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Nhulunbuy (Gove), Northern Territory, Australia

Apocalypse Now

by Craig Edwards

January - February 2006

Darwin, shit, I'm still in Darwin. Every time, I think I'm going to wake up back on a DXpedition in the jungle. When I was home over Christmas in South Australia after my first tour it was worse. I'd wake up and there'd be no DXing. I hardly said a word to my wife until I said yes to another DX mission. When I was here, I wanted to be there. When I was there, all I could think of was getting back into the jungle. I'm here in a Darwin hotel a day now, waiting for a DX mission, getting softer, getting normal. Each time I looked around, the walls moved in a little tighter. I'd lost interest in the real world, I wanted a DX mission. They finally gave me one, brought it up to me like room service. It was a real choice mission.

Contemplating the mission

A.R.D.S were placing 4 new mediumwave transmitters throughout East Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory of Australia. This offensive would surround the strategic DXing site of Nhulunbuy, and put innocent DX signals in harms way. My mission was to infiltrate the mediumwave band and rescue the DX signals who were under threat before the enemy attacked with new transmitters.

Nhulunbuy had already been invaded on 990 kHz and this occupation had taken a stronghold of 970 to 1010 kHz. Not a single DX signal could be rescued. They were under complete occupation. It was too late for them.

I received a classified dossier outlining the enemy's plan of attack. They were going to invade Gapuwiyak on 1476 kHz, Nhulunbuy on 1503 kHz, Galiwinku on 1566 kHz and Ramingining on 1593 kHz.

The Battlefield
The battlefield

This was a top secret DX mission. If I was ever captured and interrogated by the general public - I would deny being a DXer. Family and friends could never know about these DX missions. My wife was the exception, and even she never knew the full story.

It was unknown when the enemy would arrive. It kept me dangling on a knife's edge. My weapon was an Icom R75. I would transport the signals with 2 EWE antennae, one designed for Asia and the other for North America and the Pacific. Once rescued, they would be evacuated into an mp3 recorder.

A closer look
A closer look

Fortunately on all rescue missions, I got in and out before the evil doers arrived. As I report to you now, the transmitters have not become operational, but it's only a matter of time. One thing is for sure, many DX signals were found and rescued each night.

Every DX mission you return from changes you. Sure you become a better DXer, but each DX mission you're assigned to makes it harder to come back to the world.

Ready to rescue
Ready to rescue some DX signals

Operation 1476: Rescue 1467 - 1485 kHz

Those rescued were: 1467 HLKN; 1467 DXVP; 1467 Vatican Radio; 1467 TWR Roumoules; 1470 CJVB; 1476 Radio Studiya Okey, Russia; 1476.1 DXRJ; 1480 KYOS; 1485 DYDH.

Operation 1503: Rescue 1485 - 1530 kHz

Those rescued were: 1494 BEE32 Taiwan; 1494 JOTL; 1494.1 DXOC; 1494.2 DWSS; 1500 KUMU; 1503 Family Radio, Taiwan; 1503 R Taiwan Int'l; 1510 KGA; 1512 DYAB; 1512 BSKSA; 1520 KOKC; 1521 JOLZ; 1521 CRI China; 1521 R Taiwan Int'l; 1530 AFN South Korea; 1530 DZME; 1530 KFBK; 1530 VOA Sao Tome.

Operation 1566: Rescue 1557 - 1575 kHz

Those rescued were: 1557 Family Radio, Taiwan; 1560 KNZR; 1566 DXID; 1566 AIR Nagpur; 1566 HLAZ; 1570 XERF; 1575 DXJR; 1575 VOA Thailand; 1575 Radio Farda.

The smell of DXing
I love the smell of DX in the morning

Operation 1593: Rescue 1584 - 1602 kHz

Those rescued were: 1584 T8AA Palau; 1590 KKZZ; 1593 V6AK Chuuk; 1593 CNR; 1593 Taiwan Area Fisheries; 1600 KGST; 1602 JOSB.

