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Profiles of contributing DXers
and radio professionals

Sergei Alekseichik (sound files)
Jan Alvestad (an article)
Max van Arnhem (a DXpedition report)
Guy Atkins (articles and DXpedition reports)
Jacques d'Avignon (DXpedition reports)
Jerry Berg (an article and a DXpedition log)
Bill Bowers (articles)
Renato Bruni (a DXpedition report)
John Bryant (articles and DXpedition reports)
Jean Burnell (audio files and DXpedition reports)
Martín Butera (radio station profiles and a DXpedition report)
Samuel Cássio (audio files)
Mark Connelly (an article)
Bruce Conti (a DXpedition log)
Rocco Cotroneo (a DXpedition log)
Richard D'Angelo (an article, a DXpedition report)
Gary Deacon (DXpedition reports)
Marc DeLorenzo (audio files)
Ivan Dias da Silva Junior (translation of an article, a DXpedition report)
Craig Edwards (DXpedition reports and articles)
José Elías Díaz (audio files)
Nicolás Eramo (audio files)
Bernt Erfjord (an article)
Kris W. Field (a DXpedition report)
Alan Gale (photos)
Nick Hall-Patch (an article)
Dan Henderson (a DXpedition log)
Andrés Huerta (audio files)
Chuck Hutton (dxpedition reports and logs)
Jyrki Hytönen (audio files)
Juha Ignatius (a DXpedition log)
Takayuki Inoue Nozaki (an article)
Yrjö Kainulainen (a DXpedition log)
Martti Karimies (a DXpedition log)
Ari Kilponen (a DXpedition log)
Henrik Klemetz (logs, audio files)
Andrea Lawendel (a DXpedition report)
Vincent Lecler (DXpedition logs)
Volker Lisiewicz (audio files)
Mika Mäkeläinen (editor of DXing.info)
George Maroti (audio files, a DXpedition report)
David Martin (a station list)
Richard McVicar (a book review)
Bjarne Mjelde (articles)
Adán Mur (an article)
Don Nelson (an article)
Hannu Niilekselä (a DXpedition report)
James Niven (a station list)
David Onley (DXpedition reports)
Paul Ormandy (DXpedition reports)
Jan-Erik Österholm (a DXpedition log)
Bob Padula (articles)
Jarmo Patala (a DXpedition log)
Anker Petersen (an article)
John Plimmer (articles and DXpedition reports)
Tom Rauch (an article)
Cornel van Ravenswaaij (a DXpedition report)
Jim Renfrew (an article)
Mauno Ritola (editor of Afghanistan station list)
Rafael Rodriguez (audio files)
Walt Salmaniw (a DXpedition report, an article)
Michael Schnitzer (an article, DXpedition reports and audio files)
Guido Schotmans (a DXpedition report)
Arnaldo Slaen (a DXpedition report, editor of Argentina X band list)
Jim Solatie (articles, DXpedition logs)
Vince Stevens (DXpedition reports)
Marcelo Toniolo (translations of articles and DXpedition reports from English to Portuguese, audio files)
Mahendra Vaghjee (audio files)
José M. Valdés (audio files)
Juha Vehmas (a DXpedition log)
Steve Whitt (an article)
Danny Wu (an article)
Igor Zhurkin (translations of articles from English to Russian)

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