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Seefontein 12 DXpedition

August 20-23, 2012

by John Plimmer

As usual, it’s lovely to get away and do some DXing with DX pals. Vashek Korinek joined us from his home QTH in Johannesburg, 1400 km away and says its worth the airfare and car hire as Seefontein is a grand DX location. Vince Stevens was there as usual and I was accompanied by my dear wife Dawn.

The journey for us from home QTH of Montagu is becoming more and more difficult – now a tedious five hour journey, half of it with roadconstruction and stop/go deviations, and the other half over very old tarred road that has awful potholes that get worse every year. Vince is an easy hour and a half drive from his home in Cape Town.

Vince and I had only reasonable logs, but what the hell, a bad day at Seefontein is still better by far than the best day at home QTH. We went a month early this year, we usually go over the equinox at 21st September, but our last equinox DXpedition in March 2012 was so poor we didn’t report on it. So the idea was to try it a bit nearer to winter. Our arrival coincided with the end of an Antarctic cold front and an icy Polar wind blowing. The unheated cottage was really cold and miserable and the rickety hot water system couldn't deliver any hot water for an invigorating hot bath = brrrr! Dawn vowed never to come with me in winter again!

Vince and I are relaxed DXer’s and spend just two hours at the dials in the evenings and then doss down for some hours until 5 A.M. when the N. American action starts. Vashek on the other hands is a very serious DXer and is up virtually all night through the wee hours. As a result he got a lot more catches than us, some really fine CW NDB beacons and other nice catches like Japan (rarely heard in Seefontein). I wondered why we were getting so few N. American logs, so looked up our previous DXpeditions at Seefontein. Turned out this one yielded Gary Deacon an astonishing 28 N. American stations!! I have no idea why condition at Seefontein have deteriorated so much since then? I have no pictures this time out, so see the older DXpeditions for lots of pics of the DXers and the Seefontein cottage and site.

VINCE STEVENS logs - Rx: Drake R8A, Ant: 350m to USA, 300m to Asia, Australia and over the shoulder across the Atlantic to New York

720 21-Aug 435 USA WGN Chicago Ads, nx weather, ID's, talk p-f VS
880 21-Aug 400 BRAZIL R.Inconfidencia Common station heard all the time but noted with full EE ID mentioning SW callsign ZYE522 and SW&FM frequencies good VS
1008 21-Aug 1942 NETHERLANDS GrootNieuwsradio Zeewolde in Dutch with blues rock mx (Janis Joplin, Mike Bloomfield etc), nx at TOH p-f VS
1053 21-Aug 2049 UK Talksport Droitwich Football poor VS
1110 22-Aug 500 ARGENTINA R.de la Ciudad Buenos Aires ID & noticias good VS
1270 23-Aug 403 ARGENTINA R.Provincial La Plata Talks in SS, YL & OM fair VS
1296 20-Aug 1605 AUSTRALIA 6RN Wagin ABC nx p-f VS
1341 21-Aug 2002 N.IRELAND BBC R.Ulster Lisnagarvey Talk about Champions League Football (first time heard this early) poor VS
1510 21-Aug 330 USA WWZN (tentative) Boston Yahoo Sports Radio ID's (thanks Paul Crankshaw from the MWC for confirming that WWZN do carry Yahoo SR, from late July 2012 onwards) poor VS
1650.1 21-Aug 350 ARGENTINA R.Guarani Off freq SS stn w local mx, vocals & piano accordian (off freq anaomaly confirms this as Guarani - thanks Vashek) fair on NW beverage VS
1670 21-Aug 519 USA WPLA Dry BranchGA ID as Sports Talk Radio, briefly heard around local sunrise but confirmed on 22/08 as Fox Sports radio. Heard each morning, briefly a very good signal on 22/08 at 05h34 poor VS

