09 heard with 6 time pips (last one high) and tune after ID that matched IntervalSignals.net
981 11/7/2009 2110 jumble of stations, 6 different carriers noted: 980.99 981.000 981.005 981.006 981.012 and 981.017
990 Cuba  San Luís, Pinar del Río Radio Guama 11/9/2009 0100 "este es Guama"  ID
999 Moldova Maiac  Voice of Russia 11/7/2009 2108 Presumed with clear talk by woman in Russian
999 Saudi Arabia? unID 11/7/2009 2339 Koranic singing similar to but not // 207 RTM A Morocco; Saudi?
999 Spain Majadahonda COPE 11/7/2009 2105 Presumed with soccer game play by play and long "gooooaaaaaaalllll"
1008 Canary Islands Las Palmas Punto Radio  11/8/2009 2100 talk between man and woman in Spanish, IDs
1008 unid 11/8/2009 2355 Big het, no audio
1020 Cuba Bahia Honda CM-- Radio Guama 11/9/2009 0117 Cuban mx,  time check "en Guama"
1026 Iran Tabriz IRIB 1 11/8/2009 0200 Morning call to prayers in Arabic per Tarek Zeidan RealDX
1035 Portugal Porto Alto R. Clube Nacional 11/7/2009 0010 Pop music, Talk, Portuguese language
1053 England Droitwich Talksport 11/7/2009 0410 Man talking, UK accent
1053 unid 11/7/2009 0005 second audio under TalkSport
1053 unid 11/7/2009 0410 Singing in apparent Spanish
1053.102 Libya Tripoli  Radio Jamahiriyah 11/7/2009 2338 Middle eastern music vocal and instrumental, // 972
1060 Cuba Matanzas  Radio 26 11/9/2009 0100 Popular music, ID and tune at TOH; ID thanks to Don Moore; over KYW
1062 Denmark Kalundborg  DR P5 11/8/2009 0745 Musical  interlude, talk by man and woman in Danish
1088 Angola? unID 11/7/2009 2336 Carrier just slightly below 1088; het for about a minute against Talksport with trace audio
1089 Algeria Adrar Alger Chaine 1 11/8/2009 0310 Chanting
1089 England various Talksport 11/7/2009 2030 Sporting talk in EG between two men, sport event commercials (boxing, soccer), PSAs and IDs
1089 Russia Tbilisskaya Russian International Radio 11/7/2009 2055 RIR program per EMWG, talk by woman in Russian, quickly overtaken by Talksport at TOH
1098 Spain various Radio Nacional 5 11/7/2009 2336 Spanish talk by 2 women // 1107
1107 Spain  various Radio Nacional 5 11/7/2009 2336 Spanish talk by 2 women //585
1116 Spain various SER 11/7/2009 2056 presumed with rapid talk in Spanish // 1044
1125 Spain various  Radio Nacional 5 11/7/2009 2336 Talk by women in SP // 1107
1125 unid 11/8/2009 0306 soft music prob Spain
1130 USA LA Shreveport KWKH 11/8/2009 0242 ID
1134 Croatia Zadar Voice of Croatia 11/8/2009 0307 English talk by man   "Croatia can also be heard ...."  -  good
1134 Spain Salamanca COPE 11/6/2009 2221 Spanish talk
1140 Cuba Havana CM-- R. Cadena Habana 11/9/2009 0100  Classical music, ID
1140 Mexico Monterrey XEMR 11/9/2009 0105 Local promos, Spanish talk
1140 USA FL Miami WQBA 11/9/2009 0050 Tropical music, local ads
1143 Kaliningrad (p) Bolshakovo  Russian Int R 11/7/2009 2053 Brief talk in Russian by woman
1143 Spain Jaen COPE 11/6/2009 2139 Spanish talk by man
1152 Spain RNE5 snychros 11/8/2009 0621 At least two with audible network echo.
1179 Sweden Solvesborg Radio Sweden 11/8/2009 2229 English talk by man   "Radio Sweden broadcasting to Europe on 1179 kHz"  -  good
