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Radio News in July 2005

Radio Verona from Italy relaunched on 1584 kHz

Radio Verona logoRadio Verona from Verona in northern Italy has begun broadcasting on 1584 kHz mediumwave. The station transmitted on mediumwave already in the early 90's, but was forced to shut because of co-channel interference. Since then, one Italian transmitter on 1584 kHz has been closed, but both Radio Studio X and the national broadcasting company RAI still have transmitters on the same frequency. Radio Verona broadcasts also on FM 103 and 103.9 MHz, and was originally launched in 1975. Contact information as follows: Radio Verona, Piazza Cittadella 26, I-37122 Verona (VR), Italy. Tel. (+39) 045 8000896, telefax (+39) 045 8000481. The station was first observed by Italian DXers around July 22-23. According to an Italian DXer, the station doesn't however have a broadcasting license, and can be considered a pirate station.
(DXing.info, July 28, 2005, edited on August 4)

Radio Tatras International finally on 1350 kHz from Latvia

Radio Tatras logoRadio Tatras International has eventually begun broadcasting on 1350 kHz mediumwave. Transmissions were said to begin in early April, but were delayed until July 20, 2005. Transmissions are run 24/7 with 50 kW of power from Kuldiga. The relay service is provided by the Riga-based company Krebs TV. More about the station on DXing.info Radio News from April 2005.
(DXing.info, July 24, 2005)

Radio Slovakia International to continue on shortwave

Slovak Radio (SRo) announced in early July that it would lay off 84 employees, and would end foreign language shortwave broadcasts by the end of July. The measure was reported by Slovak newspaper Sme, and subsequently by the BBC Monitoring Service and Radio Netherlands. SRo management wanted to cut costs and make up for revenue shortfalls in this way. SRo's shortwave foreign language broadcasting would be replaced by broadcasting through the Internet. The Radio Council, a supervisory body of Slovak Radio, however decided that foreign service programming on shortwave should continue. The Radio Council consists of members appointed by the parliament. The head of the
Council Michal Dzurjanin concluded that now they have to wait for
the Parliament and the Government to solve the current deficit of over €8 million for the Radio. Because of financial problems, it remains unclear how long Radio Slovakia International will be able to maintain service at current level.
(DXing.info, July 12, 2005, edited on July 24)

Bangladesh launches new station on 1431 kHz

Bangladesh Betar logoBangladesh Betar, the government-owned national broadcaster, has launched a new mediumwave station. A transmitter in Bandorban operates on the frequency of 1431 kHz and has a power of 10 kW. Regular transmissions have begun, although the station has not yet been officially inaugurated. The station broadcasts currently only at 0600-0800 UTC. News about the station was first published by Bangladeshi DXer Ashik Eqbal Tokon on hcdx mailing list on July 8.
(DXing.info, July 9, 2005)

The purpose of the radio news section is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are published only on major international broadcasters or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and schedules are not covered.

The news are edited by Mika Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned as source. See terms of use for details.

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