Radio San Miguel
San Miguel de Pallaques (6340 kHz)
Provincia de San Miguel,
Departamento de Cajamarca, Peru
by Takayuki Inoue
It was
on July 12, 1980 that Radio San Miguel Arcangel
was founded by Manuel Lozano Gil as the first broadcasting
enterprise in the Province of San Miguel. The studio
and transmitting plant were established at Jiron
Bolivar No. 354 in front of Plaza de Armas. The
station has aimed at supporting cultural, educational
and economical development through radio broadcasts
for the people living in the isolated communities
located in the Province of San Miguel.
Initially it had been broadcasting
on 5720 kHz on shortwave with a transmitter of 0.25
kW output power, which was built by Luis Gonzalez
Bertice, a radio engineer living in Chiclayo. Initially,
Its transmissions were made at 2300-0400 (i.e. 1800-2300
local time) while electricity supply only supplied
in the town. The station operated with private diesel
generators when it had special event programs.
In the 1980's, telephone and
mail service were not available in many villages
of the Province of San Miguel and the remote inlands
of Northern Peru, therefore radio stations played
an important role as the medium of communications,
and carried out the airwaves taking the place of
telephones and telegrams.
Radio San Miguel Arcangel has
concentrated on the personal announcements and social
service since its foundation. As of 1980's, the
average number of personal announcements were 80-100
per day and record dedication were 30. The circumstances
of local broadcasting have been gradually changing
and telephone service was inaugurated in the province
during last five years. Nowadays the electricity
is available for 24 hours a day. As a result, the
average number of personal announcements per day
were only two or three and record dedications only
10 per day as of October of 2001. Eventually, the
daily income from the social service had sharply
decreased compared with the average in the 1980's.
A new transmitter
in 1996
In February of 1996, Radio San
Miguel Arcangel shifted its frequency from traditional
5720 kHz to 6340 kHz to avoid the interference of
Radio Frecuencia San Ignacio (5700 kHz). At that
time, a new transmitter, which was manufactured
by Enrique Vargas, a radio engineer in Trujillo,
was purchased. Its output power is nominally rated
as 1 kW, but it was run with a reduced power of
0.6 kW for better performance and to avoid overmodulation.
Then, the station was off the air due to financial
difficulties from May of 1996 through December of
When Radio San Miguel Arcangel
resumed its transmissions in January of 1998, the
broadcasting schedule was extended to provide a
variety of programs from the early morning through
the evening. The station broadcast for 16 hours
of programming, including music shows, light entertainment,
information, personal message service, and religious
from 1100 to 0300 (i.e. 0600-2200 local time) daily.
At that time, the station carried
its programs on 1370 kHz medium wave at 1100-2300
and on 6340 kHz shortwave at 2300-0300. The station
utilized the same transmitter for both the shortwave
and medium wave outlets by switching the crystal
according to the schedule. However, the commercial
value was not virtually acknowledged on shortwave
nowadays, thus the station ceased the shortwave
broadcast in July of 2001. Eventually, the station
only broadcasts on 1360 kHz medium wave. As of October
of 2001, the station runs with a staff of three
persons with the station owner and broadcasts at
1100-0200 from Monday to Sunday.
Studio: Jiron Bolivar No. 354,
San Miguel de Pallaques, Provincia de San Miguel,
Departamento de Cajamarca, Peru.
on October 7, 2002, originally published in Japan
Relampago DX)