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Radio News in December 2013

Radio Inner Mongolia launches dozens of AM transmitters

Voice of Green Field logoChinese provincial broadcaster Radio Inner Mongolia (Nei Menggu People's Broadcasting Station) has launched over 50 new AM transmitters in 2012-2013. Many of the new transmitters are part of the Rural and Pastoral Service, also known as "The Voice of Green Field" (Luye zhi sheng), which was founded in 2008. The main transmitters of this network are operating on 675 AM and 91.9 FM in the provincial capital Hohhot. The majority of the new transmitters are on 666, 990 and 1413 kHz, each of which has transmitters in several locations across the province. These new frequencies were first logged in Finland in September and October 2013.
     According to research done by Alan Davies, one of the new transmitters is a 10-kilowatt transmitter is Jining (Ulanqab) on 1224 kHz, which has also been heard in Finland recently. The frequencies and locations of the remaining new transmitters are not yet known, but at least 1305 kHz is yet another new frequency that has been logged in Finland. Davies says that there is conflicting information on the new transmitters in different Chinese sources. The total number of new transmitters may be as high as 86. Some of the transmitters are carrying China National Radio Minorities Program as well as the 1st national network of CNR.

     Also in northern China, Aihui People's Broadcasting Station in Aihui, Heilongjiang province has begun transmissions on the AM band. The station has been logged both in Finland and the United States on 999 kHz. According to the local administration, the station was launched on August 16th, 2013.
(DXing.info, December 4, 2013)

Chechnya's state broadcaster launched on 1287 kHz

GTRK Vaynakh logoGovernment-run programming from Chechnya in the Russian Caucasus has been reported heard on 1287 kHz AM. GTRK (state broadcasting company) "Vainakh" simulcasts on FM 103.6 MHz with programming both in Russian and in Chechen languages. Regional programming has been observed at 1210-1300 and 1410-1500 UTC on weekdays. At other times the station retransmits Radio Rossii. Broadcasts on the AM band began on November 29, 2013. Based on information received from the station by Finnish DXer Mauno Ritola, transmitter power is 50 kW.
(DXing.info, December 29, 2013)

New Argentinian stations on 1200 and 1500 kHz AM

AM 1200 La Radio del Chamamé is a new unofficial station heard in Argentina. The station is located in the town of Morón, and it can be contacted by telephone (011) 4628-3348. The station is owned by Scaramuzzino family, which also runs Radio La Gauchita (810 AM), El Sonido de la Gente (1280 AM) and Radio Guabiyú (1610 AM). Another new station observed recently is Radio Vida on the frequency of 1500 AM. This Christian station is owned by Misión Cristiana Evangélica Argentina (Iglesia Misión Vida), located at Calle Alvear 767, in the town of Río Cuarto. You can call the station at (0358) 462-8179. Information about both stations was first published by Grupo Radioescucha Argentino blog on November 22, 2013.
(DXing.info, December 4, 2013)

The purpose of the radio news section is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are published only on major international broadcasters or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and schedules are not covered.

The news are edited by Mika Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned as source. See terms of use for details.

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