Asia and Pacific Trail

153 1308 Radio Rossii, Komsomolsk, Russia. Poor with Russian music program, ee 279 kHz log. Jan 28 (CE)

189 1323 Radio Rossii, Belogorsk, Russia. Assume R Rossii coming from this transmitter, poor with Russian music program, see 279 kHz log. Jan 28 (CE)

234 1340 Radio Rossii, Arman, Russia. Again assume R Rossii coming from this transmitter, poor with NDB QRM, Russian music program, see 279 kHz log. Jan 28 (CE)

Crack commando
This mission called for a crack commando

279 1316 Radio Rossii, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia. Very good signal & better than // 153, 189, 234 & 810 kHz this evening. Discussions between male & female in Russian then into pop music show with songs in English but I've never heard of them before, song titles such as 'I'm Afraid of You', 'Calm The Killer', 'Fire Fire', etc. The EWE's are pretty bad on longwave, so I don't venture down there too much. After this evening I'll have to do it more often. Jan 28 (CE)

531 2033 DXGH Santos City, Philippines. Good relaying DZRH 666 with news items on of the Dept of Foreign Affairs & the US Embassy. Jan 17 (CE)

540 1958 JOMG Miyazaki, Japan. Fair with local ID as 'J O M G N H K Miyazaki Daiichi Hoso' then into NHK news in Japanese. Jan 21 (CE)

567 2005 DXCH Cotabato City, Philippines. Poor mixing with jumble of 4JK, NHK & maybe KGUM too, noted with relay of DZRH 666. Jan 14 (CE)

585 1658 RRI Surabaya, Java. I've not heard this for ages, noted with ID 'Radio Republik Indonesia Surabaya' & into music pieces over 2WEB. Jan 27 (CE)

603 2000 HLSA Namyang, South Korea. Very good with KBS ID on the hour in Korean, a regular every night & morning. Jan 28 (CE)

630 2100 RRI Makassar, Sulawesi. Fair signal with SCI tune then full "Radio Republik Indonesia Makassar" IDs & sign on announcement (no sign of 4753 kHz), mixing with CNR. Jan 14 (CE)

630 2100 CNR Hangzhou, China. Signing on just like RRI with CNR IS & ID, then into CC musicals // 6065 & 6155. Jan 14 (CE)

639 2110 CNR multiple locations, China. Good here with FA CC talks // 1593. Jan 14 (CE)

648 1913 Armed Forces Network, Okinawa, Japan. Good with ID 'This is AFN Okinawa' then country mx, USA Radio Sports promo for the Super Bowl. Announcement from Flight Commander for air force personnel then jingle 'You found it, the one station playing more…..always the best of the new & the gold, it's your kind of country'. Feb 4 (CE)

666v 2032 DXRP Davao City, Philippines. Actual frequency 665.93. really tough log due to the regular DZRH on 666. Lucky it peaked while DZRH faded on the hour with 'Philippine Broadcasting Service' jingle & announcement of all call signs of the network. Jan 28 (CE)

666 1300 Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou, China. Very good here in CC with time tones & ID then into news program // 4940. Jan 26 (CE)

675 1330 Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam. Network 1 program with non-stop talks in Vietnamese at good levels // 9530. Jan 27 (CE)

711 2030 DZYI Ilagan, Philippines. Fair with EE religious phrases mixed in with choir mx, noted // 1404. Presumed Tagalog religious phrases then "Sunshine Radio" network ID with announcement of all network station call signs. Jan 14 (CE)

720 2118 CNR multiple locations, China. Fairly good here with CNR2 CC musical // 630. Jan 14 (CE)

729 2129 RRI Nabire, Papua. I can now confirm this is Nabire after last month's tentative logging. Noted with 'program satu' & ID 'Radio Republik Indonesia Nabire'. Jan 27 (CE)

738 2118 DZRB Manila, Philippines. Good here in Tagalog doing news reports with correspondents and numerous jingle IDs as "Radio Ng Bayan" and what sounded like "Radio pen-yon-ico". Jan 15 (CE)

765 2248 RRI Tual, Maluku. Just a quick note to clarify last months log of this, that yes it is in fact Tual, noted Jan 13 with "Radio Republik Indonesia Tual" ID prior to 2300 Jakarta news. (CE)

774 1958 DWWW Quezon City, Philippines. Signing on with Philippines national anthem with numerous station ID's like 'DWWW Radio, Interactive Media Broadcasting Corporation'. Jan 20 (CE)

783 1251 China Huayi Broadcasting Corporation, Fuzhou, China. Good in Chinese over 8AL with music pieces mainly & occasional talk noted // 4830. Jan 28 (CE)

792 2019 DXBN Butuan City, Philippines. Good in presumed Tagalog with news items & dramatic music between each one. Then numerous 'Radio Ng Bayan' IDs & jingle 'seven thousand one hundred islands - one network - PBS'. Jan 27 (CE)

