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Stations logged by Mika Mäkeläinen in 2001

Stations heard at any other location outside the LEM158 DXpedition are listed here. The following DXing locations have been used:

  • July 22-28th: a summer cottage in Punkaharju in Eastern Finland with a 200-meter-long wire to south (180 degrees) and a 400-meter-long wire west (260 degrees). Unfortunately AM conditions were very poor.

  • August 23-25th: Långåminne (DXpedition LÅ218 with Jim Solatie) on the western coast of Finland near the town of Vaasa (map), with a 1000-meter-long wire at 285 degrees (rather useless on these conditions), another 1000-meter-long wire at 255 degrees (good for UK stations), a 700-meter-long wire at 235 degrees and a 400-meter-long wire pointing south at 180 degrees.

  • at all other times: my suburban home in the city of Vantaa

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
171 3.3. 1400 R Chechnya Svobodnaya, Krasnodar. The only LW/MW frequency left for this propaganda operation.
702 25.9. *0358- RAI R2, Monaco
945 22,23.10. 2120 Le Mouv, Toulouse
981 25.1, 1.2.
Ciel AM, Paris
1035 22.9. 1420 R Novaya Zhizhn, Tartu
1080 22.7. -2100* R Racja, Czestochowa-Koszecin. This transmitter used to be silent for years.
1368 10.12. 1500 R Valjevo, Valjevo
1395 24.8. 1752 Business Nieuws R, Mastwijk
1602 5.7. 2222 Fäxradion (WFÄX R), Färila, with just 55 watts of power. Their new vertical antenna construction seems to be much better than last year, when I didn't manage to hear this station at all. This first test transmission was in English. A week-long operation during the annual community fest Färilaveckan.
6235 18.3. *1858- R Studio Nevskaya Volna (Dom Radio Gardarika), St. Petersburg. This is of course no rarity here, coming from so close with excellent signal, but it was just interesting to listen to private commercial programming on shortwaves. Ads for Metro Club.

 British Isles
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
531 24.8. 0241 Susy R, Redhill
1089 24.10. 1846 Talksport London, opt-out regional programming from the regular Talksport programming
1089 25.10. 1807 Talksport Scotland, another outlet with opt-out regional programming 
1260 25.8. 0102 Brunel Classic Gold, Bristol, "Classic Gold Digital 1260"
1350 23.8. 2009 Kingstown R, Kingstown-upon-Hull, should have a silent period to let the other low-power RSL stations to come through
1386 23.8. 2322 Carillon R, Loughborough

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
927 26.7. 0053 R Renascença, Évora
1521 23.8. 2156 R Castellón
1602 24.8. 2200 R Linares was a pleasant surprise

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
612 28.7. 0139 Rádiodiffusion-Télévision Marocaine, Sebaa-Aioun. Also the more common frequency of 540 was audible.
774 24.3. 0100 ERTU Batra, programming from Cairo. This is the dominant here, reported once again, as they don't have the habit of verifying reports.
1161 31.3. 2102 ERTU Tanta, local programming
1197 5.4. 2159 ERTU Alexandria, local programming
1305 4.4. -2108* KBC Wajir
1305 4.4. 2144 ERTU Assiut, with Cairo programming
1386 28.8. 2106 KBC Maralal with the familiar National anthem
1593 28.7. 0217 ERTU Matruh, with Holy Koran programming from Cairo
4765 19.5. -2300* RTV Congolaise, Brazzaville, reactivated and audible daily, tough to get verified though
12120 1.9. *1900-1959* Voice of Biafra International, probably via a TX in the CIS countries

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
747 18.9. 1630 IRIB, Bandar-e-Torkamen has been listed as the QTH, but no local ID
765 20.3. 1929 BSKSA Qurayyat/Khamassin, with Holy Koran programming
972 31.3. 2140 Tajik R, Orzu
1206.11 22.7. 2030 Tent. R Payam. Didn't bother to ID this Farsi-speaking station, which refuses to verify reports. A year earlier it was found below 1206 kHz.
1350 24.8. 1830 TWR Gavar. At 2100 Deutsche Welle was here.
1566 27.7. -2002* A clandestine station from Kuwait to Iraq, "Idha'at il-wadi al-Rafidain", probably the same transmitter which is used for "Al-Mustaqbal" transmission on 1575 kHz later in the evening.
6100.52 7.5. 2210 GTRK Tyva, Kyzyl, with local programming at 2210-2300 and from 2310. At 2330 Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, signed on 6100 kHz (with an ID also in English), completely covering the signal of GTRK Tyva. 567 kHz is their official AM frequency, but who knows about this SW operation?
8700 16.10. -1730* Information R, a clandestine U.S. propaganda operation
9950 22,25.11. *1330-1430* R Voice of Afghanistan, bilingual Pashtu-Dari programming

 North America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
590 11.2. 0234 VOCM St. John's NF // 620 CKCM and 740 CHCM also heard
850 11.2. 0236 tent. WEEI Boston MA "ESPN R"
880 11.2. 0225 WCBS New York NY
1010 11.2. 0231 WINS New York NY
1030 19.2. 0400 WBZ Boston MA
1130 19.2. 0445 WBBR New York NY
6900 24.7. 0120 United Patriot R, an illegal pirate station

 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1600 21.9. -0400* WLUZ Bayamon PR, with sign-off station identification
1660 18.3. 0418 WGIT Canovanas PR, slogan "Gigante 1660"
4052.51 24.8. 0149 R Verdad, Chiquimula, "la estación educativa evangélica"

 South America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1390 23.8. 2302 R Farol, Touros RN identified immediately after the end of "A Voz do Brasil"
1540 24.8. 0107 R Baixa Verde, João Camara RN
1590.03 24.8. 0301 R Real, Colonia, with the same closing ID they have been using for at least a decade. Never bothers to answer reception reports.
4702.24 24.7. -0105* R Eco, San Borja
4840 13.3. 0400 R Interoceanica, Santa Rosa
4865.04 10.8. 0215 R Alvorada, Londrina PR. Programming (including a show titled "A Igreja no Rádio") produced by Milicia da Imaculada and simulcast with 1490 R Imaculada Conceicão in São Paulo. They announced their website which was off then, but returned later in August with a lengthy Flash intro.
4905.11 24.7. 0200 R Anhanguera, Araguaína TO
4924.50 31.7. 0205 R Difusora, Taubaté SP
5990 5.6. 2200 R Senado, Brasília DF
6155.04 23.7.
R Fides, La Paz. Heard on July 25th promoting their website.
6155.08 25.7. -0300* R Banda Oriental, Sarandí del Yí, was a nice surprise. Separate name and programming from their AM station Radio Sarandí del Yí. 
7380.03 16.11. 0548 Idea R, from an undisclosed location in Colombia, with station identifications in Spanish and English
9565.08 4.5. 2231 R Tupi, Curitiba PR

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