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Radio News in November 2008

New Latvian and Hungarian stations on 1485 kHz

In Latvia, Radio Merkurs has been testing on 1485 kHz since August 8. Radio Merkurs continues with the same format and the same 1-kilowatt transmitter that were used by Radio Nord on 945 kHz until mid-summer in the capital Riga. Information about this new station was first published by Yuriy Dymbovskiy in Riga on Open-dx.
     In Hungary, Régió Rádió from Mohács has begun broadcasting on the same frequency of 1485 kHz mediumwave. In addition to Hungarian, Régió Rádió can be heard with identifications in German ("Radio Regional"), English ("Radio Region") and a Slavic language. Information about this station was first published by Patrick Robic on the DXing.info Community.
(DXing.info, November 17, 2008)

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