810 1334 Radio Rossii, Razdol'noe, Russia. Noted // to longwave outlets at a poor level under RRI Merauke, for details see 279 kHz log. Jan 28 (CE)

819 2213 DXUM Davao City, Philippines. Poor as signal starting to die off over 1½ hours after my local sunrise, noted with 'Radio Ukay' ID & lots of discussion in pres. Tagalog about the University of Mindanao & it's medical school. Jan 14 (CE)

846 2013 DZRV Quezon City, Philippines. Good with mix of English & Tagalog with program & prayers about avoiding alcohol - very inspirational (NOT!!!) & then messages for Radio Veritas listeners at 2030. Jan 24 (CE)

855 1400 DXGO Davao City, Philippines. Fair over ABC QLD with laser gun effects & ID 'Aksyon radio Davao…Manila Broadcasting Company. Jan 28 (CE)

936 2000 DXIM Cagayan de Oro, Philippines. Sign on in EE & Tagalog with 'Philippines Broadcasting Service' & 'Radio Ng Bayan' slogans then announcement of every PBS network station. Later with local 'Philippines Broadcasting Service - DXIM - Radio Ng Bayan' ID. Jan 27 (CE)

954 2116 DZEM Manila, Philippines. Good in presumed Tagalog with DZEM jingle between news stories and "Radio Patrol Report" canned announcements along the odd rooster call thrown in for good measure. Jan 15 (CE)

1017 1226 CRI Jilin, China. Fair in the mix with FA in Korean carry CRI. Jan 7 (CE)

1017 1226 JOLB Fukuoka, Japan. Fair at equal levels with CRI, MA talks in JJ // 693 with NHK2. Jan 7 (CE)

1017 1235 DWLC Pagbilao, Philippines. Happily logging CRI & JOLB when up popped this at a good peak. Noted "Radio ng Bayan" ID and then station by station announcement of all network call signs, including "overseas radio, Radio Philipinas". Jan 7(CE)

1062 2115 DZEC Manila, Philippines. Good but mixing with unid CC, noted with "DZEC Radio Agilan" jingles then into political Tagalog talks. Jan 7 (CE)

1080 2130 DWIN Dipolog, Philippines. Fair with IDs as "EBC Eagle Broadcasting Corporation" and "DWIN 10-80 Dipolog City". Jan 17 (CE)

1089 1506 JOHB Sendai, Japan. Not usually heard as CNR is usually so dominant. This evening noted with talks in JJ // 693. Jan 6 (CE)

1098 1720 RTI Kouhu, Taiwan. Noted in listed Mandarin at fair levels // 1521 kHz with FA talks with numerous references to Taiwan then into music pieces. Jan 21 (CE)

1143 1249 JOBR Kyoto, Japan. Fair with MA & FA JJ talks but well over usually dominant Taiwan Area Fisheries. Jan 7 (CE)

1161 2059 DYRD Tagbilaram, Philippines. Good at sign on with DYRD jingles then full legal sign on announcement in EE. Jan 7 (CE)

1170 2105 DXMR Zamboanga, Philippines. Poor under HLSR noted with 'Philippines Broadcasting Service' & 'Radio Ng Bayan Zamboanga' IDs. Jan 7 (CE)

1179 1302 DYSB Bacolod City, Philippines. Fair mixing with JOOR, laser gun sound effects & presumed Tagalog fast news items. Canned 'DYSB' IDs between each news item. Jan 7 (CE)

1188 1316 DXIF Cagayan de Oro, Philippines. Poor & only peaked briefly for a couple of minutes in the mush with MA presumed Tagalog talks with numerous references to Bombo network. Jan 7 (CE)

1188 1835 JOKP Kitami, Japan. Poor with JJ music show // 594 in the mix here with others. Jan 6 (CE)

1233 1322 DYVS Bacolod City, Philippines. Fair with EE religious program "If you have been blessed by this program, please let us know by sending an SMS to DYVS", then into Christian mx. Jan 7 (CE)

1242 1904 JOLF Tokyo, Japan. Fair in JJ with MA mentioning Tokyo many times. Jan 6 (CE)

1241v 2146 DWBL Manila, Philippines. Actual freq was 1241.52 & was mixing with unid Philippines station on 1242.99. I was switching between the two searching for an ID but nothing. So I basically waited for whoever was stronger on the hour & stuck with them. Noted ID for 'DWBL' with laser gun effects then into religious program in pres Tagalog. Jan 17(CE)