JOHN PLIMMER logs – RX Icom IC-7600, Antenna 350m to Australia

Freq Time Country Date Mode Lang Station Town Power Remarks
350 222 BRAZIL 08/12/21 CW NDB VTR VITORIA 0
360 223 ASCENCION ISL 08/12/21 CW NDB ASN 0
603 246 FRANCE 08/12/21 MW FF FRANCE INTER // 1557 LYONS 300
693 417 UK 08/12/21 MW EE R5 DROITWICH 150
963 1617 AUSTRALIA 08/12/21 MW EE 6TZ R WEST BUNBURY 2
1080 1609 AUSTRALIA 08/12/21 MW EE 6IX PERTH 2
1116 1613 AUSTRA 08/12/21 MW EE 6MM MANDURAH 2
1242 259 FRANCE 08/12/21 MW FF FRANCE INTER // 1557 MARSEILLE 150
1377 315 TANZ 08/12/21 MW VV R FREE AFRICA MWANZA 50
1413 1653 OMAN 08/12/22 MW EE BBC WS A'SEELA 750
1458 411 UK 08/12/23 MW HH SUNRISE R HINDU LONDON 125
1557 239 FRANCE 08/12/21 MW FF FRANCE INTER NICE 300
1566 341 BENIN 08/12/22 MW VV TWR AFRICA PARACOU 100
1670 300 USA 08/12/22 MW EE WPLA FOX SPORTS R DRY BRANCH GA 1 12900KM/8000M
5628 1611 JAPAN 08/12/22 USB EE WKG 105 TOKYO 10
5658 1611 INDIA 08/12/22 USB EE WKG ALL INDIA 515 MUMBAI 10
5673 1531 CHINA 08/12/21 USB EE VOLMET SHEN JENG 10
6556 1557 INDONESIA 08/12/22 USB EE WKG CATHAY 111 MANILA 10
6676 1554 08/12/22 USB EE VOLMET SINGAPORE 10

VASHEK KORINEK logs. RX WinRadio Excalibur Pro SDR and AOR 7030 – antenna’s shared with Vince.

As you can see, it was not such a bad DXpedition for me. Between MW and NDB’s over 30 new stations. Also note the new (old?) MW transmitter in Zim (999 kHz).

I’m quite happy with the WIN Radio, it seems to be as good in all respects as my AOR 7030, but it also has a superior signal processing capabilities, which certainly helps. My impression is that AR might be slightly better handling very strong signals, but I will have to make a direct comparison one day, it is just an impression.

I particularly like the idea of being able to record large frequency segments, it actually means that you can “bring the DXpedition home” – unfortunately quite time consuming… Vashek

220.0, 02h35, 22 Aug, BRAZIL “IS”, Cimbra, BA, poor

235.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL “URT”, Uruburetama, CE, fair

240.0, 02h35, 22 Aug, ZAMBIA “NW”, Ndola, poor

256.0, 02h35, 22 Aug, ZIMBABWE “FA”, Victoria Falls, poor

275.0, 02h35, 22 Aug, BRAZIL “MSS”, Mossoro, RN, fair

282.0, 20h30, 20 Aug, MADAGASCAR “VSP”, Tolognaro, poor

290.0, 23h30, 20 Aug, BRAZIL “AV”, Abrolhos, BA, weak

302.0, 23h40, 20 Aug, MAURITIUS “RS”, Rodrigues, weak

305.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL “YLH”, Ilheus, BA, fair

317.0, 19h30, 21 Aug, ZIMBABWE “MS”, Maswinga, weak

325.0, 02h35, 22 Aug, BRAZIL “PAF”, Paulo Afonso, ES, fair

350.0, 02h35, 22 Aug, BRAZIL “VTR”, Vitoria, ES, good

360.0, 02h35, 22 Aug, ASCENSION ISL. “ASN”, good

365.0, 23h55, 20 Aug, BRAZIL “CVL”, Caravelas, BA, fair

394.0, 02h35, 22 Aug, ZAMBIA “KT”, Kitwe, poor

395.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL “PNC”, Porto Nacional ,TO, weak

397.0, 02h35, 22 Aug, MADAGASCAR “VSO”, Morondava, good

400.0, 02h35, 22 Aug, BRAZIL “CAX”, Rio, RJ, good

405.0, 02h35, 22 Aug, ZIMBABWE “MU”, Mutare, fair

408.0, 00h00, 23 Aug, SWAZILAND “MW”, Matsapha, fair

408.0, 00h10, 23 Aug, CANADA “SN”, St. Catherines, ON, v. weak and v. tentative under “MW” just for a few seconds. Can’t find any other SN on this frequency.

