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Bjarne Mjelde, Norway

Bjarne Mjelde
Bjarne's photo © Odd-Jørgen Sagdahl

Born in 1958, a DX-er since 1972 and specializing in MW DX especially towards North America and Asia/Pacific.

Best catches? Oh my, how to choose. Let’s pick these three: KJAN Atlantic IA 1220, 178 watts day, 62 watts night. ABC Hobart 936, my first and so far only in-band Tasmanian station at almost 15,500 km. SIBC Voice of the Nation from Honiara, Solomon Islands on the very noisy 1035 kHz.

My radio shack has evolved from conventional receivers to exclusively SDRs. My current line-up at my KONG HQ comprises four Perseus SDRs with Jaguar software for MW DX and three SDRPlay RSPdx for FM DX (mostly using HDSDR for the GUI). Another Perseus is set up at the Smøla HQ in mid-Norway. Since I live in quite a different place, I use remote control to access my equipment.

I have a son, Henning, born in 1989 who currently lives in Trondheim.

I work as an area planner for the Transportation Department of Finnmark County. My workplace is 48,600 square km or 18,800 square miles! I currently live in Vadsø, the county capital, a 170 km drive from the KONG HQ.

Kongsfjord, Norway – The world’s northernmost DXpedition site (PDF)
Impressions and a field test - K9AY loop antenna
Review of Icom IC-746Pro

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