1260 2030 DXRF Davao City, Philippines. Good with relay of DZRH, 'DZRH Headlines' announced many times. Jan 27 (CE)

1322 2110 DXAD Marawi City, Philippines. Likely to be the candidate hear, appearing at Philippine sunrise with morning Muslim call to prayer. Jan 17 (CE)

1323 1311 CRI Jilin, China. Good with male & female talks in Korean // 5965 dominant over the Russian service over another CRI transmitter. Jan 25 (CE)

1323 1336 CRI Lhasa, Tibet. Listed as Lhasa in latest CRI sked, but not 100% sure. Noted at equal levels at this time with CRI Korean service via Jilin. CRI Russian service here // 7180. Jan 25 (CE)

1323 1400 Voice of Russia, Jilin, China. Good with VOR sign on & over-modulated program in Korean // 3955 (3955 with ~1 second delay) . Jan 25 (CE)

1359 2002 CNR Multiple locations, China. Good with CC musical // 1224 & mixed with Family Radio. Jan 7 (CE)

1377 1958 CNR Zhengzhou, China. Big signal at sign on with CNR IS & CC ID, totally swamping tentative RFA. Jan 6 (CE)

1386 1319 JOQC Morioka, Japan. Good with local ID 'JOQC NHK Morioka Daini Hoso' then into Japanese talks. Jan 27 (CE)

1386 2029 JOHC Kagoshima, Japan. Good with NHK music box interval signal prior to 2030 sign on. Slight echo on the music box so maybe JOQC or another was underneath. Male with 'JOHC NHK Kagoshima Daini Hoso' ID & Japanese commentary by a male announcer. Jan 28 (CE)

1395v 2204 DZVT San Jose, Philippines. Actual freq. was 1394.95, lots of ads such as for the 'Mindoro Merchandise & Public Market', marine products store, GSIS Accredited Hospital & Medical Centre, etc. IDs as 'CMN - The Catholic Media Network' & 'DZVT 13-95 kilohertz'. Jan 15 (CE)

1395 2101 RRI Wamena, Papua. Poor with 'Radio Republik Indonesia Wamena' ID & into news, noted on later mornings signing on at 2100. Jan 18 (CE)

1404 2045 DXAQ Davao City, Philippines. Fair with EE religious phrases mixed in with choir mx, noted // 1404. Presumed Tagalog religious phrases then "Sunshine Radio" network ID with announcement of all network station call signs. Another unid Philippines station noted underneath with hyperactive fire & brimstone preaching. Jan 14 (CE)

1422 1942 JORF Yokohama, Japan. Good JJ talks over 4AM. Jan 7 (CE)

1440 1093 AFN multiple sites, South Korea. Poor with only occasional peaks above JOWF and Saudi Arabia with 'AFN Radio' ID & 'USA Radio Network Sports', then into country music songs. Jan 20 (CE)

1449 1905 JOHR Sapporo, Japan. Fair but in the mix with a couple of unids. Noted with JJ HBC programming // 1287. Jan 14 (CE)

1458 1253 DYZZ Guihulgan, Philippines. Tough frequency this one for some reason, signals just never seem to peak hear, they are always garbled. Not this in presumed Tagalog over Nei Menggu. Plenty of ads for the benefits of radio advertising (not as funny as Mark Mitchell's version though), heart health checks, RFS pharmacy, Radio Bantay ID & then on the hour a pretty cool Radio Bantay song - not just a jingle, but a small song! Jan 24 (CE)

1458 1253 Nei Menggu RGD, Huhhot, China. Fair on occasional peaks in Mongolian with haunting chants/music & occasional talk // 4785 & 4525. Generally under dominant DYZZ though. Jan 24 (CE)

1467 2126 DXVP Bolong, Philippines. Poor but caught an ID as "C M N - The Catholic Media Network - DXVP, then into Sunday morning Church service in presumed tagalog. Jan 14 (CE)

1476 2105 Radio Studiya Okey, Primorskiy, Russia. Nice surprise to find this with dance remix of ABBA song SOS in Russian then 'Radio Okey' ID after the song. Fair strength but difficult reception due to DXRJ on 1476.1 off channel. Jan 15 (CE)