1180 Cuba Villa Maria CM-- R. Rebelde 11/9/2009 0040 Spanish talk, Rebelde ID
1200 USA TX San Antonio WOAI 11/9/2009 0044 Sports, ID
1206 France  Bordeaux-Néac France Info 11/7/2009 2336 Talk by M in FR // 1557
1215 England various Absolute Radio 11/8/2009 2037 Rock music, IDs, // webstream
1215 Kaliningrad Bolshakovo  Voice of Russia 11/7/2009 2102 Russian national anthem and ID, mixing with Absolute R.
1220 Brazil Rio de Janiero ZYJ458 R. Globo 11/9/2009 0304 ID, promo; jingle and whistles @ 0056
1242 France Marseille-Cabriès-Réaltor France Info 11/6/2009 2300 // 1206, weak
1251 unID 11/6/2009 2300 Weak, talk, poss Libya
1260 Canada NB Fredericton CKHJ 1260 KHJ 11/7/2009 2102 Country music; local weather, slogan and website announced
1269 Germany Neumunster DLF 11/7/2009  0354 Opera, choral music // 1422, 756
1278 France Sélestat  France Bleu 11/6/2009 2300 //864 with talk and music
1296 Sudan (t) Reiba  Sudan National Broadcasting Corporation 11/8/2009 0614 Arabic singing/Koran
1296 unid 11/8/2009 2218 Huge het, no audio
1305 Spain various RNE5 11/6/2009 2300 female singing // 747 etc.
1323 unID 11/8/2009 0731 "Greensleeves" music - who?
1323 unid 11/6/2009 2225 weak talk by man
1332 Czech Republic ? unid 11/8/2009 2233 Big het, weak audio with unid talk by deep-voiced man 
1341 Northern Ireland ? 11/6/2009 0209 Solid het, no audio
1359 11/6/2009 0211 Het noted, unable to split
1377 France Lille France Info 11/7/2009 0245 talk by woman in French, // others
1386.06 Spain Bilbao  Euskadi Irratia 11/7/2009 2150 Talk in pres Basque, folk song, //1476, thx to  Jari Savolainen on RealDX for pointer to //
1394.87 Albania (p) Fllakë  TWR 11/7/2009 2056 Music, talk in lang by man and woman in slavic-like language (TWR listed in Bosnian at his time)
1413 Moldova (p) Grigoriopol  Voice of Russia 11/7/2009 2050 Talk by man in Slavic lang; VOR Bulgarian listed at this time
1413 Spain various Radio Nacional 5 11/6/2009 0430 tlk by man in Spanish, time pips
1422 Algeria Alger Radio Coran 11/6/2009 2246 Arabic talk mixing with Germany
1422 Germany Saar Heuswiler DLF 11/7/2009 0352 Opera and choral music // 1269, 756
1431 Djibouti  Arta Radio Sawa (t) 11/8/2009 2216 Strong het, no audio
1457.89 Albania (p) Fllake Radio Tirana 11/6/2007 2237 Stron het measured here
1467 France Roumoules Trans World Radio 11/8/2009 2315 English  start of Hour of Decision program  -  excellent
1476 Spain Bilbao  Euskadi Irratia 11/7/2009 2150 Folk song, //1386, lower level signal on this channel but still readable
1485 Spain (t) various SER 11/6/2009 2200 Talk bubbling up briefly, 6 time pips (last one long) at TOH
1512 11/8/2009 2214 2 strong carriers, low het, occasional weak audio, likely Spain
1521 Saudi Arabia Duba  BSKSA 11/8/2009 2212 Huge audio with Arabic talk by M
1530 Sao Tome Pinheira  Voice of America 11/7/2009 0300 Yankee Doodle at sign-on w/WCKY phased down
1540 Bahamas Freeport ZNS-1 11/8/2009 0006 ID
1540 USA IA Waterloo KXEL 11/8/2009 0727 ID
1548 Kuwait Kuwait City Radio Sawa 11/7/2009 2202 Weak audio, Arabic music
1557 France Nice France Info 11/8/2009 0200 Music up to TOH then prob news by woman in FR // 1206
1575 Saudi Arabia Al Dhabiya R. Farda 11/8/2009 2136 "Satisfaction" by Rolling Stones // webstream
1575 Spain SER synchros 11/7/2009 2201 Good over R. Farda with Spanish talk. // 1116.
1602 Spain SER synchros 11/6/2009 2321 Fair with Spanish talk.
1620 USA MD Ocean City WPTU-717 11/8/2009 2100 Emergency advisory radio station with NOAA weather
1620 USVI Frederikstad WDHP 11/8/2009 0000 ID
1630 USA NJ Point Pleasant Beach WQFG-844 11/8/2009 Emergency advisory radio station with local information and NOAA weather rebroadcast
1650 USA NJ Long Beach Island WQFQ-235  11/7/2009 2050 Emergency advisory radio station test broadcast from Long Beach Island incl NOAA weather and other local news and traffic
1710 USA MA Boston Radio Top Inter/ R.Soleil International 11/8/2009 0200 Several pirates heard, likely Boston area. One in French or Creole with talk by a woman on top, the other playing country-like music. Variations in frequencies of these plus others on 1710 causing large het (at least 4 carriers visible). Radio Soleil ID hrd at 0100 

Posted on October 11, 2010

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