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Newfoundland DXpedition 22 Log

November 15 - 21, 2009

Acknowledgments: Although all of the logs below are my own, I am grateful to my co-DXpeditioner, Saul Chernos, for his help and cheerful company. As always, the hospitality of Ollie and Ken Perry at the DXpedition site, Round Cove B&B in Cappahayden NL, was without equal. I am endebted to my many friends at RealDX and Coastalroundtable who pointed out numerous ID's, identified languages, and provided a wealth of information based on my audio recordings. These expert DXers are, in random order: Alan Davies, Paul Logan, Dmitry Mezin, Mauno Ritola, Hiroo Nakagawa, Mark Hattam, Bjarne Mjelde, Bruce Portzer, Jari Savolainen, Jim Solatie, Vlad Titarev, Bryan Clark, Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Alessandro Groppazzi, Henrik Klemetz, Rocco Cotroneo, Karel Honzik, Andrew Brade, and Chuck Hutton -- Jean Burnell

 Europe excluding Iberia
 kHz day.month time UTC country station: notes SINPO
153 19.11 2359 NOR NRK, Ingøy: pips, NRK sounder, nx, // 630 33332
153 17.11 2359 ROU R. Romania Actualitata, Brasov Bod: rock mx, anmt, ID, pips, nx, // 567 23343
153 16.11 2159 RUS R. Yunost, Taldom: canned "Yu-FM" ID 23342
171 19.11 2359 RUS R. Kavkaz, Tbilisskaya: lively mx, ID's for R. Kavkaz & R. Campanya 33343
177 17.11 2359 D Deutschlandfunk, Zehlendorf: pop mx, ID, pips, nx 23443
198 16.11 0659 RUS R. Mayak, Olgino: IS, pips, under BBC 22442
225 17.11 1957 POL Polskie R., Konstantynow: clas mx, 2000 ID, nx 23342
261 16.11 2359 BUL R. Horizont, Vakarel: pop mx, ID, pips, nx 24333
270 17.11 1959 CZE Cesky Rozhlas, Topolná: promo, ID, pips, nx 34454
279 17.11 2000 BLR Belaruskaje R., Sasnovy: pips, ID, theme mx, nx 23353
531 18.11 1758 FAR Kringvarp Føroya, Akraberg: choir, ID, sound effect, nx 44444
540 20.11 1858 HNG Kossuth R., Solt: children's story, pips, ID, nx 43443
549 17.11 1800 D Deutschlandfunk, Thurnau & Nordkirchen: ID, pips, nx 43443
549 19.11 1659 RUS R. Mayak, synchros: pop mx, IS, pips, nx, wx, ID, US pop mx 25343
549 18.11 0100 SVN R. Slovenija 1, Beli Kriz: pips, ID, nx 32442
558 17.11 1758 G Spectrum R., London: CRI pgm, Spectrum R ID's, subcont lang pgm 24342
558 17.11 1959 ROU R. Romania, Târgu Jiu: ID in QRM 32432
558 18.11 2359 SVN R. Slovenija 1, Nemcavci: mellow mx, pips, ID, nx 32442
567 16.11 0458 I RAI R. 1, Bologna & Caltanisetta: ID, NA, pips, nx 33333
567 16.11 0002 ROU R. Romania Actualitata, Brasov Bod & Satu Mare: wx, ID, ad or promo 33333
567 17.11 1759 RUS R. Rossii, Volgograd: promo, pips, chimes, ID, nx 34444
576 15.11 0458 BUL R. Christo Botev, Vidin: instr mx, pips, fanfare, ID?, nx, // 828, 1296 33333
576 18.11 1759 D SWR Cont. Ra., Mühlacker: nx report, ID, nx 33433
585 17.11 1900 RUS R. Rossii, Perm: pips, ID, nx, // 567 23321
594 18.11 1900 D Hessischer Rundfunk, Weiskirchen & Hoher Meissner: Balkan lang, "Funkhaus Europa" ID's, nx 33443
603 18.11 0259 G BBC R. 4, Newcastle-upon-Tyne: promo, ID, pips, ID, promo 23332
603 16.11 0257 ROU R. Romania Actualitata, synchros: NA, pips, ID, Gregorian chant 33333
612 18.11 1900 LTU R. Liberty, Vilnius-Viršuliškes: IS, Belarusian ID, nx 33443
612 16.11 1759 RUS R. Mayak, Pedasel'ga: jingle, IS, pips, another Slavic stn starts at 1800 23333
621 17.11 1758 BEL RTBFi, Waver-Overijse: promo, wx, lotto ad, ID, TC, nx 43443
621 16.11 1759 MDA Voice of Russia, Grigoriopol: Russian pop song, long series of pips, Golos Rossii nx 32332
630 19.11 1659 D Voice of Russia, Braunschweig-Cremlingen: IS far beneath NRK 22341
630 19.11 1659 NOR NRK, Vigra: Norwegian tk, ID, nx 44454
648 18.11 1900 G BBC World Service, Orfordness: ID, pips, nx 13331
648 19.11 2028 SVN tent. R. Murski Val, Nemcavci: local mx, Slovenian? tk but no TOH break 33322
657 16.11 1958 G BBC R. Wales, Wrexham: rock mx, Wales wx, // 882 12431
657 16.11 0459 I RAI R. 1, synchros: NA, ID, pips, nx 23332
657 17.11 1759 RUS R. Rossii, Murmansk: Russian tk, ID, pips, theme tune, ID, nx 33333
657 17.11 1959 UKR Ukrainian R./Kultura program, Chernivtsi: piano cto, 2000 pips, ID, sounder, nx, // 1431 32322
666 18.11 1859 G BBC R. York, Fulford: anmt, ID, pips, TC, Yorkshire nx 23433
675 17.11 1758 NOR NRK, Røst: children's pgm, nx, // 630 34444
675 20.11 2158 UKR Ukrainian R., Uzhhorod: NA behind HOL & NOR 22321
684 15.11 1959 RUS Radiostantsia Radonezh, Sankt-Peterburg: dramatic choral mx, sounder, ID, mx 32432
684 18.11 1759 SRB R. Televisi Srbije, Beograd: ID, nx 22332
693 18.11 1859 D Voice of Russia, Oranienburg: IS, mx, ID, pgm in German 32442
702 18.11 1900 D NDR Info, Flensburg: Balkan lang, "Funkhaus Europa" ID's, nx, // 594 23332
702 19.11 2100 F R. China International, Col de la Madonne: mx, pips, French & Chinese ID's, French nx 22332
711 17.11 1959 ROU R. Romania Actualitata, Oncesti/Sighetu Marmatiei: sound effects, ID, pips, nx 32332
720 17.11 1758 D Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Langenberg: road conditions 23322
720 17.11 1759 G BBC R. 4, Lisnagarvey: Big Ben chimes, ID, nx 23332
720 16.11 1900 ROU R. Romania Actualitata, small synchros: ID, pips, news sounder, nx, // 756, 855 32322
729 16.11 1959 G BBC R. Essex, Manningtree: ID, pips, Essex nx 22432
729 16.11 0300 GRC Elliniki Radiophonia, Athens: flute IS just before TOH 23321
747 18.11 1900 BUL Bulgarian R., Petrich: IS many times 32332
756 20.11 1759 ROU R. Romania Actualitata, Lugoj: pop mx, ads?, ID, pips, nx 24343
765 16.11 0659 RUS R. Rossii, Pedasel'ga: Russian tk, poss ad, ID, TOH hype, nx 34343