410.0, 02h35, 22 Aug, BRAZIL “IG”, Guarulhos, SP, fair

414.0, 02h35, 22 Aug, ZIMBABWE “CP”, Charles Prince, Harare, fair

415.0, 00h20, 23 Aug, BRAZIL “PCL”, Pocos de Caldas, MG, weak

443.0, 04h25, 22 Aug, UNID “ET”, fair

456.0, 04h25, 22 Aug, UNID “AGB”, fair

458.0, 16h00, 20 Aug, UNID. “GP”, strong and clear, no idea what this is

465.0, 04h25, 22 Aug, UNID. “FSO”, weak

512.5, 17h00, 20 Aug, SOUTH AFRICA “MAJ”, Majuba, re-activated, fair

540.0, 00h50, 23 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Jornal AM, Aracaju, SE, sports prog., good

549.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, ALGERIA, Jil FM, Les Trembles, Arabic ann’s and local songs, fair

580.0, 05h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Relogio, Rio, RJ, talks, music, ann’s, time checks every minute, good

590.0, 20h00, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R.Cruzeiro da Bahia, Salvador, BA, ann’s and a phone-in inspirational prog., fair

590.0, 03h00, 22 Aug, ARGENTINA, R. Continental, CF, ann’s, news, poor

610.0, 05h00, 22 Aug, URUGUAY, R. Rural, Montevideo, talks, ann’s, poor

640.0, 03h00, 22 Aug. BRAZIL, R. Vitoria, Vitoria, ES, ann’s and light local songs, poor

666.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, REUNION, R.Reunion relaying RFI in French, fair

684.0, 20h00, 21 Aug, SPAIN, RNE Sevilla, news, fair

690.0, 20h00, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R.Cultura, Ilheus, BA, local rural music, ann’s, local songs, poor

710.0, 03h25, 22 Aug, CUBA, R. Rebelde, La Julia, nice local mx, news 03h30, fair

720.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, AUSTRALIA, 6WF (ABC), Perth, pops oldies and news, good

720.0, 03h00, 22 Aug, CANARY ISL. RNE, time signal, ann’s and news, fair

720.0, 03h05, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Guaiba AM, Porto Alegre, RS, ann’s, talks and light songs, good

730.0, 03h45, 22 Aug, COLOMBIA, Cadena Melodia, Bogota, light mx, poor

740.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R.Soc. da Bahia, Salvador, BA, talks, ann’s., religious prog. from 20h00, fair

747.0, 16h35, 21 Aug, AUSTRALIA, 6SE, Esperance, R. West network, pops, ann’s, fair

770.0, 01h50, 23 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Atalaia de Sergipe, Aracaju, SE, talks, adverts, ann’s, good

780.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Jornal, Recife, PE, talks, ann’s, news – seems to have dropped “do Comercio” from its name, good

800.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R.Palmares, Maceio, AL, local rural mx, ann’s and news, poor

800.0, 04h55, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. MEC, Rio, RJ, talks, discussions, ann’s, fair

820.0, 02h40, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, Gazeta AM, Vitoria, ES, local songs, ann’s, good

828.0, 17h05, 20 Aug, AUSTRALIA, 6GN (ABC), Geraldton, sports prog., fair

860.0, 03h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, CBN, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, news and actualities, fair

870.0, 05h00, 22 Aug, ARGENTINA, R. Nacional, CF, ann’s and news, poor

880.0, 03h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, adverts, ann’s, local mx, good

882.0, 17h15, 20 Aug, AUSTRALIA, 6PR, Perth, talks & discussions, fair

890.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Tamandare, Recife, PE, light local mx, ann’s, good

891.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, ETHIOPIA, R. Ethiopia, nice instr. flute mx, ann’s and talks in Amharic, fair

900.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, IRAN, IRIB Tehran, Farsi talks and ann’s with local instr. mx inserts, fair

920.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Novo Tempo, Salvador, BA, Christian songs, ann’s and relig. talks, good

920.0, 02h45, 22 Aug, PARAGUAY, R.Nacional, Asuncion, news, weather, ann’s, good

930.0, 20h00, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Liberdade, Aracaju, SE, religious programming, good

940.0, 05h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, RBV – Super R. Brasil, Rio, RJ, RBV evangelical prog., v.good

950.0, 05h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Atalaia, Belo Horizonte, MG, ann’s and relig. prog. of talks and songs, fair

960.0, 20h00, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Difusora de Alagoas, Maceio, AL, slow local mx, ann’s, promos, talks, fair

963.0, 16h15, 21 Aug, AUSTRALIA, 6TZ, Bunbury, R.West network, pops, adverts, ann’s, fair

970.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, VENEZUELA, R. Mundial, Barcelona, talks, ann’s, promos, poor (TENT.)

