Waianakarua DXpedition 2001
April 20-24, 2001
by Paul
567 1800
JAPAN JOIK Sapporo, poor with talk under 2YA
760 1905 YEMEN YPBS Mukallah, fair w/news in Arabic
concluding then
theme music and into another program.
1134 1817 JAPAN JOQR Osaka, fair at times o/NZer
w/FA DJ, some tunes though mostly talk.
1323 1843 CHINA CPBS Xinjiang, tent. The one here
with non-standard
Chinese, mixed Aussie
1467 1838 TAIWAN Kuanghua (tent.) the one w/phone
callers singing a
capella, held steady for 20 minutes.
1548 1843 SRI LANKA DW Trincomalee, in the mix w/German
talk, at times totally dominating the NZer &
1557 1904 TAIWAN Family Radio, up o/NZer with CC
tlk then gospel mx.
1566 1903 INDIA AIR Nagpur, riding o/3NE and second
station relaying
BBC (Norfolk Is?).
1575 1913 THAILAND VOA Ban Pachi, poor w/VOA sports
program mixed
unid, u/4XS.
153 1837 UNID with talk in heavy
band noise, Romania? Not // R Rossii.
162 1840 FRANCE TDF Alloius, fair signal w/mix of
music and talk, still
going past 1930.
171 1830 RUSSIA R Rossi, strongest signal on band
w/mostly spoken
program in Russian.
207 1810 RUSSIA R Rossii, poor signal w/talk in
Russian //171
234 1910 UNID weak with French talk, Luxembourg??
540 0915 SAMOA 2AP Nuutoi, mixed
Nzer w/comedy show in Samoan.
558 0722 FIJI R Fiji, Suva, dominant o/Nzer w/talk
in Fijian.
621 0836 TUVALU R Funafiti, dominant at times o/Nzer
w/islands mx
630 0742 COOK ISLANDS R Cook Islands, poor signal
through 2YZ w/relay of Super 12 rugby match. Slight
time delay in coverage from NZ stations.
666 0654 NEW CALEDONIA R New Caledonia, Noumea,
probably the most reliable Pacific Islander with
lots of French talk.
684 0720 FIJI R Fiji, Labasa, fair signal, in the
clear w/talk in Fijian.
738 0735 TAHITI RFO R Tahiti, Papeete, poor w/French
talk u/phased
810 0741 FIJI R Fiji, Labasa, fair signal in Hindi,
4YA significantly phased.
846 0748 KIRIBATI T3K1 R Kiribati, o/u Nzer w/Islands
927 0744 FIJI R Fiji, Sigatoka, fair signal w/Nzer
phased out, talk program.
1035 0838 SOLOMON IS, VQO3 Honiara, finally nailed
this after years of
trying! 2ZB had an ANZAC talk-back, nice sedated
talk with some auroral attenuation as well. Solomons
had a program of messages in English. No sign of
Gizo 945.
1206 0730 FIJI R Fiji, Sigatoka, good signal, drowning
out 4XO with talk.
1467 0731 FIJI R Fiji, Raki-Raki, fair signal w/Hindi
The Americas:
580 0519 PERU R Maria, Lima,
dominant w/Spanish rlig, heard past 1000z.
610 0847 COLOMBIA Emis Nueva Granada, Bogotá,
religious program, FA
preacher inviting listeners to a church service.
Very steady past 0925.
640 0931 PERU R Del Pacifico, Lima, fair signal
w/Spanish religious, in
730 0521 PERU R Programas, Lima, fair signal, hetting
Nzers on 729. Usual news stories fronted by FA &
750 0811 ECUADOR R Caravana, Guayaquil, fair signal,
very steady, ids
simple as "Caravana", mostly religious
750 0709 COLOMBIA CARACOL Medellin, dominant o/Caravana
stories and net promo.
760 0634 CHILE R Cooperativa, Santiago, fair w/news
stories and wx for
Chilean cities.
770 1018 MEXICO XEFTA Los Mochis, w/ids as "La
que guapa, somos 7-70 AM", mixed KKOB.
850 0628 COLOMBIA R@dionet, Bogotá, fair
signal w/news items including correspondents report
from Hollywood. Canned id & t/c.
930 0504 COLOMBIA La Voz de Bogotá, several
stn promos on end, canned ids and live
nice for Dxers!
1060 0934 COLOMBIA R Surcolombiana, Neiva, fair
in growling rumble
caused by them (they were on 1059.97), string of
ads including one for
"Centro Médico"
1110 0806 USA KFAB Omaha NE, dominant w/promo for
the Rush Limbaugh Show then tfc report.
1120 0521 VENEZUELA Ondas del Lago, up briefly w/id
& folk music.
1210 0752 USA KPRZ Marcos CA, tent. The one w/id
as "La nueva radio
1240 0546 COLOMBIA RCN Armenia, fair signal w/promos
& news items,
over unid.
1250 0533 PERU R Miraflores, Lima, runnign religious
program, fair signal
mixed unid.
