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Radio News in March 2008

New AM licenses announced in the Netherlands

Arrow Classic Rock logoSeveral new AM stations will likely go on the air in the Netherlands. Five regional licenses have been awarded, two of them to Crosspoints BV, the company that owns Arrow Classic Rock and Arrow Jazz FM. This came as a surprise because Arrow recently gave up its high power channel of 675 kHz. The company now plans to launch "Arrow Talks" on 828 kHz together with another media company, but hasn't found a partner yet. The 828 kHz transmitter is located in Heinenoord and has a power of 20 kW (daytime) and 5 kW (nighttime). Arrow's second frequency of 1035 kHz is to be used as a secondary outlet for Arrow Jazz FM, which is currently unable to cover its target area well enough. The 10-kilowatt transmitter will be located in Echt. 1224 kHz in Almere (40 kW day, 20 kW nights) was awarded to Stichting Radika, which currently broadcasts on FM from Rotterdam under the name Radio Amor, but hasn't disclosed its AM plans yet. The frequency of 1485 kHz (1 kW in Tilburg) has been awarded to Radio Marina, an oldies station. The frequency was advertised for a single transmitter in The Hague, but Radio Marina says it plans to operate two transmitters serving South Holland and Flevoland.
Finally, 1557 kHz (1 kW in Amsterdam) was given to Stichting BKB3, which currently operates Magic FM in Amsterdam and Alkmaar. Information about the stations was published in English by Media Network blog on March 4-5.
(DXing.info, March 13, 2008)

AM 1560 Tandil new in Argentina

AM 1560 Tandil logoAM 1560 Tandil has begun broadcasting on February 12 in the town of Tandil, Argentina. The new mediumwave station is part of media company Multimedios La Voz, headed by Florencio Aldrey. Tandil is located 250 kilometers south of the capital Buenos Aires. The company's online publication La Voz de Tandil gives two addresses: Av. Colón Nro. 1191 and Av. Del Valle 1202, both in Tandil, Argentina. Telephone number for the radio station is given as (02293) 436006, and telephone/fax numbers for the parent company are given as (02293) 448008/442144. A report about the station was published in La Voz de Tandil, and picked up by elmundodelaradio.com.
(DXing.info, March 2, 2008)

The purpose of the radio news section is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are published only on major international broadcasters or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and schedules are not covered.

The news are edited by Mika Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned as source. See terms of use for details.

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