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LEM169 DXpedition Log

November 23-30, 2002

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
648 30.11. 0508 R Plovdiv, Plovdiv. Also Blagoevgrad 864 and Shoumen 963 heard.
711 28.11. 1300 ID for "R Pomorye", so it seems that R Naryan-Mar was relaying Arkhangelsk local programming at this time.
828 27.11. 0858 R Liberty, St. Petersburg
981 28.11. 0608 RMC Info, UNID QTH
1323 25.11. 1658 R Grad Petrov, St. Petersburg - just to show how we succumbed to reporting also semi-local stations
1512 27.11. 0611 ERA Hania, local ID
1584.07 27.11. 0559 ERA Serres, local ID as "ERA Serron"
 British Isles
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
549 30.11. 0121 UCB Europe, from Ireland - although I was actually trying to catch the Iranian here
585 28.11. 0654-0700 BBC R Scotland Southwest, at this time different programming from 810
1503 27.11. 0622 Sound R, Hackney
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
774 29.11. 0645 RNE1 Galicia, Orense (Valencia, Pais Vasco, Extremadura and Andalucia are the more common ones here)
1224 25.11. 1903 Herri Irratia, San Sebastián
1503 25.11. 1925 RNE5 Cádiz via Algeciras
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
837 25.11. 2256 COPE Las Palmas
1026 28.11. 2202 tent. Jigawa BC, Dutse. The national anthem at this time.
6715U 29.11. *2147- Yoido Full Gospel Las Palmas Church the closing part of the broadcast
9550 28.11. 2049 R Okapi, Kinshasa
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
558.02 24.11. 0230 IRIB R Farhang, Gheslagh
567 25.11. 1740 AIR Dibrugarh
585 25.11. 1740 AIR Nagpur
594 26.11. 0041 IRIB R Shiraz, Shiraz. Local at this time.
603 27.11. 0242 BSRI Nineva
639 27.11. 0216 BBC Zakaki, in Arabic
648 26.11. 0140 IRIB R Shahr-e-Kord, Shahr-e-Kord. Local at this time.
702 23.11. 2043 BBC in Arabic, perhaps via the new transmitter in Al-Ashkharaf, Oman?
711 23.11. 2131 Voice of Rebellious Iraq
756 25.11. 1546 AIR Jagdalpur. ID: "Ye Akashavani ka Jagdalpur kendra hi, raathri ki now bajkar solah minute huye hai ...." Thanks to VijayaKumar Veeragandham for confirming this!
760 26.11. 0100 YRTC Mukalla. Also heard on 909 (Al-Hudaydah) and 1188 (Al-Hiswah)
837 23.11. 2213 R Liban, presumably via the new superpower transmitter in Hamat, the station was so strong every evening
846 23,26.11. 0035,0120 AIR Ahmedabad
864 27.11. 1359 Armenian R, Yerevan
1071.04 23.11. 1755 IRIB R Ma'arefh, Qom
1107 30.11. 0105 IRIB R Mashad via Sabzevar, local // 684, 1125. Strong interference by the dominating ERTU Batra.
1125 30.11. 0115 IRIB R Mashad via Nehbandan
1134 29.11. 0226 R Kuwait, Sulaibiyah
1215 30.11. 0229 BSKSA, Hafrul Baten. Riad was given as the location in a station identification heard at this hour, but it refers to the place where the program is produced, not the transmitter site. This transmitter is not listed anywhere, does anyone know more about it? Added in 2004: The new WRTH revealed the location of this new transmitter.
1269 25.11. 1459 AIR Agartala
1296 24.11. 1559 Sor Wor Thor (R Thailand), Pattani
1332 23.11. 1603 Thor Or, Sarakham, with a local ID
1350 28.11. 2225 Kunming PBS, Kunming YN
1368 28.11. 2332 CNR programming, even after 0030 UTC, which suggests that this could be a new CNR transmitter in Western China.
1404 24.11. -1606* R Pakistan, Dera Ismail Khan, with a local ID at 1604
1575 27.11. 1256 Al-Mustaqbal, a clandestine station transmitting from Kuwait. Check out an article on this one.
1584 23.11. -1740* AIR Mathura. Thanks to Harjot Singh Brar and Jose Jacob for solving this one! It sounded difficult, because Vrindavan, which is another name for Mathura, was mentioned in the ID.
1593 29.11. *0000- Xinjiang PBS, UNID QTH.
