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Radio News in June 2002

Radio Dellen from Sweden on 1602 kHz

Delsbo RadioklubbRadio Dellen from Delsbo in Sweden has begun broadcasting on 1602 kHz. The station has been logged slightly below the official frequency at 1601.9 kHz. The station, a joint project of radio hobbyists from the Delsbo Radioklubb (DRAK) and Radio Ljusdal, a local FM station, is on the 24 hours a day until August 31st 2002. The station transmits at a power of 60-65 watts. The official launch date was July 1st, but the station was heard already in late June as far away as Finland with its test transmissions. Radio Dellen mostly relays the Swedish-language programs of Radio Ljusdal, but has also a few special broadcasts for DXers. The station is using a vertical antenna reaching 18 meters in height. Radio Dellen can be contacted by email directly or via DRAK, or by mail at Radio Dellen, c/o Erik Olsson, Knutslunda 2603, S-820 60 Delsbo, Sweden. The phone number to the studio is +46 651 15519.
    In July 2000 and again in 2001 the same organizers put WFÄX Radio, or Fäxradio (Barn radio in English), on the air in connection with a local summer festival in Färila called Färilaveckan. This was the first time since the 1920's that a private radio station had been given permission to broadcast on mediumwaves in Sweden. WFÄX had a transmitter power of 55 watts, and was heard in Finland and Germany as well. Färila and Delsbo are located about 40 kilometers apart in the county of Gävleborg in Central Sweden. (DXing.info June 30, 2002, updated July 20)

First X-band Canadian on the air
CJWI from Montréal Québec has begun test transmissions on 1610 kHz. CJWI is the first licensed X-band station from Canada. According to CRTC's decision to approve the operation, the new station will provide programming to serve the Francophone ethnocultural communities of Haitian, Latin-American and African descent in the greater Montréal area. The license has been allocated to CPAM Radio Union.com Inc, which is a private commercial company owned by Mr. Jean Ernest Pierre. Contact information is given as 3733 Jarry East, 2nd Floor, Montreal, PQ H1Z 2G1, telephone 514-287-1288. (Sheldon Harvey and Barry McLarnon via NRC-AM via DXLD 2-105/106 via DXing.info June 30, 2002 / updated John Sgrulletta via DXplorer via DXing.info August 4)

Family Radio goes global via Merlin
Family RadioMerlin Communications International has signed a one-year contract with U.S. religious broadcaster Family Radio to deliver Family Radio programming via sites in the UK, Ascencion Island, United Arab Emirates and South Africa. "This contract will allow us to broadcast a much clearer signal to Africa and other key locations”, says David Hoff, Family Radio’s International Manager. Family Radio programming is received by Merlin in its Central London Control Room via FTP and fixed circuits, and they are then distributed via satellite to its UK and overseas sites for distribution on shortwave. Transmission details:

Time (UTC) Transmitter site Coverage Area Language
1400-1700 Abu Dhabi (UAE) India English & Hindi
1900-2000 Woofferton (UK) Middle East Arabic
1700-1900 Woofferton (UK) Western Russia Russian
1700-1800 Ascension Island Central Africa English
2000-2100 Ascension Island Central & W. Africa English
1900-2100 Meyerton (S. Africa) Southern Africa English
(DXing.info June 26, 2002)

Decision on Internet radio royalties under fire

Internet radioBoth Internet radio webcasters and the recording industry are unhappy with a U.S. government ruling on royalty fees for music played over Internet radio. The Copyright Office of the Library of Congress has decided to charge webcasters 0.07 cents per song per listener.
    The International Webcasting Association says the rate is too high to permit small commercial webcasters to continue to operate. Cary Sherman, president of the Recording Industry Association of America says that the decision doesn't reflect the fair market value of music and means that artists and record labels will subsidize webcasters.
    Internet radio stations already pay 3.5 percent of total revenues to songwriters and publishers. The second royalty fee, decided by the Copyright Office, is shared by the performers and the record companies.
    Traditional radio broadcasting stations in the U.S. have been exempt from paying royalties for each song, which the webcasters will now have to do.
    The rate applies to both Internet-only radio stations as well as to rebroadcasting of AM/FM stations. About 5000 broadcasting stations stream their signals on the Internet, but there are tens of thousands of Internet-only stations. Non-commercial webcasters will have to pay a reduced rate of 0.02 cents per song per listener.
    Unless the issue is taken to the U.S. Court of Appeals, rates take effect in September and first payments are due in November.
(DXing.info June 23, 2002)

Radio San Miguel from Peru on 5500 kHz
Heard testing occasionally since April, Radio San Miguel is now on the air regularly, identified by Björn Malm in Ecuador. Radio San Miguel is located in Provincia de San Miguel, Departamento de Cajamarca, and broadcasts on 5500v kHz (ex-6339 kHz), 1450 kHz and 101.1 MHz. A station identification is found in the audio section. (DXing.info June 20, 2002)

Radio Paz Perú Internacional new on 4678 kHz

Once again a new Peruvian shortwave station has been heard by Björn Malm: Radio Paz Perú Internacional from Chiclayo logged regularly since June 12th on 4678.86 kHz. The station transmits daily at 2300-0300 UTC. Has email. Paul Ormandy has later logged the station tentatively on 4677.5 kHz. (DXing.info June 16, 2002, updated June 24)