774 19.11 2100 D Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Bonn: pips, nx 22331
774 17.11 1759 G BBC R. 4, Enniskillen & Plymouth: Big Ben chimes, ID, nx 23321
774 17.11 1957 G BBC Asian Network, Farnley/Leeds: ID's & promo, subcont mx 23332
774 18.11 0100 G Gold 774, Cheltenham: ID, nx 22322
792 18.11 1900 D NDR Info, Lingen: "Funkhaus Europa", // 594, 702, 828, 972 13321
801 21.11 0201 D On3-radio, München & Dillberg: instr theme mx, 2002 canned ID, more mx 22432
801 16.11 2359 G BBC R. Devon, Barnstaple: tk, nx for "South-West" 32432
810 20.11 2159 G BBC R. Scotland, synchros: football tk, ID, nx 44454
810 20.11 2030 MKD R. Macedonia, Skopje: IS, ID, IS again, M tk 32432
810 20.11 2200 RUS R. Mayak, Volgograd: Mayak IS twice 22421
819 16.11 0620 I RAI Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trieste: fanfare "Friuli Venezia Giulia", nx 23322
828 15.11 0458 BUL R. Christo Botev, Sumen: instr mx, pips, fanfare, nx, // 576, 1296 23321
828 17.11 1758 G Gold 792/828, Luton: PSA, dentist ads, ID, local nx (not // 774) 23332
846 16.11 0300 RUS Podmoskovje, Noginsk: chime s/on, "Program Podmoskovje", cuckoo clock, nx 33433
846 18.11 1759 RUS Radiostansia Radonezh, Noginsk: choral mx, signature mx, ID, // 684 34433
846 16.11 2000 RUS R. Rossii, Elista: Radonezh tx off then IS, ID, nx 33323
855 20.11 2200 G BBC R. Lancashire, Preston: ID in brief silent gap in RNE1 22422
873 15.11 2259 D Armed Forces Network, Oberursel/Frankfurt: C+W tune, "This is AFN", rock mx 44444
873 18.11 1959 MDA R. Moldova, Chisinau: IS, fanfare, ID, nx 32332
873 18.11 1959 RUS R. Rossii, synchros: RUS tk, ID, pips, chimes, ID, nx 33443
891 17.11 1759 HOL R. 538, Hulsberg: nx, ID, traffic 32343
891 16.11 1959 RUS R. Yunost, Pedasel'ga: pop mx, "Yu-FM" slogan, screaming, techno mx, // 1278 33333
918 16.11 0459 RUS R. Rossii, Arkhangelsk: chimes, ID, nx 34433
918 20.11 2030 RUS R. Mayak, Makhachkala: IS, under Slovenia & Rossii from Arkhangelsk 12321
936 15.11 2200 G Fresh R., Hawes: ID, nx 23332
945 17.11 1758 G Gold, Bexhill-on-Sea: ads, canned ID, nx from Sussex nx centre 33343
945 18.11 1859 G Gold Digital GEM, Quarndon/Derby: promo, ad, ID, Midlands nx 34443
945 19.11 0000 ROU R. Romania Actualitata, Miercurea Ciuc, ROU: ID, pips, nx 23332
945 16.11 2000 RUS R. Rossii, Novocherkassk/Rostov-na-Donu: Kremlin Bells, under Gold & CNR1 12221
954 15.11 2159 CZE Ceský Rozhlas, synchros: tk, pips, ID, nx 44444
963 16.11 0018 G Buzz Asia, Lee Bridge Road/London: "Buzz Asia, 9-6-3 and 9-72 AM, number one for music" 23332
981 16.11 0059 I RAI, Trieste: "Rai" then poss "Trist A", nx, Slovenian? 23322
981 17.11 1757 IRL R. Star Country, Emmyvale: "Music with a Message" pgm, ID, nx 23443
990 16.11 1829 D DeutschlandRadio Kultur, Berlin-Britz: mx, ID, brief nx and wx 33433
990 16.11 1859 G BBC R. Nan Gaidheal, Aberdeen: pops, Gaelic tk 33332
999 16.11 2000 G Magic 999, Preston: "Magic 9-99 News" in gap in MDA 22332
999 15.11 1859 MDA Deutsche Welle, Maiac: Russian pgm, ID, nx 44444
999 15.11 1959 MDA Trans-World R., Maiac: Russian Bible reading, IS, ID, new pgm 34444
1017 18.11 1901 G Gold Digital WABC, Shrewsbury: nx, wx 22331
1026 20.11 0458 G Downtown R., Belfast: oldies, ads, ID, mx 33333
1026 16.11 0800 RUS R. Mayak, 3 small tx near Arkhangelsk: IS, pips, nx 22331
1035 20.11 1700 EST Trans-World R., Tartu: pips, IS, ID in Russian 24333
1035 15.11 2000 G Kismat R., London/Crystal Palace: ID through TWR, nx 22432
1035 17.11 1800 G West Sound R., Ayr: ID, nx 32322
1035 20.11 0000 G Northsound 2, Aberdeen: ad, slogan/ID, nx 32332
1044 21.11 0459 RUS R. Liberty, Kurkino: multiple ID's, nx 33333
1053 19.11 1657 ROU R. Iasi, Iasi: heroic song, pips, nx, promo/hype with ID's 34333
1062 17.11 1658 DNK Danmarks R., Kalundborg: IS, few words, 1 pip, marine notices 45455
1062 16.11 0619 I RAI Sardegna, Cagliari: fanfare then "jornal" "RAI" & "Sardegna", nx 22342
1062 16.11 0619 I RAI Trentino, Trento: "TGR, Jornal __ Trentino", nx 22342
1080 18.11 0200 RUS R. Rossii, Saransk: pips, chimes, ID 33433
1089 20.11 1900 RUS Russian International R., Tbilisskaya: pips, ID, "Golos Rossii" nx 32442
1098 21.11 0500 SVK R. Patria, Nitra-Járok: tk, pips, IS, tk briefly, one more IS 23332
1107 17.11 2259 SRB R. Beograd 1, Novi Sad/Orlovat: choral mx, ID's, nx 32332
1116 18.11 2059 HNG MR1 Kossuth R., Miskolc: mx, fanfares, ID, nx, // 540 33343
1125 17.11 1759 BEL RTBF VivaCité, Houdeng: ads, promo, PSA, "Vivacité" jingle, nx 33343
1125 19.11 1657 RUS R. Orfey, Sankt-Peterburg: clas mx, promo, ID, intro of clas concert 34443
1134 17.11 1759 RUS R. Mayak, Murmansk & Saransk: saxiphone mx, IS, nx 32322
1143 16.11 1759 RUS R. Mayak, Samara: while Bolshakovo off for a min, Mayak IS 24333
1143 17.11 1859 RUS Russian International R., Bolshakovo: pgm end, pips, canned ID, nx 44444
1161 21.11 0500 G Tay AM, Dundee: oldies, ID, more mx 33333
1161 19.11 1658 RUS R. Orfey, Volgograd: clas mx, tk, ID, // 1125 23432
1170 17.11 1659 G Magic 1170, Stockton: ads, ID, nx 33333
1170 17.11 1659 RUS Voice of Russia, Tbilisskoye: Kremlin bells IS, losing to Magic 1170 23332
1179 18.11 2359 ROU R. Romania Actualitata, Galbeni-Bacau: pop mx, ID, pips, ID again, nx 33333
1179 16.11 1858 S R. Sweden International, Sölvesbörg: pops, IS, freq anmt in Swedish & nx 54554
1188 18.11 1759 HNG Magyar R., Szolnok & Marcali: pop mx, flute mx, ID, Slovak tk 43433
1188 16.11 0657 RUS Deutsche Welle, Sankt-Peterburg: German newsmagazine, ID, RUS pgm 33433
