low-power AM stations launched in Italy
Radio is a new low-power station from Italy, broadcasting
on 1566 kHz mediumwave. Test transmissions have
consisted of religious programming. Challenger Radio
broadcasts from Villa Estense, in Padua (Padova
in Italian) in the North-Eastern part of the country.
According to Italian DXer Fabrizio Magrone, the
transmitter power is 500 watts, and the station
plans to broadcast in digital DRM in the future.
The station can be reached by email
and by phone at +39-0429-660118.
Another new AM station in
Italy is Radio Broadcast Italia from Rome on 1485
kHz. According to Magrone, the station has a 1-kilowatt
transmitter, but is currently broadcasting at half
power. Radio Broadcast Italia transmits historic
recordings of pioneering Italian pirate radio stations.
The station can be reached by email.
Roberto Scaglione reported on the new stations on
the EMWG mailing list on June 6.
June 14, 2009)
Jazz 1557 on air with test transmissions
May 23, 2009, a new AM station began low-power test
broadcasts in the Netherlands. Magic Jazz transmits
on 1557 kHz mediumwave. The internet feed on the
station website displays FM 94.9 Magic FM programming.
According to the website, Magic Jazz 1557 will soon
increase transmitter power and broadcast 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week. News about the station was
first reported by Anorak Nation.
June 14, 2009)
College Radio on 1386 kHz in the UK
A new low-power college station has begun broadcasting
in the United Kingdom. Halesowen College Radio transmits
on 1386 kHz mediumwave. Halesowen College is located
about 10 kilometers west of Birmingham. Transmitter
power is only 1 watt. The address of the station is
Whittingham Road, Halesowen, West Midlands. B63 3NA,
United Kingdom. The station can also be reached by
email and
by phone at 0121 602 7658. The station was reported
heard by Tony Rogers on the BDXC mailing list on May
June 14, 2009)
The purpose of the radio news section
is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave
broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are
published only on major international broadcasters
or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and
schedules are not covered.
The news are edited by Mika
Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items
may be quoted if the website
is mentioned as source. See terms
of use for details.