1476.1 2100 DXRJ Iligan City, Philippines. Fair with English ID's as 'Radio Ascencion News' & 'For the latest information, listen to DXRJ 1476 kilohertz on your radio dial - tomorrow's news today'. Jan 15 (CE)

1485 1559 DYDH Iloilo City, Philippines. Poor here with laser gun sound effects and DZRH IDs relaying 666 kHz overnight. Jan 13 (CE)

1494 1654 BEE32 Wanhua, Taiwan. Tricky station this as they had French until 1700, then full ID as in 2006 WRTH followed by Taiwanese news, noted quite regularly now. Jan 20 (CE)

1494 1841 JOTL Nayoro, Japan. Poor in JJ but peaking up nicely above the mush and noted // to the HBC mother station JOHR Sapporo 1287. Not often heard this one. Jan 21 (CE)

1494.1 2125 DXOC Ozamis, Philippines. Tricky at this time due to DWSS on 1494.2, discussion by 2 male DJ's in presumed Tagalog with 'D X O C' and 'Radio Numero Uno' IDs. Jan 15 (CE)

1494.2 2055 DWSS Quezon City, Philippines. Fair signal with hymns then simple canned ID as "D W double S". Jan 15 (CE)

1497.2 1344 unid Indonesian. Only noted a couple of evenings & tough due to storms & heavy static crashes. Male talks in Indonesian with upbeat pop songs in Indonesian. No obvious provinces mentioned except for Jakarta a couple of times on the hour after apparent ID which sounded like as 'Radio Bog-hair'. Signal gone by 1425. Jan 27 (CE)

1503 1925 Family Radio, Fangliao, Taiwan. Fair in EE with Family Radio's usual talk back show. Jan 7 (CE)

1503 1539 Radio Taiwan International, Fangliao, Taiwan. Fair here with RTI Thai service with MA talks // 7445. Jan 13(CE)

1521 2030 JOLZ Yonago, Japan. NHK music box interval signal at sign on, then female with 'JOAD NHK Okinawa Daini Hoso' ID & into Japanese talks. Local ID not JOLK as JOAD is the key feeder station for this transmitter. Jan 25 (CE)

1521 1910 CRI Urumqi, China. Fair with FA talks in RR carrying CRI service. Jan 7 (CE)

1521 1720 RTI Changchih, Taiwan. Noted in listed Mandarin mixing with CRI. Heard // 1098 kHz with FA talks with numerous references to Taiwan then into music pieces. Jan 21 (CE)

1530 1950 AFN Youngsan, South Korea. Appeared briefly with 'AFN' IDs but within a couple of minutes soon gone in the mush of 2VM, VOA Sao Tome & unid Japanese stations. Jan 21 (CE)

1539v DZYM San Jose, Philippines. Actual frequency this morning was 1539.32, poor signal with English song, maybe 2100 sign on, but not sure, noted with DZYM callsign & probable Tagalog talks. Jan 25 (CE)

1548 1606 DW Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. Only a poor signal under 4QD but quite readable with EE service with DW news. Jan 13 (CE)

1548 2150 DZST Dagupan City, Philippines. Poor here due to a mix of other stations along with 4QD. Managed to dig out 'DZST' and 'Super Radyo' IDs followed by report on provincial director of police. Jan 15 (CE)

1566 1100 DXID Pagadian, Philippines. Poor in the noise with canned echo "DXID" IDs then into Islamic music. Jan 6 (CE)

1566 2117 unid, Philippines. unid here with slogans as 'Mindanao Radio Alliance', maybe some changes have recently occurred at DXID?, not sure. Jan 18 (CE)

1566 2130 All India Radio, Nagpur, India. Good on peaks but deep fades, ID "This is All India Radio" then into EE news. Jan 15 (CE)

1566 1930 HLAZ Jeju, South Korea. Good signal during AIR fades with religious talks in Korean, regular every morning, as is AIR. Jan 17. also noted Jan 20 at 1732 with Russian programming. (CE)

1584 2201 T8AA Voice of Palau, Koror, Palau. Finally finally finally managed to confirm this as suspected Palau. Noted in presumed Belauan with time check for 7'clock, then MA talks with weather, sunrise/sunset times & tides. "forecast for Palau for today" then feature on "Centre of Excellence for Marine Research, Training & Investigation", then into usual Pacific Island tunes. Jan 13 (CE)

1593 1820 Taiwan Area Fisheries Broadcasting Station, Tocheng, Taiwan. Fair with FA hosting overnight music pieces in Taiwanese // 738 & 1143. Jan 6 (CE)