1197 19.11 1800 ROU R. Târgu Mures, Brasov Bod: pop mx, ID, wx & nx (in Romanian) 23333
1197 17.11 1900 RUS R. Rossii, small synchros: pips, R. Rossii chimes, under Absolute R. 22321
1251 17.11 1758 RUS R. Yunost, Izhevsk: techno mx, "Yu-FM", sound effects, // 1287 33333
1251 17.11 1800 RUS R. Mayak, synchros: IS, under Yunost 12321
1260 18.11 1758 RUS BBC Relay, Kurkino & Sankt-Peterburg: Russian tk, filler mx, ID, bit of Handel, pips, nx 34343
1278 15.11 1957 RUS R. Yunost, Novocherkassk: dance mx, "Life in Motion on Yu-FM", dance mx, // 1287 24432
1287 15.11 1957 RUS R. Yunost, Yazykovo: dance mx, "Life in Motion on Yu-FM", dance mx, // 1278 34433
1296 15.11 0458 BUL R. Christo Botev, Kardzali: instr mx, pips, ID, nx, // 576, 1296 23332
1323 16.11 2158 D Voice of Russia, Wachenbrunn: French pgm ending, IS, 2200 "Golos Rossii", Russian pgm 32432
1323 16.11 2359 G Gold, Southwick/Brighton: hype, canned "Gold" ID, nx 24332
1323 16.11 0500 RUS R. Grad Petrov, Sankt-Peterburg: s/on, pips, ID, choral mx 34333
1332 19.11 2359 ROU R. Romania Actualitata, Galati: pop mx, ID 32432
1350 20.11 1959 F R. Orient, Nice: commercial Arab mx, ID and nx in French 33433
1359 17.11 1759 RUS R. Mayak, Perm: mx, jingle, IS, pips, nx 33333
1359 19.11 1759 UKR R. Tsentr, Dokuchayevsk: Ukrainian folk/pop mx, ID, nx 24333
1368 17.11 2100 G Manx R., Foxdale/Douglas: ad, ID, nx 33343
1377 17.11 1859 UKR Ukrainian R. 1, Chernivtsi & Pidhaitsi: tk, IS, pips, ID, W nx 33332
1386 16.11 1758 LTU VOIRI, Sitkunai: piano mx, chimes, Russian pgm, "Govorit Tehran", NA 34434
1395 17.11 1900 RUS R. Rossii, Buguruslan: pips, chimes, sounder, nx, // 567 13421
1413 18.11 1858 MDA Trans-World R./Voice of Russia, Grigoriopol: TWR Ukrainian pgm ends, 1859:15 dead air, TWR IS, pips, "Golos Rossii" nx 44444
1431 15.11 0500 D Voice of Russia, Wilsduff: fanfare, English "World Service of the Voice of Russia", nx 33333
1431 19.11 1700 UKR Ukrainian R. Kultura program, Kopani: pips, ID, Ukrainian nx 35454
1440 16.11 2359 LUX Korean BS, Marnach: smooth jazz, "RTL" German ID, start KBS in English 44444
1440 19.11 1703 RUS R. Zvezda, Sankt-Peterburg: Russian tk, ID, hype, Russian pop mx 24333
1449 17.11 1759 RUS R. Mayak, Monchegorsk: pops, jingle, IS, nx 33333
1458 20.11 1800 RUS R. Rossii, Kudymkar: R. Rossii chimes 23321
1485 16.11 1759 G BBC Sussex, Southwick: "BBC Sussex", regional nx 23332
1494 19.11 1628 RUS Voice of Russia, Krasnyy Bor: Russian ballad, many pips, "Golos Rossii", nx 35433
1503 16.11 2059 G BBC Stoke, Stoke-on-Trent: ID's, pips 24332
1503 19.11 2057 RUS Family R., Kurkino: choral rel mx, English ID, clas mx 23322
1512 16.11 2000 RUS R. Yunost, Ibresi: mx, "Yu-FM" ID, screaming, // 1278 13322
1521 16.11 0500 RUS R. Mayak, Zapolyarny: IS, pips, sounder, nx, // 1449 23332
1548 16.11 2057 G Forth 2, Edinburgh: ID, oldies 24323
1548 19.11 0500 G Magic 1548, Liverpool: "Magic 15-48", nx 23332
1557 16.11 1757 LTU Polskie R., Sitkunai: freqs, e-mail address, pop mx 33322
1566 16.11 0002 G County Sound R., Peasmarsh/Guildford: "This is Country Sound Radio" through AIR 33323
1575 16.11 0619 I RAI Liguria, Genova: ads, fanfare then "jornal" "Liguria", nx 23332
1584 20.11 2200 I RAI R. 1, Terni: sound effects just before TOH 13321
1593 17.11 1957 ROU R. Cluj/Antena Sibiului, Sibiu: mx, "R. Cluj", freqs, "Antena Sibiului," 1000-Hz tone 43333
1593 17.11 2100 ROU R. Romania Actualitata, Ion Korvinn: ID, pips, time, fanfare, nx 33333
1593 18.11 1958 ROU R. Târgu Mures, Miercurea Ciuc: NA and off 22322
1611 17.11 1958 CVA R. Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria: Swedish? tk, ID, IS, 2000 ID in unID lang 24333
1641.03 18.11 00000 HOL Hertog Jan, pirate: mx, Dutch ID, tk 25332
1645.01 19.11 2330 HOL Euromast, pirate: greetings, "Euromast" many times, schlager 25332
1663.906 16.11 2255 HOL Klaas Snoek, pirate: oldies, Dutch tk, ID 25333
1664.293 15.11 2257 HOL R. Blonde Jongen, pirate: Dutch tk, "Blonde Jongen" ID's, oldies 25333
1665 16.11 1957 HOL Old Timer R., pirate: C+W mx, Dutch w/ "Old Timer" ID, 50's song 15342
1665 19.11 2324 HOL Nonstop Gangster/Barones, pirate: pop song, Dutch tk "Non-stop", "Stop-Gangster" also "Baro" 25343
1665.03 19.11 2302 HOL Relmus R., pirate: rock mx, Dutch & English ID's, 2305 off 24332
1675.01 19.11 2307 HOL Nonstop Gangster, pirate: rock mx, "Nonstop Gangster Radio" 25343
 Iberia and associated territories
 kHz day.month time UTC country station: notes SINPO
594 17.11 2159 POR R. Sim, Muge: ads, jingle, pips, "Renascença", nx 44444
666 18.11 2159 POR RDP Antena 1, synchos: football tk, ID, football rpts 33343
693 15.11 2059 AZR RDP Antena 1, Terceira/Santa Bárbara: pop song, pips, "Antena 1", nx, Azores wx, // 828 44444
756 18.11 1959 E R. Euskadi, Bilbao EU: Spanish tk, pips, TC, nx 32332
774 16.11 0625 E RNE1, Ourense GA: regional split, Galicia nx 22322
792 20.11 2254 E SER R. Sevilla, Sevilla AN: local break, ads, promo, ID 34444
828.014 15.11 2059 AZR RDP Antena 1, Flores: pop song, pips, "Antena 1", nx, Azores wx, // 693 34343
873 20.11 2258 E SER R. Galicia, Santiago de la Compostela GA: local break, local ad, ID 23432
990 20.11 2254 E SER R. Cádiz, Cádiz AN: local break, ads, promo, ID 32442
1044 16.11 2059 E SER R. San Sebastián, San Sebastián EU: local break, ID, ads 33343
1080 16.11 2059 E SER R. Granada, Granada AN: local break, ID, ads, ID 33333
1386.049 15.11 1959 E Euskadi Irratia, Bilbao EU: fast Latin jazz, pips, ID, nx in Basque 34444
1476 15.11 1959 E Euskadi Irratia, San Sebastián EU: fast Latin jazz, pips, ID, nx in Basque 34444