La Voz de tu Conciencia from Colombia testing on 6064.5 kHz

Previously used by Radio Super and later by Colmundo in Colombia, a 5 kilowatt transmitter on 6064.55 kHz is now owned by the evangelical organization Colombia para Cristo and identifies as La Voz de Tu Conciencia. The station is located in Lomalinda, simulcasting on 88.8 FM and 1530 kHz AM (Radio Alcaraván). You can reach the station via Librería Colombia para Cristo, Calle 44 No. 13-69 Barrio Palermo, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. Email reports are also welcome and should be addressed to Station manager Russel M. Stendal.
    The station was heard as unidentified on June 6 and 7 with música llanera and occasional gospel snippets by Rafael Rodríguez in Colombia, Jean Burnell in Canada, Björn Malm in Ecuador, and also by Kenneth Olofsson and Björn Fransson in Sweden. No headway as to the origin of the signal was made until Rafael Rodríguez got in touch with a station representative in Bogotá, whose phone number was mentioned in Malm's report and also on the mediumwave station Radio Alcaraván (1530 kHz), previously logged and reported by Rafael.
    There are station identifications of the test transmission and the new frequency (6060 kHz) in the audio section.
    In August the station was finally heard on 6060.1 kHz. With the frequency change the station aims to avoid interference caused by Family Radio. Programming in English is expected to start later, says Station Manager Russel M. Stendal in an email to Henrik Klemetz.
    In September the station moved to 6010 kHz to comply with a request by the Ministry of Communications to change frequency. First heard on 6010.5 kHz by Rafael Rodríguez on September 24. (DXing.info June 16, 2002, last update September 28)

Sharp cuts at Radio Finland

YLE headquartersRadio Finland will end foreign service broadcasts on shortwave in English, German and French. Some foreign language programming will however continue to be broadcast locally for the domestic audience, the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) announced on Wednesday. While trying to cut costs, YLE will maintain a shortwave service in Finnish and Swedish to serve license fee payers traveling abroad. Company sources say that Russian broadcasts will continue to be heard at least on the AM band, which reaches Northern Europe. Foreign service in English, German and French is bound to end when the current schedule expires on October 27th 2002. The cutbacks are part of a Development plan, which was approved by the YLE Administrative Council on June 12th to guide YLE operations in 2003-2005. Official decisions to confirm the proposed measures are expected in late August.
    As expected, the plan was confirmed by the YLE Administrative Council on August 26th. English, German and French are out, while Finnish, Swedish and Russian broadcasts will continue. YLE plans to lay off the foreign language staff of Radio Finland, but news production in English will however continue at YLE24, YLE's new digital television news channel.
(DXing.info June 12, 2002, updated August 26, 2002)

Greenland back on shortwave

KNR logoKalaallit Nunaata Radioa is back on shortwave with unofficial transmissions on the frequency of 3812 kHz USB. The transmitter is located in Tasiilaq and has a power of only 100 watts. Broadcast times during the summer are 1330-1430 and 2000-2200 UTC. A vintage station identification is found in the audio section. (Stig Hartvig Nielsen via DXLD 2-093 via DXing.info June 7, 2002)

World Radio TV Handbook has lost its editor

WRTH 2002 coverThe leading handbook on international radio has lost its editor in chief. David Bobbett has left the company for another job, says WRTH publisher Nicholas Hardyman. WRTH office in Milton Keynes UK has also been closed. What does this mean for the future of WRTH, which for 56 years has been the handbook for DXers?
Hardyman assures that the next edition will be published on time in December 2002 and that information will be updated. Hardyman himself has been responsible for updating the National radio section already since February 2001, and Sean Gilbert - who worked as Assistant Editor to Bobbett - will now be the editor of the International section. Technical Editor John Nelson will continue to review new equipment and provide articles. (DXing.info June 6, updated June 17, 2002)

Radio Santa Rosa new from Peru on 5122 kHz

Radio Santa Rosa from Peru has begun test transmissions on 5122.07 kHz, sometimes mentioning "estamos en calidad de prueba". The station is located in distrito de Tabaconas, la provincia de San Ignacio, el departamento de Cajamarca, announcing address as "Avenida Huancabamba s/n, Tabaconas". Heard by Björn Malm in Ecuador, announcing 5120 kHz as the nominal frequency and closing down at 0000 and 0100 UTC.
(DXing.info June 2, 2002, updated July 14, 2002)

Radio Khost from Afghanistan new on 1300 kHz

A new mediumwave station has begun broadcasting from Afghanistan, according to Martin Hadlow of the United Nations in Kabul. Radio Khost from the town of Khost is broadcasting on 1300 kHz at 0730-0930 and 1330-1530 UTC with a power of only 500 watts. All broadcasts are in Pashto. The station has not been heard even in the capital Kabul, but who knows what a lucky DXer may catch... (DXing.info June 4, 2002)

The purpose of the radio news section is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are published only on major international broadcasters or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and schedules are not covered.

The news are edited by Mika Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned as source. See terms of use for details.


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