1320 0610 PUERTO RICO WUNO San Juan, noted in //1490
though not ever being strong enough for a log -
next time
1330 0754 USA KJLL South Tucson AZ, up nicely w/muder
mystery theatre (poisonous toadstools!), full id
just prior to the hour, religious message and dead
1460 0637 USA KTXX Salinas CA, fair on peaks w/CNN
Headline News. Id as "KTXX Salinas, Santa Cruz,
1460 0544 HONDURAS R Conga, San Pedro Sula, up steady
w/ids "Radio
Conga, líder en ranchera".
1470 0601 MEXICO XEAI R Formula, México C,
full id w/list of net stations.
1490 0549 PUERTO RICO WLEO Ponce, catch of the trip!
MA hosting
callers who were singing dedications. Full net id
0556 then news items and birthday calls 0604.
1550 1018 USA KVAN Vancouver WA, fair w/religious
program, id as "Your new Christian station,
KVAN Mt Vernon, Vancouver,
1550 0407 COLOMBIA MC Radio, Bogotá, earliest
Latin every day,
runnign religious program & promos.
1560 0841 MEXICO XEFAJ Radio Consentida, Mexico
C, dominant w/string of ads.
1570 0813 CANADA CKEG Vancouver BC, fair on peaks
w/"Good Time
Oldies", id at 0859.
1570 0914 CANADA CMKW Winkler MB, popping up every
now and then
w/ids & C&W music, slogan "Good times
and great music, 15-70 CKMW",
also sports at 0915.
1580 0415 COLOMBIA R Paré de Sufrir, Bogotá,
FA w/church adr in
Bogot'a then talk and Portuñol (mix of Portuguese
and Spanish) preacher.
1630 0715 USA KCJJ Iowa City IA, up o/beacon w/jingle
id and local ads.
1660 0740 PUERTO RICO WGIT Canóvanas, finally
started iding after
being the one suspected of back-back music for the
previous 3 nights. Ids as "La Gigante"
1670 0959 USA KNRO Redding CA, w/ESPN sports though
id just prior to
1000z mentioned other call-signs and freqs!
1680 0733 USA KAVT Fresno CA, gd w/"Radio Disney",
surprised to hear a full call-letter and location
id at 0758.
1690 0617 USA KSXX Roseville CA, steady w/talk-back
program in
Vietnamese till back into Spanish at 0700, noted
w/English ad 0730.
6115 R Tirana, 0230 poor-fair
though clear in English, //7160 fair.
Waianakarua Apr 24
25968h VNG 0139 poor on 2nd
harmonic of 12984. Waianakarua Apr 20
6070 R Minsk, 0200 surprisingly
good signal in English through till language change
into German at 0230. Announced // of 7210 was poor
by comparison. Waianakarua Apr 20
6135 R Aparecida, 0237 poor
w/fluttery fades, Gospel music much clearer on //s
9630, improved slightly prior to 0300 close. Waianakarua
Apr 20
6130U CHNX (p) 04.30 Dusty Springfield
"son of a preacher man" great signal then
flattened by VOA in Croatian signing on (Waianakarua,
23rd April)
5985 RTV Congolaise, Brazzaville,
2030 poor in vernacs mixed Tanzania, not audible
an hour earlier. Waianakarua Apr 20
3210 REE Caiari de Poco, 0400
pr though clear w/program in Spanish, way o/WWCR.
Waianakarua Apr 21
4840 R Interoceanica, (t), 0800
syndicated religious progs like "La Bíblia
Dice", "Enfoque a la Familia" and
"Exitos de la Salvación(?), chased past
0900 but no ids. Waianakarua Apr 24
6195 BBC Rampisham, 0228 poor
though clear with WS program. Other clear 49mbers
heard were Spain 6055, DW 6100 & 6075 and Bayerischer
Rundfunk 6085. Waianakarua Apr 20
12256.65 Wrekin Radio 06.02 "Don't
Leave Me This Way" then into "Love
Is In The Air" John Paul Young at 06.08 "more
music power... ?
International" email address..? @srs 06.25
"Love The One You Will" 06.32 "You
Really Got Me" The Kinks, 06.36"Coming
Up" Paul McCartney and Wings, 06.38 "You
Always Carry On" C Hines and the Pretenders
(Waianakarua, 22nd April)