1602 20.11 1828 E SER R. Linares, Linares AN: local break, ID, ads, ID again 33333
 kHz day.month time UTC country station: notes SINPO
225 17.11 1957 RUS R. Rossii, Surgut: tk, "Radio Rossii" ID, // 261 Taldom 22342
279 17.11 2000 RUS R. Rossii, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: "Radio Rossii" under Belarus, // 261 Taldom 13331
531 20.11 2029 IRN IRIB, Ararshahr: mx, fanfare, chimes, "Radio Iran", militaristic song 32432
540 19.11 0001 IRN IRIB, Mashhad: mx & Farsi tk, // 1062 32432
549 15.11 0259 ARS BSKSA, Qurayyat: nx, ID, pips, fanfare, more nx, // 1071, 1440 44344
549 18.11 1900 IRN IRIB, Sirjan: chimes, heroic mx, tk, // 32 other freqs 22331
549 20.11 1011 RUS R. Mayak, synchros: Russian tk, "Musica ... Radio Mayak" 23332
558.044 17.11 2029 IRN IRIB R. Farhang, Gheslagh: mx, pips, chimes, ID, NA, nx 33433
558 20.11 0959 KOR HLQH KBS 2, Yeong-il: tk, pips, ID, nx 23342
567 16.11 1112 J JOIK NHK 1, Sapporo: Japanese tk, // 666, 729 24332
585 17.11 2028 IRN IRIB R. Quran, Tehran: Koran, NA, chimes, few words, militaristic song 32332
585 20.11 2030 ARS BSKSA, Riyadh: instr mx, dramatic tk, // 1521 22331
594 17.11 1900 RUS R. Mayak, Surgut: IS, sounders, nx, // 549 22331
594 20.11 2030 IRN IRIB, Shiraz: chimes, militaristic song, // 531, 549, etc 22332
603 16.11 0928 KOR HLSA KBS 2, Namyang/Seoul: romantic song, // 558 23322
612 16.11 1002 J JOLK NHK 1, Fukuoka: Japanese tk, poss nx, // 567 23322
639 16.11 1830 IRN VOIRI, Bonab: chimes, ID, NA, // 702 22331
648 18.11 0023 IND AIR, Indore: IS, "Vande Mataram" 23332
648 18.11 0100 IRN IRIB, Shahr-e-Kord: regional mx, // 900, 1125, 1503 23321
656.965 16.11 1000 KRE KCBS Pyongyang Pangsong, Pyongyang: 3 + 1 pips, tk, low mod 13331
657 18.11 1900 IRN IRIB, Zahedan: tk, chimes, // 32 other freqs 33333
657 20.11 2159 UAE Asianet, Al-Dhabbiya: Bollywood-type mx 22332
666 16.11 1059 J JOBK NHK 1, Osaka: Japanese tk, 3 + 1 pips, tk 15322
666 18.11 0023 IND AIR, New Delhi: tone, IS, "Vande Mataram" 23322
666 18.11 1900 IRN IRIB, Shushtar: chimes, heroic mx, tk, // 92 other freqs 22332
684 20.11 1830 IRN IRIB, Mashhad: tk, fanfare, chimes, ID, heroic mx, nx 33333
693 16.11 0947 J JOAB NHK 2, Tokyo: English lesson, // 747, 774 25332
702 16.11 0003 ARS BSKSA, Duba: fanfare, ID, more fanfare 24332
702 16.11 1829 IRN VOIRI, Kiashahr: instr mx, chimes, ID, NA, Turkish? tk, Koran, // 639 34443
711 18.11 1900 IRN IRIB, Ahwaz: chimes, heroic mx, tk, // 32 other freqs 22342
720 16.11 0930 RUS R. Mayak, Vestochka/Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: Mayak IS beneath KNR 21321
720 18.11 1859 IRN IRIB, Mahidasht & Tayebad: tin flute tune, // 38 other freqs 12321
729 16.11 1112 J JOCK NHK 1, Nagoya: Japanese tk, // 567, 666 13322
747 16.11 1015 J JOIB NHK 2, Sapporo: English lesson, // 774 24322
747 17.11 2029 IRN IRIB, Gonbad-e Qabus: orch mx, chimes, ID, militaristic song 32432
747 18.11 0023 IND AIR, Lucknow: just the IS 22332
756 20.11 10.12 CHN CNR 1, Harbin et al.: serious Chinese tk, // 981 23332
765 17.11 1929 IRN IRIB, Chah Bahar: chimes, ID, fanfare, nx 32432
774 16.11 0928 J JOUB NHK 2, Akita: Spanish nx, "NHK World Radio Japon" ID, then begin Portuguese 24333
774 17.11 0023 IND AIR, Shimla: tone, then just the IS 13311
774 19.11 0000 IRN IRIB, Arak: singing, // 1062 33332
776.209 17.11 1959 TKM Turkmen R., unknown site: unstable freq, mx, pips, Turkic lang tk, nx, men "Ashkabat" in nx 22332
783 15.11 2359 ARS BSKSA Second Pgm, Dammam: Arab mx, ID 33323
783 18.11 1858 IRN IRIB, Iranshahr: flute tune, // 38 other freqs 23322
783 19.11 1759 SYR R. of Syrian Arab Rep., Tartus: Arab-rock mx, "Shalom", Hebrew tk, news 33333
791.884 18.11 1901 IRN IRIB, Sohravard: mx and tk, // 32 other freqs 13321
819 18.11 0023 IND AIR, New Delhi: tone, IS, "Vande Mataram", tk 23332
819.061 16.11 1012 KRE KCBS Joson Jung-ang Pangsong, Pyongyang: clas mx, // 872.998, low mod 13322
828 17.11 1128 J JOBB NHK 2, Habikino/Osaka: English lesson, light mx, Japanese tk over mx, // 774 25333
828 19.11 0001 IRN IRIB, Tabas: singing, // 1062 23322
837 16.11 0947 J JOQK NHK 1, Niigata: Japanese tk, // 612 23322
837 20.11 2029 IRN IRIB, Habibabad: mx, fanfare, chimes, ID, militaristic song 33333
846 17.11 0020 IND AIR, Ahmedabad: "Vande Mataram" for a minute 22332
855 16.11 0948 KOR HLCX MBC, Jeonju: fluffy conversation 23322
855.046 16.11 1111 KRE tent. KCBS Pyongyang Pangsong, Sangwon: stern talks 13322
864 16.11 0950 KOR HLKR KBS 1, Gangneung: Korean tk, // 918 24332
864 16.11 0953 RUS R. NVK, Yakutsk: RUS and Sakha lang, promo for "Kuyaar Duoraana" (Echo of the Universe) from Yakutsk, tel number 42 00 88 is for stn 23322
864 19.11 1709 ARM Trans-World R., Gavar: IS, ID in Armenian, theme mx, tk 44444
873 16.11 0951 J JOGB NHK 2, Kumamoto: English lesson, // 774 14221
872.998 16.11 1012 KRE KCBS Joson Jung-ang Pangsong, Sinuiji: clas mx, // 819.061, low mod 24322
873 17.11 2029 IRN IRIB, Kalibar & Sari: orch mx, chimes, ID, militaristic song 32442
873 19.11 1704 IND tent. AIR, Jalandhar: subcont. mx, but not // other AIR outlets, tk in lang 32422
882 16.11 1010 CHN tent. Dalian PBS, Dalian: Chinese tk, little bits of mx 23332
882 19.11 1729 CLN Trans-World R., Puttalam: some English, then "Kalam e Hyath" pgm in Deccani lang 33332
891 16.11 1117 KOR HLKB KBS 1, Busan: energetic Korean tk, // 864 23332
891 17.11 2300 CHN tent. Ningxia PBS, Yinchuan: 3 + 1 pips and TC twice, flute tune, weak ID 14321
891 20.11 0830 IRN IRIB, Yasuj/Deh Dasht: fanfare, chimes through QRM 32331