980.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Nacional, Brasilia, “Informa Nacional”, good

990.0, 16h55, 21 Aug, AUSTRALIA, 6RPH, Perth, BBCWS relay, a short local ann 17h00, poor

990.0, 05h00, 22 Aug, ARGENTINA, R. Splendid, CF, adverts, ann’s, info, fair

999.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, ZIMBABWE, ZBC, V.of Zimbabwe, local mx, news in English, fair

1000.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Record, Sao Paulo, SP, ann’s, promos, relig. prog.“Palavras do vida”, good

1010.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Bahia AM, Salvador, BA, slow local songs, religious promos, ann’s, good

1010.0, 05h00, 22 Aug. U.S.A., WINS, New York, NY, ann’s, news (TENT.), poor

1017.0 01h00, 22 Aug, IRAN, IRIB, unknown location, Farsi ann’s and a story or a drama, good

1019.9, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Jovem Pan, Maceio, AL, talks, ann’s, promos, fair

1020.1, 04h55, 22 Aug, PARAGUAY, R. Nanduti, Asuncion, relig. prog., adverts, ann’s, fair

1026.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, IRAN, IRIB, Tabriz, // to 1017, fair

1030.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Olinda, Olinda, PE, slow local songs, ann’s, fair

1030.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Capital, Rio, RJ, ann’s, promos, mx inserts, fair

1030.0, 05h00, 22 Aug, ARGENTINA, R. del Plata, CF, ann’s, news, fair

1040.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Capital, Sao Paulo, SP, sport and adverts, good

1050.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Capixaba, Vitoria, ES, “A Voz Da Libertacao” prog., own ID at 20h02, v.good

1062.0, 17h20, 21 Aug, AUSTRALIA, 4TI (ABC), Thursday Isl., “Overnight” prog. of phone-ins, poor

1071.0, 17h45, 21 Aug, AUSTRALIA, 6WB, Katanning, R.West network, adverts, oldies, ann’s, poor

1080.0, 15h55, 21 Aug, AUSTRALIA, 6IX, Perth, adverts, news, oldies, fair

1090.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Rural, Natal, RN, talks, ann’s, inspirational song, poor

1100.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Globo, Sao Paulo, SP, soccer commentary (S.P. vs Salvador), good

1110.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Litoral, Cascavel, CE, local pops, ann’s, promos, poor

1110.0, 20h00, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Tabajara, Joao Pessoa, PB, ann’s, talks, local mx, v.poor

1110.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, ARGENTINA, R. de la Ciudad, Capital Federal, ann’s, temperature, news, good

1120.0, 05h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Rural, Porto Alegre, RS, rural song, ann’s, poor

1120.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Relogio Musical, Recife, PE, slow local songs, ann’s, promos, fair

1130.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Nacional, Rio, RJ, discussion, mx inserts, Radio Jornal at 20h00, poor

1150.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, Super R. Tupi, Sao Paulo, SP, excited talks and ann’s, adverts, good

1160.0, 20h00, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Espirito Santo, Vitoria, ES, ann’s and news, good

1170.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, U.A.E., R. Sawa, Abu Dhabi, Arabic pops, ann’s, good

1180.0, 05h00, 22 Aug, U.S.A., R. Marti, Marathon, FL, ann’s and news, poor

1190.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Guarani, Belo Horizonte, MG, ann’s, jingles, talks, fair

1190.0, 04h50, 21 Aug, U.S.A., WLIB, N.Y., phone-in prog. on the subject of home loans and foreclosures, fair

1200.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Correio, Maceio, AL, ann’s, adverts, light local songs, fair

1220.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Globo, Rio, RJ, news and “Panorama esportivo”, good

1230.0, 05h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Guararema, Sao Jose, SC

1240.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Capibaribe, Recife, PE, phone-ins, ann’s, adverts, id as “R. Capi”, poor

1250.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, CBN, Vitoria, ES, ann’s, talks, interviews, fair