3995 DW Wertachtal, 0428 fair signal in German w/talk.
Budapest 3975 in Hungarian also audible. Waianakarua
Apr 20
6210.14 Radio Marabu, 05.38 "Level 42 song"
and big ID, "computer project in England then
into German announcement. (Waianakarua, April 22nd)
6220 0553 UNID, (presume Laser Hot Hits) 05.53 "dedicated
to Vicky" in
English accent then "say boo..?..free radio...pirate
radio ..271..2001 www.? "China girl" David
Bowie at 06.51(Waianakarua, April 22nd)
3366 GBC(t)05.22 S/on with gentle
guitar music and cock crowing, no
definitive ID but distinctly African (Waianakarua,
22nd April)
4831.96 R Littoral 11.00 s/on
"La Voz de la Ceiba" being squashed a
bit by Australian on 4835 (Waianakarua, 23rd April)
11970 VOIRI Tehran, 0100 fair
signal in English w/historical item. //s 9022 poor
and 9835 poor-fair. Waianakarua Apr 24
6295 Reflections Europe? 07.22
"Glory, Glory Hallelujah", giving address
as Gospel Broadcast 786, Jasper St Indiana, 4131
USA. (Waianakarua, 22nd April)
7459.5 Laser Hot Hits (t) 07.01
"Love Action" Human League, then James
Bond movie theme "Blown it all Sky High"
Dollar? at 07.06.. "I've Got a Crush on You"
Bing Crosby? at 07.26, Kim Carnes "Bette Davis
eyes" at 07.36 (Waianakarua, 22nd April)
4800 R Lesotho 19.08 "can
you feel the love tonight" E . John from the
Lion king good at times (Waianakarua, 22nd April)
6289.93 R Caroline or Radio
Skyline ? 19.27 "We won the revolution"?
and "SOS" by Abba and then "The Day
Before You Came" by the dark haired girl from
Abba, "54321 Skyline Radio"" phone
numbers for you 31 621 948 070" at 19.50 e-mail
as komopdeband@hotmail.com then into "Moonlight
Shadow" at 20.05 and Beatles "Another
Day" at 21.08(Waianakarua, 21st April)
6306.23 Tower Radio, 04.01 "Don't
You Want Me Baby " Human League
and at 04.41 "Bright Eyes" by Simon Garfunkel,
phone number as 31 651 858 551 and e mail "radiotower@net.nl"
(may not be complete). Announced power as 3000 "whiskys".
(Waianakarua, 21st April)
15070 Alfa Lima Int, 0615 strong
signal in AM with back-back Euro pops and frequent
ids, requesting reports and giving e-mail &
postal addresses. (Waianakarua, 22nd April)
15794.76 R Borderhunter, 06.11,
transmitting Radio Argus with Cat Man
Jack Show, "The Twist" (Not Chubby Checker
but this version from Hank
Ballard and the Misters. (Ormandy and Norrie, 21st
April. Moved onto Radio Border Hunter with ID at
07.09 "Mariana Rosenberg from Germany",
"Xanadu", "Dave, Dee, Beaky, Mick
and Titch", " built everything ourselves,
transmitters, antennas" gave ID and Email address
borderhunter@hotmail.com and box 44 BN 2 Belgium
by 07.27 great signal(Waianakarua, 21st April)
4790.25 R Pakistan, 18.07 with
Id in V and into religious chanting
(Waianakarua, 21st April)
15455 R Pakistan, 0045 Assamese
svce in English, poor-fair w/program
"Good Morning Pakistan", //11650 which
was mixed w/China. Waianakarua
Apr 20
9737.7 R Nacional, La Asuncion,
0050 poor signal w/tangos though improving by 0155
when DW signed on 9735 severely QRMing Paraguay.
Waianakarua Apr 20
4421.04 R. Bambamarca, 10.21
with Chicha music and ID 'Radio
Bambamarca... frequencia radio ...lider" (Waianakarua,
23rd April)
4750.1 R San Francisco Solano(t),
11.11, very weak signal, tentative ID but being
murdered by Huanta 2000 on 4751.75 itself being
overpowered by Makasar (Waianakarua, 23rd April)
4992.52 R Ancash, 09.17 Id ing
as "Ancashino" (Waianakarua, 23rd April)
5633 R Acobamba, 11.56, brief
ID but nice and clear (Waianakarua 23rd
6173.9 R Tawantinsuyo 11.28
with Cuzco address, powerful signal
(Waianakarua, 23rd April)
6673.44 R Andina 11.40, big
ID and fair signal (Waianakarua, 23rd April)
9725 VOR 0118 fair signal in
English, much better on 9665 and 11825, also good
on 11750 from 0300. Waianakarua Apr 20
12115 V of the Mediterranean
(Malta), 1930 in English, poor-fair due to
transmitter noise. Heard till s/off 2000. Waianakarua
Apr 20
6055 R Rwanda, 1840 fair signal
mixed Slovakia w/news in English. In the clear from
2000. Waianakarua Apr 24
11885 FEBA Mahe, 0345 poor in
English under Norway (?) till they closed at 0353,
leaving FEBA in the clear until s/off at 0400. Waianakarua
Apr 20
6280 RTI 2100 in Spanish, fair
signal though some ute QRM. Waianakarua Apr 21
6300 WYFR 2106 fair in Chinese
w/Chinese gospel music. Waianakarua Apr 21
5985 R Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam,
1932 in the clear w/pleasant high-life music, //5050.
Waianakarua Apr 20
4840 R Ukraine HS, 0420 poor
in Ukrainian w/some English pops.
Waianakarua Apr 20
7410 R Ukraine Int, 0300 poor-fair
in English, better on //s 9640, 11840 & 13590,
weak on 7320. Waianakarua Apr 24
9530 R Tashkent, 0100 abrupt
s/on in English, fair signal though //s 9715 was
blocked and 9375 was only poor. Interesting propagation
path though heard every day. Waianakarua Apr 20
Posted on December
14, 2002