891 20.11 1900 RUS R. Mayak, Tyumen: Mayak IS, pips, // 549 13331
900 18.11 0023 IND AIR, Kadapa: IS, "Vande Mataram" 12322
900 18.11 1900 IRN IRIB, Tehran: chimes, heroic mx, // 32 other freqs 33343
909 16.11 1116 KOR HLQY KBS 1, Gumi: energetic Korean tk, // 864, 891 23332
909 18.11 0024 IND AIR, Gorakhpur: IS, under BBC Five Live 12XX1
918 16.11 1115 KOR KBS 1, Yeoncheon: energetic Korean tk, // 864 24332
918 17.11 1000 CHN Shandong PBS, Jinan: 5 + 1 pips, v weak tk, ID, mx 24332
918 19.11 0000 IRN IRIB, Jiroft: singing, // 1062 22331
918 19.11 0000 SYR R. of the Syrian Arab Rep., Al-Hassake: ID, plucked instrument 33333
918 20.11 0030 IND AIR, Suratgarh: local instr mx, pips, "Akash vani", nx 43443
936 20.11 1829 IRN IRIB, Urumiyeh: local mx, chimes, "Inja Urumiyeh", NA 24343
945 16.11 1059 CHN CNR 1, Jiaohe: poss ads, pips, TC, ID 24332
945 18.11 0025 IND AIR, Sambalpur: no IS?, s/on w/ "Vande Mataram" 23322
945 18.11 1900 IRN IRIB, Dehgolan: chimes, heroic mx, tk, // 32 other freqs 22342
954 16.11 0023 IND AIR, Najibabad: tone, IS, "Vande Mataram", local instr mx, pips "Ye Akashvani he", nx 33343
954 16.11 0959 CHN Hulun Buir PBS, Hailar: light orch mx, poss ID (included "Hulun"), pips, ID, Mongolian tk 23332
954 16.11 1114 J JOKR TBS Tokyo Hoso, Tokyo: strange mx, Japanese tk 14322
963 16.11 0956 KOR KBS 1, Jeju & Andong: Korean tk, mx, promo, // 1467 23322
963 16.11 1002 CHN Liaoning PBS, Dalian: nx, // 1089 34333
963 19.11 1000 CHN China R. International, Heihe: pips, IS, fanfare, ID's, RUS pgm 24333
963 20.11 0022 IND AIR, Jalgaon: "Vande Mataram", local instr mx 23332
972 19.11 0958 KOR HLCA KBS Hanminjok Bangsong, Dangjin: choral singing, ID, pips, theme mx, Korean tk 34333
972 19.11 1705 TJK VOA R. Aap ki Dunyaa, Orzu: Urdu pgm "Round Table", many ID's 34444
972 20.11 1100 CHN tent. Harbin PBS, Harbin: pips, TC, Chinese tk 12321
972 20.11 2031 IRN IRIB, Ilam: 15 sec of militaristic song, // 531, 837, etc. 13321
981 16.11 0951 CHN CNR 1, Changchun et al.: tk, ID, ads, 1000 pips, long ID and fanfare, nx 33333
981 18.11 0023 IND AIR, Raipur: IS, "Vande Mataram" 23332
981 19.11 1759 IRN IRIB, Hamadan: violin mx, ID, kettle drums, strident mx, // 1062 34333
990 16.11 0024 IND AIR, Jammu: IS, "Vande Mataram" 22322
990 20.11 1830 IRN IRIB, Shiraz: fanfare, chimes, ID 22322
999 16.11 1114 CHN Liaoning PBS Economic Service, Shenyang: Chinese tk, ID as "Liaoning tai jingji tai" 23332
998.912 16.11 1133 KRE KCBS Joson Jung-ang Pangsong, Hamhung: instr mx, // 872.998 13311
1008 16.11 1116 KOR HLCS KBS 3 (Voice of Love), Yangyang: Korean tk 23322
1008 17.11 1929 IRN IRIB, Semnan: mx, chimes, ID, fanfare, nx 22432
1017 16.11 1000 CHN CNR 8, Changchun: Korean ID, theme tune, ID, tk 24322
1017 16.11 1059 CHN China R. International, Changchun: IS, ID and s/on routine, Korean nx 24322
1017 19.11 1759 IRN IRIB, Zahedan: violin mx, ID, kettle drums, strident mx, // 1062 23332
1026 17.11 0024 IND AIR, Allahabad: just one cycle of the IS 12311
1035 16.11 1000 CHN CNR 1, synchros: pips, ID and fanfare 24322
1044 16.11 1119 KOR HLCD/HLCI KBS 1, Jecheon or Samcheok: boring Korean tk, // 0864 14322
1044 18.11 0023 IND AIR, Mumbai: very weak IS 13321
1053 16.11 1111 KOR jammer: irritating noise 24334
1053 20.11 1023 J JOAR CBC, Nagoya: Japanese tk 24332
1062 16.11 0948 KOR HLKQ KBS 1, Cheongju: Korean tk, // 1467 24333
1062 18.11 0358 TUR TRT, Diyarbakir: IS, choral anthem, pips, tk in Kurdish? 24332
1062 18.11 1757 IRN IRIB, Kerman: mx, "Radio Iran", tk across TOH, // 1251, 1512 34343
1071 15.11 0259 ARS BSKSA, Bisha: nx, ID, pips, fanfare, more nx, // 549, 1440 34343
1071 15.11 2158 IRN IRIB R. Ma'aref, Qom: singing, ID, same mx continues 43443
1071 16.11 1000 J JOFK NHK 1, Hiroshima: pips, glimpses of audio, // 837 23321
1071 16.11 1121 CHN tent. Tianjin PBS, Tianjin: Chinese tk over dance beat, poss mentions of "Tianjin" 14321
1080 20.11 2359 IRN VOIRI, Bandar-e Mahshahr: mx, Arabic ID, nx 32442
1089 20.11 1011 CHN Liaoning PBS, Shenyang: tk, canned ID, ads, promo 23433
1089 16.11 0003 ARS BSKSA, Qurayyat: Arabic tk, ID 32332
1098 16.11 1117 KOR HLCJ KBS 1, Jinju: energetic tk, // 864 14321
1107 16.11 1030 CHN CNR 1, unknown site: theme mx , ID, // 981, 1035, 1377, 1593 13331
1107 18.11 0025 AFG R. Afghanistan, Kabul: tone, IS, ID, NA, pips, tk, Koran 33433
1116 18.11 0100 IND AIR, Srinagar: tone, IS, "Vande Mataram", "All India Radio", local instr mx 33433
1116 20.11 1020 J JOAF RNB, Nankai Hoso, Matsuyama: Japanese tk, sound effect, "Nankai Radio" , more tk 24432
1125 16.11 1000 CHN Hebei PBS Economic Service, three transmiters: pips, TC, "Hebei Diantai" 13321
1125 18.11 1900 IRN IRIB, Nehbandan: chimes, heroic mx, tk, // 32 other freqs 22342
1125 20.11 1016 J JOAD NHK 2, Naha et al.: English lesson, // 774, 828 14321
1134 16.11 0958 KOR KBS Hanminjok Bangsong, Hwaseong: pop mx, ID, pips, fluffy tk 33333
1134 17.11 1759 IRN IRIB, Bojnurd: ominous mx, tk, trad mx, // 1062 33323
1134 20.11 0959 J JOQR NCB, Bunka Hoso, Tokyo: Japanese tk, little chime tune, fanfare, ID hype 23332
1134 20.11 1700 CHN CNR 1, Golmud: pips, ID, ephemeral mx, ID again, mx 33323
1143 18.11 0022 IND AIR, Rohtak: tone, IS, "Vande Mataram" 23322
1143 18.11 0157 TJK Ovozi Tojik, Yangiyul/Dushanbe: interview, local ballad, Tajik choral anthem 34343
1152 19.11 1001 J JORB & JOPC NHK 2, Kochi & Koshiro: English lesson, // 774, 828 24311
1170 16.11 0950 KOR HLSR R. Korea International, Gimje: poss s/on, instr mx, choral anthem, tk, pips, ID 33333