1602 2029 JOSB Kitakyushu, Japan. NHK music box interval signal prior to 2030 sign on, then male with 'JOSB NHK Kitakyushu Daini Hoso' ID & Japanese commentary by a female announcer. Jan 19 (CE)

North American Trail

650 1527 KENI Anchorage, Alaska. Noted this in passing, good despite static crashes with series of ads then ID on the half hour '6-50 K E N I'. Jan 25 (CE)

710 1342 KIRO Seattle, WA. Fair with long radio infomercial for Super Rev's health product hosted by Mark Larsson. Feb 4 (CE)

750 1739 KFQD Anchorage, Alaska. Fair at times with red cross ad then station promo's & ID '7-50 AM KFQD' followed by weather report. Jan 25 (CE)

780 1705 KNOM Nome, Alaska. This station was steadily improving after the previous hour or so. Noted with extended detailed weather for the region with wind chill alerts, sunrise/sunset times. I think the lowest temperature the DJ announced was minus 47oF (a little different to my weather at the time which was probably 79oF or 26oC at 230am my local time). Jan 25 (CE)

850 1532 KICY Nome, Alaska. After noting 650 KENI & now this, it alerted me to a great Alaskan evening which was approaching & lasted for another two hours. KICY airing radio ministry religious program. Jan 25, also noted Feb 4 at 1528 with 'Nature Corner' program. (CE)

860 1500 KTRB Modesto, CA. Poor with news 'This is CNN Radio' mentioned many times, then 1505 ID 'This is KTRB, the talk station'. Feb 4 (CE)

880 0932 KKMC Salinas, CA. Noted this while going through the recording of last months log of KRVN. KKMC poor but noted during KRVN fade with promo for CRI with the phone number 13 888 7000 & program hosted by the Bibleman. Dec 13 (CE)

940 1200 KWRU Fresno, CA. Spanish popular music at good levels with canned 'Radio Vida' ID & references to Fresno & California. Feb 4 (CE)

950 1155 KJR Seattle, WA. Poor with sports show & promo for KJR show, later noted at 1320 with ESPN // KALE 960. Feb 4 (CE)

1030 1106 KTWO Casper, WY. Poor with ID '…weekdays at ten on AM 10-30 K-TWO (announced as 2) Radio'. Jan 28 (CE)

1130 1351 CKWX Vancouver, Canada. Fair with series of ads all with .com.ca websites, then 'News 11-30 weather'. Feb 4 (CE)

1200 1138 KYAA Soquel, CA. This has become almost as regular as WOAI lately. Noted with no sign of WOAI tonight with Hindi music program. Jan 21 (CE)

1250 1511 KKDZ Seattle, WA. Poor but still hanging in with Radio Disney IDs & usual pop music. Feb 4 (CE)

1320 0958 CHMB Vancouver, Canada. Female in unid Asian language for then EE ID on the hour 'This is CHMB AM 13-20 Vancouver'. Feb 4. (CE)

1430 1300 KFIG Fresno, CA. ID on the hour '14-30 ESPN…..local sports leader KFIG', fair all evening but mixing with unid news talk station. Feb 4 (CE)

1460 1015 KABL Salinas, CA. Always under dominant KHRA Hawaii but regular peaks this evening with oldies songs, ID at 1030 '14-60 K A B L ……..this is 14-60….America's Best Music' Jan 21 (CE)

1470 0935 CJVB Vancouver, BC. Very good at times with Chinese format, mixing with unid newstalk format station. Retuned at 1000 with jingle IDs & ads for DVD. Feb 4 (CE)

1510 1000 KGA Spokane, WA. Fair with ID on the hour then into CBS news. Jan 21 (CE)

1540 1133 KXEL Waterloo, IA. QSL Good over usually dominant KREA, weather report for Cedar Rapids, Iowa City and Cedar Falls & ID 'quicker, smarter & more in depth than anything on the radio today….weekday mornings at 8 on Newstalk 15-40 KXEL'. Jan 21 (CE)

1550 0945 KKAD Vancouver, WA. Mixing with KRPI's Indian music. Alcohol awareness ad then ID '..of the finest music ever recorded, the music of your life, here on sunny 15-50 KKAD Vancouver Portland'. Feb 4 (CE)

