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Radio News in February 2006

New Argentine X-band station Hosanna AM on 1660 kHz

Hosanna AM is a new Evangelical Christian station on 1660 kHz AM in Argentina. The station is apparently broadcasting from La Iglesia Evangélica Internacional Nueva Jerusalem from the town of Ezeiza. Hosanna AM was first identified by DXer Marcelo A. Cornachioni and reported on the Condig mailing list on February 15.
      Another new station in Argentina is LRI357 Radio de la Sierra broadcasting from Tandil in Provincia de Buenos Aires. Radio de la Sierra operates on 1180 kHz AM, retransmitting Catholic station Radio María in Córdoba on 99.5 MHz FM. The station can be contacted at Belgrano 531, (7000), telephone (02293) 44-6383, 43-0760 and by email. Information about the station was reported by Luciano Gentile on Condig mailing list on February 16.
(DXing.info, February 16, 2006, updated on February 17)

New New Zealand station testing on 1278 AM

The Radio Network (TRN) is testing a new frequency, 1278 kHz for a possible new service to the southern Taranaki region in the western North Island of New Zealand. The transmitter is located at Rotokare, near the small town of Eltham. Maximum permitted power is 6.3 kW. The tests have been reported as a series of tone tests. TRN already operates NewstalkZB from Napier on 1278 kHz in the Hawkes Bay region on the eastern North Island coast. The licence is valid until November 1 2006. The station was first reported by David Ricquish of the Radio Heritage Foundation on HCDX mailing list on February 16.
(DXing.info, February 16, 2006)

Radio El Sol from Argentina reported on 1450 kHz

Radio El Sol logoA new Argentine station has begun test broadcasts on 1450 kHz mediumwave. Radio El Sol, unlike most newcomers, is a licensed station, owned by Grupo El Sol, which also runs LRL-416 FM Sur (88.9 MHz) and various other media. The president of the company is Rodrigo L. M. Ghisani. Radio El Sol has offices at Calle Hipólito Yrigoyen Nº 122, Ciudad de Quilmes, Provincia de Buenos Aires, telephone +54-11-4257-6325. News about Radio El Sol was first reported by Marcelo A. Cornachioni on Condig mailing list on February 6. According to information received by Luciano Gentile, Radio El Sol has a power of 10 kilowatts.
(DXing.info, February 12, 2006)

Radio Guarani launched in Argentina on 1140 kHz AM

Radio Guarani logoRadio Guarani is a new unofficial Argentine station broadcasting from San Justo, partido de La Matanza, on the frequency of 1140 kHz mediumwave. Radio Guarani is aimed at the Paraguayan community around the Argentine capital Buenos Aires. The station was first reported by Argentinian DXer Claudio Morales. The street address of Radio Guarani is Avenida Juan Manuel de Rosas 4323, and its telephone number +54-11-4484-3150. The station can also be contacted by email.
(DXing.info, February 4, 2006)

Radio Sinaí from Peru reported on 6061 kHz shortwave

Peruvian DXer Alfredo Cañote has reported hearing a new shortwave station. Radio Sinaí broadcasts from the town of Huánuco on roughly 6061 kHz, on the 49 meter shortwave band. Cañote heard the station for the first time in early January. The station is located at Jirón Abtao 287, Cercado, Huánuco, Huánuco, Peru, telephone (62) 51-6288. Radio Sinaí has also email. According to information received by Cañote, and distributed by Argentinian DXer Arnaldo Slaen, the general manager of the new station is Ruben Matias Lopez.
(DXing.info, February 2, 2006)

The purpose of the radio news section is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are published only on major international broadcasters or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and schedules are not covered.

The news are edited by Mika Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned as source. See terms of use for details.

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