1602 29.11. 1529 AIR Sholapur
3959.71 28.11. 1200 KCBS Kanggye
3970.42 28.11. 1200 KCBS Wonsan
4796.06 26.11. *1155- Son La Radio Station, Son La
6060 28.11. 1130 Sichuan PBS, SC. Is the QTH Chengdu or Xichang?
6074.98 28,29.11. 1055-1230* Yushu PBS, Yushu QH. Local at this time, relaying CNR1 from 1130 until sign-off.
Cao Bang Radio Station, Cao Bang, "Lao saba sathani Cao Bang". It was difficult to measure the exact frequency, because it kept changing all the time.
 Australia & Oceania
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1110 30.11. 0731 KAOI Kihei HI
1500 30.11. 0802 KUMU Honolulu HI
 North America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
840 30.11. 1106 KSWB Seaside OR
1050 29.11. 1330 KTCT San Mateo CA, "The Ticket 1050"
1200 25.11. 0740 WCHB Taylor MI
1230 25.11. 0800 WJOB Hammond IN
1240 24.11. 1203 KEJO Corvallis OR, "Joe R"
1240 25.11. 0513 WSBC Chicago IL
1240 25.11. 0659,0759 KIUL Garden City KS
1240 25.11. 0706 KODY North Platte NE
1250 25.11. 0806 WGL Fort Wayne IN
1340 24.11. 0348 WMBN Petoskey MI
1340 29.11. 0700 KLKI Anacortes WA KLKI station ID
1350 24.11. 1205 KSRO Santa Rosa CA, "the Voice of Sonoma County"
1350 24.11. 1207 KTIK Nampa ID
1370 25.11. 0434 WSPD Toledo OH
1370 25.11. 0527 KSUM Fairmont MN KSUM station ID
1380 24.11. 0321 WFCL Clintonville WI
1390 24.11. 1328 KLGN Logan UT
1400 24.11. 1313 KLCK Goldendale WA
1400 24.11. 1320 KART Jerome ID KART station ID
1400 25.11. 0305 WATW Ashland WI
1400 25.11. 0500 KMHL Marshall MN
1400 25.11. 0815 WSAM Saginaw MI
1400 29.11. 1300 KVTO Berkeley CA, ID as "Voice of the Orient, KVTO", Chinese programming
1410 25.11. 0120 KRWB Roseau MN KRWB station ID
1420 24.11. 0346 KTOE Mankato MN KTOE station ID
1450 24.11. 1200 KONP Port Angeles WA
1480 29.11. 0713 WSDS Salem Township MI WSDS station ID
1490 24.11. 0329 KQDS Duluth MN
1490 24.11. 0655 KXLQ Indianola IA
1490 25.11. 0805 WMPX Midland MI
1570 29.11. 1255 KCVR Lodi CA, "Radio Romántica"
1580 24.11. 1159 KGAL Lebanon OR KGAL station ID
1580 25.11. 0720 KNIM Maryville MO
1580 25.11. 0800 WHLY South Bend IN
1590 24.11. 0510 WPVL Platteville WI
1590 24.11. 0553 WTVB Coldwater MI. Also the more regular KVGB KVGB station ID, WONX and WAKR were identified within an hour.
1600 24.11. 0302 KWOM Watertown MN
1600 29.11. 1300 KVRI Blaine WA
1630 24.11. 0800 KKWY Fox Farm WY
1650 25.11. 0500 KDNZ Cedar Falls IA KDNZ station ID
1650 25.11. 0606 KWHN Fort Smith AR, "Radio you can depend on"
1680 25.11. 0700 KAVT Fresno CA, "Radio Disney AM 1680"
 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
 South America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1120 24.11. 2346 R Rural, Porto Alegre RS
1129.80 26.11. 0654 R Contemporánea, Buenos Aires. Identified as "AM Contemporánea". A nice surprise, featured in DXing.info News in October and December.
1230 25.11. 0103 R Dos, Rosario
1250 25.11. 2334 R Liberdade, Itarema CE
1260 23.11. 2300 R Morada do Sol, São Paulo SP
1320 24.11. 2348 R Brasil Tropical, Curitiba PR
1360 29.11. 0433 R Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro RJ
1370 24,29.11. 0415,0030 R Independencia, Curitiba PR
1400 28.11. 2311 R Espinharas, Patos PB
1420 26.11. 0650 R Marabina, Maracaibo
1440 28.11. 0140 Super 1440, Rio de Janeiro RJ. Check out an article of this one.
1490 26.11. 0658 R El Sol, Maracaibo
1560 23,26.11.
R Educadora, Ribeira do Pombal BA
1560 26,29.11. 0408,0135 R Maldonado, Maldonado
1570 26,28.11. 0432,0100 R ABC, Santo André SP
1600 28.11. 0104 R 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP
4775 26.11. 0735 R Congonhas, Congonhas MG
Published on December 6, 2002 - updated later


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