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Radio News in February 2004

New Somali shortwave station on 6961 kHz

Logo of Radio ShabeleRadio Shabele (also spelled as Shabelle, Shabeele or Shabeelle) from Mogadishu has begun shortwave broadcasts on 6961 kHz. Previously the station, launched in 2002, only operated on 101.5 MHz FM. Another FM station with the same name and same private owners is located in Merca (also spelled as Merka or Marka), the capital of the Lower Shabele region. Radio Shabele aims to promote stability, democracy and good governance, and describes itself as an independent station in a country ravaged by clan warfare. The station is on the air 13 hours a day, at 0400-0600 and at 1000-2100 UTC. The new shortwave transmitter was first reported by Chris Greenway in Kenya on BDXC-UK. Further away, Mauno Ritola and Jari Savolainen in Finland have reported hearing the station on February 25. The station can be contacted by email, by telephone at +252-5-933111 / +252-1-227733 and 659699, or by telefax at +252-1-659699. The office of Radio Shabele, headed by Abdi Malik Yusuf Mahmuud, is located on the third floor of Global Building, on the second road of Bakaraha Market, in downtown Mogadishu. In Merca the station can be found next to COSV Building on a hill top overlooking the port of Merca.
(DXing.info, February 25, 2004)

Radio Chicha from Bolivia begins shortwave broadcasts

Radio Chicha - also identifying as Radio y Televisión Chicha - has begun broadcasting from Bolivia on 4763 kHz in the 60 meter shortwave band. Officially the frequency is given as 4760 kHz, simulcasting on 100.5 MHz FM. Broadcasts began on February 20, and were immediately caught by DXers Arnaldo Slaen and Marcelo Cornachioni in Argentina, who heard the station playing Bolivian folk music with announcements in Spanish (a station identification can be heard in the DXing.info audio archive). The station is located in Tocla, Province of Nor Chichas, Department of Potosí. Radio Chicha broadcasts on shortwave at 1030-1300 and at 2100-2400 UTC. Radio Chicha welcomes reception reports and promises to respond with a souvenir. Reports can be sent by email, and the station can be contacted also by cell phone 711-60330 or via the village public phone at 26137226. station identification of Radio Chicha
(DXing.info, February 22, 2004)

New from Brazil: Rádio Vale do Contestado on 1320 kHz

A new Brazilian station has been heard on 1320 kHz mediumwave. Rádio Vale do Contestado from Videira in the state of Santa Catarina was first reported heard by Samuel Cássio in Brazil. He picked up a test transmission of the station on February 20. A station identification can be found in the DXing.info audio archive. (Rádio Vale do Contestado station identification)
(DXing.info, February 21, 2004)

Radio Unica stations become Asian

Radio Unica logoMultiCultural Radio Broadcasting Inc. (MRBI) has acquired Radio Unica Communications Corp., a Spanish-language radio network with 15 stations across the U.S. As a result of the $150 million deal, the format of former Radio Unica (Radio Unica station identification) stations is changing, with most of them becoming Asian stations. Radio Unica programming ended on February 5. At least part of the stations, including KWRU Fresno CA on 940 kHz (station identification KWRU station identification in 2003, KWRU station identification now), KIQI San Francisco CA on 1010 kHz (KIQI station identification in 2003, KIQI station identification now) and KATD Pittsburg CA on 990 kHz (now simulcasting with KIQI), are temporarily carrying Spanish talk programming from Radio Fórmula in Mexico. MRBI is one of the leading ethnic broadcasting companies in the U.S., and aims to grow especially in the Asian market. MRBI estimates that Asians represent the fastest-growing group in the country. MRBI was established in 1972, and previously had 30 stations broadcasting in over 20 languages.
(DXing.info, February 9, 2004, last update February 11)

La Voz de la Libertad in Paraguay heard on 1190 kHz

A new mediumwave station in Paraguay has been observed on 1190 kHz. ZP45 La Voz de la Libertad from Hernandarias was first heard on January 31 by Jim Solatie in Finland, and later identified with the help of Henrik Klemetz and other DXers. The address of the station is Supercarretera Itaipú Km 26.5, Hernandarias, Paraguay, with telephone number +595-631-20443. Station identifications, recorded by Jim Solatie in Finland (La Voz de la Libertad station identification) and Samuel Cássio in Brazil (La Voz de la Libertad station identification) can be found in the DXing.info audio archive.
      In March Jim Solatie received an email confirmation from Francisco Kramer, giving the station mailing address as: Juan E. O`Leary 152 1ª piso, oficina 5, Hernandarias, Paraguay.
(DXing.info, February 7, 2004, updated on March 28)

Radio Libre in Buenos Aires on 1640 kHz

A new station, or an existing station with a new name, has been heard on the Argentine X-band. Radio Libre (Radio Libre station identification) seems to have replaced Radio Bolivia (Radio Bolivia station identification) on 1640 kHz mediumwave in the capital region. The station was first reported heard by Nicolás Eramo in Argentina on February 4. Radio Libre broadcasts tango and folk music. The station identification of Radio Libre can be found in the DXing.info audio archive. Radio Libre station identification
logo of La Isla FM 89.9      Also on the capital AM dial, FM La Isla has begun broadcasting on 1540 kHz, rebroadcasting FM 89.9 MHz. According to Arnaldo Slaen who has monitored the changes in Conexion Digital No. 219, the appearance of La Isla FM has forced Radio Tradición (Radio Tradicion station identification) to escape interference, abandoning 1540 kHz in favor of 1580 kHz.
(DXing.info, February 4, 2004, updated on February 7)

Radio Sawa begins broadcasting from Djibouti on 1431 kHz

Logo of Radio SawaRadio Sawa, an Arabic-language news and music channel run by the U.S. government, has begun test broadcasts from Djibouti on 1431 kHz. The transmitter, located in Arta in Southern Djibouti, has a power of 600 kilowatts. According to the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB), the station is on the air at 1600-0400 UTC, currently with a non-directional antenna. The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) has earlier given Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen as the primary target areas for the new relay station.
      Radio Sawa is a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week, Arabic-language service of the IBB aimed at listeners under 30. It was launched in March 2002. In addition to Djibouti, Radio Sawa uses mediumwave transmitters in Cyprus (990 kHz), Greece (1260 kHz) and Kuwait (1548 kHz). Radio Sawa broadcasts also on FM, on the internet as well as via satellite.
      The launch of the new transmitter was presumably first reported by Dan Ferguson on SWBC, while Jari Savolainen and Mauno Ritola in Finland were the first to identify the station on February 3.
      In June 2002 the BBG and the government of Djibouti signed an agreement allowing the U.S. agency to build a far-reaching AM transmitter for the Middle East Radio Network (MERN), airing Radio Sawa programming. Under the agreement, the BBG also got two 24-hour FM stations in Djibouti. One broadcasts Radio Sawa in Arabic and the other airs English and French programs of the Voice of America (VOA). station identification
(DXing.info, February 3, 2004)

The purpose of the radio news section is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are published only on major international broadcasters or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and schedules are not covered.

The news are edited by Mika Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned as source. See terms of use for details.

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