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Radio News in August 2008

Latest new stations in Buenos Aires on 1300 and 1700 kHz AM

In Argentina, the capital radio dial is awash with newcomers. Emisora Santiago y Copla is a new unlicensed station broadcasting folk music and targeting listeners who have moved from the Province of Santiago del Estero to the capital Buenos Aires. The station broadcasts on 1300 kHz mediumwave. DXer Marcelo A.
Cornachioni, who discovered the station and reported it on ConDig mailing list on August 3, believes that it is located in Gregorio de Laferrere. The telephone number for the station is (011) 4603-3180.
     On the extended AM band, Radio Hosanna Tropical can now be heard on 1660 kHz. Radio Hosanna Tropical is a Christian radio station - previously known as Hosanna AM 1660 - using a transmitter in Ezeiza, in the capital province. Also on the X-band, Radio City has been heard by Cornachioni at the upper end of the dial on 1700 kHz. Based on the announcements he picked up, Radio City is located in Partido de Almirante Brown, Provincia de Buenos Aires. Cornachioni heard the first test transmissions on July 26, as reported on ConDig mailing list.
     Earlier in July, Cornachioni reported that Radio Sudamericana appeared on 1120 kHz mediumwave, presumably from the northern part of the capital region. The unlicensed station has announced an email address as its only contact information. On 1210 kHz Radio La Luz is broadcasting from Partido de La Matanza, Buenos Aires. Further up on the dial on 1550 kHz, Radio Popular is broadcasting from Avenida Brigadier Juan Manuel de Rosas 2468, Localidad de José León Suárez, Partido de San Martín, Buenos Aires, and can be reached by telephone at (011) 4729-1545.
     From Monte Grande, Partido de Esteban Echeverría, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Cornachioni has caught two more stations. On 1260 kHz, Radio Las Naciones is a new evangelical station, announcing phone number (011) 4296-0771. Its address is believed to be Calle Leandro N. Alem 218 in Monte Grande. Then on 1460 kHz, Radio Jerusalén broadcasts from Calle Fragata Heroína 2035, (B1842FQI) Monte Grande, telephone (011) 4284-2830, and has also email. The station manager of this Christian station is Angel J. Rivera.
(DXing.info, August 20, 2008)

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