1170 19.11 0001 IRN IRIB, Abadan & Damghan: singing, // 1062 33322
1170 19.11 1629 PHL Voice of America, Poro: ad for Dyned International, TC, "VOA", nx in Special English 14342
1170 19.11 1700 PAK National Broadcasting Service, Peshawar: pips, poss ID, nx, // 1332 22332
1179 18.11 0023 IND AIR, Rewa: just the IS 33323
1188 16.11 1059 KOR HLKX Far East Broadcasting Co., Inchon/Seoul: Korean tk, jingle, pips, English ID 14321
1188 20.11 0024 IND AIR, Mumbai: IS, "Vande Mataram", tk 22332
1197 20.11 0024 IND AIR, Tirunelveli: just one cycle of the IS 13321
1197.023 20.11 1716 IRN IRIB, Moghan: flute mx, tk 24322
1205.976 16.11 1030 CHN Yanbian PBS, Yanji: Korean tk, ID's 23332
1206 18.11 0023 IND AIR, Bhawanipatna: IS, "Vande Mataram", local instr mx, "Akashvani", nx 23332
1215 18.11 0100 IRN IRIB, Chalus: singing, // 8 other freqs 22321
1224 18.11 1900 IRN IRIB, Kerman: chimes, heroic mx, tk, // 32 other freqs 22332
1224 20.11 0935 J JOJK NHK 1, Kanazawa: Japanese tk, // 1503 13321
1224 20.11 1900 ISR Galei Zahal, Beersheba: sounder, ID 23322
1233 18.11 0023 IND AIR, Tura: IS only 13321
1233 20.11 1830 IRN IRIB, Abadeh: chimes, ID, nx 24332
1242 18.11 1900 IRN IRIB, Zanjan: chimes, heroic mx, tk, // 32 other freqs 33332
1242 19.11 1659 IND AIR, Vanarasi: pgm of classical sitar mx, lang and EE tk, // 954, 981 24333
1251 20.11 0929 CHN CNR 1, Hulin: Chinese child and woman skit, // 945, 981 23321
1251 20.11 1830 IRN IRIB, Kiashahr: tk, fanfare, chimes, ID 23322
1278 16.11 0956 J JOFR RKB, Mainichi Hoso, Fukuoka: Japanese tel chat, "RKB" x 3, jingle, pip, hype or ad 24332
1287 16.11 0949 KOR HLAX or HLAF MBC, Cheongju or Gangneung: pop mx, tk, distinctive chime at TOH, mellow pops 24322
1287 16.11 2359 ISR Galei Zahal, Tel Aviv/Ramle: tape loop announcement w/ freq info 32332
1287 16.11 2359 KGZ Kyrgyz Radiosu, Bishkek: tones, IS, NA 33333
1287 17.11 1000 J JOHR HBC, Hokkaido Hoso, Sapporo: Japanese tk, one long tone, fanfare, ID, "HBC" 24332
1287 18.11 0022 IND AIR, Panaji: tone, IS, "Vande Mataram" 23322
1296 20.11 1757 AFG VOA R. Ashna, Kabul: Pashto or Dari newsmagazine, "Radio Ashna", nx 24333
1305 17.11 0000 ISR Galei Zahal, Rosh-Pina: only the TOH sounder in pause in RNE5, // 1368 22XX1
1305 20.11 0018 IND AIR, Parbhani: IS, "Vande Mataram", "All India Radio", local instr mx 23332
1305 20.11 1900 RUS R. Mayak, Serov: weak Mayak IS under RNE signals 13321
1314 15.11 1959 ARM Voice of Russia, Gavar: IS, ID in Arabic, fanfare, freq info 33333
1314 18.11 0023 IND AIR, Bhuj: tone, IS, "Vande Mataram", local mx 23322
1314 20.11 0929 J JOUF OBC, R. Osaka, Sakai-shi/Osaka: Japanese tk, "OBC" 24322
1323 15.11 0259 CYP BBC World Service, Zyyi: promos, ID, pips, "The World Today" 24343
1323 16.11 1100 CHN China R. International, Huadian: s/on, IS, ID in Chinese and Korean, Korean nx 24333
1323 18.11 0023 IND AIR, Kolkata: IS only 13332
1332 16.11 0003 IRN IRIB R. Tehran, Tehran: local mx, ID, more mx 44444
1332 19.11 1630 PAK National Broadcasting Service, Lahore: "National Broadcasting Service", "Pakistan", newsmagazine pgm 25332
1332 20.11 0955 J JOSF Tokai Hoso, Nagoya: Japanese ads, "Nagoya", 2+1 pips 34323
1350 15.11 1959 ARM Trans-World R., Gavar: mx, IS and tx off but on again, TWR IS, ID in Hebrew 34444
1359 16.11 1958 CHN CNR 1, synchros: mx, chimes, ID twice, NA, pips, TC, animated anmts 33333
1359.106 16.11 1958 CHN CNR 1, unknown site: mx, chimes, ID twice, NA, pips, TC, animated anmts 23323
1359 20.11 1830 IRN IRIB, Lar: tk, fanfare, chimes, ID, mx, nx 32332
1368 17.11 2100 CHN CNR 1, Karamay: pips, TC, theme mx, ID, tk, // 1359, 1377, 1593 22332
1368 19.11 1729 IRN IRIB, Gorgan: yelling, ID, local mx 24332
1377 17.11 2100 CHN CNR 1, Xingyang: mx, pips, TC, theme mx, ID's, chimes, // 1359, 1368, 1593 33343
1377 20.11 1759 ARM Trans-World R., Gavar: regional mx, IS, ID, tk in Uzbek? 33333
1386 16.11 0948 KOR HLAM MBC, Mokpo: call-in, mx, distinctive chime, "MBC", animated tk, Asian pops 24332
1386 16.11 1858 IRN VOIRI, Ahwaz: Arabic dramatic tk, Koran, ID 44444
1386 17.11 1059 CHN Tianjin Life Station, Tianjin: Chinese tk, instr mx, single tone, ID, mellow song 24332
1386 20.11 0956 J NHK 2, synchros: English lesson, // 774 14321
1395 17.11 1900 ARM Hayastani Azgain R., Yerevan: Armenian nx 23332
1395 18.11 0022 IND AIR, Bikaner: tone, IS, "Vande Mataram" 33433
1413 16.11 0948 J JOIF KBC, Fukuoka: Japanese dramatic tk, hoaky mx, 0953 W tk, many ID's at TOH 34333
1422 16.11 0930 CHN Taiyuan PBS, Taiyuan: Chinese tk, ID, more tk 24332
1422 20.11 0929 J JORF RF R. Nipppon, Yokohama: Japanese tk 13331
1440 16.11 1042 J JOWF STV, Sapporo: fast mx, short nx items, tone at 1100 22321
1449 16.11 1859 IRN VOIRI, Bandar-e-Torkaman: mellow instr mx, chimes, ID in Turkmen?, action mx, likely nx 43433
1458 18.11 1900 IRN IRIB, Khoy: chimes, heroic mx, tk, // 32 other freqs 22342
1467 16.11 1013 KOR HLKN KBS 1, Mokpo: Korean tk, // 864 24322
1467 20.11 0023 IND AIR, Jeypore: tone to 0023, IS, "Vande Mataram", local instr mx 23332
1467 20.11 1830 IRN IRIB, Qom: tk, fanfare, chimes, ID, mx, nx 33343
1476 17.11 1058 CHN Heilongjiang PBS, Economic Life Channel, Mudanjiang: rock mx, pips, TC, ID, bit of mx, anmt w/ ID again 25322
1476 18.11 2000 IRN IRIB, Marivan: tk but perhaps not Farsi, IRIB sounder, more tk 22332
1494 18.11 1858 IRN IRIB, Maku: flute tune, // 684 13331
1494 20.11 2359 CHN Xinjiang PBS, synchros: ads, anmt, // 5060 32332
1503 17.11 1930 TJK Voice of Russia, Dushanbe: IS, "Golos Rossii", nx 22331