1550 0920 KRPI Ferndale, WA. Exotic Indian music programming, so KRPI the likely candidate here mixing with KKAD. Feb 4 (CE)

1560 0930 KNZR Bakersfield, CA. Fair signal with ID as "This is 15-60 KNZR Bakersfield" then into ads. Jan 5 (CE)

Europe, Middle East and Africa Trail

909 1939 VOA Sebele Pikwe, Botswana. Poor with VOA Africa in EE, but in the clear prior to sign ons of RRI, CNR, or JOCB who dominant here. Jan 6 (CE)

1233 1849 Radio Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo, Cyprus. Good here with brief Arabic talks in between contemporary Arabic songs & English urban mx such as Fifty Cent then jingles on the hour. Jan 25 (CE)

1233 2036 TWR Monte Carlo, Cyprus. Good signal with lifestyle program in English with Arabic translations. Jan 19 (CE)

1377 1750 Voice of Russia, Gavar, Armenia. Pleased to hear this new country for me with Russian talks & jazz like music. Noted at 1759 with numerous IDs for 'Radio Kanal Sodruzhesvo' then sign off at 1800* Jan 21 (CE)

1377 1821 Trans World Radio, Gavar, Armenia. TWR interval signal started then began programming with ID at 1825 & talks in presumed listed N.Caucusus language. Jan 21 (CE)

1377 1920 Radio Free Africa, Mwanza, Tanzania. Only tentative this, fair at times but deep fades, noted with urban songs in EE & presumed Swahili, identical format when I heard them from the Coorong in September. Checked back at 1955 but sign on of CNR ended the party. Jan 6 (CE)

1386 2001 KBC Maralal, Kenya. Quickly checked this on the first African opening I've had from Nhulunbuy, got there just in time for EE KBC ID but this was in the mix with HLAM. Jan 6 (CE)

1413 1720 BBC Masirah Island, Oman. Fair in presumed Hindi // 7205 & 7235 mixing with JOIF & Moldova, then Big Ben chimes at 1730. Jan 20 (CE)

1413 2030 Voice of Russia, Grigoriopol, Moldova. Fair on peaks but mixing with BBC Oman and JOIF. Noted with presumed Bulgarian with political talks, noted at 2053 with numerous references to Moscow then prior to the hour ID and Voice of Russia web address followed by interval signal and 2100*. Jan 18. Also noted // 6000 kHz at 2047. Jan 19 (CE)

1440 1935 BSKSA Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Fair with General AA program but always under dominant JOWF. Jan 7(CE)

1467 1745 Vatican Radio, Roumoules, Monaco/France. Noted this in passing at poor levels mixing with HLKN. Female talks in presumed listed Slovenian // 5885. Jan 25 (CE)

1467 2052 Trans World Radio Roumoules, Monaco/France. Fair with German program mixing with DXVP. Jan 19 (CE)

1512 2143 BSKSA Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Poor under DYAB with usual Holy Quran program. Jan 19 (CE)

1530 1932 VOA Pinheira, Sao Tome. Noted this in passing, good level with FF talks, had a quick look at 2002 and this was then into EE. Dec 6 (CE)

1539 1950 Radiodiffusion Vision, Djibouti. Nothing is heard in the mornings here in Nhulunbuy except for the odd appearance of Radio Italia in NSW, so when conditions favour Trans-Indian propagation this one can make the journey. Fair on peaks with usual music pieces & presumed Afar talks // 4780. Jan 17 (CE)

1548 1915 Trans World Radio, Grigoriopol, Moldova. Well over 4QD at times with TWR's Romanian service, also mixing with Kuwait. Jan 21 (CE)

1548 2021 China Radio International, Grigoriopol, Moldova. Noted again this morning this time carrying CRI. Good mostly with CRI Romanian service. Jan 21 (CE)

1548 1920 Radio Sawa, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Short appearance of this one during fades of Moldova & 4QD. Typical Sawa format with Arabic talks & modern music pieces. Jan 21 (CE)

1575 1940 Radio Farda, Al Dhabiya, UAE. Good with Persian techno music pieces & Radio Farda ID // 7580 & 9335. Jan 14 (CE)

DXing in Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia with Icom R75, pre-amp and two 3m x 15m x 3m EWE's. One to North America, the other through SE Asia to Europe.

Contact details

Craig Edwards, PO Box 60, Nhulunbuy NT 0881 Australia
Email nutritionandsports@bigpond.com

Published on February 12, 2006

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