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Radio News in July 2013

WKAJ from St. Johnsville, New York, launched on 1120 AM

WKAJ logoWKAJ is a new station in the state of New York on 1120 kHz AM. The transmitter power is 10 kW days and 400 watts nights, city of license being St. Johnsville, a small town in the Mohawk Valley in the central part of the state. WKAJ describes its format as classic hits, targeting adults between the ages 25-54 with a core focus on women between 35-49. Core artists include The Eagles, Bob Seger, Fleetwood Mac, the Rolling Stones, and Eric Clapton. The contact information announced is the same as that of WCSS 1490 AM: 1250 Riverfront Center, Amsterdam, New York 12010, USA. Telephone numbers are +1 518-684-6260 and 518-684-6091. You can also email the station. DXer Scott Fybush reported the station first with test broadcasts on June 7, 2013.
(DXing.info, July 18, 2013)

New stations in Argentina on 1490, 1500 and 1650 kHz

In Argentina, Radio Ciudad de Caá-Catí is a new unlicensed station on 1490 kHz, broadcasting in the northwestern part of the capital Buenos Aires. Also from the same area, and on the nearby frequency of 1500 kHz, Radio Federal from La Reja, Partido de Moreno, is a new station. Radio Federal rebroadcasts "Frecuencia On" (90.7 MHz FM), which belongs to the same owner, Sandra Karina Taboada.
     On the X-band, Radio El Mensajero is a new unlicensed religious station on 1650 kHz. The station is operated by "La Senda Antigua" movement led by pastor Emilio Gaette. Radio El Mensajero is located at Calle Carlos Cazón Nº 2338, de la localidad de Rafael Castillo, Partido de La Matanza, Provincia de Buenos Aires. The telephone number is (011) 4698-3163, and you can also email the station. Radio Guaraní, which was previously noted on the same frequency, is currently off the air.
     All three stations were first reported by Marcelo A. Cornachioni on Condig mailing list in late June and early July.
(DXing.info, July 18, 2013)

The purpose of the radio news section is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are published only on major international broadcasters or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and schedules are not covered.

The news are edited by Mika Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned as source. See terms of use for details.

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