1503 20.11 0933 J JOUK NHK 1, Akita: Japanese tk, // 1224 14321
1512 19.11 1729 IRN IRIB, Ardabil: tk, ID, orch mx 25333
1521 17.11 2359 CHN China R. International, Hutubi/Urumqi: mx, IS, fanfare, ID's, RUS pgm w/ nx 43343
1539 17.11 1958 CHN CNR 1, Golmud: ads, pips, TC, // 1134 24332
1539 17.11 2359 UAE Voice of America, Al Dhabbaya: fast mx, ID and nx in English, // 972 33422
1539 18.11 1900 IRN IRIB, Gorgan: chimes, heroic mx, tk, // 32 other freqs 23332
1548 19.11 0001 IRN IRIB, synchros: up for a minute, singing, // 1062 23322
1557 16.11 0948 TWN Family R., Kou'hu: Cantonese rel tk, ID, trumpet theme, "Family Radio" 24332
1566 17.11 1929 IND AIR, Nagpur/Buttibori: Indian mx, "Akashvani" ID, single pip, "Akashvani" ID again, nx in Hindi 33443
1593 16.11 1059 CHN CNR 1, Changzhou: animated tk, pips, TC, long ID, nx 23322
1593 18.11 0022 IND AIR, Bhopal: tone, IS, "Vande Mataram", tk 23322
1593 18.11 1958 KWT Voice of America, Umm al-Rimam: tk in lang, "Voice of America" ID in English 22332
1593 20.11 0917 J NHK 2, Matsue & Niigata: Spanish nx, // 774 24343
1602 18.11 1900 1RN IRIB, Bahabad & Dezful: chimes, heroic mx, tk, // 32 other freqs 22331
 kHz day.month time UTC country station: notes SINPO
153 19.11 0459 ALG Alger Chaîne 1, Béchar: North Af pop mx, fanfare, pips, ID, Koran 24343
252 19.11 0459 ALG Alger Chaîne 3, Tipaza: local jazz, "Alger Chaîne 3", Koran 34343
909 15.11 2059 BOT Voice of America, Moepeng Hill/Selebi-Phikwe: "Music Time in Africa" ends, ID, "Yankee Doodle", off 33342
917 16.11 2057 NIG R. Gotel, Yola: Af mx, local lang tk, "Radio Gotel" many times, probable nx 34343
918 20.11 1958 NIG UNID stn: monotonous Af tk, some heavily accented English 23442
972 18.11 2159 NIG Katsina State R., Katsina: mx, tk in lang men "Katsina", nx in heavily-accented English 32332
1088 18.11 2300 AGL R. Nacional, Mulenvos: Portuguese nx, Angola items 23332
1206 17.11 2158 MOZ EP de Inhambane, Inhambane: Portuguese nx, NA 24322
1503 20.11 2156 EGY North Sinai R., El Arish: Arab mx, fades, but then Egyptian NA 22332
1530 17.11 0258 STP Voice of America, Pinheira: s/on anmt, "Yankee Doodle" twice, nx 34444
1550 18.11 2259 ALG R. Nacional Saharaui, Rabouni/Tindouf: mx, Arab tk, Spanish guitar, ID, begin Spanish pgm 34333
1566 19.11 2158 BEN Trans-World R., Parakou: French rel pgm, at TOH "L'eau de la vie" pgm begins w/ TWR contact info 34343
 kHz day.month time UTC country station: notes SINPO
738 20.11 1010 FPO tent. R. Polynesie, Papeete, Tahiti: tk, seems to be France Inter 13431
 North America
 kHz day.month time UTC country station: notes SINPO
550 16.11 0959 USA KFYR, Bismark ND: PSA, 1000 legal ID, Fox nx 24343
570 16.11 2125 GRL KNR, Nuuk: Greenlandic tk, fanfare/sounder, M tk sounds like nx 33343
570 19.11 2359 USA WMCA, New York NY: "WMCA, New York's Christian Talk", begin "Enduring Truth" 23333
580 18.11 0259 CAN CFRA, Ottawa ON: promo, PSA, ID's, TC, nx 23333
600 20.11 1959 USA WFST, Caribou ME: rel mx, "Family Radio…WFST…" 22432
610 20.11 0958 USA WIOD, Miami FL: "Coast to Coast" pgm, "NewsRadio 6-10 WIOD" 22322
630 17.11 1129 USA WPRO, Providence RI: ads, wx, ID 15421
650 16.11 0947 GRL KNR, Qeqertarsuaq: Greenlandic tk, sounder, nx, // 720 32432
660 19.11 0459 CAN CFFR, Calgary AB: wx, "CFFR", traffic 22322
670 18.11 0159 USA WWFE, Miami FL: English and Spanish ID's, "La Poderosa" slogan 32432
680 19.11 1059 CAN CJOB, Winnipeg MB: "'Coast to Coast' on CJOB...", CJOB nx 34333
720 16.11 0928 GRL KNR, Simiutaq: IS, Greenlandic tk, mx 44454
780 20.11 1959 USA WTME, Rumford ME: ID call garbled but parallel broadcaster "WKTQ" clear 23332
810 16.11 0928 GRL KNR, Upernavik: IS, Greenlandic tk, mx, // 720 32332
850 15.11 0900 USA WTAR, Norfolk VA: ad, promo, legal ID, nx 32342
850 20.11 1100 USA KOA, Denver CO: "KOA" nx, tk pgm, ad, "KOA" TC and road cx 22432
860 19.11 1059 CAN CBKF, Saskatoon SK: piano mx, French Saskatchewan pgm promo, nx 22342
860 17.11 1059 USA WOAY, Oak Hill WV: "AM 8-60 WOAY" in CJBC gap 22332
880 19.11 1029 CAN CKLQ, Brandon MB: C+W mx, wx, "Eighty-eight, C K L Q" jingle, C+W mx 32442
890 19.11 1026 CAN tent. CJDC, Dawson Creek BC: C+W mx under WLS 22432
890 20.11 0500 USA WLS, Chicago: book ad, promo, ID, jingle, nx 43333
900 16.11 0859 CAN CHML, Hamilton ON: promo, ID, ads 22332
900 19.11 1030 CAN CKBI, Prince Albert SK: C+W mx, ad string, ID, C+W mx 33432
900 19.11 0959 GRL KNR, Uummannaq: pop mx, Greenlandic tk, fanfare, poss ID, nx 23333
910 19.11 1022 CAN CKDQ, Drumheller AB: C+W song, "Q 91, Drumheller", C+W song 34343
920 16.11 0959 CAN CKNX, Wingham ON: C+W song, ID, nx 23332
920 19.11 1022 CAN CFRY, Portage la Prairie MB: C+W song, wx for Portage la Prairie, jingle 33333
930 19.11 1025 USA WBEN, Buffalo NY: ad, TC, ID, Wall Street Journal Report 33333
940 20.11 1059 CAN CINW, Montréal QC: ad, ID, mx, nx 44444
940 21.11 0000 CAN CJGX, Yorkton SK: tk, ID, nx 23332
950 19.11 1027 CAN CFAM, Altona MB: clas mx, "Classics till Dawn" with Terry Klippenstein … on CFAM ___ 9-50" 32432
950 20.11 1959 USA WROL, Boston MA: rel pgm, ID, promo, begin "Through the Bible" 33433
960 20.11 0959 CAN CFAC, Calgary AB: ESPN Sports, ID and back to sports 33332
960 20.11 0859 USA WTGM, Salisbury MD: "Fox Sports Radio, Sportstalk 9-60", ID w/ call, football tk 32332
960 21.11 0159 USA WEAV, Plattsburgh NY: tk pgm, "This is the Zone" slogan and ID, Fox nx 24342
970 19.11 1032 USA WDAY, Fargo ND: promo, "WDAY Smart Shopper","Sportsradio 9-70 WDAY" 33433
980 20.11 1103 CAN CJME, Regina SK: sports nx from Canadian Press, TC and ID, local nx 33333
