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Radio News in January 2006

Radio Cooperativa from Bolivia testing on 5983.7 kHz

Radio Cooperativa from Bolivia is a new shortwave station, currently heard with test transmissions on 5983.7 kHz. The station is located in Huanuni in Departamento de Oruro. Radio Cooperativa was first reported heard by Argentinian DXer Arnaldo Slaen on January 26-27 at around 1045-1145 UTC with programming in Spanish and Aymara languages.
(DXing.info, January 26, 2006, edited on January 27)

Radio Logos new from Bolivia on 6165 kHz shortwave

A new shortwave station has begun broadcasting in Bolivia. Radio Logos in Santa Cruz operates on 6165 kHz on the 49 meter shortwave band. The transmitter facilities were set up by Ray Rising (ham operator CP6RR), Julio Andino and Wayne Borthwick (VA7GF) on December 18, 2005. The antenna is an NVIP (near vertical incidence) antenna using four half wave dipoles and is presently fed with a 5 kW AM transmitter. Radio Logos also has a 1 kW transmitter, but technical problems keep it off the air for now. The transmitter and antenna are on the same plot of land as Radio Centenario La Nueva, which broadcasts on 4865 kHz. Initially most of the programming is satellite-fed Christian programming in Spanish, and is being simulcast on 4865 kHz, but more local programming, including indigenous language programming, is to be added later. Information about the station was reported by Borthwick on DXLD on January 21.
(DXing.info, January 23, 2006)


Queen's Radio new low-power station in UK on 1134 kHz

Queen's Radio logoA new low-power AM station has begun test broadcasts in the United Kingdom on 1134 kHz. Broadcasting from Belfast, Queen's Radio is the first student radio station in Northern Ireland. The station broadcasts 24 hours a day 7 days a week, although from 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. local time and during the weekends programming consists of play lists. Officially the station will be launched on February 6. Transmitter power is 1 watt. Queen's Radio can be contacted by email, by telephone at (028) 90 97 1065 or by writing to Queen's Radio, Queen's Students' Union, University Road, Belfast, BT7 1NF, United Kingdom. News about the station was first published by the MW Circle on January 21.
(DXing.info, January 21, 2006, edited on January 22)

Radio Sonidos del Cielo in Argentina on 1430 kHz

Radio Sonidos del Cielo is the name of a new Evangelical Christian station in Argentina on 1430 kHz. The station is located in Rafael Castillo, in the province of Buenos Aires. Radio Sonidos del Cielo is operated by minister Juan C. Irazábal and broadcasts 24 hours a day. The station can be contacted by writing to Calle Comandante Granville 220, (B1755DGF) Rafael Castillo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, telephone (011) 4669-6240. Information about the station was provided by Marcelo A. Cornachioni.
     In other news from greater Buenos Aires, La Morena de Itatí has changed frequency from 1530 to 1690 kHz, first logged by Mika Mäkeläinen in Finland on January 6. Radio Genesis from Avellaneda has reactivated on 970 kHz, as well as Radio Cristiana Adonai, from Banfield Oeste, on 1590 kHz, both reported by Cornachioni on Condig mailing list on January 20.
(DXing.info, January 20, 2006)

The purpose of the radio news section is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are published only on major international broadcasters or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and schedules are not covered.

The news are edited by Mika Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned as source. See terms of use for details.

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