1250.0, 05h00, 22 Aug, URUGUAY, R. Centenario, Montevideo, ann’s, talks, poor

1260.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Morada do Sol, Sao Paulo, SP, “A Voz da Libertacao” prog. but at 01h00 local ID’s for about 3 min., good

1270.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, ARGENTINA, R. Provincia AM, La Plata, “Provincia Noticias” followed by talks, good

1278.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, JAPAN, JOFR, RKB Mainichi Hoso, Fukuoka, ann’s and talks in Japanese, loc. songs, fair

1280.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Sanhaua, Bayeux, PB, loc. songs, talks, ann’s, promos for “Bom dia Paraiba”, fair

1280.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Tupi, Rio, RJ, ann’s, discussions, talks, poor

1287.0, 20h00, 21 Aug, JAPAN, JOHR, Hokkaido Hoso, Sapporo (TENT.), ann’s and Japanese talks, poor

1290.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Sim, Vitoria, ES, sertajena music, ann’s, local pops, good (NEW)

1330.0, 21h10, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R.Terra, Osasco, SP, talks, ann’s, songs, fair

1330.0, 04h55, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Clube, Blumenau, SC (location presumed), religion, ann’s, phone-in, poor

1340.0, 21h20, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, CBN Porto Alegre, RS, ann’s, jingles, adverts, good

1350.0, 21h30, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, Super R. Cristal, Salvador, BA, religious talks and songs, good

1370.0, 04h55, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Iguatemi, Sao Paulo, SP, ann’s, jingles, actualities, good

1380.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Continental, Recife, PE, talks and ann’s, time signal and “A Voz da Libertacao”, fair

1390.0, 04h55, 22 Aug, ARGENTINA, R. Universidad, La Plata, orchestral mx, ann’s, fair

1400.0, 20h00, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Rio de Janeiro, Rio, RJ, ann’s and “Rio Noticias”, fair

1430.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. B2, Curitiba, PR, ann’s, jingles, talks, good

1430.0, 05h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Caiari, Porto Velho, RO, adverts, ann’s, talks, fair

1440.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Independencia, Santo Amaro, BA, “A Voz da Libertacao” prog., own id. 20h02, fair

1450.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, URUGUAY, R. America, Montevideo, ann’s and talks, poor

1458.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, MAYOTTE, R. Mayotte, local mx, RFI news 20h00, good

1503.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, IRAN, IRIB Bushehr, talks in Farsi, some local mx fillers, good

1540.0, 05h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Litoranea, Guaratuba, PR, local pops, ann’s, good (incredible signal for 250W)

1575.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, U.A.E., R. Farda, Abu Dhabi, Farsi ann’s, Iranian pops, good

1590.0, 01h00, 22 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Guaicui, Varzea da Palma, MG, ann’s and talks, poor

1600.0, 19h55, 21 Aug, BRAZIL, R. Nove de Julho, Sao Paulo, SP, ann’s, promos, relig. programme, poor

1620.0, 05h00, 22 Aug, ARGENTINA, R. AM 16-20, Mar del Plata, local and English pops, ann’s, fair

1629.8, 02h55, 21 Aug, ARGENTINA, R.Melody, San Jose, weather and other reports, all sorts of local mx after 03h00, fair

1630.0, 01h15, 22 Aug, ARGENTINA, AM 1630 Diagonal, La Plata, local music, ann’s, adverts, poor

1650.1, 02h40, 21 Aug, ARGENTINA, R.Guarani AM, nice local rural mx, ann’s, fair

1670.0, 02h40, 23 Aug, U.S.A., WPLA, GA, with Fox Sports, poor

1690.0, 01h40, 22 Aug, ARGENTINA, Cristo La Solucion, San Justo, inspirational programme mainly of songs, some ann’s, poor

1700.0, 23h20, 22 Aug, ARGENTINA, R. Juventud, Florencio Varela, local folklore mx, ann’s, talks, interviews, poor

1705.0, 22h45, 20 Aug, UNID. “MAU” beacon, weak

4750.0, 18h20, 20 Aug, UGANDA, Dunamis Broadcasting, preaching in vernac., weak

4810.0, 19h10, 20 Aug, ARMENIA, Armenian Public R., Arabic talks, some local songs and mx, 19h30*, good

11990.0, *1830, 20 Aug, CLANDESTINE, R.Dansel (to Somalia) listed, everything fits but no Dansel ID heard, v.good

Published on September 27, 2011

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