980 18.11 0500 USA WOFX, Troy NY: "WOFX Fox Sports 9-80", sports tk 32323
980 20.11 0959 USA WTEM, Washington DC: ESPN Sports, ID and back to sports immediately 33333
990 19.11 1032 CAN CBW, Winnipeg MB: under CBY "from the BBC, here on CBC Radio 1" 22431
1000 20.11 1057 USA KOMO, Seattle WA: KOMO contest, ad, PSA, ID, wx, ID again, ABC nx 34333
1040 20.11 0459 CAN CJMS, St. Constant QC: "CJMS dix quarante point com", French country mx 22332
1040 20.11 0459 CAN CKST, Vancouver BC: "Welcoming the world to Vancouver...Team 10-40, Sports Radio", hockey tk 23333
1050 17.11 1059 CAN CHUM, Toronto ON: ads, slogan "CP24" only, simulcasting TV 43443
1070 19.11 1045 CAN CHOK, Sarnia ON: chat, PSA, canned ID, TC, C+W song 23333
1070 20.11 0936 USA KNX, Los Angeles CA: financial nx, "KNX" wx, "KNX News time 1:38," ads 23332
1100 19.11 1057 CAN CBSI5, Natashquan QC: "Vous écoutez la Première Châine de Radio Canada, CBSI, Côte-Nord", nx 23333
1150 15.11 0859 USA WHBY, Kimberly WI: PSA, "Newstalk 11-50 WHBY", CBS nx 32342
1190 20.11 1058 CAN CFSL, Weyburn SK: C+W mx, "Today's hits, all your country favorites, AM 11-90" 24333
1230 16.11 1052 CAN CFLN, Goose Bay NL: Labrador nx headlines and wx, C+W, ID for CFLN and CFLW 23333
1230 19.11 0959 CAN CFFB, Iqaluit NU: overnight pgm from BBC, CBC Radio 1 ID, promos, nx, // 1340 Northern Svc. 23322
1250 20.11 0955 CAN CHSM, Steinbach MB: trumpet cto, no ID but // 950 24332
1290 20.11 0859 CAN CFRW, Winnipeg MB: oldies, "You're listening to CFRW, a CHUM radio station" 23332
1310 16.11 0959 CAN CIWW, Ottawa ON: oldies, ID 23332
1310 17.11 1059 USA KNOX, Grand Forks ND: ad, ID, TC, ABC nx 24333
1320 17.11 0858 CAN tent. CHMB, Vancouver BC: Chinese under CJMR 22331
1330 16.11 0259 USA WFNN, Erie PA: "Fox Sports Radio, WFNN, Erie, the Fan" 23332
1330 20.11 0901 USA WWRV, New York NY: "WWRV, 13-30 AM, New York..." 23321
1340 16.11 1058 CAN CFLW, Wabush NL: "Radio Labrador" ID and "VOCM" canned ID, VOCM nx, // CFLN 1230 22332
1360 16.11 0500 USA WTAQ, Green Bay WI: "Newsradio 1360, WTAQ" 22331
1370 18.11 0400 USA WFEA, Manchester NH: oldies, "This is AM 13-70 WFEA" in a brief lull in WDEA 22432
1420 15.11 1000 USA WBSM, New Bedford MA: ad, ID, ABC nx 23432
1440 15.11 0859 USA WVEI, Worcester MA: promo, ID, Fox Sports news 32332
1450 17.11 0000 BER VBS1 1450 AM Gold, Hamilton: 40's and 50's hits, TC, "14-50 AM Gold" 34333
1480 17.11 1057 USA WGVU, Kentwood MI: oldies, ID men both 1480 and 850 22332
1550 19.11 1057 CAN CBSI8, La Romaine QC: piano mx, ID, // 1100 13311
1600 16.11 0959 USA WWRL, New York NY: promo, ad, ID, health pgm 32432
1610 16.11 1000 CAN CJWI, Montréal QC: mellow mx, call letter ID 32432
1620 16.11 0259 USA WNRP, Gulf Breeze FL: telephone tk, indistinct call letters but "Newsradio" is clear 23321
1650 18.11 0458 CAN CINA, Mississauga ON: Indian mx over/under CJRS 32332
1660 19.11 2330 USA WCNZ, Marco Island FL: PSA, ads, slogan "The Avenue" twice 34343
1690 17.11 0000 CAN CJLO, Montréal QC: event announcements for Montréal area 23322
 Caribbean and Mexico
 kHz day.month time UTC country station: notes SINPO
530 20.11 0459 CUB R. Enciclopedia, La Habana: orch mx, ID, clas mx pgm 33343
540 19.11 0500 GRD Grenada Broadcasting Corp., St. George's: either "GBC" or "BBC" ID, BBC nx 22332
600 15.11 0900 PTR WAEL R. 600, Mayagüez: WFAQ net ID 22322
800 17.11 0159 ATN Trans-World R., Belnem, Bonaire: Spanish tk, ID 32332
900 20.11 1014 MEX XEW, México DF: ads, promos, "Doble-U Radio invita...", ranchera mx 33433
910 16.11 1000 CUB CMFA R. Cadena Agramonte, Camagüey: Cuban mx, ID, more mx 23332
1020 15.11 1000 CUB R. Reloj, Victoria de las Tuna: pip, ID, nx, "RR" in code 24332
1300 20.11 0859 ATN PJD2 Voice of St. Maarten, Philipsburg: oldies, English ID, old pops 23333
1590 16.11 0004 PTR WXRF, Guayama: Spanish, muffled "W-X-F-R", intro pgm 23332
 South America
 kHz day.month time UTC country station: notes SINPO
550 20.11 1000 CLM HJHF & HJZQ R. Nacional de Colombia, Marinilla & Neiva: ID & promo 33323
550 20.11 0100 URG CW1 R. Colonia, Colonia: pop mx, ID, rel pgm 24343
560 19.11 2358 B ZYH887 R. Educadora do Maranhão, São Luís MA: hype, many ID's 23343
560 17.11 0300 GUY Voice of Guyana, Georgetown: ID, rel tk over piano 23432
670 19.11 2159 B ZYJ921 R. Cultura de Sergipe, Aracaju SE: light mx, ID, "Sergipe" 33333
860 19.11 0458 B ZYH592 R. Cidade, Maracanaú CE: ID, rel pgm 34333
899.521 20.11 0059 B ZYJ454 R. Tamoio, Rio de Janeiro RJ: football tk, promos & jingles 34343
910 19.11 0500 ARG LR5 La Red, Buenos Aires: nx, wx, ID 33333
920 19.11 0458 B ZYH519 R. Novo Tempo, Salvador BA: ID's, rel songs 23332
1070 15.11 0459 ARG LR1 R. Mundo, Buenos Aires: pop mx, pips, ID, nx 33333
1070 18.11 2300 B ZYI673 R. Cajazeiras, Cajazeiras PB: "A Voz do Brasil" ends, ID, ballad 24332
1200 17.11 0200 B ZYK520 R. Cultura Brasil, São Paulo SP: promos & ID 23333
1250 19.11 0500 B ZYL367 R. Metropolitana, Vespasiano MG: FM ID as "Nossa Rádio" 24322
1270 17.11 0159 B ZYH753 R. Brasil Central, Goiânia GO: ID w/ powers, calls for MW, SW 23432
1290 17.11 2159 B ZYL273 R. Uberlândia AM, Uberlândia MG: "A Voz do Brasil" ends, ID, poss rel 33332
1340 19.11 2159 B ZYH886 R. Clube de São Luís, São Luís MA: hype, ID mention Jovem Pan, ads 33333
1360 19.11 2158 B ZYH469 R. Cultura, Paulo Alfonso BA: ballad, ID 33333
1410 19.11 0459 B ZYH803 R. Bandeirantes, Brasília DF: ID, nx 23333

Published on August 28, 2011

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