Radio UNAMSIL, Freetown
(6137.8 kHz)
by Mika
New shortwave stations rarely
go unnoticed by DXers constantly scanning the bands,
but Radio UNAMSIL remained an elusive target for
about one and a half years after it was launched.
Finally in April 2002 the station was picked up
on 6137.8 kHz, off the nominal frequency of 6140
The first known logging
by DXers outside Africa was made by Ralph Brandi
in the United States, and since then the station
has been heard several times in the Western hemisphere
and in Europe.
UNAMSIL - which stands for the United Nations Mission
in Sierra Leone - was established in May 2000. Station
manager Sheila Dallas set up the station in a hurry;
FM equipment arrived in Sierra Leone on May 18 and
the station was already on the air on the 22nd of
May 2000. Shortwave broadcasts began later that
year, presumably in early November.
Initially the station broadcast
12 hours a day but began a 24-hour operation within
a couple of months. It had - and still has - a very
important and ambitious task; to help restore peace
to one of the most troubled nations on earth by
offering an alternative to the incitement of hate
heard on militia radio stations.
The small West African nation
of Sierra Leone has gone through an extremely brutal
civil war, which started in 1991. Despite a peace
agreement signed in 1999 between the government
and the Revolutionary United Front (RUF)
rebel movement, fighting flared again in May 2000
when RUF took 500 UN peacekeepers hostage. RUF has
no clear political agenda, but is notorious for
forcing children to fight in its ranks and for its
brutal treatment of the civilian population in rebel-controlled
Nowadays sporadic fighting still
rages in parts of the country. Sierra Leone is rich
in diamonds and other minerals, but smuggled diamonds
have only fueled the war, and its people are among
the poorest in the world. At roughly 40 years, life
expectancy in Sierra Leone is the lowest in the
Millions on the
It is estimated that over 2 million
people, out of a total population of 5.5 million,
are displaced by the war and living as refugees
within Sierra Leone or in neighboring countries.
Not even refugee camps across the border are safe;
most recently on June 20th a rebel group in neighboring
Liberia, called Liberians United for Reconciliation
and Democracy (LURD), attacked a refugee camp
in Liberia sending its 20,000 refugees - mostly
from Sierra Leone - fleeing once again.
Relative peace prevails around
the capital Freetown, thanks to the presence of
the United Nations peacekeepers. The UNAMSIL force
now numbers about 17,500 with a mandate ending in
September 2002. After that the force is unlikely
to be scrapped but will probably be scaled down,
although the situation shows only faint signs of
As an important step towards
normalcy, free and fair general elections were held
on May 14th 2002 resulting in a massive voter turnout
of about 90 % of the electorate. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah
- a former UN diplomat - was overwhelmingly re-elected
as president. The elections confirmed the popular
rejection of the rebel agenda of rapacious nihilism.
The RUF's political wing scored less than 2 % of
the presidential vote, and failed to win any seats
in the parliament. Still, governing the country
is an uphill battle for Kabbah, who has few resources
to satisfy rising demands.
Radio promoting
Under these circumstances, Radio
UNAMSIL played a vital role during the election
campaign. Broadcasting around the clock with a staff
of about a dozen people, Radio UNAMSIL aimed to
educate the voters about the upcoming elections,
giving a forum for the public to voice their opinions
on phone-in shows aired through the night.
A new program called Election
Watch was broadcast Mondays through Fridays
from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. to cover electoral activities
around the country, supply public education on the
issues and provide all political parties with an
equal chance to air their platforms. Another program
called Time with the Candidates offered each
presidential candidate a chance to be interviewed
for one hour to get the campaign message across.
This program aired at 19:30 local time starting
April 29th.
The station with its two production
studios is located at the Mammy Yoko Hotel in the
West End of Freetown along Aberdeen Beach.
Aside from 6137.8 kHz shortwave,
Radio UNAMSIL broadcasts on FM 103. This frequency
originally belonged to We Believe in God (WBIG),
owned by Hilton Fyle, but was later transferred
to UNAMSIL. On the FM band, Radio UNAMSIL's signal
covers the capital area, but the shortwave transmitter
should be heard all over the country. Interestingly,
the same FM transmitter was previously used by another
UN operation, Radio Minurca in the Central
African Republic, and was originally donated to
the UN by the government of Denmark.
Radio UNAMSIL is funded by the
United Nations and is actually part of the Public
Information Section of the UNAMSIL operation. Its
broadcasts include music, local news, entertainment
and all matters related to United Nations activities
in Sierra Leone, with the overall aim of promoting
peace in the country.
from Freetown
Radio UNAMSIL's staff is a combination
of international broadcast professionals and a few
Sierra Leonean broadcast journalists.
Most of Radio UNAMSIL's programming
is produced live, with the exception of the station's
official statements. All broadcasts are aired in
English except for greetings in the different languages
of countries that have contributed soldiers to the
peacekeeping forces. Underlining all programming
is an emphasis to work in close co-operation with
the community and involving the listeners in its
Outside the target area Radio
UNAMSIL can be best heard during the night, when
most interfering stations are off the air. Due to
its low power of only 1 kilowatt, the station is
quite a difficult catch. Reception reports can be
addressed to the UNAMSIL office in Freetown, where
Public Information Officer Patrick Coker verified
my report by email. At the time of writing, this
was presumably the first QSL reported from the station.
on July 4th 2002)